• Samedi, la Présidente de l’Assemblée nationale, Yaël Braun-Pivet, s’est consacrée pleinement à une grande cause d’importance nationale en serial-likant sur un thème unique les messages suivants :

    Elisabeth Lévy

    Ce soir, pour la première fois de ma vie, je voterai à l’Eurovision. Et j’invite tous ceux qui veulent clouer le bec de l’horreur boréale, des islamo-insoumis et de tous les nigauds qui croient soutenir les Palestiniens en clamant leur haine d’Israel et/ou des juifs à faire de même. Tous avec Éden !

    Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet (à propos d’une manif « à Malmö pour protester contre l’autorisation d’Israël de participer au concours Eurovision »)

    J’avais déjà une mauvaise image de Malmö comme étant une des grandes villes d’Europe dans laquelle la communauté juive s’était réduite à peau de chagrin ces dernières années en raison de l’antisémitisme persistant, mais là je dois dire que cela dépasse l’entendement.

    Bernard-Henri Lévy

    Je n’ai jamais voté à l’#Eurovision. Mais je voterai #EdenGolan. Parce qu’elle est talentueuse. Parce qu’elle est courageuse. Et parce que, dans ce monde devenu fou, face au vent de haine contre les #Juifs sans précédent depuis 80 ans, face à la bêtise, sa victoire fera date.

    La Licra

    Le Concours #Eurovision2024 n’est pas réservé aux Européens mais il met à l’épreuve, en pareilles circonstances, nos valeurs communes.
    À Malmö doit triompher un message de paix et non l’extrémisme radical dont certains élus français se font les sinistres complices.

    Et hier d’annoncer fièrement :

    Pour la 1ère fois…
    A voté 🗳

    J’admire ce sens de la mesure.

  • Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died | The Seattle Times

    Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems and one of the first whistleblowers to allege Spirit leadership had ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX, died Tuesday morning after a struggle with a sudden, fast-spreading infection.

    #boeing #737_MAX #737MAX

    C’est un petit peu l’hécatombe chez les ingénieurs de Boeing.

  • Performance Tip of the Week #74: Avoid sweeping street lights under rugs

    Originally posted as Fast TotW #74 on September 29, 2023

    By Chris Kennelly and Matt Kulukundis

    Updated 2023-11-10

    Quicklink: abseil.io/fast/74

    While their issues go by multiple names (i.e. the streetlight effect, the McNamara fallacy), proxy metrics present a seductive danger. Simply put, people often focus on improving the things they can measure and neglecting the things they cannot even if those other things are important. In this episode, we explore multiple stories of how this can go wrong to help ground ourselves in the real world failure modes that proxy metrics present.

    Most folks are familiar with the streetlight effect’s titular story:

    A police officer sees a drunkard searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. They says they lost their (...)

  • Performance Tip of the Week #75: How to microbenchmark

    Originally posted as Fast TotW #75 on September 29, 2023

    By Chris Kennelly

    Updated 2023-11-10

    Quicklink: abseil.io/fast/75

    Imagine having access to two Oracles. One gives 90% accurate predictions and responds in 10 minutes and one that gives 99% accurate predictions and responds in 1 month. With access to these secret seers, which will let us be best able to make good decisions?

    “Production is ultimately what matters” might obviate the need for microbenchmarks altogether, but they are a useful tool in the performance optimization toolbox. While reduced fidelity doesn’t sound desirable at face value, it comes with an important tradeoff: speed.

    In this episode, we discuss techniques for using microbenchmarks as an important tool for decision-making. Full documentation for the (...)

  • October 7: Forensic analysis shows Hamas abuses, many false Israeli claims
    By Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera Investigative Unit
    Published On 21 Mar 202421 Mar 2024 | Al Jazeera

    Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters launched an incursion into Israel that has transformed the politics of the Middle East.

    October 7 reveals widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from the Gaza Strip and draws up a comprehensive list of those killed. (...)


    • Guerre à Gaza : Al Jazeera révèle le récit du 7 octobre que les grands médias négligent de rapporter
      Peter Oborne | Vendredi 29 mars 2024 | MEE

      Un nouveau documentaire révèle la manière dont des allégations fausses et incendiaires concernant l’attaque menée par le Hamas en Israël se sont imposées dans la presse

      Précis. Sobre. Perspicace. Rigoureux. L’unité d’investigation d’Al Jazeera a produit un film documentaire qui raconte ce qui s’est réellement passé le 7 octobre.

      Ce documentaire, qui fait autorité, n’hésite pas à détailler les atrocités et les crimes de guerre perpétrés par le Hamas. Il démontre toutefois, sans l’ombre d’un doute, que nombre des récits macabres émanant de sources israéliennes sont fallacieux.

      Les récits particulièrement incendiaires, qu’il s’agisse des allégations de viol généralisé ou de bébés décapités et brûlés, n’étaient pas étayés par des preuves ou étaient des mensonges purs et simples. Pourtant, ils ont ouvert la voie à la sauvagerie meurtrière de l’assaut israélien sur Gaza qui a suivi et qui a été décrit par la Cour internationale de justice comme constituant un génocide plausible.

      Al Jazeera propose une analyse minutieuse de la manière dont ces récits ont été diffusés auprès du public. Cela implique un examen approfondi de Zaka, l’unité israélienne d’intervention d’urgence composée d’auxiliaires médicaux qualifiés qui interviennent lors d’événements terroristes et d’homicides. (...)

    • War on Gaza: We were lied into genocide. Al Jazeera has shown us how Jonathan Cook | Middle East Eye | 28 March 2024 12:28 GMT

      (...) First, the crimes Hamas committed against civilians in Israel on 7 October - and those it did not - have been used to overshadow the fact that it carried out a spectacularly sophisticated military operation on 7 October in breaking out of a long-besieged Gaza.

      The group knocked out Israel’s top-flight surveillance systems that had kept the enclave’s 2.3 million inhabitants imprisoned for decades. It smashed holes in Israel’s highly fortified barrier surrounding Gaza in at least 10 locations. And it caught unawares Israel’s many military camps next to the enclave that had been enforcing the occupation at arms’ length.

      More than 350 Israeli soldiers, armed police and guards were killed that day.

      Second, the documentary undermines the conspiracy theory that Israeli leaders allowed the Hamas attack to justify the ethnic cleansing of Gaza - a plan Israel has been actively working on since at least 2007, when it appears to have received US approval.

      True, Israeli intelligence officials involved in the surveillance of Gaza had been warning that Hamas was preparing a major operation. But those warnings were discounted not because of a conspiracy. After all, none of the senior echelons in Israel stood to benefit from what unfolded on 7 October.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is finished politically as a result of the Hamas attack, and will likely end up in jail after the current carnage in Gaza ends.
      A colonial arrogance

      Israel’s genocidal response to 7 October has made Israel’s brand so toxic internationally, and more so with Arab publics in the region, that Saudi Arabia has had to break off plans for a normalisation agreement, which had been Israel and Washington’s ultimate hope.

      And the Hamas operation has crushed the worldwide reputation of the Israeli military for invincibility. It has inspired Yemen’s Ansar Allah (the Houthis) to attack vessels in the Red Sea. It is emboldening Israel’s arch-enemy, Hezbollah, in neighbouring Lebanon. It has reinvigorated the idea that resistance is possible across the much-oppressed Middle East.
      Israel-Palestine war: Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?
      Read More »

      No, it was not a conspiracy that opened the door to Hamas’ attack. It was colonial arrogance, based on a dehumanising view shared by the vast majority of Israelis that they were the masters and that the Palestinians - their slaves - were far too primitive to strike a meaningful blow.

      The attacks of 7 October should have forced Israelis to reassess their dismissive attitude towards the Palestinians and address the question of whether Israel’s decades-long regime of apartheid and brutal subjugation could - and should - continue indefinitely.

      Predictably, Israelis ignored the message of Hamas’ attack and dug deeper into their colonial mindset.

      The supposed primitivism that, it was assumed, made the Palestinians too feeble an opponent to take on Israel’s sophisticated military machine has now been reframed as proof of a Palestinian barbarousness that makes Gaza’s entire population so dangerous, so threatening, that they have to be wiped out.

      The Palestinians who, most Israelis had concluded, could be caged like battery chickens indefinitely, and in ever-shrinking pens, are now viewed as monsters that have to be culled. That impulse was the genesis of Israel’s current genocidal plan for Gaza. (...)

    • Je suis aussi Mentour Pilot (qui revient sur des accidents aériens aux enquêtes clôturées), et bien que les faits révélés sur les coulisses lèvent l’alerte, l’ensemble des événements continuent d’être gérée a la sauce FAA et assimilés, c’est a dire : comprendre et apprendre de ses expériences, puis prendre des mesures, le tout avec transparence.
      Donc oui, même si un cycle essai/erreur peut faire peur (il faut quelques accidents pour découvrir des défauts [de tous niveaux]). Ca reste une méthodologie implacable et très sure. Je défie d’autres secteurs de savoir en faire autant (développeurs, si vous m´entendez).
      En gros, si des 737-MAX 8, 9 et 10 se sont remis à voler en 2022, c’est pas par sympathie, c’est parce qu’on avait un bilan après enquête positif, les faits étaient compris, l’accidentologie restait faible et les types d’accidents isolé.
      L’histoire du MCAS, c’est le 1er épisode, ce qui démultiplie le choc aujourd’hui, c’est le 2eme épisode : Boeing est démoli et accumule d’autres erreurs.

