• Top US official confirms Israel not allowing flour into Gaza
    14 février 2024 - (19:00 GMT) | Al Jazeera

    White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan says the Israeli government has not allowed the aid into Gaza despite promises to the US government.

    Sullivan also addressed the expected Rafah offensive, the possible truce deal and Lebanon escalation. Here’s what he had to say:

    “That flour has not moved the way that we had expected it would move, and we expect that Israel will follow through on its commitment to get that flower into Gaza.”

    The US is asking Israel to formulate a “credible” plan for its Rafah assault that would consider: protecting civilians in the crowded city, ensuring the flow of aid and the proximity of the fighting to the Egyptian border.

    “Innocent civilians in Gaza suffered extraordinary pain and loss these last four months.”

    The US backs an extended pause in the fighting through a captives deal, but wants to see Hamas “ultimately defeated”.

    Washington will continue to work to ensure that Israelis are safe from the “threat” of Hezbollah at the country’s northern border.

  • Morning update: Day 131 of Israel’s war on Gaza | Middle East Eye

    Releasing Palestinian prisoners is now the “main gap” as truce negotiations continue, according to Israeli and US officials who spoke to Israel’s Walla news outlet

    A US funding bill which bans funding to UNRWA and gives $14.1bn to Israel has been adopted by the US Senate and will now go to a vote in the Congress

    Israeli drones have ordered people to leave Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis but Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) says those sheltering there are afraid to leave after reports people have been shot

    Israeli forces have arrested more than 7,000 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since October 7, according to new figures released by the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society

    • It’s just after 2am (00:00 GMT) on Wednesday, February 14, in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

      Here are some of the main developments:

      “Last night in Rafah was very tough. Hopefully, Maghazi will be safe, God willing,” Nahla Jarwan tells Reuters as she returns to the city she previously evacuated.
      “People are afraid to leave the hospital because they hear reports of people being shot at,” says Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) as Israeli drones order evacuation from Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.
      An Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent and a photojournalist working with him have been wounded in an Israeli air strike near Rafah, in southern Gaza.
      Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has warned that Israel’s incursion into Rafah in southern Gaza “would cause a further unmitigated humanitarian catastrophe.
      Another day of truce talks in Cairo has ended without agreement as calls continue for Israel to halt a full-fledged attack on the city of Rafah.

  • L’Afrique du Sud adresse une requête urgente à la Cour Internationale de Justice à propos de l’offensive sur Rafah
    13 février 2024 | The South African Presidency | Traduction J.Ch. pour l’AURDIP


    Le gouvernement sud-africain a adressé une requête urgente à la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ) lui demandant d’examiner si la décision annoncée par Israël d’étendre ses opérations militaires dans Rafah, qui est le dernier refuge pour les survivants de Gaza, ne requiert pas que la cour utilise son pouvoir pour prévenir toute nouvelle violation imminente des droits des Palestiniens de Gaza.

    Selon l’Article 75(1) des Règles de la Cour, « La Cour peut à tout moment décider d’étudier proprio motu si les circonstances de l’affaire exigent la mention de mesures provisoires que devraient prendre ou respecter l’une des ou toutes les parties.

    Dans la requête soumise hier (12 février 2024) à la cour, le gouvernement sud africain a dit qu’il était extrêmement inquiet et craignait que l’offensive militaire contre Rafah, telle qu’annoncée par l’État d’Israël, n’ait déjà abouti et doive aboutir à de nouveaux massacres, dommages et destructions à grande échelle. Ceci constituerait une grave et irréparable violation et de la Convention sur le Génocide et de l’Ordonnance de la Cour du 26 janvier 2024.

    L’Afrique du Sud espère fermement que cette question bénéficiera de l’urgence nécessaire au vu du taux quotidien de morts à Gaza.

    Enquêtes médiatiques : Vincent Magwenya, Porte-parole du Président Cyril Ramaphosa – media@presidency.gov.za

    Émis par : La Présidence




      1. By way of an order dated 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice (’IO’) indicated six provisional measures against Israel (Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel), Order of 26 January 2024 or ’Order’). In making the Order, the Court ruled that there “is urgency, in the sense that there is a real and imminent risk that irreparable prejudice will be caused to the rights found by the Court to be plausible, before it gives its final decision”: Such rights included the “right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III” of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (’Genocide Convention’).2

    • 14 février 2024 - (22:30 GMT)

      Israel says latest South Africa ICJ measure serves Hamas

      Israel has said that South Africa “continues to represent the interests of the Hamas terrorist organisation” after the country asked the ICJ, where Israel faces allegations of committing genocidal acts in its campaign in Gaza, to consider additional steps against an anticipated Israeli assault on Rafah.

      More than half of Gaza’s population has been forced to seek shelter in the city near the border with Egypt, many of them moving there following evacuation orders from Israel in other parts of the Strip.

      “South Africa continues to represent the interests of the Hamas terrorist organisation and is trying to deny Israel the fundamental right to defend itself and its citizens,” said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat.