person:paulo freire

    • Open Letter from U.S. and Global Sociologists in Support of Brazilian Sociology Departments

      On April 25th, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, along with his Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, declared the government’s intent to “decentralize investments in philosophy and sociology” within public universities, and to shift financial support to “areas that give immediate returns to taxpayers, such as veterinary science, engineering, and medicine.”

      As professors, lecturers, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and other scholars in sociology and related disciplines at colleges and universities in the United States and worldwide, we write to declare our unwavering support for continued funding for sociology programs at Brazilian universities. We oppose President Bolsonaro’s attempt to disinvest in sociology, or any other program in the humanities or social sciences.

      As historical and contemporary sociologists, we understand that the decades-long marketization of higher education has convinced many politicians - in Brazil, in the United States, and globally - that a university education is valuable only insofar as it is immediately profitable. We reject this premise.

      The purpose of higher education is not to produce “immediate returns” on investments. The purpose of higher education must always be to produce an educated, enriched society that benefits from the collective endeavor to create human knowledge. Higher education is a purpose in and of itself.

      An education in the full range of the arts and sciences is the cornerstone of a liberal arts education. This is as true in Brazil as it is in the United States as it is in any country in the world.

      Brazilian sociology departments produce socially engaged and critical thinkers, both in Brazil and worldwide. Brazilian sociologists contribute to the global production of sociological knowledge. They are our colleagues within the discipline and within our shared departments and institutions. When sociologists from abroad conduct research or other academic work in Brazil, we are welcomed by Brazilian sociologists and by their departments. Many of our own students receive world-class training in sociology at Brazilian universities.

      President Bolsonaro’s intent to defund sociology programs is an affront to the discipline, to the academy, and, most broadly, to the human pursuit of knowledge. This proposal is ill-conceived, and violates principles of academic freedom that ought to be integral to systems of higher education in Brazil, in the United States, and across the globe. We urge the Brazilian government to reconsider its proposition.

    • Brazilian Government To Defund Philosophy in Public Universities

      Jair M. Bolsonaro, the current president of Brazil, has announced on Twitter his plans to stop government funding of philosophy and sociology in the nation’s public universities.

      A rough translation is: “The Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, is studying how to decentralize investment in philosophy and sociology at universities. Students who have already enrolled will not be affected. The objective is to focus on areas that generate immediate return to the taxpayer, such as: veterinary, engineering, and medicine.”

      By way of explanation, he added:

      Again, roughly translated, this says: “The role of the Government is to respect the taxpayer’s money, teaching young people to read, write, and learn job skills that generates income for the person and well-being for the family, which improves the society around them.”

      Those with more knowledge of the situation are encouraged to share what they know in the comments here, or by email to

    • Le post de Rodrigo (reçu par email de @isskein):

      Some friends have written to ask about the Brazilian government’s announcement of an attack on the humanities ( –– and, very kindly, how/whether that affected me personally. As I thought other people might be interested, here’s a couple of things.
      Secondary things first: the decision, whatever it is, does not affect me directly, as PUC-Rio is thankfully under the jurisdiction of a rather more stable authority, the Vatican. (Well, the Jesuits, technically –– and let me tell you, one really comes to appreciate the charms of actual warrior priests when faced with the Holy Crusade LARPers we currently have in power.) Indirectly, however, this decision, whatever it is, can have effects across the board.

      “Whatever it is” is the main thing at this point. There is no decision as such yet, and the announcement is quite vague, possibly because, not having much of a clue how the state machine works, they still don’t know how to implement it. “Decentralising funds” doesn’t really mean anything, and public universities have autonomy to employ their resources, so “defunding the humanities” is not something Brasília can decide like that. What this can mean in the long run, however, is two things. One is something that has already been happening for a while and was already expected to get worse: a substantial cut in research funding across the board, but especially for the humanities. This does have an impact on non-public universities as well, or at least the few like PUC that do research, since the vast majority of research in Brazil is publicly funded, particularly in the humanities. The other thing, which was also expected to some extent, is that the new chancellors the government will pick for federal universities will be politically and ideologically aligned with it, and will implement this policy.

