US seizes Iranian gas heading for Venezuela : reports | Venezuela News


  • U.S. seizes Iranian oil from four tankers en route to Venezuela - National |

    The Trump administration has seized the cargo of four tankers it was targeting for transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela, U.S. officials said Thursday, as it steps up its campaign of maximum pressure against the two heavily sanctioned allies.

    Last month, federal prosecutors in Washington filed a civil forfeiture complaint alleging that the sale was arranged by a businessman with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization. At the time, sanctions experts thought it would be impossible to enforce the U.S. court order in international waters.
    Ambassador of Iran to Venezvuela denied and said that tankers were not from #Iran


    #iran #usa #venezuela

    • Pas tellement plus clair...
      US seizes Iranian gas heading for Venezuela: reports

      (...) A senior American official told The Associated Press news agency no military force was used in the seizures and the ships were not physically confiscated. Rather, US officials threatened ship owners, insurers and captains with sanctions to force them to hand over their cargo, which now becomes US property.

    • EE UU confirmó que incautó carga de buques enviados a Venezuela

      Buque Bella | Foto: Marine Traffic

      Los barcos, llamados Luna, Pandi, Bering y Bella, se encuentran en ruta a Houston, dijeron funcionarios del gobierno de Donald Trump a The Wall Street Journal

      El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos confirmó este viernes que confiscó la carga de cuatro buques iraníes enviados por la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica hacia Venezuela, incautando 1,116 millones de barriles de petróleo.

      El gobierno anunció hoy que ejecutó con éxito la orden de incautación y confiscó la carga de los cuatro buques sumando aproximadamente 1,116 millones de barriles de petróleo”, indicó en un comunicado el Departamento de Justicia, reseñó AFP.

      El diario estadounidense The Wall Street Journal informó el jueves la incautación de los buques con destino a Venezuela. Citando a funcionarios del gobierno de Donald Trump, el rotativo indicó que los barcos están enrutados a Houston.

      Luna, Pandi, Bering y Bella, nombres de los barcos, fueron capturados en altamar en los últimos días. Se espera que altos funcionarios del presidente de Estados Unidos se reúnan con los petroleros en un evento programado para marcar el atraque.

      Los tanqueros Bering y el Bella navegaban en Cabo Verde cuando Estados Unidos presentó la denuncia. Mientras tanto, el Luna y el Pandi emitieron la última señal de radar desde las aguas de Omán hace un mes.

      Aunque una de las fuentes consultadas por WSJ no dio detalles de la incautación, comentó que los cuatro barcos fueron tomados sin uso de la fuerza militar.

    • Reuters (màj il y a une heure) toujours aussi peu clair.

      Aucune base juridique sérieuse pour l’arraisonnement en haute mer et la saisie des cargaisons. À ce stade, un pur acte de piraterie…

      U.S. says it seized four Iranian fuel shipments en route to Venezuela - Reuters

      The United States said on Friday it has seized four Iranian fuel shipments en route to Venezuela and confiscated the cargoes, disrupting a key supply line for both Tehran and Caracas as they defied U.S. sanctions.

      With the assistance of foreign partners, this seized property is now in U.S. custody,” the Justice Department said in a statement, adding that the amount confiscated from four tankers was approximately 1.116 million barrels of fuel, making it the largest-ever U.S. seizure of Iranian fuel. It did not specify when and where the seizure took place.

      Washington has imposed sanctions on both countries to choke oil exports and deprive them of their main source of revenue in its bid to see the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and change the behavior of Iranian government.

      Tensions between Iran and the United States increased last year following a series of incidents involving shipping in and near the Middle East Gulf.

      U.S. prosecutors filed a lawsuit in July to seize the gasoline aboard the four tankers, and a judge subsequently issued a warrant for seizure. Legal sources previously told Reuters that the cargoes could not be seized until they were in U.S. territorial waters.

      The Justice Department said following the seizure, Iran’s navy forcibly boarded an unrelated ship in an apparent attempt to recover the seized petroleum, but was unsuccessful and added that the U.S. Central Command published a video of the attempt on Thursday.