Geek dilettante habitant une belle et grande propriété sur la Côte d’améthyste

  • Thread by DanMKervick on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    I want to review, so there is no misunderstanding about my position.

    As I have said from the beginning, it is my view that the goal of Israel’s military operation in Gaza is to ethnically cleanse Gaza. /1

    The goal is not to fight and win a “war against Hamas.” The goal is also not to rescue the hostages. The war against Hamas is a cover story, and the hostages are a prop. /2

    How do you ethnically cleanse a place like Gaza? You render it incapable of supporting a tolerable human life, so that its people ultimately feel compelled to flee, and irresistible pressure grows on other countries to absorb them. /3

    To do that you destroy everything that supports civilized life. You destroy the hospitals, you destroy the places where people live, you destroy the schools, you kill the doctors and teachers and inspiring intellectual leaders. You keep food out. /4

    Obviously, an ethnic cleansing campaign like this is an outrageous crime against humanity. It is also, for the reasons South Africa has already made plain at the ICJ, a genocidal campaign. /5

    It has also been my position from the start that the US administration, including and especially the president, are fully apprised of the real nature of the Israeli campaign, and support that campaign. Any statements hinting otherwise are to manage global or domestic opinion. /6


    • Don’t be divided or distracted by ruling class attempts to distract, misdirect or demobilize global resistance. Nothing the Israelis say should be trusted. Nothing the US government says should be trusted. Nothing mainstream imperial media says should be trusted. /15

      These forces will attempt various ruses. They want to direct and choreograph the global diplomatic theater of false hopes, controlled leaks, limited hangouts and pretend shifts in direction to keep the Zionist strategic objectives on track. /16


  • Zionism Killed the Jewish-Muslim World -An interview with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

    Jews in the town of Buqei’a, Palestine, circa 1930. (Keren Kayemet Leyisrael via Wikimedia Commons)

    11.4.2024 interview by Linda Xheza - In an interview with Jacobin, filmmaker and academic Ariella Aïsha Azoulay traces how Western powers’ exploitation of Zionism led not just to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine but to the demise of Jewish communities across the Middle East.

    Born in Israel, Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, a filmmaker, curator, and academic, rejects the identity of Israeli. Before becoming an Israeli at age nineteen, her mother was simply a Palestinian Jew. For much of history, there was nothing unusual in this combination of words. In Palestine, a Jewish minority lived peacefully alongside the Muslim majority for centuries.

    This changed with the Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel. The ethnic cleansing of Jews from Europe would lead, thanks to European Zionists, not only to that of Muslims from Palestine but of Jews from the rest of the Middle East, with nearly a million fleeing as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, many to Israel.

    In an interview with Jacobin, Azoulay contextualizes Israel’s genocide in Gaza in the long history of European and US imperialism. Azoulay is a professor of comparative literature at Brown and the author of Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism (Verso, 2019).

    Linda Xheza

    You identify as a Palestinian Jew. Could you tell us more about this? To many people these words stand in opposition.

    Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

    That these terms are understood as mutually exclusive, or in opposition, as you suggest, is a symptom of two centuries of violence. In a lapse of a few generations, diverse Jews who lived all over the world have been deprived of their various attachments to land, languages, communities, occupations, and forms of sharing the world.

    The question that should preoccupy us is not how to make sense of the supposed impossibility of Palestinian-Jewish identity but rather the reverse: How it is that the fabricated identity known as Israeli became recognized by many across the globe after the creation of the state in 1948 as an ordinary one? Not only does this identity obscure the history and memory of diverse communities and forms of Jewish life, but it also obscures the history and memory of what Europe did to the Jews in Europe and in Africa and Asia in its colonial projects.

    Israel has a shared interest with those imperial powers to obscure the fact that “the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of the Western interests,” as James Baldwin wrote in 1979 in his “Open Letter to the Born Again.” In his letter, Baldwin lucidly compares the Euro-American colonial project for the Jews with the US project for blacks in Liberia: “The white Americans responsible for sending black slaves to Liberia (where they are still slaving for the Firestone Rubber Plantation) did not do this to set them free. They despised them, and they wanted to get rid of them.”