      It is worth pointing out that, because of the notoriously perverse way HE recruitment works in Brazil, the humanities tend to be the courses of choice for the students who went to the worst schools (read poor, black, brown, indigenous), as they’re easier to get into. So defunding the humanities is indirectly also a policy of restricting access to HE, reverting the positive trend of expansion established in the last two decades. With the economic crisis, of course, that reversal had already begun.

      Now, as for the context. This government’s ideological core is not just anti-intellectual, but made up of wannabe alt-right ideologues, conspiracy nuts and a bunch of ressentis who managed to square their belief in free competition with their utter failure in life by constructing the fantasy of a communist-globalist plot against the(ir) world. Less charmingly, they are historical revisionists (regarding the dictatorship, the Nazis, slavery...) and climate denialists. It is therefore in their interest to eliminate anything that refers to a reality other than the one they have fabricated or deals with the development of critical tools for analysing evidence. This extends to the war they are already waging against the state departments that deal with the census, statistics and applied research. The more they can make the world inaccessible by either fact or interpretation, the freer they are from the resistance imposed by reality –– including from the very possibility of statistically assessing the impact that their actions will have.

      Why now, though? Bolsonaro is too divisive and politically inept, his programme potentially too harmful, to build a stable majority. It’s still unclear whether he can deliver a pension reform, which is essential to ensure the continuing support of big capital, and his popularity rates have taken a considerable fall since January, especially among the poor. (See: He knows, on the other hand, that his greatest asset is a very engaged core base of true believers. US friends will be familiar with this behaviour from Trump: whenever the boat rocks, he will throw his base a bait, and this is mostly what this announcement is.

      Unlike Trump, Bolsonaro doesn’t even have economic recovery going for him, so if things remain as they are, we should expect him to become more divisive, and his support to become more unstable (in every sense). But there’s another political rationale to this attack specifically. As more poor people were making it into university, especially in the humanities, the left was also losing most of its direct presence in the peripheries and favelas. This means that this layer of the university-educated poor, who have increasingly taken on a protagonist role, have become central to any future left strategy in the country. This was the background from which hailed Marielle Franco, an object of especially vicious hate for Bolsonarismo, and in relation to whose death they still have serious questions to answer (

      If you’re worried and you’d like to help, stay tuned to this story, stay in touch with colleagues in Brazil or in your countries/institutions who are doing stuff on Brazil, keep an eye on the news and be ready to call out reporting in your countries that normalises the absurdity of so much that’s going on. It might be a tad premature right now, but motions from union branch and professional association motions might be in a good order at some point; every little bit helps. It is likely that there’ll be opportunities in the future for putting pressure on foreign governments to get them to put pressure on Brazil to curb the worst impulses of this government. Several measures announced in these early months were retracted once there was some pushback, so that does not seem a far-fetched possibility. In the meantime, you might consider circulating this manifesto by 600 scientists from all over the world demanding that the EU hold Brazilian trade to minimal indigenous rights and environmental standards: This is the kind of thing we’ll probably be seeing more of in the near future.

    • MEC bloqueia 30% do orçamento de três universidades federais; outras unidades também são atingidas

      Mãos de tesoura Entidades que monitoram o investimento no ensino superior detectaram novo bloqueio de verbas de instituições federais no fim de abril, após Abraham Weintraub assumir o Ministério da Educação. Cerca de R$ 230 milhões foram contingenciados.

      Mãos de tesoura 2 Várias unidades do país sofreram com o congelamento de valores previstos no orçamento de investimentos e outras despesas correntes, mas o volume da tesourada em três universidades chamou a atenção: a Federal da Bahia, a de Brasília e a Federal Fluminense.

      Mãos de tesoura 3 De acordo com números preliminares, o valor bloqueado nas três entidades corresponde a mais da metade do contingenciamento imposto a todas as universidades. Procurado, o MEC informou que UFBA, UnB e UFF tiveram 30% das dotações orçamentárias bloqueadas.

