
    • Late night update
      31 December 2023 00:00 GMT

      Welcome to the end of our Saturday coverage. Today, the death toll in the Gaza Strip since 7 October topped more than 21,600 people. Nearly 100,000 people have been displaced to Rafah in recent days, with the Wall Street Journal reporting that around 70 percent of Gaza’s homes and half of the enclave’s buildings have been damaged or destroyed in Israeli air strikes.

      Israel on Saturday intensified air strikes in Khan Younis, particularly in the vicinity of the European Hospital.

      The UN agency Unrwa said that Gaza is now grappling with catastrophic hunger. According to the organisation, 40 percent of the population are now at risk of famine.

      Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he planned to continue the deadly offensive in Gaza for “many more months”.

      “The war is at its height. We are fighting on all of the fronts. Achieving victory will require time. As the (army) chief of staff has said, the war will continue for many more months,” Netanyahu said.

      With goals to completely eradicate the Hamas government, Netanyahu also said that Israel should take over Gaza’s border with Egypt and close any access points.

      “The Philadelphi Corridor - or to put it more correctly, the southern stoppage point (of Gaza) - must be in our hands. It must be shut. It is clear that any other arrangement would not ensure the demilitarisation that we seek,” he said.

      Israeli police arrested at least two protesters in front of the Prime Minister’s home in northern Israel, where hundreds demonstrated. Meanwhile, thousands demonstrated in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu’s policies, particularly in regards to his lack of action on returning Israelis being held captive in Gaza.

      In other developments:

      The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that 165 Palestinians have been killed during the last 24 hours of Israeli air strikes on Gaza. An additional 250 Palestinians were wounded in the attacks.

      The Israeli army has reported that 431 soldiers are currently hospitalised, out of which 44 are in severe condition and 258 are moderately wounded.

      The UN agency Ocha announced on Saturday that 307 Palestinians have been killed in the occupied West Bank. The figure includes 79 children.

      The Palestinian Red Crescent Society has said that water scarcity is increasing in Gaza, threatening the spread of diseases and epidemics among displaced Palestinians, especially those sheltering in centres and schools.

      United Nations agencies have said that Israeli bombardment and attacks on Gaza have caused damage to at least 352 schools in the besieged enclave.

      The Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator has said that the aid entering Gaza is “woefully inadequate” and that the war on Gaza presented an “impossible situation for the people of Gaza and for those trying to help them”.

      US Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, a leading Democrat, called on the Biden administration to explain why it has twice moved to transfer weapons to Israel without congressional oversight.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school | News | Al Jazeera

    20:45 GMT

    Nearly 1.3 million people sheltering in Gaza UNRWA facilities

    Displaced Palestinians are sheltering in 155 locations run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, it says in its latest situation report.

    Here are some other key figures from the report:

    At least 288 Palestinians have been killed and 998 injured while sheltering on UNRWA premises since October 7.
    There is currently one toilet for every 486 people in overcrowded shelters in Rafah.
    Of the total number of people sheltering at UNRWA facilities, the vast majority of them, more than 1.1 million, are in shelters in central Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah.
    UNRWA confirmed that one more of its staff members was killed, bringing the total number of deaths among its staff to 135 since October 7.


    • (18:30 GMT)

      WATCH: Civilians sheltering inside Gaza school ‘executed’

      As we’ve been reporting throughout the day, Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive testimonies from Gaza residents of the sights they encountered inside Shadia Abu Ghazala School in northern Gaza.

      Israeli soldiers took civilians sheltering in the school into a room “and executed them, even the children”, a Palestinian woman told Al Jazeera.

      “They were infants. They executed them.”

      Watch the testimonies below:


    • 17:40 GMT

      Two journalists killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza

      Gaza’s government media office identified the two journalists as Ahmed Abu Absah and Hanan Ayyad.

      The office said the latest deaths brings the total number of journalists killed in the Strip since October 7 to 89.INTERACTIVE_Journalists_killed_Gaza_Israel_war_December5

    • 15:40 GMT

      Israeli forces detain Jenin Freedom Theatre staff

      The US-based Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre identified the staff members as General Manager Mustafa Sheta and Artistic Director Ahmed Tobasi and said they were taken from their homes. Tobasi’s brother, Mohammed, was also taken.