      Cette la tentative de Boeing de garder le contrôle, où tous les moyens seraient bons : dessous de table, connivence, abus, freins aux enquêtes, secrets...

      Et la j’espère que la FAA va frapper fort, sans considérer l’économie ou les emplois. Mais surtout, en acceptant de s’immiscer dans la gestion et la structure interne de Boeing. A demi mots, je parle de nationalisation. En gros, Boeing doit savoir faire des avions... s’il veulent continuer, il faut se reprendre.

    • la délégation d’éléments de la certification au constructeur est quand même un truc difficile à avaler.

      Tiens, je tombe du coup sur le dernier point de la FAA à propos de l’affaire Alaskan

      Updates on Boeing 737-9 MAX Aircraft | Federal Aviation Administration

      Monday, March 4, 2024
      The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s six-week audit of Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems, prompted by the January 5 incident involving a new, Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft, found multiple instances where the companies allegedly failed to comply with manufacturing quality control requirements.

      The FAA identified non-compliance issues in Boeing’s manufacturing process control, parts handling and storage, and product control. The FAA is providing these details to the public as an update to the agency’s ongoing investigation.

      The audit is one of the immediate oversight actions the FAA took after a left mid-cabin door plug blew out of Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 on January 5 while in flight. At a meeting at FAA Headquarters in Washington, DC, last week, Administrator Mike Whitaker informed Boeing’s CEO and other senior leaders that the company must address the audit’s findings as part of its comprehensive corrective action plan to fix systemic quality-control issues. The plan must also address the findings from the expert review panel report that examined Boeing’s safety culture. The FAA has given Boeing 90 days to outline its action plan.

      To hold Boeing accountable for its production quality issues, the FAA has halted production expansion of the Boeing 737 MAX, is exploring the use of a third party to conduct independent reviews of quality systems, and will continue its increased onsite presence at Boeing’s facility in Renton, Washington, and Spirit AeroSystems’ facility in Wichita, Kansas.

      The FAA will thoroughly review all of Boeing’s corrective actions to determine if they fully address the FAA’s findings.

      The FAA provided both companies with a summary of the audit findings.

      the FAA […] is exploring the use of a third party to conduct independent reviews of quality systems

      Ce qui fait peur, c’est la découverte de failles béantes dans le système d’assurance qualité, l’événement Alaskan, heureusement sans conséquences graves est, à cet égard, terrifiant. Et l’arrière-plan de la fusion avec MDD donne un cadre de lecture de ces incidents…

      Tu suis Mentour, tu as donc vu que dans ce cas, il pointait des incohérences entre le système d’assurance qualité de Boeing et celui de son sous-traitant SAS (historiquement Stearman puis ancienne division de Boeing), incompatibilité en particulier au niveau sémantique alors que des équipes de l’un et l’autre constructeurs interviennent sur les sites l’un de l’autre et donc, possiblement, en utilisant les deux systèmes d’assurance qualité…

    • Je n’avais pas pris la teneur de la 2 vague de crise chez Boeing en ce moment.
      La première ayant été les échecs de sa capsule en meme temps les crashs Lion Air et Ethiopian AL.
      La seconde a commencé avec le bouchon de porte. Mais apparemment, le feu s’étend... il n’y a qu’à voir leur cours de bourse.
      Et maintenant, tout le monde parle de la fin de Boeing... entreprise de 107 ans.

      J’ai envie de croire que ca arrive. Mais il faut absolument que les responsables payent pour les pertes d’emploi à venir... les gens de chez McDonnell Douglas, McNerney et Muilenburg.

      Il parait que Youtube recommande cette vidéo (qui a 7 ans) en ce moment, et que ca passe mal chez ceux qui la recoivent.

      One thing to say to Boeing : (Happy birthday)

      Ils vont se maintenir sur les longs courriers, mais pas le droit à l’erreur.
      Et sur les cours courrier, faut vraiment qu’ils remontent leur contrôle qualité.

  • Boeing, ou l’‘American Way of pourriture’

    Boeing, ou l’‘American Way of pourriture’

    • Un “suicide” d’un “lanceur d’alerte” de chez Boeing qui ressemble évidemment et d’une façon hurlante à une exécution. • Une fois de plus, Boeing est à la tête du pourrissement américaniste. • Avec ‘WSWS org’.


    Encore une excellente enquête de ‘WSWS.org’, débarrassée de ses exaspérantes scorries trotskistes. Il s’agit du “suicide” d’un lanceur d’alerte de chez Boeing, en pleine série de déposition dans le cadre d’une action civile contre l’avionneur américaniste plongé dans une série d’accidents suspects mettant à nouveau en cause le 737 MAX, mais aussi d’antres modèles. John ’Mitch’ Barbett, 62 ans, avait passé 37 ans chez Boeing comme responsable de la qualité du travail et avait démissionné en 2017 pour protester contre le (...)

    • Dans un monde fondé sur la raison, la justice et la protection du public, la révélation stupéfiante de Jennifer aurait été le point de départ d’une enquête sur d’autres causes expliquant la mort de Barnett. Au lieu de quoi les grands médias ont pour la plupart omis de rapporter cette déclaration, alors même qu’ils continuent d’évoquer les diverses quasi-catastrophes ayant impliqué des avions Boeing au cours des derniers mois.

      Il convient de comparer la mort de Barnett et ses conséquences à celle de l’opposant russe Alexei Navalny, retrouvé mort dans sa cellule en février. Les médias, ainsi que le président Joe Biden, se sont empressés de déclarer — sans aucune preuve — que la mort de Navalny était l’œuvre du président russe Vladimir Poutine.

      Pourtant, lorsqu’il y a plus de preuves qu’il n’en faut pour suggérer un acte criminel envers un lanceur d’alerte de Boeing, ces preuves sont ignorées.

      Faut tout leur expliquer à ces complotistes : #cépapareil.

    • « Scories trotskistes » ... :-))

      Le coroner du comté de Charleston a conclu que la cause du décès était « une blessure auto-infligée », et un rapport de police a indiqué que les agents avaient trouvé « un morceau de papier blanc ressemblant à une note » près du corps de Barnett. Toutefois, les avocats de Barnett ont immédiatement contesté l’affirmation que la mort de leur client était un suicide. Ils ont publié un communiqué où ils déclarent :

      « Nous n’avons vu aucune signe qu’il allait mettre fin à ses jours. Personne ne peut le croire. La police de Charleston doit mener une enquête complète et précise et en informer le public. Aucun détail ne doit être négligé ».

      Un commentaire plus révélateur est venu d’une amie de la famille de Barnett, Jennifer, qui a déclaré à une chaîne d’ABC le 15 mars que Barnett l’avait prévenue : « S’il m’arrive quelque chose, ce n’est pas un suicide ».


  • Israeli Nova Partygoer Was Misidentified as Hamas Terrorist on October 7 and Killed by Israeli Forces
    Josh Breiner and Bar Peleg | Feb 22, 2024 | Haaretz

    Ofek Atun escaped the outdoor Nova rave with his girlfriend. They survived the assault on the bomb shelter in which they took refuge, before fleeing to nearby Kibbutz Alumim. The kibbutz’s volunteer security squad mistook them for Hamas terrorists – and opened fire (...)




    “Loop #7 evolved from recent experiments in micro-looping and its influence on time perception. In 2021, sifting through tons of field recordings for the 22-hour A Wave Novel for radioart.zone, I dreamt of giant ‘musical waves’ generated for this mission by some really smart and lucid machine/program/spaceship. It did not happen. Instead, I assembled everything by hand.” (Gabi Schaffner)

    Sampling, Composition and Mix: Gabi Schaffner 2024

    Contributors (in order of appearance): “Sedna’s Glove”, Video Music: Gabi Schaffner 2006. Portable Record Player: Oliver Augst 2014. Organ: Tobias Lange 2021. Cat: Augustin, 2019. Taiwan Market Snippet: Datscha Radio Archive 2019. Saurophone: Yrjänä Sauros, Kokkola 2007. Wool-Drones: Elo (...)


  • Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union - Apple

    Apple today announced changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store impacting developers’ apps in the European Union (EU) to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The changes include more than 600 new APIs, expanded app analytics, functionality for alternative browser engines, and options for processing app payments and distributing iOS apps. Across every change, Apple is introducing new safeguards that reduce — but don’t eliminate — new risks the DMA poses to EU users. With these steps, Apple will continue to deliver the best, most secure experience possible for EU users.
    The new options for processing payments and downloading apps on iOS open new avenues for malware, fraud and scams, illicit and harmful content, and other privacy and security threats. That’s why Apple is introducing protections — including Notarization for iOS apps, an authorization for marketplace developers, and disclosures on alternative payments — to reduce risks and deliver the best, most secure experience possible for users in the EU. Even with these safeguards in place, many risks remain.

    La réponse du principal challenger d’Apple en matière de distribution d’apps hors App Store :

    Tim Sweeney sur X :

    Apple’s plan to thwart Europe’s new Digital Markets Act law is a devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.

    They are forcing developers to choose between App Store exclusivity and the store terms, which will be illegal under DMA, or accept a new also-illegal anticompetitive scheme rife with new Junk Fees on downloads and new Apple taxes on payments they don’t process.

    Apple proposes that it can choose which stores are allowed to compete with their App Store. They could block Epic from launching the Epic Games Store and distributing Fortnite through it, for example, or block Microsoft, Valve, Good Old Games, or new entrants.