      Mãos de tesoura 4 Em nota, a pasta disse que “estuda os bloqueios de forma que nenhum programa seja prejudicado e que os recursos sejam utilizados da forma mais eficaz. O Programa de Assistência Estudantil não sofreu impacto em seu orçamento.”

      Verão passado Em 2018, a UFF foi palco de um rumoroso “ato contra o fascismo”, na reta final da eleição presidencial. Já a UnB foi palco recentemente de debates com Fernando Haddad (PT) e Guilherme Boulos (PSOL).

    • British Philosophical Association Defends Philosophy in Brazil

      The Executive Committee of the British Philosophical Association (BPA) has issued a statement responding to Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, who last week proposed that federal funding for the study and teaching of philosophy and sociology be ended.

      The statement reads:
      The British Philosophical Association is highly alarmed by President Bolsonaro’s plans to remove funding from Philosophy and Sociology in Brazilian Universities. Such a move is not in Brazil’s interests – having well-funded, vibrant, internationally-connected philosophy and sociology departments is crucial to healthy universities and, by extension, to healthy societies. Philosophers, alongside colleagues in the humanities, arts and social sciences, have a crucial role in helping us to understand, question, invent and reinvent the communities, towns, cities, societies and economies in which we exist. They help us understand what is valuable and why. They help us understand the results and implications of the fruits of science and technology.

      The proposal to defund philosophy departments in Brazil is bad for philosophy as a worldwide discipline; philosophy directly benefits from the diversity of experiences of the people that contribute to it. Brazil has been home to generations of distinguished philosophy scholars: Paulo Freire, Oswaldo Chateaubriand, Newton da Costa, Walter Carnielli, Itala D’ottaviano, Vladimir Safatle, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni to name but a few. Brazil’s philosophy departments attract visiting philosophers from all over the world to study alongside leading figures. Brazil’s universities have produced philosophers who have gone on to work at leading universities around the world; for example, Roberto Mangabeira Unger is Professor at Harvard Law School, and two of the three Editors-in-Chief of Synthese, one of the world’s top ranking philosophy journals, are Brazilian and trained at the University of Sao Paulo – Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Otavio Bueno.

      This move strikes a blow against academic freedom and freedom more broadly; while President Bolsonaro’s statements have been framed as an attempt to channel investment towards programmes of study which might provide shorter-term benefits to Brazil’s economy, the BPA note that authoritarian governments often attempt to silence philosophers and sociologists as a move to make it more difficult for people to express views critical of those in power. The British Philosophical Association calls on leaders around the world to urge President Bolsonaro to reconsider this move.

    • La direction du président Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) a bloqué les dernières heures de bourses d’études et de doctorat offertes par Capes (Coordination pour l’amélioration du personnel de l’enseignement supérieur).
      Selon les informations communiquées par les coordonnateurs de programme, les fonds inutilisés temporairement auraient été retirés du système d’agence de développement rattaché au ministère de l’Éducation.

      Les bourses ont été accordées à des étudiants ayant déjà défendu leur travail récemment et seraient destinées à des étudiants approuvés dans le cadre de processus de sélection terminés ou en cours.

      La coupure a pris les universités par surprise a touché non seulement les domaines de l’homme, mais la direction du ministre Abraham Weintraub a déclaré que ce n’était pas la priorité des investissements publics, mais également de la science.

      À l’Institute of Biosciences of USP, 38 bourses d’études ont été coupées - 17 masters, 19 doctorats et deux postdoctoraux.
      voir plus :

  • Les Pédagogies critiques, dir. Laurence de Cock et Irène Pereira

    En France, les pédagogies critiques sont rendues invisibles, abusivement englobées dans les pédagogies « nouvelles » ou « alternatives » à la mode dans les écoles de riches. Alors que partout ailleurs dans le monde les pédagogies critiques sont clairement distinguées des méthodes libérales, qui réduisent l’éducation à un parcours de performance personnelle, la France se singularise par un débat réduit à l’opposition simpliste entre « tradition » et « modernité ».