      “We have no information on the whereabouts or condition of these two vital members of a beloved cultural institution in Jenin. The last word we had from Ahmed Tobasi was, ‘They are going house to house. They are taking everyone,’” the organisation said in a statement.

      “More than 100 Palestinians have been seized in Jenin … The Israeli army has repeatedly, violently invaded the Jenin refugee camp where The Freedom Theatre is situated, with each attack escalating in violence.”

      At least six people have been killed in the latest invasion, which saw armoured bulldozers tearing up streets, drones dropping bombs on Palestinian homes, and a siege of the hospital blocking ambulances.

      “The Israeli army has killed 58 people in Jenin alone since October 7, including children,” the statement said.

  • Gaza’s Christian community faces ‘threat of extinction’ amid Israel war
    By Federica Marsi and Ruwaida Amer | 10 Nov 202310 Nov 2023 | Al Jazeera

    (...) Gaza Strip – When Israeli bombs began pummelling the once-bustling streets of Gaza City, Diana Tarazi and her family fled to the Holy Family Church, the only Roman Catholic place of worship in the Gaza Strip.

    The 38-year-old Palestinian Christian, her husband and three children huddled alongside fellow churchgoers and Muslim neighbours and friends, lulling their children to an exhausted sleep amid the sounds of bombing, muttering soft words of encouragement to each other.

    “Together, we try to get through the war until it ends – and we survive it,” Tarazi told Al Jazeera.

    Their sense of safety was shattered on October 19, when Israel bombed the nearby Church of Saint Porphyrius, Gaza’s oldest, killing at least 18 people. The Israeli army said in a statement that the church was not the target of the attack.

    “The missile fell directly on it,” Tarazi said of the Greek Orthodox site. “We cannot believe that the church was not their aim.” (...)


  • Israel-Hamas war live: UN head ‘horrified’ by Israel’s ambulance strike
    By Mersiha Gadzo and Virginia Pietromarchi| Published On 4 Nov 20234 Nov 2023 | Al Jazeera

    08:33 GMT

    UNRWA school in Jabalia refugee camp struck: Reports

    We are getting reports of a strike on al-Fakhoora school in Jabalia refugee camp, where many displaced people are sheltering.

    The school is run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

    We’ll bring you more details shortly.

    08:45 GMT

    More on the school strike
    Youmna ElSayed | Reporting from Gaza City

    Al-Fakhoora school is the largest in the north, located inside the Jabalia refugee camp.

    We don’t have the exact number of casualties, but we know many have been brought to the hospital and there are fears the number could be in the dozens.

    The school was hosting thousands of people who had fled previous air strikes from different parts of the north of Gaza.

    This refugee camp has been hit three times in the past days – but this is not the only huge bombardment that happened this morning.

    Another took place in a central neighbourhood in Gaza City. It was a very densely populated area which has now been entirely destroyed. People there are still trying to search for those under the rubble.


    • 20:10 GMT

      Israel informs US of plan to let fuel into Gaza: Report

      Axios is reporting that Israel informed the United States about a contingency plan for getting fuel into southern Gaza under international monitoring as overwhelmed hospitals continue to run out.

      Two unnamed Israeli officials told the news organisation that tankers from Egypt would enter Gaza with enough fuel to operate hospitals and other humanitarian facilities for a set amount of time.

      Each tanker would be accompanied by a UN team that would closely monitor and make sure the fuel is delivered to hospitals for the intended purpose, the news report said. The plan requires approval from Israel’s war cabinet.

      The Israeli siege on Gaza has cut off supplies of fuel and heavily restricted access to food, water and electricity while the Israeli military continues to bombard the strip, where hospitals are filled with the dying and wounded and shortages have put huge pressure on medical workers.

      INTERACTIVE - Gazas hospital’s are running out of fuel (1)-1698221943

    • 20:20 GMT)

      US carrier strike group arrives in Middle East

      The US Central Command says the Dwight D Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Middle East as part of the increase in regional posture.

      The Eisenhower sailed into the Mediterranean as American forces expand their presence in the Middle East as fears of the Israel-Hamas war spreading rise.

      The USS Dwight D Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its strike group moved through the Strait of Gibraltar earlier this week, putting two American carriers in the Mediterranean Sea, a rare sight in recent years.