    The Epic Games Store is the #7 software store in the world (behind the 3 console stores, 2 mobile stores, and Steam on PC). We’re determined to launch on iOS and Android and enter the competition to become the #1 multi-platform software store, on the foundation of payment competition, 0%-12% fees, and exclusive games like Fortnite.

    Epic has always supported the notion of Apple notarization and malware scanning for apps, but we strongly reject Apple’s twisting this process to undermine competition and continue imposing Apple taxes on transactions they’re not involved in.

    There’s a lot more hot garbage in Apple’s announcement. It will take more time to parse both the written and unwritten parts of this new horror show, so stay tuned.

    Célébration, cependant, chez Fortnite :

    Remember Fortnite on iOS?

    How bout we bring that back.

    Later this year Fortnite will return in Europe on iOS through the @EpicGames Store.
    (shoutout DMA - an important new law in the EU making this possible). @Apple, the world is watching.

    #mobile #jeux_vidéo #jeu_vidéo #business #apple #epic_games #dma #digital_markets_act #ue #union_européenne #ouverture

  • Boeing will not put planes in air unless 100% confident, CEO says | Reuters

    Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun said on Wednesday the planemaker will only support the operation of its airplanes if it is “100%” confident in their safety.

    le titre fait immédiatement bondir will not, au futur donc laisse entendre que ce n’était pas le cas avant.

    La phrase qui suit immédiatement le passage ci-dessus reprend cette information mais en style direct dans la bouche dudit CEO…
    … et là, c’est bien au présent. Bravo Reuters !

    “We don’t put planes in the air that we don’t have 100% confidence in,” Calhoun told reporters in Washington before one of a series of meetings with U.S. senators on the grounding of the company’s 737 Max 9 jets in the U.S. Calhoun added that Boeing fully understands “the gravity of the situation.”

    • La perte de confiance en Boeing s’accélère$

      Le constructeur américain accumule les déboires : un Boeing 757 a perdu une roue au décollage. Cet incident intervient alors que les autorités de régulation américaines ont renforcé la surveillance des appareils suite au détachement en vol d’une pièce du fuselage d’un #737_MAX_9.
      Par Arnaud Leparmentier (New York, correspondant)

      La confiance en #Boeing s’effondre. Selon le baromètre Morning Consult, le solde des Américains ayant confiance dans la marque a chuté de 32 à 20 points entre décembre 2023 et janvier ; celle des passagers utilisant fréquemment ses avions a reculé de 41 à 28 points. Après le détachement en vol d’une porte d’issue de secours d’un Boeing 737 MAX 9 d’Alaska Airlines, vendredi 5 janvier, le constructeur aéronautique est au plus mal. Le voici de nouveau pris dans la tourmente, incapable de faire voler ses avions de manière sûre, après la catastrophe des 737 MAX 8 de Lion Air et Ethiopian Airlines, qui firent 346 victimes en 2018 et 2019. Et mercredi 24 janvier, la Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), l’autorité américaine de régulation de l’aviation civile, a indiqué qu’une roue avant d’un Boeing 757, exploité par Delta Air Lines, s’est détachée alors que l’avion s’alignait pour décoller de l’aéroport international d’Atlanta, le week-end du 20-21 janvier.
      Même la #Bourse finit par se rendre à l’évidence : il y a quelque chose de cassé chez Boeing, qui a perdu 18 % de sa valeur depuis le début de l’année.
      L’autorité de régulation a ordonné l’immobilisation pour inspection des 737 MAX disposant de ces fermetures de portes, principalement chez United Airlines et Alaska Airlines. Elle a vivement critiqué la compagnie, qui avait déjà menti aux autorités lors de la certification des 737 MAX 8. « Cet incident n’aurait jamais dû se produire et cela ne peut pas se reproduire », déclarait la #FAA dans un communiqué. Dimanche 21 janvier, elle a étendu les exigences d’inspections aux portes des 737-900 ER, qui précédèrent le MAX 9. Depuis son vol inaugural, en 2006, la FAA a déclaré que le 737-900 ER avait enregistré plus de onze millions d’heures de fonctionnement et effectué 3,9 millions de vols, sans aucun problème lié à la fermeture des portes.

      Ses erreurs commises depuis un quart de siècle

      L’affaire conduit au procès de la compagnie et toutes ses erreurs commises depuis un quart de siècle : son incapacité à voir monter en puissance #Airbus et ses A320, qui allaient concurrencer les Boeing 737 ; la fusion avec l’avionneur militaire #McDonnell_Douglas [crasheur de civlils, ndc] et la prise de contrôle de Boeing par ses dirigeants, plus habitués à grenouiller politiquement à Washington pour obtenir des subventions qu’à travailler industriellement à la qualité des aéronefs ; une obsession de rentabilité, ayant conduit après une grande grève à Seattle, berceau historique de l’avionneur, en 2000, à délocaliser le siège à Chicago ; déplacer en Caroline du sud une partie de la production et sous traiter la construction du fuselage à une ancienne usine du Kansas, Spirit AeroSystems.
      Les clients sont furieux. « Je suis plus que frustré et déçu. Je suis en colère », a déclaré le PDG d’Alaska Airlines, Ben Minicucci, à NBC News. Selon lui, l’arrachage de la porte était « inacceptable » pour un appareil sorti d’usine. United Airlines, grand client de Boeing, envisage d’annuler ses commandes de 737 MAX 10, avion encore non certifié. « Le clouage au sol du MAX 9 est probablement la goutte d’eau qui a fait déborder le vase pour nous. Nous allons élaborer un plan qui ne contient pas le MAX 10 », a annoncé le PDG d’United, Scott Kirby.

      Les avertissements se succèdent. Pour Michael O’Leary, patron de Ryanair et grand client de Boeing, « le véritable défi pour Airbus et Boeing est qu’ils sont tous deux en retard dans leurs projets d’augmentation de production mensuelle. Cela tient en grande partie aux pressions de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Je pense qu’Airbus et Boeing, et [plus] certainement Boeing, doivent améliorer considérablement le #contrôle_qualité », a-t-il déclaré au Financial Times.

      « Les objectifs financiers doivent passer au second plan »

      La compagnie aérienne a doublé le nombre de ses ingénieurs pour inspecter le processus de production chez Boeing et Spirit AeroSystems, qui a multiplié les défaillances de qualité depuis un an. « Compte tenu de ce qui s’est passé avec les deux accidents mortels et cet incident, les objectifs financiers doivent passer au second plan pour Boeing et sa chaîne d’approvisionnement », a renchéri dans le Financial Times Aengus Kelly, directeur général d’AerCap, la plus grande société de location d’avions au monde, avant de mettre en garde Boeing : « S’il y avait un autre problème avec la gamme de produits [737], il serait très difficile pour les clients d’acquérir des avions supplémentaires. »

      Pour contenir l’incendie, Boeing a nommé l’amiral en retraite, Kirkland Donald, conseiller spécial du PDG Dave Calhoun, pour évaluer le système de gestion de la qualité de Boeing. Avec une équipe d’experts, il doit examiner les programmes et pratiques de qualité de Boeing ainsi que la surveillance de ses sous-traitants.
      Dans la foulée de l’accident, la FAA a envisagé de priver Boeing du droit de certifier ses propres avions . « Il est temps de réexaminer la délégation d’autorité et d’évaluer les risques de sécurité associés, a déclaré l’administrateur de la FAA, Michael Whitaker. L’immobilisation du 737-9 et les multiples problèmes liés à la production identifiés ces dernières années nous obligent à examiner toutes les options pour réduire les risques. La FAA étudie la possibilité de recourir à un tiers indépendant pour superviser les inspections de Boeing et son système qualité. »
      La FAA a envoyé des dizaines d’inspecteurs sur site. « Nous passons d’une approche d’audit à une approche d’inspection directe, a déclaré le patron de la FAA à CNBC. Jusqu’à ce que nous soyons sûrs que le système [d’assurance qualité] fonctionne correctement… nous aurons des troupes sur le terrain. »

  • #Ukraine, #Israël, quand les histoires se rencontrent

    Dans son dernier livre, l’historien #Omer_Bartov revient sur l’histoire de sa famille et de son voyage de la Galicie ukraino-polonaise à Israël, à travers les soubresauts de l’histoire de la première partie du 20e siècle.

    Alors que les atrocités du conflit israélo-palestinien continuent de diviser les étudiants de prestigieux campus américains, l’universitaire Omer Bartov se propose d’analyser la résurgence de l’#antisémitisme dans le monde à la lumière de sa propre #histoire_familiale.

    Un #antisémitisme_endémique dans les campus américains ?

    L’historien Omer Bartov réagit d’abord aux polémiques qui ont lieu au sujet des universités américaines et de leur traitement du conflit israélo-palestinien : “il y a clairement une montée de l’antisémitisme aux États-Unis, comme dans d’autres parties du monde. Néanmoins, il y a aussi une tentative de faire taire toute critique de la politique israélienne. Cette tentative d’associer cette critique à de l’antisémitisme est également problématique. C’est un bannissement des discussions. Les étudiants, qui sont plus politisés que par le passé, prennent part à cette histoire”. Récemment, la directrice de l’Université de Pennsylvanie Elizabeth Magill avait proposé sa démission à la suite d’une audition controversée au Congrès américain, lors de laquelle elle n’aurait pas condamné les actions de certains de ses étudiants à l’encontre d’Israël.