    Prior to the proclamation of the State of Israel and its immediate recognition by the imperial powers, Palestinian-Jewish identity was one of many that existed in Palestine. The term “Palestinian” was not yet connotated with racialized meaning. My maternal ancestors, who were expelled from Spain in the late fifteenth century, ended up in Palestine before the Euro-Zionist movement began its actions there and before the movement gradually began conflating assisting Jews in response to antisemitic attacks in Europe with the imposition of a European-modeled project of colonization for Jews to partake in — a project not only construed as one of Jewish liberation but predicated upon European crusade against Arabs. Decolonization requires recovering the plural identities that once existed in Palestine and other places in the Ottoman Empire, notably ones whereby Jews and Muslims coexisted.

    Linda Xheza

    In your most recent film, The World Like a Jewel in the Hand, you discuss the destruction of a shared Muslim-Jewish world. You foreground a call by Jews who, in the late 1940s, rejected the European Zionist campaign and urged their fellow Jews to resist the destruction of Palestine. Given the recent destruction of lives, infrastructure, and monuments in Gaza, do you think it is still possible for Jews and Muslims to reclaim their shared world?

    Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

    First, the historical part. Zionists have sought to forever erase this call by anti-Zionist Jews from our memories. These Jewish elders were part of a Jewish-Muslim world, and they didn’t want to depart from it. They warned against the danger Zionism posed to Jews like them across this world that existed between North Africa and the Middle East, including in Palestine.

    We must recall that until the end of World War II, Zionism was a marginal and unimportant movement among Jewish peoples around the world. Hence, until that time, our elders didn’t even have to oppose Zionism; they could simply ignore it. It was only after World War II, when the surviving Jews in Europe — who were mostly not Zionists prior to the war — had almost nowhere to go, that Euro-American imperial powers seized the opportunity to support the Zionist project. For them, it was a viable alternative to having Jews remain in Europe or migrate to the United States, and they used the international organs they created to accelerate its realization.

    In so doing, they propagated the lie that their actions constituted a Jewish liberation project, while, in actuality, this project perpetuated the eradication of diverse Jewish communities far beyond Europe. And even worse, Jewish liberation was leveraged as a license and reason to destroy Palestine. This could not have been pursued without a growing number of Jews becoming Europe’s mercenaries: Jews who had migrated to Palestine while fleeing from or after surviving genocide in Europe, the Palestinian Jews who predated the arrival of the Zionists, and those Jews who were lured to come to Palestine or left with no other choice but to depart from the Muslim-Jewish world since Israel was established, with a clear agenda, to be an anti-Muslim and anti-Arab state — all were encouraged by Europe and European Zionists to see Arabs and Muslims as their enemies.

    We should not forget that Muslims and Arabs were never the enemies of the Jews and, moreover, that many of these Jews living in the majority-Muslim world were themselves Arabs. It is only with the creation of the State of Israel that these two categories — Jews and Arabs — became mutually exclusive.

    The destruction of this Jewish-Muslim world following World War II enabled the invention of a Judeo-Christian tradition, which would become, from that moment on, a reality, since Jews no longer lived outside of the Christian Western world. The survival of a Jewish regime in Israel required more settlers, and thus Jews of the Muslim-Jewish world were forced to leave to become part of this ethnostate. Detached and deprived of their rich and diverse histories, they could be socialized to this role assigned to them by Europe — mercenaries of this settler-colonial regime to restore Western power in the Middle East.

    Understanding this historical context doesn’t reduce the Zionist perpetrators’ responsibility for the crimes they committed against Palestinians over the decades; rather, it reminds one of Europe’s role in the destruction and extermination of Jewish communities mainly, but not only, in Europe, and its role in handing over Palestine to the Zionists, the alleged representatives of the survivors of this genocide who formed a Western post for these same European actors in the Middle East.

    Paradoxically, the only place in the world where Jews and Arabs — most of whom are Muslims — share the same piece of land today is between the river and the sea. But since 1948, this place has been defined by genocidal violence. The urgent questions now are how to stop the genocide and how to halt the introduction of more arms to this area.