    Le propos de cet ouvrage collectif est donc de remettre à la première place l’essentiel : les pédagogies critiques participent d’un projet politique de remise en cause de l’ordre néolibéral et des dominations de toutes sortes.
    C’était la démarche des grands fondateurs Célestin Freinet et Paulo Freire ; c’est aussi celle que perpétuent et renouvellent beaucoup de pédagogues d’aujourd’hui.

    Laurence De Cock est historienne et enseignante. Elle a notamment écrit Dans la classe de l’homme blanc. L’enseignement du fait colonial en France des années 1980 à nos jours (PUL, 2018).
    Irène Pereira est sociologue, philosophe et enseignante. Elle a écrit, entre autres travaux, Paulo Freire, pédagogue des opprimé-e-s (Libertalia, 2017).

    #pédagogie #éducation #école #Laurence_de_Cock #Irène_Pereira #Freinet #Paulo_Freire

  • Enfin de nouveau disponible en français !… Le livre pédagogique le plus subversif de l’histoire : « La pédagogie des opprimés » de Paulo Freire (format pdf gratuit)

    <i>“La rébellion sans la conscience critique est pour ainsi dire une explosion d’impuissance.”</i> <i><br>~ Paulo Freire ~</i><p><i>“Celui qui lutte contre les monstres doit</i> …

  • Au Brésil, les profs craignent une chasse aux sorcières (France 24)

    Depuis une dizaine d’années, ce groupe ultra-conservateur a gagné du terrain au Brésil. « Escola sem Partido » veut bannir des écoles l’utilisation de certains mots tels « genre » ou « orientation sexuelle » et remet en question le contenu des programmes d’histoire. Pour ces activistes, Pinochet n’était pas un dictateur, mais le sauveur de sa patrie menacée par le communisme.

    Organisant sans relâche manifestations (parfois violentes) et pétitions visant des intellectuels défendant la théorie du genre, il préconise aussi de rendre optionnel l’enseignement des sciences sociales et de la philosophie.

    « Escola sem Partido » a déjà remporté quelques batailles. Un projet de loi qui porte son nom est actuellement débattu au Parlement. Il prévoit des sanctions pénales contre les enseignants coupables de « dogmatisme ou de prosélytisme » et affirme « le droit des parents à ce que leurs enfants reçoivent l’éducation morale qui correspond à leurs convictions ».

    Au Brésil, Jair Bolsonaro lance la guerre de l’école (Le Monde)

    Fomenté par la droite dure et le lobby évangélique, le texte, rebaptisé « loi du bâillon » par l’opposition, se fonde sur l’idée d’une école hantée par le communisme, où l’on ferait l’apologie de mœurs ­débridées et la publicité d’une pseudo « théorie du genre ». Un propos qui fait écho au discours de campagne de Jair Bolsonaro promettant le « lance-flammes » pour les ouvrages de Paulo Freire,pédagogue connu pour son travail pour l’alphabétisation des pauvres, et fustigeant le « marxisme » comme la « sexualisation précoce » des enfants à l’école.

    #éducation #Brésil #fascisme

  • Education Is in the Crosshairs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

    The president-elect seeks to ban from the classroom political opinions, debates, and any issues that could be construed as leftist.
    At universities across Brazil, the atmosphere may appear normal on the surface, but many are worried. “There is a climate of tension and of fear,” said Adriana D’Agostini, an education professor at the Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC).
    #Bolsonaro #Brésil #Freire #Paulo_Freire #censure #gauche #éducation #liberté_d'expression #université

  • Que signifie être radical chez Paulo Freire ? - Questions de classe(s)

    L’ensemble de l’œuvre de Paulo Freire est traversé par la notion de radicalité depuis ses premiers ouvrages L’Éducation, pratique de liberté (1967) et Pédagogie des opprimés (1968) jusqu’à Pédagogie de l’autonomie (1996). Dans ses écrits, cette notion s’exprime à travers les noms communs de « radicalisation », de « radicalité » et à travers l’adjectif « radical ». Alors que se structure en France un réseau militant autour d’une charte de pédagogies radicales qui se réfère à Paulo Freire, il nous a semblé intéressant de revenir sur la notion de radicalité telle qu’elle se présente dans l’œuvre du pédagogue brésilien pour répondre ainsi à la question : Que signifie être radical chez Paulo Freire ?

