• Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble | The New York Times

    (…) You may be inclined to dismiss these transformations. After all, #Bitcoin and Ether’s runaway valuation looks like a case study in irrational exuberance. And why should you care about an arcane technical breakthrough that right now doesn’t feel all that different from signing in to a website to make a credit card payment?

    But that dismissal would be shortsighted. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the recent history of the internet, it’s that seemingly esoteric decisions about software architecture can unleash profound global forces once the technology moves into wider circulation. If the email standards adopted in the 1970s had included public-private key cryptography as a default setting, we might have avoided the cataclysmic email hacks that have afflicted everyone from Sony to John Podesta, and millions of ordinary consumers might be spared routinized identity theft. If Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, had included a protocol for mapping our social identity in his original specs, we might not have Facebook.

    The true believers behind #blockchain platforms like Ethereum argue that a network of distributed trust is one of those advances in software architecture that will prove, in the long run, to have historic significance. That promise has helped fuel the huge jump in cryptocurrency valuations. But in a way, the Bitcoin bubble may ultimately turn out to be a distraction from the true significance of the blockchain. The real promise of these new technologies, many of their evangelists believe, lies not in displacing our currencies but in replacing much of what we now think of as the internet, while at the same time returning the online world to a more decentralized and egalitarian system. If you believe the evangelists, the blockchain is the future. But it is also a way of getting back to the internet’s roots.

    • Comment les industries culturelles peuvent tirer parti de la blockchain | Meta-media | La révolution de l’information

      Octobre 2015, The Economist affiche en Une la question suivante : « Comment la technologie derrière le bitcoin pourrait changer le monde ? ». Cette couverture est un déclic pour le monde de la tech. Et pour cause, cette technologie qui permet de stocker et d’échanger de l’information de manière décentralisée, sans passer par un tiers de confiance, pourrait avoir un impact structurel sur de nombreux secteurs.

      Benoît Defamie, expert de la blockchain musique et de la startup Scenso TV, que nous avons rencontré lors d’un meet-up à Paris la semaine dernière, affirme que le nombre de « mineurs », ces personnes qui décident de prendre part à la blockchain en vérifiant les échanges d’informations à l’aide de leurs terminaux, a été multiplié par six en l’espace d’une année. Le phénomène commence à prendre de l’ampleur et il est temps de se demander comment les industries culturelles pourraient tirer parti de cette technologie.

  • Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms - The New York Times

    Quel meilleur moment que celui de Trump ?

    For decades, American presidents have threatened “first use” of nuclear weapons against enemies in only very narrow and limited circumstances, such as in response to the use of biological weapons against the United States. But the new document is the first to expand that to include attempts to destroy wide-reaching infrastructure, like a country’s power grid or communications, that would be most vulnerable to cyberweapons.

    The draft document, called the Nuclear Posture Review, was written at the Pentagon and is being reviewed by the White House. Its final release is expected in the coming weeks and represents a new look at the United States’ nuclear strategy. The draft was first published last week by HuffPost.