    De Buczacz à la Palestine, une histoire familiale

    Dans son dernier livre Contes des frontières, faire et défaire le passé en Ukraine, qui paraîtra aux éditions Plein Jour en janvier 2024, Omer Bartov enquête sur sa propre histoire, celle de sa famille et de son voyage de la Galicie à la Palestine : “en 1935, ma mère avait onze ans et a quitté #Buczacz pour la #Palestine. Le reste de la famille est restée sur place et quelques années plus tard, ils ont été assassinés par les Allemands et des collaborateurs locaux. En 1995, j’ai parlé avec ma mère de son enfance en Galicie pour la première fois, des grands écrivains locaux comme Yosef Agnon. Je voulais comprendre les liens entre #Israël et ce monde juif qui avait disparu à Buczacz au cours de la #Seconde_Guerre_mondiale”.

    À la recherche d’un monde perdu

    Cette conversation a mené l’historien à consacrer une véritable étude historique à ce lieu et plus généralement à cette région, la #Galicie : “ce monde avait selon moi besoin d’être reconstruit. Ce qui le singularisait, c’était la diversité qu’il accueillait. Différentes communautés nationales, ethniques et religieuses avaient coexisté pendant des siècles et je voulais comprendre comment il s’était désintégré”, explique-t-il. Le prochain livre qu’il souhaite écrire en serait alors la suite : “je veux comprendre comment ma génération a commencé à repenser le monde dans lequel nous avons grandi après la destruction de la civilisation précédente”, ajoute-t-il.

    #multiculturalisme #histoire #crime_de_guerre #crime_contre_l'humanité #génocide #Gaza #7_octobre_2023 #nettoyage_ethnique #destruction #déplacements_forcés #Hamas #crimes_de_guerre #massacre #pogrom #occupation

    • Contes des frontières, faire et défaire le passé en Ukraine

      À nouveau Omer Bartov étudie Buczacz, a ville de Galicie qui servait déjà de point d’ancrage pour décrire le processus du génocide dans Anatomie d’un génocide (Plein Jour 2021). Cette fois, il étudie les perceptions et l’imaginaire que chacune des communautés juive, polonaise et ukrainienne nourrissait sur elle-même, ce a depuis les origines de sa présence dans ce territoire des confins de l’Europe.

      Comment des voisins partageant un sol commun ont-ils élaboré des récits fondateurs de leurs #identités jusqu’à opposer leurs #mémoires ? comment se voyaient-ils les uns les autres, mais également eux-mêmes ; quels #espoirs nourrissaient-ils ? Les #mythes ont ainsi influencé a grande histoire, le #nationalisme, les luttes, et de façon plus intime les espoirs individuels, voire les désirs de partir découvrir un monde plus arge, nouveau, moderne. Ce livre, qui traite de ces récits « nationaux », de a construction de l’identité et de l’opposition qu’elle peut induire entre les différents groupes, apparaît comme une clé de compréhension du passé autant que du présent. Aujourd’hui avec a guerre en Ukraine, sa résonance, son actualité sont encore plus nettes.

      #livre #identité

    • Anatomie d’un génocide

      Buczacz est une petite ville de Galicie (aujourd’hui en Ukraine). Pendant plus de quatre cents ans, des communautés diverses y ont vécu plus ou moins ensemble – jusqu’à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, qui a vu la disparition de toute sa population juive. En se concentrant sur ce seul lieu, qu’il étudie depuis l’avant-Première Guerre mondiale, Omer Bartov reconstitue une évolution polarisée par l’avènement des nationalismes polonais et ukrainien, et la lutte entre les deux communautés, tandis que l’antisémitisme s’accroît.

      À partir d’une documentation considérable, récoltée pendant plus de vingt ans – journaux intimes, rapports politiques, milliers d’archives rarement analysées jusqu’à aujourd’hui –, il retrace le chemin précis qui a mené à la #Shoah. Il renouvelle en profondeur notre regard sur les ressorts sociaux et intimes de la destruction des Juifs d’Europe.


  • Hamas says 7 October attacks ’necessary step’
    21 January 2024 16:46 GMT| Middle East Eye

    Palestinian group Hamas said on Sunday that its 7 October attacks in southern Israel were a “necessary step” against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

    But the group admitted in a 16-page report about the attack that “some faults happened… due to the rapid collapse of the Israeli security and military system, and the chaos caused along the border areas with Gaza”.

    The document was the group’s first public report released in English and Arabic explaining the background to the attack, when the militants broke through Gaza’s militarised border. The attack resulted in the deaths of about 1,140 people and the taking of around 250 hostages.

    The militant group said the attack was “a necessary step and a normal response to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people”.

    “If there was any case of targeting civilians it happened accidently and in the course of the confrontation with the occupation forces,” Hamas said in the report.

    “Many Israelis were killed by the Israeli army and police due to their confusion.”

    In the statement, Hamas urged “the immediate halt of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the crimes and ethnic cleansing committed against the entire Gaza population”.

    “We stress that the Palestinian people have the capacity to decide their future and to arrange their internal affairs,” the statement said, adding that “no party in the world” had the right to decide on their behalf.


    • 21 janvier 2024 - 17:45 GMT

      Hamas issues report on events of October 7

      The Palestinian group has released a report explaining the motives of the attack. Here are some of the key points the group raised:

      The report stresses the historical context of the conflict and the injustices that Palestinians have endured for decades, saying that Israel has been intensifying its abuses under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government. It adds that the October 7 attack was a “natural response” to the Israeli push to liquidate the Palestinian cause.
      Hamas rejects accusations that it deliberately targeted civilians during the attack – in which almost 1,140 people were killed, including 700 civilians – pointing to media reports about Israeli troops targeting cars and homes with Israelis inside. But the report acknowledges that disorder had ensued during the attack as the Israeli security apparatus collapsed swiftly around Gaza.
      The report urges an investigation into “all crimes in occupied Palestine” by the International Criminal Court, calling on its prosecutor to “immediately” start a probe on the ground.
      The Palestinian group reiterates that it is in a conflict against Israel, not against Jews because of their religion.
      Hamas calls for ending Israel’s offensive on Gaza and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the territory, saying that Palestinians should be able to decide their own future.

    • 21 janvier 2024 | 14h35

       : Le Hamas rejette « tout projet international ou israélien visant à décider de l’avenir de la bande de Gaza »

      Le mouvement islamiste a exigé ce dimanche que « l’agression israélienne » au sein de l’enclave cesse, et a déclaré que seul le peuple palestinien doit décider de l’avenir de Gaza. « Nous rejetons catégoriquement tout projet international ou israélien visant à décider de l’avenir de la bande de Gaza », écrit le Hamas dans un document explicatif revenant par ailleurs sur son attaque perpétrée le 7 octobre sur le sol israélien.

      Dans le document, le mouvement islamiste palestinien considère que l’attaque du 7 octobre contre Israël était « une étape nécessaire » et une « réponse normale » face à « tous les complots israéliens contre le peuple palestinien ». Selon le Hamas, dans le « chaos » autour de la frontière entre Israël et la bande de Gaza, « peut-être que des erreurs ont eu lieu », mais la formation nie avoir visé des civils, si ce n’est « par accident, et au cours de confrontations avec les forces d’occupation ».

      Mille cent quarante personnes ont été tuées, rappelle l’Agence France-Presse, lors de cette attaque sans précédent en Israël. Il s’agissait en majorité de civils, selon un décompte de l’AFP à partir de données officielles israéliennes, notamment plus de 360 festivaliers à Réïm.

  • Tiens, j’avais raté ça. Joie de la recherche d’infos…

    #Boeing_737_Max #Spirit_AeroSystems

    la suite de la deuxième dépêche, c’est

    L’entreprise prévoyait de livrer 400 à 450 Boeing 737 en 2023, mais a été contrainte de ramener cet objectif entre 375 et 400 avions, suite à deux problèmes de qualité distincts chez Spirit, qui fabrique les fuselages des avions à fuselage étroit.

  • L’autre #tradition - Ce que les musiques traditionnelles doivent aux femmes

    #1 Revivalisme : héritages et découvertes (55’)

    Camille Lainé, Marthe Tourret, Noëllie Nioulou, Emmanuelle Bouthillier, Caroline Dufau, Maider Martineau, Sandra Richard, Marine Lavigne, Lila Fraysse, Françoise Etay, Aline Dumont, Manon Pibarot, Perrine Lagrue, Sterenn Diridollou, Elodie Ortega, Maud Herrera, Pauline Willerval, Perrine Bourel, Meriem Koufi, Maura Guerrera, Valérie Imbert.

    Et les éclairages de Joëlle Vellet, chercheuse en danse spécialiste de la bourrée ; Morgane Montagnat, géographe des pratiques culturelles et Françoise Etay enseignante et ethnomusicologue en Limousin.

    Et les musiques de Thérèse, Les Poufs à cordes, L’Abrasive, Choc Gazl, Spartenza, Pauline
    Willerval, Maud Herrera et pour le générique Louise Reicher, Emmanuelle Bouthillier, les Violoneuses, les filles de Illighadad et la participation exceptionnelle d’Elisa Trebouville.

    Et les voix de Maxence Camelin, Antoine de Peyret, Jean-Bernard Louis, Henri Maquet, Gabriel
    Moulin et Anaïs Vaillant.


    Chapitres :

    #1 Grandir avec les musiques traditionnelles / les Brayauds

    Avec les musiciennes Camille Lainé, Marthe Tourret et Noëllie Nioulou (Massif Central) et Joëlle Vellet, chercheuse en danse.