      The USS Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group is already in the eastern Mediterranean.

  • #Jabalia

    . Palestinians search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes on houses in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip [Abed Sabah/Reuters]

    14:54 GMT
    Chaotic scenes at Jabalia camp

    The latest images and video from Jabalia refugee camp show buildings heavily damaged as rescuers and volunteers use their bare hands to search for survivors in huge amounts of concrete debris.

    “It’s a massive massacre. It is hard to count the number of buildings that have been destroyed here,” Al Jazeera’s Anas Al Shareef, who is at the scene, reports.

    People in different parts of the devastation can be seen frantically trying to pull people from the rubble – many of the victims women and children. Others are seen standing and crying, fearing family members and friends may be among the dead.

    Destroyed vehicles litter the scene. Members of the civil defence units are on the ground looking for survivors. An aerial shot of the area shows tall buildings completely levelled to the ground.


    • 15:20 GMT
      24 hours of relentless bombing in Gaza
      Youmna ElSayed. | Reporting from Gaza

      All we can hear and see is the sound of war jets, missiles and smoke billowing from the sky. We can still hear the sound of tanks that keep on shelling.

      The massive attack on the Jabalia refugee camp today was the largest of these bombings that have taken place in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

      The situation at the nearby Indonesian Hospital suffering from a lack of fuel is catastrophic. The patients and the injured are on the floor of the hospital since there are not enough beds to accommodate the vast number of casualties.

      Meanwhile, the hospital suffers from a lack of medication, medical staff and all medical resources; it’s impossible for these teams to operate and save the injured that are brought there.

    • 16:00 GMT

      Fast facts: Jabalia refugee camp

      Jabalia is the largest of the Gaza Strip’s eight refugee camps.

      The densely populated camp in the north of the besieged enclave covers an area of only 1.4 square kilometres. According to the UN, there are some 116,000 registered refugees in the camp.

      The Israeli military has been repeatedly struck the camp since the start of the war, including on October 9, 12, 19 and 22, killing and wounding hundreds of people.

      The camp houses three UN-run schools, which have been converted into shelters for hundreds of displaced families.

      According to the UN, the camp suffers from overcrowding and lack of living space.

      “Shelters are built in close proximity to one another and there is a general lack of recreational and social space. In many cases, residents have had to add extra floors to their shelters to accommodate their families. Often, these lack proper design. Many live in substandard conditions,” it says.

    • Israel-Palestine war: Israeli air strike kills at least 100 in Jabalia camp, says health ministry
      Palestinian officials say six US-made bombs targeted residential homes causing a ’massacre’
      By MEE staff. | Published date: 31 October 2023

      An Israeli air strike on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza on Tuesday killed at least 100 Palestinians, according to Palestinian officials speaking to Al-Jazeera Arabic.

      Officials at the Indonesian Hospital said they had seen at least 50 fatalities, with the health ministry putting the death toll at 100 so far.

      The Palestinian interior ministry said there were 400 dead and wounded in total. A ministry spokesperson said an entire residential complex had been destroyed.

      “These buildings house hundreds of citizens. The occupation’s air force destroyed this district with six US-made bombs. It is the latest massacre caused by Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip,” interior ministry spokesperson Iyad al-Bazum told reporters.

      “The international community must act immediately to stop Israel before it is too late.” (...)

    • 22:05 GMT

      Jabalia attack ‘should be wake-up call’ to world leaders, non-profit group says

      The Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) non-profit group has called on the international community to broker a ceasefire in Gaza that “will bring this bloodshed to an end”.

      “This attack [on Jabalia refugee camp] marks a new low and should serve as a wake-up call to world leaders and politicians everywhere,” the MAP chief executive, Melanie Ward, said in a statement.

      “Their meek requests for compliance with international law are being ignored entirely; Israel has instead increased the ferocity of its indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks.”

      The group said it was “deeply concerned” for Palestinians across Gaza, including the 400,000 people still in northern areas of the Strip, in particular. “The threat to their lives grows with each passing hour,” Ward said.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Civilians pay heavy price as Gaza bombing continues
    By Hamza Mohamed, Umut Uras and Mersiha Gadzo
    Published On 31 Oct 202331 Oct 2023 | Al Jazeera

    Who is Saleh al-Arouri?

    Israeli forces stormed the town of Aroura in the occupied West Bank before blowing up the family home of senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri who is reported to be in Lebanon.

    Here’s more information on the man Israel considers one of the masterminds behind the October 7 attack:

    Al-Arouri, 57, spent a total of 17 years in Israeli jails, mostly under administrative detention without charge or trial. He was released and deported in 2010.
    He was named Hamas deputy political chief in 2017.
    On October 21, Israeli forces took over his house in the occupied West Bank, raised a banner that said it was a centre for its intelligence.
    Dozens of his family members and neighbours have been detained in the past couple of weeks.
    In 2018, he briefly returned to Gaza from Lebanon for the first time since 2010 to attend ceasefire talks brokered by Egypt and the UN during the Great March of Return rallies.
    Reports say after his release from prison, he moved first to Turkey, then Qatar and then Lebanon.


    • 08:30 GMT

      Palestinian child dies after being wounded by Israeli gunfire

      A 14-year-old Palestinian has died of wounds sustained after being shot by Israeli forces in the village of Zawata, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank on Monday.

      Medical sources reported that the child, Mohammad Abdul Qadir Al-Kharaz, died as a result of being shot in the pelvic area, Palestinian WAFA news agency reported.

      The number of Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank since October 7 has risen to 123.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Gaza City residents told to flee amid bombing | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    Palestinians in #Gaza City report receiving threats by the Israeli army over the phone telling them to evacuate as bombing continues and there are no safe routes .

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Israel bombs areas close to Gaza’s Al-Quds Hospital | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    15:35 GMT

    No ‘military presence’ at Gaza’s Al-Quds Hospital, says director

    Earlier we reported that the Israeli military has stepped up attacks close to Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City, after ordering its “immediate” evacuation.

    Al Jazeera has spoken to the director of the hospital, who says there is no reason for Israel to be targeting the facility or the areas nearby.

    “There’s no police presence in the hospital, no military presence, nothing at all. Just thousands of Palestinians here, many of whom have lost their homes. Thousands of others are seeking shelter in UNRWA schools,” he said.

    “Israel is targeting every single building around Al-Quds Hospital. Why is that? Nobody knows.”

    15:55 GMT

    No evidence Gaza hospitals being used a ‘military command centre’: Norwegian doctor

    Mads Gilbert, who has worked in Gaza hospitals over the past several years, says there is no evidence the facilities are being used by armed groups.

    “I know the Al Quds Hospital from the time it was built. There is a new medical block in al Shifa Hospital under international surveillance. During all these years having worked in these hospitals, I have never ever seen any sign of any military or political command center. And if the Israelis … cannot provide any evidence or any proof, how can we look at this as anything else but lies, intimidating and scaring people, and excuses to bomb the hospitals,” he noted.

    “These hospitals are cornerstones of the welfare and the health care for 2.2 million people.”


  • Israel-Hamas war live: Group says no hostage release before Gaza ceasefire
    27 Oct 2023| Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    07:10 GMT
    Over 480 killed in Israeli air raids in past 24 hours: Gaza officials

    At least 481 people have been killed in Israeli air raids in the last 24 hours, according to Gaza’s health authority.

    In the days before, the number was sometimes significantly higher.

    In total 7,028 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the latest conflict, 66 percent of them women and children, according to the authority.

    07:59 GMT

    15 UNRWA workers killed in one day, 57 in total: Lazzarini

    More from the UNRWA head:

    “At least 57 colleagues of mine have been killed. In one day, we had confirmation that 15 were killed,” he said.

    “One of our colleagues two days ago died while he was going to the bakery to get bread. He left six children behind, six displaced children in shelter.”

    08:27 GMT

    Israel says 229 captives held in Gaza

    Israel’s chief military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has said that 229 people are currently being held captives in the Gaza Strip.

    The comments marked the latest revision by the army, which on Thursday had said the number of captives was 224.

    Four people held in Gaza have so far been released by Hamas, keeping hopes alive that others may also be freed.


