Mia Bloom | The Children of ISIS


  • On nous répète que les russes auraient bombardé des "gentils" en Syrie. En revanche, pas trop de développements sur la frappe française : j’ai vu brièvement passer à la tévé (France 24 ?) que nous avons bombardé des gosses, mais ça n’a l’air d’émouvoir personne, l’info étant sourcée de l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme, que tout le monde a l’air d’apprécier le reste du temps (cf. dépêche ci-dessous) ; des oursons du califat ( https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2015-07-21/cubs-caliphate ).

    More than 50 deaths and wound including “Caliphate cubs” in airstrikes by warplanes thought to be French on a camp in the countryside of Deir Ezzor | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was informed that the coalition warplanes which bombed in the morning of Sunday the 27th of September the palm plantation near the town of al-Jala’a in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor (west of al-Bokamal city which is controlled by “Islamic State” and is taken as a training camp) believed to be a French warplanes, the Observatory was also aware that the bombing resulted in the death and wound of at least 50 persons where 30 of them are confirmed dead and that including what is known as “Caliphate cubs” and Arab fighters from North Africa and Syrian and Iraqi fighters as well, the organization become depending on recruitment of Syrian children at its controlled areas since the beginning of the year, and the organization is recruiting them despite of many people’s refusal to the process of recruitment, the organization argue that they are “adults and are responsible for their decisions” as the organization put it.