    #2 Grandir avec les musiques traditionnelles / monde associatif

    Avec les musiciennes Emmanuelle Bouthillier (Bretagne et Québec), Caroline Dufau (Soule), Maider Martineau (Pays Basque) et Morgane Montagnat, géographe des pratiques culturelles.

    #3 Grandir avec les musiques traditionnelles / musique de la langue

    Avec Sandra Richard (la Réunion), Marine Lavigne (Bretagne) et Lila Fraysse (Occitanie) et Françoise Etay, ethnomusicologue.

    #4 Découvrir les musiques traditionnelles / rencontre du #bal

    Avec Aline Dumont (musicienne - Morvan), Manon Pibarot (organisatrice de bals sauvages et du festival Winterlut - Strasbourg), Perrine Lagrue (programmatrice et directrice de la Grande Boutique - Langonnet), Sterenn Diridollou (chanteuse - Côtes d’Armor) et Elodie Ortega (productrice et graphiste de la Compagnie La Novia – Haute-Loire).

    #5 Découvrir les musiques traditionnelles / basculements et immersions choisies
    Avec les musiciennes Maud Herrera, Pauline Willerval, Perrine Bourrel.

    #6 Découvrir les musiques traditionnelles / basculements et immersions choisies
    Avec les musiciennes Meryem Koufi, Maura Guerrera et Valérie Imbert.

    #7 Découvrir les musiques traditionnelles / basculements et immersions choisies
    Avec Perrine Bourrel, Maud Herrera, Valérie Imbert, Marthe Tourret, Emmanuelle

    #8 Des musiques populaires et inclusives ?

    Conclusion du premier épisode avec Morgane Montagnat et extrait de l’article « George, Michèle, Catherine et les autres : le « revival » du côté du genre » de François Gasnault in Musique • Images • Instruments Revue française d’organologie et d’iconographie musicale, n°16, Itinérances musicales romantiques, CNRS Editions, Paris, 2016, pp. 184-195.


    #audio #podcast #femmes #musique #musique_traditionnelle #musique_populaire

    • Israeli officials allege that Hamas carried out a pre-mediated and carefully executed massacre of 364 Israeli civilians at the Nova music festival near Gaza on 7 October as part of the Palestinian resistance’s Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. They claim that Hamas and other Palestinians had hours to murder Israeli partygoers before the army reached the scene.

      However, new details have emerged showing that Israel’s Border Police was deployed at the Nova site before Hamas stumbled on the festival, causing the eruption of a major battle.

      While some ravers were indeed killed by the Palestinian resistance - whether by intent or in the chaos of battle - the evidence now suggests that the majority of civilian deaths were likely inflicted by Israeli forces themselves.

      This was due to the overwhelming firepower employed by occupation forces - including from Apache attack helicopters - and because Tel Aviv issued the controversial Hannibal Directive to prevent Hamas from taking Israeli party-goers as captives.

      Operation Philistine Horseman

      At 6:30 am, just after sunrise on 7 October, fighters from the Hamas military wing, the Qassam Brigades, launched its military operation, firing a barrage of missiles toward Israel. Thousands of its fighters and those from other factions breached the Gaza border fence in multiple locations to attack surrounding Israeli military bases and take captives in settlements as leverage for a mass prisoner swap deal.

      Though it would take the army hours to respond, units of the Border Police were quickly deployed. At 6:42 am, a mere 12 minutes after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was launched, the Southern District Commander of the Israeli Police, Amir Cohen, gave an order code-named “Philistine Horseman,” sending police officers and Border Police who were on alert to the sites of various battles.

      This included members of the Yamam, and Tequila commando units that have no police duties but conduct military and counter-terrorism operations, including undercover assassinations in the Gaza Strip and occupied-West Bank.

      According to a senior Israeli officer speaking with by the New York Times, the first formal reinforcements to southern Israel came from commandos that arrived by helicopter.

      Sagi Abitbol, a policeman working as a security guard at the festival, was among the first to confront Hamas fighters near Nova, and witnessed the early arrival of these helicopters.

      During the fighting, 59 Israeli police officers were killed, including at least 17 at the Nova festival.

      Hamas did not plan to attack the festival

      Avi Mayer of the Jerusalem Post asserted that Hamas carefully planned to attack the concert in advance, intending to murder as many Israeli civilians as possible. The facts, though, tell an entirely different story.

      An Israeli police investigation reported by Haaretz indicates that Hamas was unaware of the festival in advance. The official findings suggest that the intended target was Re’im, a settlement and military base located just down the road - on Route 232 - from the Nova site.

      A major fight did indeed take place at Re’im, home to the Israeli army’s Gaza Division, the Palestinian resistance’s stated military target. The commander of the base was forced to call in airstrikes from an Apache helicopter on the base itself just to repel the Hamas attack.

      The police investigation also indicates that Hamas fighters reached the festival site from Route 232, rather than from the Gaza border fence, further supporting the claim that the festival was not a planned target.

      Following the launch of missiles from Gaza - and before Palestinian resistance fighters arrived on the scene - the organizers of the festival promptly ceased the music and initiated an evacuation.

      According to a senior police officer quoted by Haaretz, roughly 4,400 people were present at Nova and the “vast majority managed to escape following a decision to disperse the event that was made four minutes after the rocket barrage,” while the first shots were not heard for another half hour.

      Trapping civilians: Israel police blocked the vital 232 Road exit

      However, as people exited the festival site by car and moved onto Route 232, Israeli police established roadblocks in both directions, leading to a traffic jam that trapped many partygoers in the area where fighting between Hamas and the Border Police would eventually break out.

      “There was a lot of confusion. The police barricaded the road, so we couldn’t go near Be’eri. We couldn’t go near Re’im, the two near kibbutzim,” says one witness, Yarin Levin, who was trying to evacuate the area with his friends.

      Levin, a former Israeli soldier, said this is when they had their “first encounter of the terrorists… fighting against the police that are there… two terrorists got lost in some kind of gun fight, so they found us.”

      Another witness, Shye Weinstein, also confirms the Israeli police roadblocks that blocked the main exit from the festival. He took photos of a Border Police vehicle and a heavily armed policeman in combat gear impeding the road in front of his car.

      A cell phone video from a concert attendee shows Israeli police and security forces using their vehicles to block the road near the festival site and exchanging fire with Hamas fighters.

      When gunfire erupted, those trapped on the road fled east into open fields, whether in their cars or by foot. Many made it past the fields and hid near trees, under bushes, and in ravines.

      But body cam footage shows heavily armed Israeli police units taking up positions on the road and firing across the open field into the trees where civilians had taken cover.

      Photos of destroyed cars near the Nova music festival
      As Nova attendee Gilad Karplus, also a former Israeli soldier, told the BBC:

      “We pretty much knew they would probably block the road. I’m pretty sure a lot of people got killed on those roads...We drove into the field and tried to hide from them… afterwards we got a bit deeper into the fields and then they started firing sniper rifles on us from different places and also heavy artillery.”

      Though Karplus and other partygoers were being fired on by the Border Police, they couldn’t make sense of this, and initially believed the shooting was from Hamas fighters disguised as police or soldiers. In other words, these witnesses actually saw Israeli forces firing on them.

      For Hamas to have executed a plan involving elaborate disguises, the Nova operation would have had to be pre-planned, and the Israeli police investigation has already ruled that Hamas was unaware of the festival in advance. Moreover, no other site of clashes on 7 October reported sightings of Palestinian fighters donning Israeli uniforms - neither at the various breached settlements, nor at the Israeli military bases they entered.

      Friendly fire

      In short, both the Border Police and Apache attack helicopters were deployed to the festival site immediately. According to Israeli Air Force (reserve) Colonel Nof Erez, the helicopters were in the air by 7:15 am - 45 minutes after the launch of Al-Aqsa Flood - with a significantly larger number deployed throughout southern Israel within a few hours.

      A survivor of the festival, Noa Kalash described hearing gunfire from both Hamas and Israeli forces, as well as airstrikes from attack helicopters and warplanes, while hiding in the bushes for hours to stay alive.

      “We hear guns all over the place and people shooting and we can already recognize if its terrorists shooting or if it’s the army. Or it is an airplane, or a helicopter or rockets,” Kalash recalled.

      It is abundantly clear that helicopter fire killed some of the terrified concertgoers. Haaretz quotes a police source saying that Apache helicopters “fired at the terrorists and apparently also hit some of the revelers who were there.”

      Multiple eyewitnesses who visited the Nova site after the battle ended described the horrific destruction. As another news report states:

      “It’s impossible to describe the scenes there in words. You can only list the sights that go on for a kilometer. There are hundreds of burned and bullet-riddled cars, huge wet bloodstains buzzing with flies and emitting a sickening odor, bags with body parts collected by the ZAKA [rescue] organization, thousands of bullets and casings and shrapnel of every kind.”

      A Times of Israel journalist who visited the site days later recounted that, “dozens of cars were parked in rows, some of them burnt husks containing charred bodies of young festival-goers who were shot and burned alive.”

      Saving bullets for soldiers

      Incredibly, Israeli officials claim it was Hamas fighters who destroyed hundreds of cars at Nova, burning their passengers alive. But Hamas did not have this kind of firepower.

      The group’s fighters were armed only with light machine guns and RPGs, and their ammunition was limited to what they could bring with them in pick-up trucks from Gaza.

      Guardian journalist Owen Jones noted this while discussing a 43-minute compilation of video footage from 7 October shown to select journalists by the Israeli army. He says Hamas fighters “urge bullets to be saved for killing soldiers. One terrified reveler in a car is asked, ‘Are you a soldier?’”