    In Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt describes the contradictory sentiments felt by Jewish survivors of the Holocaust during the years they spent in camps for displaced persons in Europe. On the one hand, she said, the last thing they could imagine was to live once again with the perpetrators; on the other hand, she said, the thing they wanted most was to return to their places. It should not surprise us that after this genocide in Gaza, Palestinians may not be able to imagine sharing a world with their perpetrators, the Israelis. However, is that a proof that this world, where Arabs and Zionist Jews found themselves together, should also be destroyed to rebuild Palestine out of the ashes? It is only under the Euro-American imperial political imagination that a tragedy on the scale of World War II and the Holocaust could have ended with such brutal solutions as partitions, population transfers, ethno-independence, and the destruction of worlds.

    We, on a global scale, have an obligation to claim what I’ve called the right not to be a perpetrator and exercise it in any possible way. Dockworkers who refuse to ship arms to Israel, students who commit themselves to hunger strikes to pressure their universities to divest, Jews who disrupt with their communities and families and reclaim their ancestral rights to be and speak as anti-Zionists, protesters who occupy state buildings and train stations and risk being arrested — they are all motivated by this right even if they do not articulate it in these terms. They understand the role their governments, and more broadly the regimes under which they are governed as citizens, play in the perpetuation of this genocide, and they understand, as the common slogan says, that it is done in their name.

    Linda Xheza

    Those calling for a cease-fire are also Jewish. But even Jewish voices are being silenced. In Germany, for example, the work of well-established Jewish artists has been canceled. Do you think there is an interest in reinforcing a dominant narrative that has been in place since 1948 by the West and the State of Israel while suppressing Jewish voices that oppose the violence perpetrated in their name?

    Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

    It is true that Jewish voices are being silenced, but this is hardly anything new. Jewish voices were silenced immediately after World War II, when the survivors were left with no choice but to stay for years in deracinated camps. During that time, properties looted from their communities, rather than being either restituted to the places in Europe from where they were spoiled, were split by the National Library in Jerusalem and the Library of Congress in Washington like trophies. And not only was the collective trauma of the survivors — and us, their descendants — not attended to, we were silenced through this lie of a liberation project premised on a Zionist narrative of liberation through the colonization of Palestine, which would in turn provide Euro-American powers with another colony to service their imperial interests.

    The exceptionalization of the suffering of the Jews was not a Jewish discursive project but a Western one, part of the exceptionalization of the genocidal violence of the Nazis. In the grand narrative of Western triumph over this ultimate force of evil, the State of Israel became an emblem of Western fortitude and marked the endurance of the Euro-American imperial project. Within this grand narrative, Jews were forced to transform from traumatized survivors into perpetrators. Jews from all over the world were sent to win a demographic battle, without which the Israeli regime could not last. The second and third generations born to this project were born with no histories or memories of their anti-Zionist or non-Zionist ancestors, let alone memories of the other worlds of which their ancestors were part. What’s more, they were totally dissociated from the history of what Palestine used to be and from its destruction. Thus, they were easy prey for a nation-state marketed by the Zionists and Euro-American powers as the culmination of Jewish liberation.

    The Nakba, in this sense, was not only a genocidal campaign against Palestinians but also, at the same time, one against Jews, upon whom Europe forced another “solution” after the final one. Without the massive imperial powers’ funding and arms, the mass killing in Gaza would have ceased after a short while, and the Israelis would have to ask themselves what they were doing, how they arrived to this point, and would be forced to reckon with October 7 and ask themselves why it happened and how to achieve a sustainable life for everyone between the river and the sea.

    Jewish voices in places like Germany or France continue to be the first to be silenced in order to maintain both the Zionist colony and the fabricated cohesiveness of one Jewish people who could be represented by forces that sustain the Euro-American project of white supremacy. No more. The genocidal nature of the Israeli regime is exposed and can no longer be hidden from anyone.

    Linda Xheza

    Do you think there is still a possibility of hope for the Palestinians, and for the rest of us who want to claim a world to share with others?

    Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

    If there is no hope for Palestinians, there is no hope for any of us. The battle of Palestine exceeds Palestine, and the many who protest all around the world know it.

    • Je suis preneur pour des précisions sur les erreurs dans le texte.

      Cette histoire est un processus qu’on ne peut comprendre qu’en remontant jusqu’à la reconquista.


      Je ne suis pas spécialiste de la question alors j’ai noté l’article comme plein d’autres texte intéressants. D’ailleurs ce qui peut paraître comme situation insupportable aux uns peut bien se rapprocher d’un contexte justifiable ou idéal aux autres. Dans la cas présent on peut sans doute retenir qu’il y eu cohabitation entre juifs et musulmans en Afrique du nord et quelle était souvent plus supportable pour les juifs que la situation en Europe où on chassait les sorcières et pendait les prêteurs juifs quand on n’avait pas envie de les rembourser.

