• Opinion | The Most Pressing Issue for Our Next President Isn’t Medicare - The New York Times

    Un article qui montre les difficultés de « faire de la politique » (i.e. hiérarchiser les priorités") dans un cadre contraint.

    To argue that health care should be atop the list, you can’t simply say that it is important. You need to believe that it’s so much more important than everything else — climate change, voting rights, immigration, education, wage stagnation, the unfair tax system — that health care deserves to be the Democrats’ only top priority over four decades of presidencies. All those other issues would once again take a back seat.

    And that would be a mistake, because the both moral and political case for some other issues is now stronger than it is for health care.
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    Climate change threatens the well-being of the planet and everyone who lives on it. The next president can save more lives and better improve human health by slowing climate change than by improving health insurance.

    The wounded state of American democracy is also more pressing. If it doesn’t get fixed, any expansion of health insurance could be reversed in a few years anyway. If the political system can be shored up — by guaranteeing voting rights, regulating campaign donations and granting statehood to Washington, D.C., and potentially Puerto Rico, among other things — every other national problem will become easier to address.

    Unfortunately, these other issues are getting pushed to the margins in the 2020 campaign, while media attention has focused obsessively on Medicare

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