  • Israel-Hamas war: ‘Heavy bombardments’ in Gaza, hospitals at risk
    By Ted Regencia, Lyndal Rowlands, Umut Uras, Hamza Mohamed and Virginia Pietromarchi
    Published On 22 Oct 202322 Oct 2023 | Al Jazeera

    05:17 GMT
    Another night of intense bombardment in Gaza

    By Hani Abu Isheba in Khan Younis, Gaza

    Once again, we experienced non-stop bombing across the Gaza Strip last night. We woke to many residential buildings flattened.

    The most intense strikes targeted the Jabalia refugee camp. At least 20 people were killed and dozens injured there. Officials at a hospital in northern Gaza told us many of the injured are children.

    In Rafah, we can confirm five residential towers were levelled to the ground last night.

    Emergency services told us 50 people were killed in those strikes. The number is likely to rise, with many still not rescued from under the rubble.

    • https://www.lemonde.fr/international/live/2023/10/23/en-direct-guerre-israel-hamas-l-armee-israelienne-a-mene-des-centaines-de-bo


      Bande de Gaza : plus de soixante morts lors des raids israéliens nocturnes, selon le Hamas

      Au moins soixante Palestiniens ont été tués dans des raids aériens menés par l’armée israélienne sur la bande de Gaza dans la nuit de dimanche 22 au lundi 23 octobre, selon le Hamas.
      Le bureau des médias du Hamas ajoute que l’une des frappes a fait dix-sept morts dans une maison à Jabaliya, dans le nord du territoire.




      L’armée israélienne affirme avoir frappé « plus de 320 cibles militaires dans la bande de Gaza » ces dernières vingt-quatre heures

      « Au cours de la dernière journée, Tsahal a frappé plus de 320 cibles militaires dans la bande de Gaza », comprenant des tunnels du Hamas, des dizaines de centres de commandement opérationnels où se trouvaient des combattants du Hamas et du Jihad islamique palestinien, des complexes militaires et des postes d’observation, selon un bilan posté par les forces de défense d’Israël lundi matin, sur Telegram.


      Le journaliste palestinien Roshdi Sarraj tué à Gaza par un bombardement israélien

      Roshdi Sarraj, journaliste et fixeur palestinien âgé de 31 ans, qui travaillait pour de nombreuses ONG et médias internationaux dont Le Monde ou encore Radio Fance, a été tué dimanche lors d’une frappe israélienne sur Gaza, qui a touché sa maison.

      Roshdi Sarraj, à Gaza, en octobre 2023. INSTAGRAM DE ROSHDI SARRAJ

      Selon le syndicat palestinien des journalistes, il s’agit du dix-huitième journaliste palestinien tué dans l’enclave depuis le début de la riposte militaire d’Israël contre la bande de Gaza, en réponse à l’attaque du Hamas sur son sol, le 7 octobre.

    • https://www.lemonde.fr/international/live/2023/10/23/en-direct-guerre-israel-hamas-l-armee-israelienne-a-mene-des-centaines-de-bo

      20:41 Urgent

      Le porte-parole des Brigades Ezzedine Al-Qassam affirme que deux autres otages ont été libérées

      Abou Obeida, le porte-parole des Brigades Ezzedine Al-Qassam, la branche militaire du Hamas, a affirmé dans un communiqué, lundi soir, que deux femmes otages ont été libérées « pour des raisons humanitaires pressantes » grâce à une médiation du Qatar et de l’Egypte. « Nous avons décidé de les relâcher pour des raisons humanitaires et de santé (…). En dépit de cela, l’ennemi a refusé de les récupérer vendredi dernier », a dit Abou Obeida sur la messagerie Telegram. Le mouvement islamiste n’a pas précisé la nationalité des deux otages, laissant toutefois entendre qu’elles étaient israéliennes. Cette libération n’a pas été confirmée dans l’immédiat par les autorités israéliennes.

      Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge a déclaré dans un communiqué, lundi soir, qu’il « a facilité la libération de deux autres otages en les transportant hors de Gaza ce soir ». Ils ont ajouté que son « rôle en tant qu’intermédiaire neutre entre les parties belligérantes rend ce travail possible. Nous sommes prêts à rendre visite aux otages restants et à faciliter toute future libération. Nous sommes heureux que ces personnes seront bientôt réunies avec leurs familles et leurs proches. »

      Le groupe islamiste a libéré, vendredi, deux femmes ayant la double nationalité israélo-américaine, citant des « raisons humanitaires ». Elles étaient les deux premières otages officiellement libérées par le groupe palestinien depuis son attaque du 7 octobre, lors de laquelle 1 400 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres enlevées.

