Opinion | Where Are All Our Post-Covid Patients ?


  • Opinion | Where Are All Our Post-Covid Patients? - By Daniela J. Lamas
    The New York Times

    Dr. Lamas is a pulmonary and critical-care physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

    At the University of California, Los Angeles, Dr. Nisha Viswanathan finds that she disproportionately sees long Covid patients in her post-Covid clinic who are well off and adept at navigating the health care system and — in a few cases — can even arrange a private jet to fly from their home to Los Angeles. If coronavirus was a disease of the vulnerable, Covid-19 follow-up has become a luxury of the well resourced. These are patients who can call the clinic repeatedly, waiting for a spot to open, who can afford to take days off work for pulmonary rehab and other appointments. “How do you provide care to the neediest individuals when you have this competing crowd?” Dr. Viswanathan asked.

    This is particularly troubling given the data from her own institution, surveying Covid patients after their hospital discharge, which found that Black and Hispanic patients had lingering symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath at similar rates as their white peers. While expectations of the health care system and the experience of illness are different across cultures, inequities in health care access could have an effect on whether patients seek care. The suffering is out there.

    Indeed, at the Covid-19 Recovery Clinic at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, long Covid is not a disease of the privileged. At the clinic, in the Bronx, the population reflects the diversity of their surrounding community: About half of the patients are Hispanic, a quarter Black and about 15 percent Caucasian. Thanks to doctors who are familiar with the challenges of navigating Medicaid, these patients receive referrals to physical therapy and sub-specialists that they’re able to access.

    (...) “These patients are young and are extremely debilitated, and they are coming to me six months too late — because we don’t have the resources to follow them and schedule them, so they fall through the cracks,”

    (...) At every turn, Covid-19 has revealed the fault lines in our health care system and society. It should come as little surprise that the care delivered in the wake of this virus threatens to further entrench pre-existing disparities.

    #santé #covid #post-covid #inégalités #accès_aux_soins

    cc @supergeante

    • En France, on ne se pose même pas la question.

      On se contente de se gargariser de « valeur travail » et de fustiger les « feignants qui ne veulent pas bosser ».

      Je ne sais pas à combien d’infections en est mon voisin du dessous qui bosse dans la restauration, mais y a des nuits, c’est trop la dame aux camélias, dessous et je vous assure qu’on a plutôt une bonne insonorisation sur ce type de bruit.

      Là, pendant que j’écris, je pense qu’il donne directement du mou dans l’assiette de son chat, tout frais craché.

      Le gus bosse toujours et j’ai du mal à imaginer comment ça se passe en cuisine…

    • La semaine dernière dans la crèche d’en dessous, c’était les gamins qui toussaient. Cette semaine, ce sont les adultes. Un indep’ que je fais bosser et qui était là il y a 10 jours... il doit revenir demain. Il me dit qu’il est enrhumé depuis 2 jours. Comme l’alternant qui me disait être enrhumé, toussant, et prenant du paracétamol. Lui il est en télétravail maintenant.
      Jamais vu autant de gens enrhumés (et toussant (et prenant du paracétamol)) ces temps-ci.