      As Jones notes: “So there is clearly some distinction being made between civilians and soldiers in the footage selected by Israel of the thousands of hours of footage which we don’t see.”

      While Hamas’ ammunition was limited, the Border Police were heavily armed and Apache helicopters are equipped with Hellfire missiles and 30 mm automatic chain guns, which can hold up to 1,200 rounds of ammunition and fire 625 rounds a minute.

      This suggests Israeli forces caused most of the death and destruction at Nova - which could be confirmed If Israel were to release all of its video footage from 7 October.

      The Hannibal Directive

      Israeli forces had not only the fire power, but also an official order to kill Israelis at Nova.

      A major reason Hamas launched the Al-Aqsa Flood operation was to take Israeli captives that could be exchanged for the thousands of Palestinians held captive in Israeli prisons. But Israeli forces were determined to prevent Hamas from taking captives back to Gaza, even if this meant killing the captured civilians.

      An investigation of Israel’s long-controversial Hannibal Directive concludes that “from the point of view of the army, a dead soldier is better than a captive soldier who himself suffers and forces the state to release thousands of captives in order to obtain his release.”

      But, on 7 October, according to a Yedioth Ahronoth investigation, the Hannibal Directive - which has previously only applied to army captives - was issued against Israeli civilians as well. The Hebrew-language daily writes that "at noon on October 7, the IDF [Israeli army] ordered all of its combat units in practice to use the ‘Hannibal Procedure’ although without clearly mentioning this explicitly by name.”

      The order was to stop “at all costs any attempt by Hamas terrorists to return to Gaza, that is, despite the fear that some of them have abductees,” the investigation concludes.

      In the days and weeks after the incident, Israeli authorities made a great show of distributing images of vehicles destroyed at the festival site, fully implying that the cars - and the dead victims inside - had been burned to a crisp by Palestinian fighters. The Yediot report completely upends that claim:

      “In the week after the attack, soldiers of elite units checked about 70 vehicles that were left in the area between the settlements and the Gaza Strip. These are vehicles that did not reach Gaza, because on the way they were shot by a combat helicopter, an anti-tank missile or a tank, and at least in some cases everyone in the vehicle was killed,” including Israeli captives.

      Nof Erez, the Israeli Air Force colonel noted above, similarly concluded, in regard to Israel’s indiscriminate use of helicopter firepower that day, that “The Hannibal directive was probably deployed because once you detect a hostage situation, this is Hannibal.”

      An apparent instance of this at the Nova festival was inadvertently documented by the BBC, which reported that video footage showed a woman who was taken hostage, but who:

      “Suddenly reappears two minutes later. She jumps and waves her arms in the air. She must think help is at hand - by this time, the Israeli Defence Forces had began their efforts to repel the incursion. But seconds later she slumps to the floor as bullets bounce around her. We don’t know if she survived.”

      The rationale for the Hannibal Directive was further explained by Brigadier General Barak Hiram, who ordered a tank to open fire on a home to resolve a hostage situation in Kibbutz Be’eri, “even at the cost of civilian casualties.” The strike killed 12 Israelis, including 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni, and dozens of Hamas fighters.

      “I am very afraid that if we return to Sarona [Israeli military headquarters in Tel Aviv] and try to hold all kinds of negotiations [to free hostages], we may fall into a trap that will tie our hands and not allow us to do what is required, which is to go in, manipulate, and kill them [Hamas]...”

      #7_octobre_2023 #Nova_festival #Hamas #FDI #directive_hannibal

  • Crash évité du vol Alaska Airlines : Boeing sous pression après la remise en cause de la fiabilité du 737 Max

    Le Boeing 737 Max 9 qui a effectué le vol 1282 d’Alaska Airlines, à Portland (Oregon), le 8 janvier 2024.
    NTSB / AFP

    Avec le nouvel accident qui a affecté l’avionneur américain, c’est sa capacité à produire vite et bien ses appareils qui est en doute. Lundi, United Airlines et Alaska Airlines ont annoncé avoir découvert des fragilités sur d’autres appareils.

    Un « bouchon de porte » (#door_plug) qui vient obstruer l’emplacement d’une porte de sortie de secours de l’avion non installée (elle est obligatoire dans des configurations de la cabine avec plus de passagers) qui s’est désolidarisé du fuselage dans la phase ascensionnelle du vol.

    Pas de passager au droit de la porte, mais un adolescent assis le rang précédent avec sa maman à sa droite.

    • le témoignage de la maman

      When Alaska flight 1282 blew open, a mom went into ‘go mode’ to protect her son | The Seattle Times

      A passenger view of the door plug hole on an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9, flight 1282, which was forced to return to Portland airport on Friday....
      Courtesy Elizabeth Le via Instagram

      When the Boeing 737 MAX 9’s side blew out explosively on Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 Friday evening, a 15-year-old high school student was in the window seat in the row directly ahead, his shoulder beside the edge of the gaping hole.

      His mother, who was seated beside him, in the middle seat of row 25, described the moment as a very loud bang, like “a bomb exploding.”

      As the air in the passenger cabin rushed out, the Oregon woman turned and saw her son’s seat twisting backward toward the hole, his seat headrest ripped off and sucked into the void, her son’s arms jerked upward.

      “He and his seat were pulled back and towards the exterior of the plane in the direction of the hole,” she said. “I reached over and grabbed his body and pulled him towards me over the armrest.”

      To avoid being inundated with further media calls, the woman, who is in her 50s, a lawyer and a former journalist, asked to be identified only by her middle name, Faye.

      “I was probably as filled with adrenaline as I’ve ever been in my life,” Faye said.

    • le cas n’est pas isolé – on est chez Boeing… – les compagnies équipées d’appareils dans la même configuration découvrent qu’il y a un peu partout des boulons mais serrés

      Des vérifications sur des Boeing 737 MAX font apparaître des équipements mal fixés sur des appareils d’Alaska Airlines et United

      La compagnie Alaska Airlines a décidé de maintenir au sol ses 737 MAX 9 après l’envol spectaculaire d’une porte qui a provoqué, vendredi soir, l’atterrissage d’urgence de l’un de ses appareils aux Etats-Unis.

      Les compagnies aériennes américaines United Airlines et Alaska Airlines ont rapporté, lundi 8 janvier, avoir trouvé des éléments mal fixés lors de vérifications de leurs appareils Boeing 737 MAX 9, après qu’un avion de ce type a perdu une porte en plein vol vendredi.
      United, qui exploite la plus importante flotte de 737 MAX 9 du monde (79 appareils), a révélé avoir découvert des « boulons qui nécessitaient d’être resserrés » lors de vérifications sur les portes condamnées de ce modèle, les mêmes que celle qui a été arrachée lors du vol 1282 d’Alaska Airlines aux Etats-Unis, vendredi.
      « Depuis que nous avons entamé les inspections, samedi, nous avons fait des découvertes qui semblent liées à des problèmes d’installation du panneau obstruant les portes », a précisé United dans une déclaration transmise à l’Agence France-Presse. « Par exemple, des boulons qui nécessitaient d’être resserrés. » La condamnation de certaines portes est une configuration que propose Boeing à ses clients quand le nombre d’issues de secours existantes est déjà suffisant au regard du nombre de sièges dans l’appareil.
      Alaska Airlines a également annoncé avoir détecté des « équipements mal fixés » sur certains de ses appareils de ce type, à la suite d’inspections préliminaires. Ces découvertes interviennent après que l’agence américaine de l’aviation civile (FAA) a demandé des inspections sur 171 Boeing 737 MAX 9, qui sont maintenus au sol dans l’attente de ce passage en revue.
      Lundi, la compagnie Aeroméxico a déclaré être dans la « phase finale d’une inspection détaillée » et anticiper la remise en service de ses 19 MAX 9 « dans les prochains jours ».

    • dans les semaines qui précèdent, l’avion, pratiquement neuf, avait connu des incidents à répétition sur son système de pressurisation, peut-être liés à un jeu ou des vibrations de la fausse porte. Ce qui avait conduit la compagnie à ne pas utiliser l’avion sur des liaisons long-courrier (vers Hawaï).

      Alaska Airlines jet that had a cabin wall blowout made 3 recent Alaska-Hawaii flights - Alaska Public Media

      At the time of the blowout, the aircraft was just a few months old. Alaska Airline had restricted the jet from long flights over water after a warning light that could signal a pressurization problem lit up on three flights, on Dec. 7 and twice in January.

    • Le fabricant #Spirit_AeroSystems (qu’on a déjà croisé ici dans les épisodes de la saison précédente du feuilleton 737 Max) était – déjà – la cible de procès pour divers problèmes de qualité

      Boeing supplier that made Alaska Airlines door plug was warned of « defects » with other parts, lawsuit claims - CBS News

      The manufacturer of the door plug that was blown out in mid-air during a Alaska Airlines flight on Friday was the focus of a class-action lawsuit filed less than a month earlier, with the complaint alleging that Spirit AeroSystems had experienced “sustained quality failures” in its products. 

      The complaint, initially filed in federal court in May and amended in December, was filed on behalf of investors in Spirit AeroSystems, which was originally a manufacturing unit of Boeing until it was spun off in 2005 (The company has no relationship with Spirit Airlines.) According to the suit, Spirit relies heavily on Boeing for orders and manufactures much of the aviation giant’s jet fuselages. 

      The lawsuit was earlier reported by the investigative publication The Lever.