  • Israel-Hamas war: New evacuation warnings for Gaza residents amid air raids
    22 Oct 2023 | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    10:53 GMT
    Latest casualty figures

    Killed: 4,651
    Wounded: 14,245

    Occupied West Bank
    Killed: 90
    Wounded: 1,400

    Killed: 1,405
    Wounded: 5,132

    Figures since October 7.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Another night of heavy bombing for Gaza residents | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    2m ago (17:27 GMT)
    Israeli military told director of Al-Quds hospital to evacuate or bear consequences
    Youmna ElSayed

    Youmna reporting from Gaza

    Now not all departments of the Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City are working because the lack of electricity, but the hospital certainly has over 12,000 people sheltering there, especially those people who have had their homes targeted.

    Now I got a call from Dr Bashar Murad, who is the director of Al-Quds hospital and he told me exactly that he got a call from the Israeli army telling him to instantly evacuate the hospital and everyone in it to the southern strip, that’s to Khan Younis. He said that this is because the army is about to conduct a military operation in that area.

    Doctor Murad told me: ‘I replied to that person from the Israeli army, I said, if you want us to evacuate, please provide us with the necessary buses and transportation means so that we can evacuate over 12,000 people and patients to the south and make a place for us’.

    He told me that the person speaking to him from the Israeli army started shouting and he told him you can bear the consequences if you do not evacuate and hung up.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Israeli air attacks pound Gaza through the night 19 octobre 23 | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    4h ago (05:45 GMT)
    The latest casualty figures

    Killed: 3,478
    Wounded: 12,065

    Occupied West Bank
    Killed: 69
    Wounded: 1,300

    Killed: 1,403
    Wounded: 3,800

    Figures since the start of the latest conflict on October 7.

  • Disappointment as US vetoes UNSC resolution calling for humanitarian pause
    Kristen Saloomey

    Israel-Hamas war live: Biden in Israel, anger over Gaza hospital attack
    18 Oct 2023 | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    16:58 GMT
    Disappointment as US vetoes UNSC resolution calling for humanitarian pause
    Kristen Saloomey

    Reporting from UN headquarters in New York

    The explanation the US gave was that the draft resolution did not mention strongly enough, did not mention at all, Israel’s right to defend itself. That was a non-starter for the US.

    But after days of negotiations, the US alone voted against this resolution. There were two abstentions: Russia and the United Kingdom.

    Many countries expressed disappointment that they could not compromise and come up with a resolution, disappointment that they could not come together and make a statement to de-escalate the situation there and allow aid in.

    Many also said that it would undermine the Security Council in the long-run, not being able to come to an agreement on such an important matter of peace and security.

    10:03 GMT

    Heavy Israeli bombardment continues in Gaza as Biden arrives in Israel

    By Hani Abu Isheba, Khan Younis, Gaza

    There are heavy bombardments still going on across the Gaza Strip despite what happened last night.

    Last night’s attack on the hospital, which left at least 500 people dead, has not stopped Israel from continuing its bombardment of the enclave.

    A short while ago, a residential building in Khan Younis was targeted. It was completely destroyed with seven people pronounced dead on the scene. Forty others were seriously injured.

    Most of those that were killed were evacuees from different parts of Gaza.
    Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza

    37m ago (09:45 GMT)

    Fuel situation at Gaza hospitals critical
    Safwat Kahlout
    Reporting from the Gaza Strip

    The fuel situation in the Gaza Strip is critical. The health ministry is desperate to source fuel for the hospitals and has issued alerts requesting anyone with even a litre of fuel to get in touch.

    A litre of fuel could save lives in Gaza.

    Al-Shifa Hospital has already been forced to close some of its departments due to lack of fuel for its emergency generators. Other hospitals have informed us that they will be forced to shut down in the coming hours.

    Some hospitals in the north had to close in the first days of Israel’s bombardments because it was not safe to remain open after receiving Israeli warnings.

