
  • L’Iran met en garde contre tout « changement géopolitique » dans le Caucase

    Selon certains médias, l’Azerbaïdjan pourrait tenter d’attaquer le sud de l’Arménie pour permettre d’avoir une continuité territoriale avec l’enclave azerbaïdjanaise du Nakhitchevan et la Turquie.

    M. Kanani a par ailleurs rappelé que l’Iran soutenait l’intégrité territoriale de l’Arménie et de l’Azerbaïdjan et était favorable au développement des routes de transit entre les différents pays de la région. Téhéran a soutenu ces dernières années l’Arménie, en développant des liens économiques et politiques avec ce pays.

    Les médias iraniens dénoncent par ailleurs les relations entre l’Azerbaïdjan et Israël, en soutenant notamment que cela représentait une menace pour la sécurité de l’Iran. Bakou achète en effet des armes à Israël, ennemi juré de l’Iran.

    #Caucase #Iran #Azerbaïdjan #Arménie #Israël

    • l’Iran est un autre acteur géopolitique majeure dans cette région. Traduction (automatisée) en anglais d’un article de Iran Daily, quotidien officiel de la république islamique :

      Changing geographical boundaries is a red line
      About 4 minutes and 24 seconds

      Iran newspaper: When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the opening of the land route of the alleged Zangzor Corridor in the South Caucasus a strategic issue for Turkey, he also said that “if Armenia prevents the opening of the Zangzor Corridor, this corridor can pass through Iran.” "Kend", from the hypertext of this new claim, it can be seen that the actors involved in the developments in the Caucasus region have understood the realities of the political geography of the region and regional and global developments and want to play a more marginal role in interacting with their surrounding environment or prefer to remain in the cocoon of stability and remain the usual security of the region; Security, the realization of which is more than achieved in the light of war, is affected by the focus of influential actors on pursuing diplomatic processes such as the “3+3” process in the Caucasus region. In the midst of the recent tense movements between Baku and Yerevan, the follow-up of this matter was noted in the telephone conversation of “Seyd Ebrahim Raisi” and “Vladimir Putin”, the presidents of Iran and Russia, and both sides emphasized the necessity of dialogue in the form of “3+3”. And they emphasized avoiding foreign interference in this regard.

      Erdogan’s claim on behalf of Iran

      The Turkish president, who visited Nakhchivan yesterday, supported his support for the corridor
      between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia to connect Nakhchivan, and at the same time claimed: “If Yerevan opposes such a plan, the corridor can pass through Iran.” This is a positive idea. “We are doing our best to open the Zangzor Corridor. Positive signals are also coming from Iran. If Armenia prevents the opening of the Zangzor Corridor, this corridor can pass through Iran.”

      A few days after the Republic of Azerbaijan decided to initiate the military phase with the aim of fully controlling Karabakh, “Erdogan” went to “Nakhjuvan”. An Azeri region that borders Türkiye, Armenia and Iran. This trip was important because Ankara had previously announced its support for Azerbaijan’s goal of establishing a corridor through southern Armenia to Nakhchivan. A goal that Armenia has repeatedly expressed its opposition to and in this regard asked other countries to support Yerevan in the face of this unilateral decision by Baku.

      The movements of the Republic of Azerbaijan are under observation

      Therefore, the recent movements of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which could be predicted by observers from the perspective of a serious military conflict with Armenia, are influenced by the goal of putting Yerevan in a deadlock to accept Baku’s conditions on the one hand, and on the other hand, possibly seeking to capture Kamel Karabagh and pursuing the idea of the Zangzor Corridor in southern Armenia. The set of measures that caused the current situation in the Caucasus to become tense once again due to the deployment of Azerbaijani military forces towards Sivnik, Karabagh and part of the border areas of Armenia, and raised alarm bells about the outbreak of a new war in the South Caucasus.

      What has encouraged the Turkish authorities to intervene and take a position in the wide-ranging
      tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia, should be searched in the dreams that Ankara is searching for the “Zangzur” corridor; Whether this corridor can be a ring connecting Turkey to London and Beijing through railway lines and superhighways and make this country benefit from a transit-energy hub; A development that in its heart can lead to the weakening of the influence of its regional competitors such as Iran.

      Consequences for Tehran

      But the problem is that the establishment of the alleged “Zangzor” corridor through the south of Armenia will eliminate the territorial connection between Iran and Armenia, and the transit routes of Iran in the north and northwest towards Europe for export and import will be exclusively available to the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkey. Gives. In addition to this, breaking the geographical relationship between Iran and Armenia through Baku’s control over the “Sionik” province of Armenia will lead to cutting off Iran’s access to Georgia and the port of “Batumi” on the Black Sea coast, and will put Iran in a geostrategic dilemma. Under such considerations, the firm stance of the country’s political and military authorities is focused on not changing the geographical situation of the Caucasus region. These positions have been repeatedly reflected in the warning against visible and hidden actors. The holding of several military exercises in the northern borders and the establishment of a consulate in Qapan, the center of Sivnik, was also a support for the government’s declared approach to the controversial movements of Azerbaijan.

      Tehran’s clear message to Ankara

      Iranian authorities emphasized their principled position during the recent visit of “Hakan Fidan” to Tehran and made this Turkish official aware of the sensitivity of the Islamic Republic in protecting its red lines in the geographical borders of the Caucasus. In his meeting with the envoy of the Turkish government, Raisi spoke clearly about the red lines drawn by the Supreme Leader regarding the immutability of the geopolitical boundaries of the region and showed that the Islamic Republic is ready to send a more serious message to Baku, Ankara and It will be Tel Aviv.
      Therefore, the recent position of the Turkish president during his visit to Nakhchivan cannot be seen apart from the fact that Tehran’s serious message in protecting its national interests in the Caucasus has been heard from Ankara. It seems that Turkey does not want to jeopardize another part of its multifaceted interests defined in relation to its neighbors and allies, especially the Islamic Republic, in order to achieve its economic and security goals through the “Zangzor” corridor. It should be seen how far this stance can shake Baku’s will to continue the tension with Armenia over the construction of “Zangzor”.

      (Source : https://ion.ir/news/28995)