    • Je ne dis pas qu’il y a des erreurs dans ce texte -que j’avais également retenu pour son intérêt- mais qu’il élude la position minoritaire et dominée des Juifs dans les états musulmans, et les humiliations et conflits subis, qui ne découlent pas, compris indirectement des méfaits, bien plus terribles en effet, des états catholiques européens (il y a décidément plusieurs manières d’être occidentalo-centré)

      Que tu conclues en renvoyant les Juifs d’Europe au maniement et à la possessions de l’argent est éloquent. (il serait temps de situer avec précision_La question juive_ (1843) de Marx dans son parcours intellectuel et politique ; voir Rubel, Bensaïd).

      Les Juifs d’Europe ont dès le VIeme siècle interdiction de travailler la terre (chrétienne), tandis que les dhimmis juifs subissent celle, moins lourde, de monter à cheval et se voient eux-aussi, à l’occasion, imposer des vêtements distinctifs, comme ce fut le cas, à l’occasion là-aussi, en Europe.
      L’interdiction de travailler la terre c’est l’interdiction d’assurer sa subsistance sans en passer par l’argent comme moyen d’échange, de vendre le fruit d’un autre travail qu’agricole.

      Minoritaire, les Juifs ne l’étaient pas assez pour être tous impliqués dans des activités financière, bien loin de là ! On en trouve en Europe au fil des siècles, des floppées, une grande majorité, dans des métiers artisanaux et de petit commerce, sans lien avec « la finance », et bien souvent pauvres, voire très pauvres.

      La naissance d’une légende : Juifs et finance dans l’imaginaire bordelais du XVIIe siècle

      Les juifs dans le Paris du vêtement et de la mode (avec une longue liste de métiers pratiqués, y compris hors textile)

      #Juifs #Juifs-arabes

  • SNU : la faute de l’Education nationale | Le Club

    Dans quelques semaines, la participation forcée des élèves de Seconde rend de facto le SNU obligatoire. Avec la mise au pas de la jeunesse autour d’une mystique identitaire par une contrainte de type militaire, c’est aussi le service public d’éducation, maître d’œuvre et maître d’ouvrage du dispositif, qui change de nature.

  • Je lis que Doctolib ne veut pas réclamer les comptes bancaires des gens.

    Ce qui me laisse supposer que notre glorieux gouvernement, imaginant que c’est Doctolib qui allait prélever les 5 euros quand on ne va pas à son rendez-vous médical, ce gouvernement n’avait pas pensé que c’était tout de même une idée à la con d’avoir encore un endroit où les gens stockeraient leur compte bancaire, quelques semaines à peine après que les données de sécu de 33 millions de français aient fuité via le piratage de Viamedis et Almerys, et que France Travail se soit fait piquer les données de 43 millions de personnes.

    Toujours les mêmes conneries : on décrète un truc à la con, et on croit que l’intendance va te me sécuriser fissa la collecte des autorisations de prélèvement sur les comptes bancaires de dizaines de millions de français.

    Alors soit Doctolib est un peu sage sur ce coup, et préfère ne pas prendre ce genre de risque. Ou bien il fait monter les enchères et attend qu’on lui promette un bon gros paquet de pognon pour le faire.

  • Pour punir le Hamas de ne pas accepter les conditions israéliennes pour un cessez-le-feu ; et puis parce que l’impunité étant garantie pourquoi ne pas se faire plaisir.

    Gaza : le chef du Hamas annonce la mort de trois de ses fils dans une frappe israélienne, Tsahal confirme

    Et quatre petits-enfants apprend-t-on plus loin

    Selon un communiqué du Hamas, la frappe a eu lieu dans le camp de réfugiés de Chati, dans la ville de Gaza (nord), où la famille rendait visite à des proches au premier jour de la fête du Fitr marquant la fin du mois sacré musulman du ramadan.

  • Biden says he’s ’considering’ wrapping up Julian Assange prosecution - Washington Times

    President Biden said Wednesday that his administration is mulling whether to end the prosecution of Julian Assange, the controversial WikiLeaks founder who is facing criminal charges for publishing thousands of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables.

