• Some Israeli civilians caught in crossfire on 7 October, finds NYT report 24 December 2023 12:47 GMT | Middle East Eye

    An investigation published by the New York Times on Saturday outlined in-depth details of Hamas’ attack on Kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October, a community in southern Israel.

    The investigation was based on testimonies, text messages, video footage and phone recordings.

    The report found that 97 civilians were killed during the attack, constituting around one in ten people living in the kibbutz.

    It recounts an incident in which a number of Israeli captives being held by Palestinian fighters in Be’eri were killed during crossfire with Israel’s military, in what was described by the report as “a delayed and chaotic military response”.

    The Israeli military launched a rocket-propelled grenade at the house, according to witnesses.

    Barak Hiram, an Israeli general in charge of recapturing the kibbutz from Hamas fighters, recalled telling his men: “Break in, even at the cost of civilian casualties.”

    Shrapnel from an Israeli tank which fired shells at the house killed at least one Israeli civilian, according to his wife who was interviewed in the report. Only two of the fourteen Israeli captives in the house survived.

    Around 1,200 Israelis were killed in total during Hamas’ attack on 7 October, the majority of whom were civilians.


    • Les gens ne comprennent pas du tout ce risque.
      C’est ce qui me fout les jetons depuis pratiquement le début. En gros, au bout de quelques mois, on savait qu’en dehors des morts dégueulasses avec un tuyau dans la gorge, il y avait aussi des symptômes débilitants dont on avait aucune idée de la durée, mais qui persistaient des mois. Et que ça tapait sur tous les organes.

      Et c’est ça qui m’a vraiment foutu les jetons. Pas juste d’avoir potentiellement un gros syndrome grippal tous les… 3-4-6 mois (ce qui est déjà beaucoup, beaucoup à supporter), mais de se retrouver à 50 balais dans le corps de quelqu’un de 80 ans.

      Je sais que mes chances d’expérimenter la vie dans un corps de 80 ans augmentent avec le temps, mais je n’envisage pas d’avoir cette expérience dès maintenant et jusqu’à possiblement la fin de mes jours, sachant que la proba est forte que de vivre dans cet état en permanence est très probablement de nature à bien réduire l’espérance de vie totale.

      Et c’est d’autant plus insupportable que je suis certaine que les décideurs ont parfaitement conscience de cette réalité, mais qu’ils laissent faire parce qu’il ont tout à y gagner :
      – la variété des symptômes fait que le lien donc la causalité, donc les responsabilités, est pratiquement impossible à établir.
      – agir serait extrêmement couteux (financement massif de l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air intérieur comme on a investi des sommes colossales il y a plus d’un siècle dans la qualité de l’eau)
      – ce serait aussi très couteux d’un point de vue politique, après avoir encouragé les gens à se surexposer (et à exposer leur proches) à l’agent pathologique.
      – cela permet d’accélérer le plan de liquidation de la santé publique (par engorgement permanent) au profit exclusif de la santé privée.
      – pour retarder l’implosion sociale sous le poids des malades, suffit de les blâmer et de sanctionner les médecins qui vaudraient les empêcher de trimer au-delà de leurs forces.
      – Ça touche plus fortement les prolos
      – Ça raccourcit plus fortement la vie des prolos, ce qui est bien pour récupérer du fric sur les retraites.

  • Bombardements à Gaza

    Les #bombardements de civils par l’#armée_israélienne se concentrent sur le sud de #Gaza, où les habitants du nord ont été « déplacés ».

    Avec une concentration de bombes à l’endroit où l’aide est supposée rentrer…


    Maps: Tracking the Attacks in Israeland Gaza (pour les cartes du 26 octobre)

    An analysis of satellite imagery shows the tremendous structural damage that northern Gaza has sustained since Oct. 17, adding to already significant damage from the preceding 11 days. The Israeli military said Wednesday that it had struck more than 7,000 targets inside Gaza.

    Photographs taken in Gaza show the enormous range of buildings damaged by strikes in the past week, which include bakeries, a supermarket, a restaurant and many houses and residential buildings. The 19-day bombing campaign has become one of the most intense of the 21st century.

    The area around Gaza City has been hit particularly hard. On the morning of Oct. 23, smoke blanketed much of that region. A soft drink manufacturing facility in an eastern area of the city, its roof covered with solar panels, was burning.

    Over the past two weeks, Israel has ramped up airstrikes in southern Gaza even after demanding the relocation of hundreds of thousands of residents of northern Gaza to the south. The increase in strikes in the south also coincides with the arrival of aid convoys through the Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt. These maps do not capture strikes that did not result in damage to manmade structures.

    Deadliest period for Palestinians in the West Bank in 15 years

    More Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank in the past few weeks than in any similar period in at least the past 15 years, according to Palestinian health authorities and historical data from the United Nations.

    Israeli forces and settlers have killed 95 Palestinians in the Israeli- occupied West Bank since the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, health officials said, a surge in violence in what was already a particularly deadly year in the West Bank. One Israeli soldier was also killed in clashes.

    Most of the Palestinian deaths in the West Bank have been in clashes with Israeli forces, while others were the result of settler attacks

    Masked settlers shot and killed three Palestinians in the village of Qusra on Oct. 11, according to Palestinian health officials. At a funeral procession for the victims the next day, settlers attacked again, killing two more Palestinians, a father and son.

    The Israeli military carried out a rare airstrike in the West Bank on a mosque in Jenin on Saturday night, killing two. Israel’s military said it was targeting a “terror compound” beneath the mosque that it said was being used to organize an attack.

