• US Congress to vote on aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan: What’s the deal? | Politics | Al Jazeera

    The bill would allocate $26.38bn to “support Israel in its effort to defend itself against Iran and its proxies”, as well as reimbursing US military operations in response to recent attacks.

    It stipulates that funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA is prohibited. Last month, Congress approved a funding bill banning assistance for the United Nations agency until 2025, following Israeli allegations – reportedly obtained under torture – that employees participated in the October 7 Hamas attack.

    Funding includes:

    $5.2bn to replenish and expand Israel’s missile and rocket defence system
    $3.5bn for purchasing advanced weapons systems
    $1bn to enhance weapons production
    $4.4bn for other supplies and services to Israel
    $9.2bn in humanitarian aid

  • A la Biennale de Venise, le pavillon israélien sera fermé
    par Sonya Faure
    publié le 16 avril 2024 à 15h42 – Libération

    A la Biennale de Venise, le pavillon israélien n’ouvrira pas ses portes cette année. En tout cas pas tant qu’un cessez-le-feu et qu’un accord pour libérer les otages ne seront pas actés. En raison de la guerre opposant le Hamas à Israël, une campagne médiatique pro-palestinienne avait tenté, en vain, de faire annuler l’ouverture du pavillon qui accueille l’exposition de Ruth Patir. C’est finalement l’artiste israélienne elle-même, soutenue par les deux curatrices du pavillon, qui a décidé ce geste fort de protestation mardi 16 avril.

    Toutes les trois, « nous sommes devenues l’actualité et non plus l’art, déplore Ruth Patir sur son compte Instagram. Je m’oppose fermement au boycott culturel, mais comme je pense qu’il n’y a pas de bonne réponse et que je ne peux faire que ce que je peux avec l’espace dont je dispose, je préfère joindre ma voix à ceux qui lancent ce cri : Cessez-le-feu immédiat, ramenez les otages, nous n’en pouvons plus ».

    A l’heure où les journalistes vont commencer à affluer au Giardini (la Biennale n’ouvrira au grand public que samedi), les portes du grand pavillon blanc resteront donc closes, comme l’a annoncé le New York Times. Sur la large baie vitrée, une affiche annonce en anglais : « The artist and curators of the Israeli pavilion (...)


    . Italian soldiers stand guard in front of Israel’s pavilion during the pre-opening of the Venice Biennale art fair [Gabriel Bouys/AFP]

  • Young girl shot in the face as family attempts to return to north Gaza
    15 avril 2024 (06:35 GMT) | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    . Palestinians make their way towards their homes in northern Gaza [Ramadan Abed/Reuters]

    A Palestinian mother has bid farewell to her young daughter after a bullet shot by Israeli forces hit her face, according to footage posted on social media by Palestinian photographer Atia Darwish.

    The girl’s mother can be seen crying and hugging her dead child.

    The killing of the girl occurred as the family was among hundreds of displaced Palestinians attempting to return to northern Gaza. Israeli forces opened fire on those seeking to make the journey home.

  • Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 33 175 morts

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé dimanche un nouveau bilan de 33 175 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 38 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 75 886 blessés en six mois de guerre.

    Morning update : Day 184 of Israel’s war on Gaza
    7 April 2024 09:20 BST | Middle East Eye

    Here are some key developments from the last few hours:

    Intense fighting has been reported in and around Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip

    The military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, claims it has killed at least 14 Israeli soldiers during clashes

    WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said Al-Shifa Hospital is ’an empty shell with human graves after the latest siege’

    Israeli forces have arrested 45 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including worshippers leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque

    Israel’s war on Gaza live : Intense fighting in Khan Younis ahead of talks 7 avril 2024 (04:59 GMT) | Al Jazeera

    If you’re just joining us

    It’s almost 05:00 GMT in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

    Here are the main developments overnight:

    Hamas is sending negotiators to Cairo today, while Israel is also reportedly considering sending a delegation.
    The Israeli army announced the death of four soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip, hours after the military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, said it had killed 14 Israeli soldiers in Khan Younis.
    A young Palestinian man died after being shot in the head by Israeli forces during a raid on Ramallah in the occupied West Bank tonight, Wafa reports.
    Former political prisoner and graduate student Layan Kayed was also reportedly arrested as Israeli forces raided several neighbourhoods in Ramallah overnight.
    Israeli President Isaac Herzog said “violence is a red line” after a car rammed into a large antigovernment protest calling for the release of captives held in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, injuring five people.


  • Israel’s war on Gaza live: Despair spreads in Gaza amid Israeli bombing | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    6 avril 2024 (05:00 GMT)
    In case you’re just joining us

    Here’s a quick recap of the latest news:

    Australia’s foreign minister says information provided by Israel on the death of an Australian aid worker during an air strike on Gaza was “not sufficient”, and appoints a special adviser to probe the incident.
    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres describes the situation in Gaza as “absolutely desperate” and urges Israel to rapidly increase the flow of humanitarian aid.
    Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a key ally of President Joe Biden, joins a growing number of Democratic legislators who are calling for a halt to weapons transfers to Israel.
    Former CIA chief urges Israel to immediately “improve” its standard military operations in Gaza to avoid more civilian deaths.
    For a second day in a row, Israeli drones fire tear gas at the Al-Aqsa compound, forcing worshippers after Laylat al-Qadr, one of the most important nights on the Muslim calendar.