    #opportunisme_crasse mais #bonne_nouvelle potentielle malgré tout

  • refuse de se lancer dans des comparaisons hasardeuses et a fortiori d’établir des hiérarchies — il ne saurait y avoir de discriminations au sein du Lectorat, qui où qu’il soit trépigne en attendant l’avènement de la Dictatature du Punkàchiennariat —, mais elle est bien obligée de constater que lorsqu’elle publie initialement son dazibao sur Facebook (ou on ne l’aime que pour son corps) il ne faut pas un quart de seconde avant que des millions d’abonné·e·s en délire se bousculent pour lui arracher un bout de sa couche-confiance, tandis que lorsqu’elle publie la « copie de sauvegarde » du même dazibao (à la virgule près) sur SeenThis, certes elle ne récolte au mieux qu’un ou deux commentaires en trois semaines mais on lui répond en citant Mao Zedong, Rosa Luxemburg ou Bakounine et on lui balance des extraits de films de l’Internationale Situationniste.

    Vraiment deux salles deux ambiances.

  • Beirut and the Birth of the Fortress Embassy - MERIP

    At over 40 acres, the new Beirut embassy, a 19-structure ziggurat that dwarfs any government facility in Lebanon, is the second largest in the world after Baghdad’s. Its billion-dollar estimated budget rivals the cost of the US embassy in London, and it is about four times its size, despite Britain having ten times Lebanon’s population and 130 times its GDP.

    #états-unis #liban

  • Témoignage d’un travailleur gazaoui détenu et torturé en Israël
    Rami Abou Jamous > 10 avril 2024 > Orient XXI,7227

    Ce mardi matin, il y avait une nouvelle tête parmi les voisins qui venaient aux nouvelles un jeune homme d’une trentaine d’années. Il venait d’être libéré par les Israéliens. Appelons-le Mohamed, car il ne souhaite pas être identifié. Il fait partie des quelque 16 000 Gazaouis qui étaient autorisés à travailler en Israël avant les événements du 7 octobre.

    Il m’a raconté son histoire. Quand il parlait, il s’arrêtait parfois pendant quelques secondes, les larmes aux yeux. Quand j’ai regardé ses mains, il avait aux poignets des cicatrices qui saignaient. Il m’a dit : « Ils serraient leurs menottes en plastique jusqu’à ce que le sang coule. » Il avait les mêmes cicatrices aux chevilles.

    Mohamed veut que l’on écoute son histoire. La voici, dans ses propres mots. (...)

  • Guerre Israël-Hamas : Patrick Bruel et Enrico Macias à la manif parisienne pour la libération des otages

    « Libérez les otages, c’est cela que l’ONU doit exiger », a lancé face à la foule la vice-présidente du Crif, Nathalie Cohen-Beizermann. « Notre cri, c’est d’exiger la liberté pour nos frères et sœurs martyrisés. Cette guerre pourrait se terminer demain si le Hamas libère les otages », a-t-elle affirmé. « Parler de famine à Gaza c’est croire les terroristes qui glorifient la mort », a-t-elle encore estimé.

    Maintenant tu viendras m’expliquer comment on espère lutter contre l’antisémitisme avec des responsables communautaires qui font des déclarations pareilles.

    • Ça fait un moment que ces « responsables communautaires » devraient être désavoués par ceux qu’ils sont censés représenter.
      On nous dit : « vous savez, ils ne représentent pas une grande proportion des juifs français ».
      Je pense que c’est effectivement le cas. Mais qu’on le prouve une bonne fois et qu’on leur enlève le titre de « représentant ».

  • CSS :has() Interactive Guide

    On peut faire des trucs sympas avec :has(), exemples :

    With CSS :has(), we can replicate the logical operators like ”&&” and ”||“

    /* OR */
    .shelf:has(.bookPurple, .bookYellow) {
     outline: dashed 2px deeppink;

    /* AND */
    .shelf:has(.bookPurple):has(.bookYellow) {
     outline: dashed 2px deeppink;

    In this example, I want to show an additional visual clue if the page has an alert.

