• Le #New_York_Times dans ses très basses œuvres (encore une fois).

    Il faut présenter les chose non pas telles qu’elles sont, mais comme Biden avait annoncé qu’elles le seront.

    #obscène effectivement

    Adam Johnson sur X 

    Truly the most evil and misleading thing Leonhardt has written and this is saying something. No mention of deaths caused by disease, birth complications or starvation. Also ignores limits of Gaza officials’ count since every hospital, and thus their capacity, has been destroyed

    Leonhardt is a craven partisan hatchet man and the genocide-lite narrative is the only one the White House can plausibly try and push and here he is carrying out his disagreeable task. Absolutely shameful, intellectually and morally dishonest

    Coincidentally episode on Leonhardt and his bullshit “data driven” schtick dropping Wednesday

    This is beyond obscene. Again,

    (A) the death count is incomplete due to Israel destroying nearly every hospital in Gaza.

    (B) starvation and disease are currently the preferred weapon of mass death which are not included in these totals

    (C) the evidence of maximizing civilian deaths wasn’t parsing relative reported deaths (?) it was based on Israeli officials own genocidal comments, explicit policy of collective punishment, and reporting that showed deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure

    #génocide #Gaza #états-unis #délire #post_vérité