    1h ago (09:03 GMT)

    Attack on hospital ‘the most advertised crime in history’

    Earlier we posted a testimony by surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta, who was working in al-Ahli Arab Hospital when it was attacked on Tuesday evening.

    He has just posted a new comment on Facebook:

    “We now know that the number of killed exceeds 500. This number will increase as I saw many dismembered bodies and parts of bodies as I carried the last patient into the ambulance past the courtyard.

    “This was the most advertised crime in history. It was a massacre by appointment. The Israeli government has been openly saying it was going to target hospitals for the last week and the world just stood by and did nothing.

    “The number of children who were killed exceeds 50 per cent. I saw a body of a toddler who was missing a head … this morning the bombing continued.”

    2h ago (08:31 GMT)

    El-Sisi says Israel can host Palestinian refugees in Negev desert

    More from el-Sisi’s news conference in Cairo where he suggested that Israel can move Palestinians affected by the war to the Negev desert instead of requesting Egypt to host them.

    “There is the Negev desert in Israel. The Palestinians can be moved to Negev desert until they [Israel] do what they wish to do with the military operatives in the Gaza Strip before returning [the Palestinians] back,” the president said in the media address alongside visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

    “If the Palestinians are transferred to Egypt, the military operation initiated by Israel may last for years and years to come. In this case, Egypt will continue to bear the consequences and Sinai will be a base for operations against Israel and in this case, Egypt will be labelled as a base for terrorists,” he said.

    “The acts by Israel cutting power, water, electricity is a means to forcibly transfer Palestinians to the Sinai Peninsula, which we totally reject.”

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Gaza death toll hits 3,000 as bombing intensifies
    17 octobre 2023 | Al Jazeera

    1h ago (14:50 GMT)
    Gaza death toll rises to 3,000: Ministry

    The number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip has reached 3,000, according to the health ministry.

    More than 12,500 have been wounded in the besieged coastal enclave, the ministry said.

    In the occupied West Bank, 61 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 1,250 have been injured.

  • Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live Tracker | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

    Here are the latest casualty figures as of October 16, 2:00pm local time (12:00 GMT):

    Killed: At least 2,808
    Injured: At least 10,859

    Occupied West Bank

    Killed: At least 57
    Injured: At least 1,200


    Killed: At least 1,400
    Injured: At least 3,400

  • Israel-Hamas live news: Iran tells Israel to stop before ‘it’s too late’
    14 oct 2023 | Al Jazeera

    28m ago (19:42 GMT)
    Gaza hospital evacuations ‘could be tantamount to a death sentence’: WHO

    The United Nations health organisation has again condemned Israel’s order to evacuate 22 hospitals treating more than 2,000 inpatients in northern Gaza.

    “Forcing more than 2,000 patients to relocate to southern Gaza, where health facilities are already running at maximum capacity and unable to absorb a dramatic rise in the number of patients, could be tantamount to a death sentence,” the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement.

    “Hospital directors and health workers are now facing an agonizing choice: abandon critically ill patients amid a bombing campaign, put their own lives at risk while remaining on site to treat patients, or endanger their patients’ lives while attempting to transport them to facilities that have no capacity to receive them,” the WHO said.

    42m ago (19:27 GMT)
    Forty-five families wiped from Gaza civil registry: Ministry

    All the living generations of 45 families have been wiped from the Gaza civil registry, the health ministry says.

    At least 2,215 Palestinians have been killed and 8,714 wounded in Israeli air attacks on Gaza this week. Among the dead are 720 children.

    The death toll will surge significantly if Israel launches a ground invasion into the besieged territory of about 2.3 million people.

  • Israel-Hamas live: Israeli army orders 1.1m people to move to southern Gaza
    13 Oct 2023| Al Jazeera

    26m ago (05:32 GMT)
    Gaza wakes up to chaos under evacuation order

    “This is chaos, no one understands what to do,” Inas Hamdan, an officer at the UN Palestinian refugee agency in Gaza City, told AP.

    She grabbed whatever she could to throw into her bags amid the panic and shouting.

    “Forget about food, forget about electricity, forget about fuel, the only concern now is just if you’ll make it, if you’re going to live,” Nebal Farsakh, spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent in Gaza City said, breaking into heaving sobs.