    .main:has(.alert) .header {
       inset 0 2px 0 0 red,
       0 3px 10px 0 rgba(#000, 0.1);
     background-color: #fff4f4;

    Et plein d’autres trucs comme “Quantity queries with CSS :has” , “We can select an element if it’s followed by another.”, “For example, if the user selects “other”, we want to show input to let them fill in more info.” qui pourrait être utile à saisies de #SPIP et son afficher_si, etc.

    • Alors j’aime beucoup :has. Mais j’y vais tout de même mollo : on se retrouve rapidement avec des CSS avec une structure imbitable. Surtout si en plus on utilise des CSS imbriqués (puisque la logique du :has contredit la stricte lecture descendante des CSS imbriqués).

    • Pour l’aspect rapidement illisible, ça vient aussi du fait qu’on utilise :has pour faire des choses qu’on ne peut pas faire autrement. Et par exemple sur un truc que je fais en ce moment, je me retrouve à faire des choses comme ceci :

      #timeline:not(:has(li:nth-child(6))) li:nth-child(1)::before { … }

      Si c’était pour un site Web, dont on sait qu’il faudra le maintenir et le faire évoluer, je pense que j’éviterais. Et même dans ce cas, sur l’ensemble de ce développement, je n’ai que deux utilisations un peu lourdingues de :has, j’essaie de rester plus simple.

  • Le micro-travail (plateformes) : un immense chantier social | Mediapart | 08.04.24

    Beaucoup de ces travailleurs et travailleuses de plateformes d’un type particulier œuvrent depuis le Kenya, le Mexique, les Philippines, Madagascar, etc. Des pays où le coût du travail est faible pour les entreprises du numérique. Très difficile à évaluer avec précision, cette « multitude », cette « foule » – les Anglo-Saxons parlent de crowdwork – compterait aujourd’hui, selon un rapport publié par la Banque mondiale en septembre 2023, entre 154 et 435 millions de personnes dans le monde, en incluant les personnes œuvrant pour des plateformes de transport ou de livraison.

    « Il s’agit d’une fourchette très large mais si l’on s’attarde sur le seuil haut, 430 millions de microtravailleurs, c’est 12 % de la force de travail mondiale, c’est considérable »
    Isabelle Desbarats, professeure de droit à l’université Toulouse-Capitole et coorganisatrice du colloque, pointe « l’hétérogénéité et la faiblesse des droits sociaux des microtravailleurs ». Une situation face à laquelle Isabelle Vacarie, professeure émerite de droit privé, invite à se tourner vers le socle européen des droits sociaux qui veut « éviter la pauvreté au travail ».

    Ce colloque toulousain a montré combien, sur cette question, on part de loin. Le bon moment pour revenir aux fondamentaux ? Une avocate a pris la parole pour rappeler que « la question que l’on doit travailler, c’est celle de la décision, du choix de l’individu vis-à-vis de la machine », et plaider pour « un renouveau du droit du travail » face à « l’horizontalisation de la surveillance ».

  • Pythagoras was wrong: there are no universal musical harmonies, study finds

    Tom Almeroth-Williams - The tone and tuning of musical instruments has the power to manipulate our appreciation of harmony, new research shows. The findings challenge centuries of Western music theory and encourage greater experimentation with instruments from different cultures.

    “There are many more kinds of harmony out there.” Peter Harrison

    According to the Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, ‘consonance’ – a pleasant-sounding combination of notes – is produced by special relationships between simple numbers such as 3 and 4. More recently, scholars have tried to find psychological explanations, but these ‘integer ratios’ are still credited with making a chord sound beautiful, and deviation from them is thought to make music ‘dissonant’, unpleasant sounding.

    But researchers from the University of Cambridge, Princeton and the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, have now discovered two key ways in which Pythagoras was wrong.

    Their study, published in Nature Communications, shows that in normal listening contexts, we do not actually prefer chords to be perfectly in these mathematical ratios.

    “We prefer slight amounts of deviation. We like a little imperfection because this gives life to the sounds, and that is attractive to us,” said co-author, Dr Peter Harrison, from Cambridge’s Faculty of Music and Director of its Centre for Music and Science.

    The researchers also found that the role played by these mathematical relationships disappears when you consider certain musical instruments that are less familiar to Western musicians, audiences and scholars. These instruments tend to be bells, gongs, types of xylophones and other kinds of pitched percussion instruments. In particular, they studied the ‘bonang’, an instrument from the Javanese gamelan built from a collection of small gongs.