    A raid by Israeli forces on the Nur Shams refugee camp on Thursday ended in the deaths of 13 Palestinians, including five children, as well as an Israeli soldier. The soldier was the first Israeli to have died in the West Bank since Oct. 7, according to U.N. data.

    “We are extremely alarmed by the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied West Bank and the increase in unlawful use of lethal force,” said Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for the U.N. human rights chief, Volker Türk.


    21 octobre 2023

    First aid trucks move through Rafah crossing as southern Gaza is pummeled by strikes

    The first convoy of aid trucks moved through the Rafah crossing on Saturday at Gaza’s southern border with Egypt. The convoy of 20 trucks came after days of intense negotiations.

    Satellite imagery from Tuesday showed crowds in Gaza waiting at the gate, aid trucks stuck in Egypt and several craters where U.N. officials said Israeli strikes had damaged the road.

    The convoy of aid, which the World Health Organization warned would “barely begin to address the escalating health needs” in Gaza, comes as conditions have further deteriorated in southern Gaza. With clean drinking water in short supply, many Gazans have resorted to drinking polluted water.

    The Israeli military has intensified strikes throughout the region over the past week, despite ordering the entire population of northern Gaza to relocate to the south last Friday.

    Israel has hit dozens of targets in the south since Oct. 13, according to The Times’s reporting, news imagery and WAFA, the official news agency of the Palestinian Authority — a rival of Hamas that administers parts of the Israel-occupied West Bank. The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza said on Thursday that at least 81 Palestinians had been killed in southern Gaza in the previous 24 hours.

    Gazan authorities also reported Israeli airstrikes throughout the week in the southern areas of Khan Younis and Rafah, as well as Deir al Balah in central Gaza, which also falls below the evacuation zone. In photos and videos, many children appeared to be among those killed. Gazan authorities have also reported that at least 21 members of the same family died in one Israeli strike.

    About one million Gazans have been displaced from their homes since the beginning of the conflict, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, some 367,500 in central and southern Gaza. While the exact number and location of internally displaced people who evacuated from the north is unclear, satellite imagery and photos show that, in at least one instance, tents were erected in the past week in the courtyard of a U.N.-run vocational training center.

    Scores of U.S. citizens and Palestinians with foreign passports have been waiting at the border with suitcases, trash bags and other belongings in the hope of receiving permission to leave Gaza. It remains unclear if or when they will be permitted to do so.



    #Palestine #Israël #cartographie #visualisation

  • How to Cool Down a City - The New York Times

    Widely planting street-level trees along sidewalks across the city is the most effective solution to reduce temperature, according to researchers at the Urban Climate Lab.

    “We can’t rely on a centralized, intense clustering of urban forests or microforest to provide cooling for the whole city. We really have to disperse,” said Dr. Stone from the Urban Climate Lab.

    Can Singapore’s efforts to reduce urban heat islands actually outpace rising global temperatures? Probably not, local officials acknowledge. But holding temperatures steady would be a huge victory.

    “I think we’re just trying to not see the increases that we anticipate if we don’t do anything,” said Adele Tan, deputy chief executive of Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority.

    Urban planners and policymakers are recognizing that inventions to cool down cities also help in other ways. Green corridors and large green spaces support biodiversity, provide recreational spaces for residents and aid flood prevention.

    “It’s a pleasant surprise to be here at this moment in climate change, realizing that our number one intervention has all these other benefits,” Dr. Stone said.

    #climat #arbres

  • Opinion | The 25 Tweets That Show How Twitter Changed the World - The New York Times

    On Wednesday, Twitter announced that users who pay extra will be able to send their thoughts into the world in tweets of up to 4,000 characters, instead of 280 or less. A few hours later, the site glitched. Users couldn’t tweet; they couldn’t DM; #TwitterDown began trending. All of it — the muddled sense of identity, the breakdown of basic function — confirmed the sense that Twitter, a site that has hosted the global conversation for almost two decades, had become a rickety shell of itself, that its best days were behind it and that it would never be as significant again.

    But what, exactly, is being lost? We wanted to capture the ways that Twitter — a platform used by a tiny percentage of the world’s population — changed how we protest, consume news, joke and, of course, argue. So we set ourselves to the task of sorting through the trillions of tweets sent since 2006 to determine which were just noise and which deserved a place in the history books. And then we asked: Could we maybe even … rank them?

    What you see below is our list, compiled with the help of experts, of the 25 most important tweets. Like all such rankings, we hope it can serve as a starting point for discussions and arguments, both on Twitter and off. What was ranked too high? Too low? What did we leave off?

    Yes, we know: There’s something a little absurd about this exercise. Twitter contains such a wide range of humanity: How do you rank the tweet that got Justine Sacco canceled against the tweet that ignited #MeToo?

    And yet this list tells a bigger story about how 17 years of messy, vibrant, sometimes ugly, always lively conversation has shaped the world. Just where did “Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” land compared with “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet”? You’ll have to scroll to find out.

    How We Did It: To compile this ranking, Times Opinion rounded up a group of panelists with widely varied backgrounds but one thing in common: They know a lot about Twitter. (The full list of panelists is at the bottom of the article.) We asked them to submit tweets they thought were good candidates for the most important of all time, with the only criterion being that the tweets had to be in English. We used these to create a list, then sent that list back out to our panelists with instructions to rank the tweets in order of importance and to share their insights about them: why they thought a tweet was important or why it wasn’t. We then crunched the numbers and compiled their insights, edited for content and clarity, into the list you see here.

    #Twitter #Histoire_numerique