    Evening recap | 5 April 2024 23:42 BST | Middle East Eye

    The UN’s Palestinian refugee agency, Unrwa, has said that 62 percent of all homes in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed.

    “Over 75 percent of the population have been displaced - the majority multiple times. When will it end?” the agency asked on X.

    The Palestinian Prisoners Society has said that 200 Palestinian children, including 23 from Gaza, are being held in Israeli prisons.

    In other developments:

    One Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces during their raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem, in the occupied West Bank.
    28 Israeli embassies across the world will be closed today amid fears of an Iranian reprisal attack following the deadly Israeli strike on the country’s consulate in Syria earlier this week.
    Around 120,000 worshippers prayed in Al-Aqsa Mosque on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
    A ground of laywers is demanding that Germany stop arms sales to Israel arguing that it has “a constitutional responsibility to protect human life” and that arms exports to Israel “are in violation of international law.”
    Joaquin Phoenix, Elliott Gould, Chloe Fineman, and over 150 Jewish artists have endorsed an open letter backing Jonathan Glazer’s speech at the Oscars.
    The United States does not intend to carry out an independent investigation into the deaths of seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian staff, John Kirby, the spokesperson for White House national security, said on Friday.


  • #Bilan
    L’essentiel :

    Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU a adopté vendredi à Genève un projet de résolution appelant à stopper les ventes d’armes à Israël.

    Israël a donné son feu vert, vendredi, à la livraison « temporaire » pour acheminer des vivres vers la bande de Gaza. Le territoire assiégé et menacé de famine va être ravitaillé via le port d’Ashdod et le point de passage d’Erez.

    Cette annonce survient au moment où la pression internationale s’accentue sur le gouvernement israélien, le président des États-Unis Joe Biden ayant évoqué pour la première fois la possibilité de conditionner l’aide américaine à Israël à des mesures « tangibles » face à la catastrophe humanitaire à Gaza.

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé vendredi un nouveau bilan de 33 091 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début du conflit.

    Morning update| 5 April 2024 06:08 BST | Middle East Eye

    Following US pressure to get more aid into Gaza, Israel agreed to reopen the Erez crossing which should facilitate delivering aid to northern Gaza

    Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir slammed the moves to allow more aid into the enclave, saying the government did not vote on the matter

    CIA Director Bill Burns and head of Mossad David Barnea are expected to head to Cairo as Biden pressured Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a ceasefire deal “without delay”

    Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong called the Israeli prime minister’s remarks on the killing of aid workers in Gaza, which included an Australian citizen, “deeply insensitive”

    Evening recap| 4 April 2024 23:44 BST | Middle East Eye

    Gaza’s health ministry said that 62 people have been killed by Israel in Gaza over the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 33,037 Palestinians killed in the enclave since 7 October.

    Another 92 people have been wounded, bringing the total to 75,668 since the start of the war.

    President Joe Biden demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, the White House announced.

    In other developments:

    World Central Kitchen called for an “independent, third party investigation” into the Israel strikes that killed seven of the organisation’s aid workers in Gaza on 1 April.

    Egypt had presented a proposal for a ceasefire, but it contained nothing new, a senior Hamas leader said on Thursday.

    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said to Al Jazeera TV on Thursday that the European Union ought to consider whether its strategic partnership with Israel should persist if the EU determines that Israel has violated humanitarian law in its war in Gaza.

    More than 135 people formed a blockade at every entrance of Lockheed Martin’s research campus in Sunnyvale, California, on Thursday to demonstrate against the military contractor’s involvement in the war in Gaza.

    McDonald’s Corp has decided to purchase its Israeli branches from Alonyal Ltd, taking direct control of the operations several months after the franchise became a focal issue during the early stages of the war in Gaza.

    Civil servants in the UK in charge of arms exports to Israel have called to “cease work immediately” amid concerns of potential complicity in war crimes committed in Gaza.

    Israel’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 182 | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    Palestinians living in Maghazi refugee camp collect usable items from the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli attack in Deir el-Balah, Gaza on April 4, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency]

    5 Apr 2024

    Here’s how things stand on Friday, April 5, 2024:
    Fighting and humanitarian crisis

    Eight out of every 10 schools in Gaza are damaged or destroyed, UNICEF said, news agency AFP reported on Thursday. As many as 625,000 students have no access to education.

    About 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both of their legs, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said on Thursday. More than 50,000 children are estimated to be acutely malnourished in Gaza, the United Nations added.

    The PRCS also said the number of children who have died from starvation and dehydration in Gaza has now risen to 31.

    Separately, the Gaza municipality warned on Thursday that diseases are spreading in the enclave due to an accumulation of waste. The municipality called on local and international institutions to help improve the health and environmental conditions “and enable the municipality to provide services that the aggression has caused near complete paralysis in.”