    #Paulo_Freire #pédagogie #éducation #radicalité

  • Écologie, individualisme et course au bonheur | Interstices

    Nous avons découvert le livre d’Aude Vidal lors d’un arpentage organisé en sa présence par Béchamelle à la médiathèque de Mens. Ce néologisme « égologie » dénonce comment l’individualisme et le libéralisme imprègnent une grande partie des alternatives écologiques. C’est la fable du petit colibri qui, face au feu de forêt, « fait sa part » en versant quelques gouttes d’eau. Le sentiment de « faire sa part » à travers des actions concrètes et positives nous mène souvent à à fuir la conflictualité et à nous dédouaner des dominations (de classe, de genre…) que nous reproduisons au sein même de ces actions. Il devient malvenu de broyer du noir et de ressentir de la colère face au désastre : il reviendrait à chacun-e de faire un travail sur soi et d’être responsable de son bien-être ! Une lecture vivifiante pour être (...)

    • Non, ça s’appelle de l’éducation populaire, et c’est une méthode classique dans le monde entier, et absolument excellente pour lire un gros bouquin compliqué à plusieurs et notamment pour des personnes qui ne l’auraient jamais lu toutes seules. On lit chacun notre morceau pendant un temps donné (par ex pour Caliban on avait 50p chacun environ) et ensuite on restitue chacun notre partie, ce qu’on en a compris, dans l’ordre du livre.

    • Huhu, tu devrais te renseigner un peu sur l’éducation populaire (la vraie, pas celle verticale à la Onfray, celle de Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal…). Vraiment l’arpentage c’est une des méthodes de base de l’éduc pop, qui date des universités populaires ouvrières du 19ème sicèle en Europe, pour s’auto-éduquer à plusieurs en lisant des livres gros et/ou complexes qu’en milieu populaire et avec un capital culturel moins élevé on aurait jamais lu tout seul.

  • Contre une réduction de la pédagogie à un scientisme positiviste

    La finalité de la pratique dialogique, comme l’explique Paulo Freire, est le développement de la conscience critique. Celle-ci n’est pas réductible à une conscience cognitive technique comme le pensent les tenants du critical thinking. Car développer une conscience critique implique la prise en compte de la conscience morale. En effet, comme on l’a vu en ce qui concerne la soumission à l’autorité, celle-ci se pose lorsqu’il y a conflit entre la conscience morale de l’individu et l’autorité légale. Il ne s’agit pas de considérer que l’on peut former l’esprit critique sans connaissances et sans compétences rationnelles, mais que la formation de l’esprit critique ne se réduit pas à cela, car elle relève d’une capacité au jugement ethico-politique.
    La pratique dialogique selon Paulo Freire vise à induire, à travers la relation d’enseignement, un rapport critique aux savoirs qui implique une conscience morale, politique et sociale. En effet, si la pédagogie critique relève de la théorie critique, alors elle ne peut se dispenser de faire abstraction de poser une interrogation sur les conditions de l’émancipation sociale et des discriminations systémiques qui produisent les inégalités sociales structurelles.
    De fait, la particularité du jugement critique, c’est qu’il possède la possibilité même d’interroger le cadre qui conduit à poser les questions. Ainsi, le cadre positiviste d’évaluation de la pensée critique peut être interrogé par rapport à ses enjeux socio-politiques. Il n’y a donc pas de limite à priori aux capacités de problématisation de la conscience critique.

