Israeli Army Searches Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital for 2nd Day : Israel-Hamas War Live Updates


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    Israeli Army Searches Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital for 2nd Day : Israel-Hamas War Live Updates - The New York Times

    By Thursday afternoon in Gaza, the only evidence that the Israeli military had so far provided publicly of Al-Shifa’s purported dual use was video showing some weapons and equipment — about a dozen guns, a grenade, protective vests and military uniforms — that it said soldiers found within an M.R.I. unit at the hospital. The New York Times has been unable to verify the provenance of the weapons.

    Mr. Hamdan, the Hamas spokesman, called the video “a weak and ridiculous narration,” at a news conference in Beirut. “The occupation resorted to this farce to cover up the fall of its alleged story,” he added.

    He said Israeli troops had “terrorized the patients and detained them in a barbaric manner,” and accused them of “destroying the medicine warehouse and disabling the M.R.I. machine.”

    On Oct. 27, the day that its forces invaded Gaza, the Israeli military published a map of the site that suggested Hamas was operating four underground complexes beneath the hospital’s internal medicine department, its chest and dialysis department, its M.R.I. department and a rest area at its western edge. The map also suggested that Hamas ran a command center at or near the hospital’s outpatient clinic.

    The army has not yet presented evidence publicly that any of those five sites exist. It did say in a statement that soldiers had found an aboveground command center in the M.R.I. unit, without providing further evidence. Hamas dismissed the assertion as “a fabricated story that no one would believe.”

    A spokesman for the Israeli military, Maj. Nir Dinar, said that Israel needed more time to find and present evidence.

    “It takes time because Hamas knew we were coming, and they’ve tried to hide evidence of their war crimes,” Major Dinar said. “They’ve messed up the scene, they’ve brought in sand to cover some of the floors, and they’ve created double walls.”