    She said there was no way that 1.2 million people could be safely evacuated.

    Farsakh said there are hospital patients who cannot be moved under current conditions, and many of the medics were refusing to leave and abandon their patients. Instead, she said, they called their colleagues to say goodbye.

    • 21m ago (21:09 GMT)
      Gaza ‘on brink of collapse’ as Israeli expulsion order unleashes chaos

      The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, says it will not evacuate its schools where hundreds of thousands have taken shelter. But it relocated its headquarters to southern Gaza, according to spokesperson Juliette Touma.

      “The scale and speed of the unfolding humanitarian crisis is bone-chilling. Gaza is fast becoming a hellhole and is on the brink of collapse,” said Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s commissioner general.

      Pressed by reporters on whether the Israeli army would protect hospitals, UN shelters, and other civilian locations, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari said the military would keep civilians safe “as much as we can”.

      But he warned: “It’s a war zone.”

      1h ago (20:31 GMT)

      MSF says Israel has extended deadline to evacuate Al Awda hospital

      The aid group Doctors Without Borders, known as MSF, previously said it was given only two hours to evacuate. It now says the order has been extended to 6am local time (03:00 GMT).

      “The evacuation of patients remains complicated,” the organisation said on X.

      Gaza’s health ministry said it is impossible to evacuate the many wounded from hospitals, which are already struggling with high numbers of dead and injured. “We cannot evacuate hospitals and leave the wounded and sick to die,” spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra said.

      Al Awda Hospital is struggling to evacuate dozens of patients and staff after the military contacted it and told it to do so by Friday night, said MSF, which supports the facility.

  • Israel-Hamas war live: ‘No water or fuel’ for Gaza until captives freed | Israel-Palestine conflict News
    By Mersiha Gadzo, Arwa Ibrahim, Zaheena Rasheed, Ted Regencia, Virginia Pietromarchi and Hamza Mohamed
    Published On 12 Oct 2023 | Al Jazeera

    1h ago (08:05 GMT)

    List of key events

    Here is the situation as it stands on Thursday, October 12, 2023:

    The Palestinian Health Ministry says the death toll in Gaza has gone past 1,200, with about 5,600 wounded. The number of people killed in Israel has risen to 1,300, with more than 3,300 injured.
    Hamas’s Qassam Brigades released a video appearing to show the release of a female captive and two children.
    “We started the offensive from the air, later on, we will also come from the ground,” Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said in another indication that a ground offensive in Gaza will come.

    1h ago (07:55 GMT)
    Hamas denies Biden claim its fighters beheaded children

    Hamas denied claims its fighters targeted civilians during Saturday’s attack in Israel that left hundreds dead.

    “Give us one picture that Hamas killed civilians, that Hamas killed children, that Hamas killed women. We don’t kill civilians,” Ghazi Hamad, a member of the Hamas’s political bureau, told Al Jazeera.

    On Wednesday, the White House was also forced to backtrack on a claim by US President Joe Biden that he has seen pictures of Hamas fighters beheading children in southern Israel.

    • 12m ago (21:19 GMT)
      WHO says Gaza hospitals ‘at breaking point’

      The UN health organisation in Gaza have only “a few hours of electricity each day as they are forced to ration depleting fuel reserves” and rely on generators to sustain the most critical functions.

      “Even these functions will have to cease in a few days, when fuel stocks are due to run out,” WHO said in a statement. “The impact would be devastating for the most vulnerable patients, including the injured who need lifesaving surgery, patients in intensive care units, and newborns depending on care in incubators.”

      The organisation has documented 34 attacks on health care in Gaza the bombardment began, resulting in the death of 11 health workers and injuring 16 others. It said there has been damage to 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances.

    • 26m ago (21:09 GMT)
      Human Rights Watch says it verified Israeli use of white phosphorus

      Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that it confirmed the use of white phosphorus by Israel in Gaza and Lebanon.

      The rights group said it verified videos taken earlier this week “showing multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border”.

      HRW said the weapon “has a significant incendiary effect that can severely burn people and set structures, fields and other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire”.

      It added that the use of white phosphorus in densely populated places like Gaza “magnifies the risk to civilians and violates the international humanitarian law prohibition on putting civilians at unnecessary risk”.