    “When we use instruments like the bonang, Pythagoras’s special numbers go out the window and we encounter entirely new patterns of consonance and dissonance,” said Dr Harrison, a Fellow of Churchill College.

    “The shape of some percussion instruments means that when you hit them, and they resonate, their frequency components don’t respect those traditional mathematical relationships. That’s when we find interesting things happening.”

    “Western research has focused so much on familiar orchestral instruments, but other musical cultures use instruments that, because of their shape and physics, are what we would call ‘inharmonic’.

    The researchers created an online laboratory in which over 4,000 people from the US and South Korea participated in 23 behavioural experiments. Participants were played chords and invited to give each a numeric pleasantness rating or to use a slider to adjust particular notes in a chord to make it sound more pleasant. The experiments produced over 235,000 human judgments.

    The experiments explored musical chords from different perspectives. Some zoomed in on particular musical intervals and asked participants to judge whether they preferred them perfectly tuned, slightly sharp or slightly flat. The researchers were surprised to find a significant preference for slight imperfection, or ‘inharmonicity’. Other experiments explored harmony perception with Western and non-Western musical instruments, including the bonang.
    Instinctive appreciation of new kinds of harmony

    The researchers found that the bonang’s consonances mapped neatly onto the particular musical scale used in the Indonesian culture from which it comes. These consonances cannot be replicated on a Western piano, for instance, because they would fall between the cracks of the scale traditionally used.

    “Our findings challenge the traditional idea that harmony can only be one way, that chords have to reflect these mathematical relationships. We show that there are many more kinds of harmony out there, and that there are good reasons why other cultures developed them,” Dr Harrison said.

    Importantly, the study suggests that its participants – not trained musicians and unfamiliar with Javanese music – were able to appreciate the new consonances of the bonang’s tones instinctively.

    “Music creation is all about exploring the creative possibilities of a given set of qualities, for example, finding out what kinds of melodies can you play on a flute, or what kinds of sounds can you make with your mouth,” Harrison said.

    “Our findings suggest that if you use different instruments, you can unlock a whole new harmonic language that people intuitively appreciate, they don’t need to study it to appreciate it. A lot of experimental music in the last 100 years of Western classical music has been quite hard for listeners because it involves highly abstract structures that are hard to enjoy. In contrast, psychological findings like ours can help stimulate new music that listeners intuitively enjoy.”
    Exciting opportunities for musicians and producers

    Dr Harrison hopes that the research will encourage musicians to try out unfamiliar instruments and see if they offer new harmonies and open up new creative possibilities.

    #musique #musicologie #science #eurocentrisme #notatiin #harmonie #histoire

  • La baignade est impossible dans la Seine depuis septembre en raison de bactéries, selon des analyses de l’ONG Surfrider Fondation.

    À 108 jours du début des Jeux olympiques de Paris, une nouvelle étude menée par l’ONG Surfrider Fondation, consultée par France Inter, révèle que la Seine n’est toujours pas adaptée à la baignade. Plusieurs prélèvements réalisés à Paris depuis septembre 2023 indiquent la présence de plusieurs bactéries à des niveaux qui dépassent les normes fixées par la Fédération internationale de natation.

    Ils ont l’air malins tous les ravis de la crèche, Hidalgo, Macron, Le Monde, Libération, Brut, qui rivalisent dans le déni à qui mieux mieux et relaient en boucle les mensonges extravagants diffusés depuis dix ans autour de ce qui demeurera comme un cas d’école de la manipulation de l’information.


  • Telk Qadeya : Gaza a démasqué l’hypocrisie abjecte de l’Occident Traduction et sous-titres par Alain Marshal

    La chanson « Telk Qadeya » (« Ceci est une cause ») du groupe égyptien Cairokee connaît un succès exceptionnel depuis sa sortie fin novembre 2023. En dénonçant l’indignation sélective du discours occidental qui se prétend à la pointe des combats progressistes mais n’a aucune considération pour le génocide en cours à Gaza, le titre traduit un ressentiment largement partagé dans le monde arabe.

    Ceci est une cause
    Ils sauvent les tortues de mer

    Et ils tuent les « animaux humains »

    Ceci est une cause (jugée digne d’être défendue)

    Et cela est une cause (jugée insignifiante)


    Comment devenir un ange blanc ?

