Hawaii Panics After Alert About Incoming Missile Is Sent in Error


  • Ce qu’il y a fabuleux avec la fausse-alerte au missile à Hawaï, c’est que maintenant les médias ricains dissertent longuement sur… la menace des missiles atomiques nord-coréens…

    Le NY Times t’explique :

    Estimates vary, but it would take a little more than half an hour for a missile launched from North Korea to reach Hawaii, traversing an arc of roughly 5,700 miles. State officials said that residents here would have as little as 12 minutes to find shelter once an alert was issued.

    Chez CNN (comme des d’autres), c’est un très long développement sur le thème : Comment ça va se passer quand les Coréens nous bombarderont

    The detection triggers an instant Strategic Command, or STRATCOM, assessment process. The assessment looks at where the launch is, the potential type of missile, trajectory, apogee, distance and potential targets in the path of the missile.

    Top military commanders join a conference call, with the top priority being to decide whether the missile is a threat to the US or its allies.

    If the missile is a threat, the president is brought in and response decisions are made. NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command), STRATCOM, intelligence agencies and the National Security Council are involved in the decision-making.

    Even if the missile is not a threat, the president usually is notified quickly, while missiles are still in flight.

    The United States has not had to make a direct military response to recent North Korean launches because it’s been assessed they posed no threat to the United States. If they did, missiles on ships in the Pacific, or other land-based missiles, could be launched to try to shoot down an incoming missile.

    Et ce processus qui consiste à mettre ça sur le dos de Kim, ça s’appelle : « a broader discussion » :

    The false alarm triggered a broader discussion about national security at a time when North Korea has been flexing its muscles by launching test missiles and bragging about its nuclear capability.

    C’est assez miraculeux, avec les Ricains : ils te disent que c’est une banale erreur de manipulation de bouton, mais ils font tout pour que ça ressemble à une banale opération psychologique !