    Diplomacy and regional tensions

    On Thursday, US President Joe Biden pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to implement “specific, concrete and measurable” steps to protect civilians and aid workers in Gaza. He said the killing of aid workers and the humanitarian situation were “unacceptable”.

    Biden also “made clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action” to address the harm and suffering.

    Hours after the call, Israel said it approved the reopening of the Beit Hanoon (Erez) crossing into northern Gaza and the temporary use of Ashdod port in southern Israel to supply aid to Gaza.

    But Republicans in the US hit back at Biden. “The president’s ultimatums should be going to Hamas, not Israel,” US House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a post on X on Thursday night, following Biden’s warning to Israel.

    CIA Director Bill Burns is expected to travel to Cairo this weekend to meet with Egyptian and Israeli counterparts and the Qatari prime minister, in the latest bid to try and stitch together a deal for a truce or a ceasefire.

    Separately, on Thursday, McDonald’s announced that it will buy all of its franchise restaurants in Israel amid the fallout of the war in Gaza. The US fast-food chain has been subject to boycotts since the franchise Alonyal announced shortly after the October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas that it would be donating free meals to the Israeli military.

    Former US President Donald Trump also warned that Israel is “losing the PR war” in Gaza on Thursday because of the flood of distressing images coming out of the enclave.

    Separately, Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe has questioned an Australian government contract with Elbit Systems amid media reports that the Israeli arms company manufactured the drone that killed an Australian and six other aid workers in Gaza.

    Violence in the occupied West Bank

    Ambulances were temporarily blocked from reaching two Palestinians injured by live ammunition as Israeli forces raided Kafr Ra’i, southwest of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank on Thursday night, according to local news reports.
    The raid is one of several Israeli raids on towns and villages south of Jenin, the Wafa news agency reported on Thursday.
    Wafa also reported on Thursday that Israeli forces fired bullets, stun grenades and tear gas in a raid on the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem, with no injuries reported.

    • https://www.lemonde.fr/international/live/2024/04/05/guerre-israel-hamas-six-mois-apres-le-debut-de-la-guerre-quelle-est-la-situa

      Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU exige l’arrêt des ventes d’armes à Israël

      Le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies a exigé l’arrêt de toute vente d’armes à Israël, en guerre contre le Hamas à Gaza, dans une résolution évoquant les craintes de « génocide » contre les Palestiniens.

      C’est la première prise de position du Conseil des droits de l’homme sur le conflit qui fait rage depuis le 7 octobre. Le conseil n’a pas de moyens contraignants d’imposer ses résolutions.

      En France, une centaine de parlementaires de gauche ont écrit, vendredi, à Emmanuel Macron pour lui demander d’« arrêter immédiatement toutes ventes d’armes, même celles jugées uniquement défensives, au gouvernement d’extrême droite de Nétanyahou ».

      « Il semble important de rappeler que des mesures similaires ont déjà été prises par d’autres pays, comme le Canada, les Pays-Bas et l’Espagne », avancent ces 115 députés et sénateurs. « La France est en contradiction avec les traités internationaux qu’elle a signés en continuant de fournir du matériel militaire à Israël », appuient-ils, en appelant M. Macron à « ne pas risquer de rendre la France complice de génocide contre le peuple palestinien ».

  • IDF Drone Bombed World Central Kitchen Aid Convoy Three Times, Targeting Armed Hamas Member Who Wasn’t There - Israel News - Haaretz.com

    IDF Drone Bombed World Central Kitchen Aid Convoy Three Times, Targeting Armed Hamas Member Who Wasn’t There

    Marc Owen Jones sur X :

    This haaretz report, apparently based on a defence source raises more questions than it answers.

    Some points.

    1) Firstly, the source acknowledges that there were 3 missiles fired from a drone. There’s no doubt that the operators knew it was an aid convoy. This isn’t in question.

    2) Upon destroying the first truck the source claims survivors got out and entered another truck.

    3) The second truck was then attacked

    4) The survivors then got out and were attacked a third time

    5) These multiple strikes were done on three different vehicles the IDF knew to belong to aid workers

    6) The defence official initially claimed a single Hamas operative got in the vehicle.

    They then say he stayed at the warehouse. At what point did they know his movements? If they knew his movements why wait till he was among aid workers.

    7) Even if the presence of a Hamas member, on what basis does one Hamas member justify attacking three vehicles and 7 civilians

    8) Furthermore, if the IDF attacked each vehicle in succession, they are implying that the terrorist survived the 1st and 2nd strike. (How did they know he survived?)

    9) Indeed, if the IDF can tell that one Hamas operative survived they could target him alone surely?

    10) Why would they wait till he departed in the vehicle to attack if this put all three vehicles in danger? Indeed, this implies the IDF protocol is to destroy all vehicles in a convoy if they see any survivors?

    11) What this tell us is that the IDF will kill an almost unlimited or undefined number of civilians in order to potentially kill one Hamas member of unspecific rank or commitment

    12) While we know that this is more or less how Israel operates, it also likely that they they are providing a cover story to hide a deliberate targeted attack on @WCKitchen