    Et n’avoir qu’une moitié de conscience

    Lutter pour les mouvements des « Libertés »

    Et éradiquer les mouvements de Libération

    Accorder sa compassion et sa tendresse

    Aux tués en fonction de leur nationalité

    Ceci est une cause (jugée digne d’être défendue)

    Et cela est une cause (jugée insignifiante (...)

  • C’est une impression ou bien maintenant, même les noms de domaine sont devenus hyper-chers chez Gandi ? Jusque là j’en étais resté au fait que la boîte mail qui était gratuite auparavant avec un nom de domaine était devenue payante (et hyper-chère), mais là je dois renouveler des domaines et c’est plus de deux fois plus cher que la concurrence.

    – .info chez Gandi : 42€
    – .info chez Infomaniak : 22€

    – .net chez Gandi : 30€
    – .net chez Infomaniak : 13,40€

    – .com chez Gandi : 24€
    – .com chez Infomaniak : 11,40€

    Avec en plus le fait que chez Infomaniak, dans tous les cas, tu as toujours une adresse mail gratuite fournie avec ton nom de domaine.

  • UK : Labour cuts ties with major Muslim organisation | Middle East Eye

    En parler au responsable du PS (Il s’appelle comment déjà ?)

    The UK’s Labour Party has cut ties with one of the UK’s most prominent Muslim organisations after the government’s communities secretary, Michael Gove, said the group would be investigated for extremism.

    On Monday, Labour told The Telegraph that it had adopted a policy of non-engagement with Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend).

    The move signals that Labour supports the Conservative government’s controversial counter-extremism agenda.

    Mend was established in 2008 and focuses on addressing issues of Islamophobia, discrimination, and social injustice within Muslim communities.

    It describes its primary purpose as empowering and engaging British Muslims to actively participate in society while advocating for their rights and interests. Mend’s activities include community outreach programmes, educational workshops, and campaigns aimed at raising awareness about Islamophobia and combating prejudice.

  • Depuis quelques mois (en gros vers l’automne 2023), j’ai régulièrement des clients qui me signalent que leur site se met à ramer, ou à déconner, et on ne trouve pas trace de piratage (SPIP 4.2, ouf).

    Mais en regardant les logs, je trouve des IP, généralement géolocalisées à Hong-Kong, qui balancent des requêtes à un rythme effréné (là, je viens d’avoir deux IP qui, depuis des jours, balancent 10 requêtes par seconde sur les pages Web d’un même site).

    Quelqu’un a une idée de ce que c’est que ces trucs ? Ça m’a l’air d’aspirer des pages légitimes, je ne trouve pas des requêtes « bizarres », genre qui tapent des adresse connues de trous de Wordpress.

    (Perso je me demande si c’est des moissonneurs mal branlés destinés à alimenter des LLM.)

  • Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU demande l’arrêt des ventes d’armes à Israël

    Le Conseil des droits de l’homme demande de cesser les ventes d’armes à Israël

    Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU a exigé l’arrêt de toute vente d’armes à Israël en guerre contre le Hamas à Gaza, dans une résolution évoquant les craintes de « génocide » contre les Palestiniens.

    C’est la première prise de position du Conseil des droits de l’homme sur le conflit qui fait rage depuis le 7 octobre et l’attaque sans précédent du Hamas en Israël. Le Conseil n’a pas de moyens contraignants d’imposer ses résolutions.

    #HRC55 | Le projet de résolution A/HRC/55/L.30 sur la situation des droits de l’homme dans le Territoire palestinien occupé, y compris Jérusalem-Est, et obligation de garantir les principes de responsabilité et de justice est ADOPTÉ.
    — United Nations Human Rights Council | #HRC55 (@UN_HRC) April 5, 2024

    La France s’est abtenue, USA et Allemagne ont voté contre.

  • Wikiflix
    Une collection de films légalement accessibles en ligne

    Malheureusement il ne s’agit pas d’un répertoire #peertube mais seulement d’une jolie collection de liens, alors les problèmes de charge des serveurs ne sont pas résolus et il faut toujours télécharger avant de regarder quand la bande passante disponible ne permet pas de regarder les film en direct.

    #cinéma #archives