    #pédagogie #éducation

  • What is Critical Citizen Science? (A Dialogue - Part 1) (avec images) · danmcquillan · Storify

    royalist: what is this critical citizen science of which you speak?
    nomad: it is a way of seeing and a way of being critical; it is these fused in to a practice.
    royalist: be more specific! what does it consist of? and why now?
    nomad: it consists of these things; crowdmapping, open hardware sensors, emerging hackerspaces, the internet of things. it breathes through the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire and critical conviviality of Ivan Illich. it will make your eyes roll...


    What is Critical Citizen Science? (A Dialogue - Part 2) (avec images) · danmcquillan · Storify

    When we last spoke, you conveyed a reasonable sense of gathering innovation around crowdmapping, open hardware sensors and the internet of things. I’m even persuaded that some communities will be proactive in their citizen science, not just enrolled in an establishment activity. Why pepper the whole thing with a mystical metaphysics about Royal Science and Smooth Science?
    nomad: Starting from the technical conditions of daily life, critical citizen science will come to question the nature of science itself. “The problem is not with science’s actual, particular positive claims; but rather with its pretensions to universality, its need to deny the validity of all claims and practices other than its own” says Shaviro, summarising Stengers. In the practice of critical citizen science, this challenge will be come inescapable.

    #critical_science #Dan_Mc_QUillan

  • #Livres #gratuits... décidément, c’est la journée du #open_source !
    Free PDF Books on race, gender, sexuality, class, and culture

    Found from various places online:

    The Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

    Angela Y. Davis - Are Prisons Obsolete?

    Angela Y. Davis - Race, Women, and Class

    The Communist Manifesto - Marx and Engels

    Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde (link updated 1/14)

    Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf

    Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic (link updated 1/14)

    The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America- Robert M. Entman and Andrew Rojecki (link updated 1/14)

    Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism - bell hooks (link updated 1/14)

    Feminism is for Everybody - bell hooks (link updated 1/14)

    Faces at the Bottom of the Well - Derrick Bell

    I am Your Sister - Audre Lorde (link updated 1/14)

    Black Feminist Thought-Patricia Hill Collins (updated 1/14)

    Gender Trouble - Judith Butler

    Four books by Frantz Fanon

    Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston

    Medical Apartheid - Harriet Washington

    Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory - edited by Michael Warner

    Colonialism/Postcolonialism - Ania Loomba (updated 1/14)

    Discipline and Punish - Michel Foucault

    The Gloria Anzaldua Reader

    Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? by Mark Fisher

    This Bridge Called by Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga & Gloria Anzaldúa

    What is Cultural Studies? - John Storey (updated 1/14)

    Cultural Theory and Popular Culture - John Storey (updated 1/14)

    The Disability Studies Reader (updated 1/14)

    Michel Foucault - Interviews and Other Writings

    Michel Foucault - The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3

    Michel Foucault - The Archeology of Knowledge

    This blog also has a lot more.
    #race #genre #sexualité #classe #culture

  • Prison Program Turns Inmates Into Intellectuals -

    Still, an intellectual firmament has taken hold. On a recent afternoon, 10 men gathered under the tutelage of Baz Dreisinger, a professor of English at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, to share some of their writing and to talk about the Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” One of the students, Theron Smith, serving time on a second-degree murder conviction, noted that Freire’s work called to mind Hegel and the theory of double consciousness. Mr. Smith is an avid consumer of sociological texts; his longtime friend Rowland Davis, next to him in class that day, has immersed himself in theology. Another student had been creating an elaborately illustrated graphic novel.

    In nearly every instance, when the men read from their own compositions, the writing was absorbing, learned and impeccable. All of the men had gained admission, through a competitive application process, to a program initiated by John Jay three years ago that allows prisoners who have high school diplomas or G.E.D.s, and who are eligible for release within five years, to amass college credits, and then when they leave, to complete degrees in the City University system. Ms. Dreisinger is the program’s academic director and founder, overseeing the teaching of art history, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Toni Morrison and so on. She is adamant about the instruction of grammar, which is why the men’s writing stands out even beside what you might find among students at elite high schools where a warning about dangling modifiers is often considered a benighted waste of time.

    #education #prison