      The midair incident involved a door plug, panels designed to fit into doors that typically aren’t needed on an aircraft, transforming them into windows. One of these plugs was sucked out of a Boeing 737 Max 9 flown by Alaska Airlines just minutes after the plane departed Oregon’s Portland International Airport on its way to Ontario, California. 

      Alaska and United Airlines — the only two U.S. carriers to fly the Boeing 737 Max 9 — have since said they have found loose bolts inside several other door plugs on the jets, which the Federal Aviation Administration has grounded.

      Boeing supplier that made Alaska Airlines door plug was warned of « defects » with other parts, lawsuit claims - CBS News

      The manufacturer of the door plug that was blown out in mid-air during a Alaska Airlines flight on Friday was the focus of a class-action lawsuit filed less than a month earlier, with the complaint alleging that Spirit AeroSystems had experienced “sustained quality failures” in its products. 

      The complaint, initially filed in federal court in May and amended in December, was filed on behalf of investors in Spirit AeroSystems, which was originally a manufacturing unit of Boeing until it was spun off in 2005 (The company has no relationship with Spirit Airlines.) According to the suit, Spirit relies heavily on Boeing for orders and manufactures much of the aviation giant’s jet fuselages. 

      The lawsuit was earlier reported by the investigative publication The Lever.

      The midair incident involved a door plug, panels designed to fit into doors that typically aren’t needed on an aircraft, transforming them into windows. One of these plugs was sucked out of a Boeing 737 Max 9 flown by Alaska Airlines just minutes after the plane departed Oregon’s Portland International Airport on its way to Ontario, California. 

      Alaska and United Airlines — the only two U.S. carriers to fly the Boeing 737 Max 9 — have since said they have found loose bolts inside several other door plugs on the jets, which the Federal Aviation Administration has grounded.

    • L’expert : c’est normal, dans le secteur aéronautique, c’est plein de petits jeunes qui bossent comme des cochons.
      (traduction libre…)

      Quest Means Business sur X 

      “We have a relatively young workforce throughout the aerospace supply chain, and it is showing up in quality escapes that we experienced all throughout 2023.”

      Citi analyst Jason Gursky on the aviation industry following a Boeing plane’s mid-air fuselage blowout.

    • ça aurait peut-être coûte (un peu) plus cher d’utiliser une conception garantissant la sécurité (#safety_by_design). Ben oui, une pièce – introduite par l’intérieur – dont les bords débordent de l’ouverture dans le fuselage…

      Aviation experts raise questions about 737 Max ‘door plug’ design | CNN Business

      In interviews with CNN, some experts argued that if that door plug were designed to be larger than the opening it covers and installed inside the plane, the force of the pressurized air in the passenger cabin would force the plug against the plane’s interior frame and a situation such as the one on the Alaska Airlines flight could have been avoided. However, such a design could have added costs and practical disadvantages, some said.

    • Chez Boeing, la finance contre les ingénieurs

      Les nouveaux déboires des 737 MAX, déjà responsables de deux catastrophes en 2018 et 2019, illustrent la bascule de la culture d’entreprise intervenue au tournant du siècle chez l’avionneur américain.

      Après la catastrophe évitée à bord d’un #Boeing #737 MAX 9 d’Alaska Airlines, dont une partie du fuselage a été arrachée, vendredi 5 janvier, le PDG de l’avionneur américain, David Calhoun, a fait amende honorable devant les cadres de Boeing réunis, mardi 9 janvier, en urgence : « Nous allons aborder cela d’abord en reconnaissant notre erreur », a-t-il expliqué, ajoutant que les compagnies aériennes étaient « profondément ébranlées », mais qu’elles allaient conserver leur« confiance en [eux] tous ».

      Vraiment ? Après que les inspections d’autres appareils ont montré que les vis de la pièce qui bouche l’espace réservé à une possible porte de secours supplémentaire n’étaient pas bien serrées ? Après la catastrophe de deux 737 MAX en 2018 (Lion Air, Indonésie, 189 morts) et 2019 (Ethiopian Airlines, 157 morts), qui ont révélé des défauts de #conception et une volonté de dissimulation aux autorités de régulation américaines ?

      On peut prétendre, comme certains analystes financiers, qu’il s’agit d’un problème de contrôle qualité qui sera vite surmonté. En réalité, la confiance en Boeing est brisée. « Ils sont revenus cinq ans en arrière. Calhoun doit faire quelque chose de radical pour sortir de cela. C’est une entreprise qui semble se soucier des profits plus que de la sécurité », a accusé, le 9 janvier sur CNBC, Paul Argenti, professeur de communication d’entreprise à l’université Dartmouth (New Hampshire).

      Politique d’économies

      De fait, le logiciel de M. Calhoun et des équipes de Boeing est en cause. Le patron est un disciple de Jack Welch (1935-2020), qui, dirigeant de General Electric de 1981 à 2001, en avait fait l’entreprise la plus puissante du monde, privilégiant la rentabilité. Le conglomérat s’est effondré et a fini démantelé, tandis que Jack Welch est accusé d’avoir tué le capitalisme industriel américain. Ses héritiers, parmi lesquels M. Calhoun, sont aujourd’hui accusés de tuer Boeing, géant de l’aéronautique civile et militaire. Trop gros pour tomber, il aurait peut-être sombré s’il n’était pas stratégique et n’avait pas été sauvé par le refinancement avantageux des « années Covid ».

      Tout remonte à la bascule de la culture d’entreprise intervenue au tournant du siècle, avec la montée d’Airbus, que la firme n’avait jamais pris au sérieux, et la course aux #économies. Comme l’explique le journaliste Peter Robison dans son ouvrage Flying Blind (« voler à l’aveugle », Anchor Books, 2021, non traduit), le slogan de l’entreprise, « travailler ensemble », est devenu « davantage pour moins cher ». Boeing est passé d’une culture d’ingénieurs à une culture de financiers et de commerciaux. En dépit de ses déboires, il vaut plus qu’Airbus en Bourse.

      Le drame se noue en 2000, lors d’une grande #grève des 23 000 #ingénieurs de Seattle (Etat de Washington), qui conduit à un divorce entre les ingénieurs syndiqués et la direction. Cette dernière décide alors de déménager son siège à Chicago (Illinois), loin de ses centres de production.

      Il faut aussi faire des économies sur les nouveaux projets. Le lancement du Boeing 777 avait fait la fierté des équipes dans les années 1990. Pour son projet de 787 Dreamliner, la direction fixe un budget plus faible de 60 % que celui du 777. Boeing décide d’en délocaliser la production dans l’Etat non syndiqué de Caroline du Sud, avec des #salaires deux fois moindres, mais peine à former ses techniciens. En Europe, le droit du travail, qui complique les licenciements et renchérit la main-d’œuvre, force Airbus à monter en gamme et en automatisation.

      Multiples défaillances de production

      La demande de moyen-courriers s’envole, pour la plus grande joie d’Airbus, dont les A320 sont nettement moins chers que les 737 de Boeing. L’avionneur de Seattle subit alors plusieurs humiliations : en 2010, le patron de Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, propose d’acheter 300 Boeing 737 à un prix 20 % au-dessous du coût de revient de Boeing. Un an plus tard, American Airlines menace de préférer l’A320. La direction de Boeing décide non pas de concevoir un nouvel appareil, ce qui aurait coûté 25 milliards de dollars (près de 23 milliards d’euros), mais de moderniser ses 737, moyennant 2,5 milliards de dollars. Le projet est mal conçu : les moteurs plus gros, fixés plus en avant sous les ailes, déséquilibrent l’appareil. Plutôt qu’une correction très coûteuse de la conception de l’avion, on lui adjoint un logiciel pour le rééquilibrer.

      Boeing se heurte alors à une nouvelle exigence des compagnies aériennes low cost américaines : elles ne veulent pas que leurs pilotes aient à suivre de coûteuses formations et souhaitent qu’ils puissent passer, comme chez Airbus, d’un modèle à l’autre. Boeing prétend, contre l’évidence, que les pilotes n’ont pas besoin d’une #formation pour piloter les 737 MAX, ce qui sera fatal aux pilotes de Lion Air et d’Ethiopian Airlines.

      Pendant ce temps, l’entreprise rachète ses actions pour soutenir son cours de Bourse, paye royalement ses dirigeants et externalise tout ce qu’elle peut. Dès 2005, elle filialise sous le nom de Spirit AeroSystems son usine de Wichita (Kansas) afin de ne pas octroyer aux ouvriers de cet Etat rural les mêmes augmentations qu’à Seattle. Elle transforme aussi des coûts fixes en coûts variables, en externalisant la fourniture du fuselage. Cette filiale, aujourd’hui en quasi-perdition économique, multiplie les défaillances de production, alors que Boeing ne joue plus qu’un rôle de concepteur et d’assembleur.
      Boeing s’intéresse-t-il encore à l’aéronautique civile ? On peut en douter, tant il est biberonné à la commande militaire, surtout depuis qu’il a fusionné, en 1997, avec le canard boiteux McDonnell Douglas. Dès 2003, une étude avait révélé que, sur la valeur de l’action de 35 dollars, la partie civile ne valait que 3 dollars. Les contrats militaires, avec leurs avances, sont tellement plus confortables ! Le nouveau déménagement de son siège, en 2022, de Chicago à Washington, confirme que la direction a pour priorité les contacts avec le Pentagone et le lobbying politique. Loin, trop loin des ingénieurs.

