• The More We Connect, the Better It Gets — for Facebook - The New York Times

    As Facebook expands its global reach, it’s looking to the developing world to increase its two-billion-strong user base. One pillar of its strategy is a mobile application called Free Basics, a portal that offers access to a limited number of websites at no charge.

    Facebook promotes Free Basics as a program for social good. The company describes Free Basics as an “on ramp” that introduces the internet to people in the developing world. The goal, Facebook says in its promotional materials, is to “bring more people online and help improve their lives.” The three-year-old app is available to hundreds of millions of mobile phone users in more than 60 countries.

    But there is no hard evidence that Free Basics is connecting people who would otherwise be cut off from the internet. And the millions of people who do use the free Facebook portal are experiencing something quite distinct from the open internet: Free Basics is a closed space where Facebook picks the content — and profits from users’ data along the way — creating what some people call a “poor internet for poor people.”

    A study by the Alliance for Affordable Internet found that most Free Basics customers had used the internet before they began using Free Basics. This and other studies suggest that a large proportion of Free Basics users see the app as a way to get extra free time on Facebook — a way to stay connected with their Facebook friends without using up their data plans — and not as an “on ramp” to the web. Facebook does not appear to be introducing people to the open internet, but it is making it easy for people who can afford smartphones and data plans to spend unlimited time in the company’s closed, for-profit environment.

    The unclickable links, unloadable videos and paltry supply of websites all appear to be part of an effort to minimize the cost of data traveling through the network. Perhaps those limitations do keep costs down — and make it possible for the service to be free — but this technical design also helps benefit Facebook’s bottom line. It keeps users in a confined space, where the company can monitor and analyze their habits for profit.

    #Facebook #Free_basics #Philantrocapitalisme

  • Saudi Arabia Resists Independent Inquiry on Yemen Atrocities - NYTimes.com

    UNITED NATIONS — Saudi Arabia and its allies are pushing back on a renewed effort to establish a United Nations-backed independent international panel to investigate human rights abuses in Yemen.

    Parmi les "alliés" de l’#Arabie_Saoudite il y a la #France

    #Yémen : « Il est de la responsabilité française de tout mettre en œuvre pour mettre un terme à ce conflit »

    Lors de la Conférence des ambassadeurs fin août puis à la tribune de l’ONU le 19 septembre, Emmanuel Macron a redit son engagement en faveur de la protection des populations civiles et sa foi dans le multilatéralisme : « Ne pas écouter ceux qui nous appellent, c’est croire que les murs et les frontières nous protègent, mais ce ne sont pas les murs qui nous protègent, c’est notre volonté d’agir ». Pourtant la population yéménite appelle désespérément au secours mais la France refuse de l’entendre. Pas un mot pour elle devant l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies.

    Les #civils continuent de mourir sous les attaques des groupes armés et sous les bombardements indiscriminés – voire ciblés – de la coalition militaire conduite par l’Arabie saoudite lourdement armée, notamment par la France.

    Pire, la France tente de faire obstacle à l’adoption d’un mécanisme d’enquête indépendant , en cours de discussion devant le Conseil des droits de l’Homme des Nations unies à Genève. Une résolution est soumise au vote le 28 ou le 29 septembre. Aux côtés d’autres ONG et du Haut-Commissaire aux Droits de l’homme (HCDH), Amnesty International appelle de ses vœux la mise en place d’un tel instrument, qui permettrait d’établir les responsabilités des crimes de guerre commis depuis deux ans et demi par toutes les parties au conflit.


  • How Fake News Turned a Small Town Upside Down - The New York Times


    On a Tuesday morning in June 2016, Nathan Brown, a reporter for The Times-News, the local paper in Twin Falls, Idaho, strolled into the office and cleared off a spot for his coffee cup amid the documents and notebooks piled on his desk. Brown, 32, started his career at a paper in upstate New York, where he grew up, and looks the part of a local reporter, clad in a fresh oxford and khakis that tend to become disheveled over the course of his long days. His first order of business was an article about a City Council meeting from the night before, which he hadn’t attended. Brown pulled up a recording of the proceedings and began punching out notes for his weekly article. Because most governing in Twin Falls is done by a city manager, these meetings tend to deal with trivial subjects like lawn-watering and potholes, but Brown could tell immediately that this one was different.