    • Boeing to add further quality inspections for 737 MAX | Reuters

      Boeing (BA.N) will add further quality inspections for the 737 MAX after a mid-air blowout of a cabin panel in an Alaska Airlines (ALK.N) MAX 9 earlier this month, the head of its commercial airplanes division said on Monday.

      The planemaker will also deploy a team to supplier Spirit AeroSystems (SPR.N) - which makes and installs the plug door involved in the incident - to check and approve Spirit’s work on the plugs before fuselages are sent to Boeing’s production facilities in Washington state, Stan Deal, president of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said in a letter to Boeing employees.

      Où vont-ils chercher tout ça !?

    • et la FAA, aussi, prend de bonnes résolutions
      (c’est marrant – ou pas, comme disent certains par ici – je croyais me souvenir de bonnes résolutions du même tonneau de la même administration lors de l’affaire du MCAS)
      Alaska Airlines begins preliminary inspections on up to 20 Boeing 737-9 MAX | Reuters

      Under more stringent supervision, the regulator will audit the Boeing 737 MAX 9 production line and suppliers and consider having an independent entity take over from Boeing certain aspects of certifying the safety of new aircraft that the FAA previously assigned to the planemaker.

      EDIT : 08/2019, les commentaires évoquent un régulateur laxiste…

      heureusement, chez nous, on est bons, parce que, dans le nucléaire, on fait le chemin inverse : absorption de l’IRSN par l’ASN pour former l’ASNR

    • le téléphone passé à travers le hublot a été retrouvé à Vancouver et fonctionne encore après une chute de 5000 mètres…
      (pas le Vancouver canadien, mais le Vancouver états-unien, ville voisine de Portland d’où avait décollé l’avion)

      iPhone falls thousands of feet from Alaska Airlines jet and survives

      Even as serious questions emerged about why a door plug flew off one of Alaska Airlines’ new Boeing jets last week and forced an emergency landing, one question was on the mind of many cellphone users: How in the world did an iPhone reportedly fall 16,000 feet from the aircraft and survive intact?

      Social media channels were abuzz with discussion and speculation over how the phone could have still been operable and whether the phone’s survival might find its way into an advertising campaign. USA TODAY reached out to two scientists who explained how physics would have played a role. 

      David Rakestraw, a senior scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, works with students as part of the laboratory’s science and math education program. He often talks with students about cellphones, phone drop tests, and how students can do sophisticated experiments with their phones. 

      In this case, at least three things would have worked in the phone’s favor, Rakestraw explained. 

      First, phone manufacturers have been working to make phones stronger, given the number of tumbles our mobile devices take, from much shorter distances. Phone cases and screen protectors also help protect a phone when it falls, he said. And finally, where the phone landed might have made all the difference. 

      How was the cellphone found?
      A man in Vancouver, Washington, Sean Bates, posted on X that he found the iPhone in Portland on Sunday after the National Transportation Safety Board asked people in the area to search for any pieces that might have fallen from the jet.

      Bates told a local television station he found the phone alongside a road, under a bush. He said the phone was still in airplane mode, with a baggage receipt for the Alaska Airlines flight still on its screen.

  • Le régulateur américain ordonne l’inspection de Boeing 737 MAX 9, suspendus de vol après l’envol d’une porte

    La compagnie aérienne américaine Alaska Airlines a décidé de maintenir au sol ses 737 MAX 9 après l’envol spectaculaire d’une porte qui a provoqué, vendredi soir, l’atterrissage d’urgence de l’un de ses appareils avec 177 personnes à bord aux Etats-Unis.

    #737_MAX #BOEING

  • Shlomo Sand, historien israélien : “Je ne suis pas ‘pour’ un état binational mais on n’a pas d’autre solution”

    Les Palestiniens ont été chassés de leurs maisons par des soldats israéliens lors de la guerre de 1948. Photo Pictures From History/TopFoto/Roger-Viollet

    Dans son passionnant ouvrage qui vient de paraître au Seuil, l’historien Shlomo Sand repose la question d’une solution à deux États et revient sur la génèse du #sionisme pour tenter d’y voir plus clair et d’espérer malgré toute cette folle violence. Entretien.

    Imaginer, au paroxysme de la violence actuelle, qu’Israéliens et Palestiniens puissent un jour vivre côte à côte, au sein d’un État binational, semble une folle utopie. C’est pourtant, comme le met en lumière l’historien israélien #Shlomo_Sand dans son nouvel ouvrage, Deux Peuples pour un État ?, ce que de nombreux intellectuels juifs installés en #Palestine, dès la fin du XIXᵉ siècle et jusqu’à la création d’#Israël en 1948, ont souhaité ardemment. Beaucoup de penseurs sionistes craignaient qu’un État juif exclusif sur une terre peuplée en majorité d’Arabes n’entraîne un conflit sans fin. Aucun ne souhaitait « une solution à deux États », que l’intrication des populations semble désormais rendre impossible. N’y aurait-il d’autre perspective que l’enfermement, la répression, le déplacement, l’expulsion ? Relire l’histoire du sionisme, avec Shlomo Sand, redonne de l’espoir.

    Écrit avant les massacres perpétrés par le Hamas et les bombardements sur Gaza, votre livre serait-il différent si vous l’écriviez aujourd’hui ?

    Dès mon introduction, j’écrivais que, du fait de l’alliance croissante entre #religion et #nationalisme radical, des deux côtés, israélien et palestinien, nous étions condamnés à traverser des catastrophes. Une maison d’édition anglaise m’avait demandé d’ajouter une postface plus optimiste ! Certes, personne ne pouvait envisager le choc inouï du #7_octobre, cette sauvagerie du Hamas. Je suis également bouleversé par les milliers de civils palestiniens que nous tuons à #Gaza. Mais Ariel #Sharon [cofondateur du Likoud, parti de droite israélien, et qui fut plusieurs fois ministre, jusqu’à diriger le gouvernement entre 2001 et 2006, ndlr] a été le premier bâtisseur du Hamas, qu’il envisageait comme un contrepoids à l’OLP. Il a tout fait, ainsi que Benyamin Netanyahou, pour favoriser son émergence. J’ajoute qu’en Israël tout le monde sait que Yahya Sinouar, le petit Staline du Hamas, est l’enfant d’une famille originaire de Ashkelon, qui s’est réfugiée dans le camp de Khan Younès en 1948. Abdessalam Yassine, fondateur du Hamas, était né près d’Ashkelon, poussé lui aussi avec sa famille à Gaza par Israël. Refuser de voir que 60 % des Gazaouis sont venus des lieux où nous, Israéliens, habitons maintenant, c’est être aveugle. On ne peut pas comprendre le 7 octobre sans connaître l’Histoire.


    #art #musique #société #culture #prog_rock #rock_progressif #70s #seenthis #vangauguin

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  • Quei bambini chiusi in trappola a Gaza. Il racconto di #Ruba_Salih
    (une interview de Ruba Salih, prof à l’Université de Bologne, 5 jours après le #7_octobre_2023)

    «Mai come in queste ore a Gaza il senso di appartenere a una comune “umanita” si sta mostrando più vuoto di senso. La responsabilità di questo è del governo israeliano», dice Ruba Salih antropologa dell’università di Bologna che abbiamo intervistato mentre cresce la preoccupazione per la spirale di violenza che colpisce la popolazione civile palestinese e israeliana.

    Quali sono state le sue prime reazioni, sentimenti, pensieri di fronte all’attacco di Hamas e poi all’annuncio dell’assedio di Gaza messo in atto dal governo israeliano?

    Il 7 ottobre la prima reazione è stata di incredulità alla vista della recinzione metallica di Gaza sfondata, e alla vista dei palestinesi che volavano con i parapendii presagendo una sorta di fine dell’assedio. Ho avuto la sensazione di assistere a qualcosa che non aveva precedenti nella storia recente. Come era possibile che l’esercito più potente del mondo potesse essere sfidato e colto così alla sprovvista? In seguito, ho cominciato a chiamare amici e parenti, in Cisgiordania, Gaza, Stati Uniti, Giordania. Fino ad allora si aveva solo la notizia della cattura di un numero imprecisato di soldati israeliani. Ho pensato che fosse una tattica per fare uno scambio di prigionieri. Ci sono più di 5000 prigionieri palestinesi nelle carceri israeliane e 1200 in detenzione amministrativa, senza processo o accusa. Poi sono cominciate da domenica ad arrivare le notizie di uccisioni e morti di civili israeliani, a cui è seguito l’annuncio di ‘guerra totale’ del governo di Netanyahu. Da allora il sentimento è cambiato. Ora grande tristezza per la quantità di vittime, dell’una e dell’altra parte, e preoccupazione e angoscia senza precedenti per le sorti della popolazione civile di Gaza, che in queste ore sta vivendo le ore piu’ drammatiche che si possano ricordare.

    E quando ha visto quello che succedeva, con tantissime vittime israeliane, violenze terribili, immagini di distruzione, minacce di radere al suolo Gaza?

    Colleghi e amici israeliani hanno cominciato a postare immagini di amici e amiche uccisi – anche attivisti contro l’occupazione- e ho cominciato dolorosamente a mandare condoglianze. Contemporaneamente giungevano terribili parole del ministro della Difesa israeliano Gallant che definiva i palestinesi “animali umani”, dichiarando di voler annientare la striscia di Gaza e ridurla a “deserto”. Ho cominciato a chiamare amici di Gaza per sapere delle loro famiglie nella speranza che fossero ancora tutti vivi. Piano piano ho cominciato a cercare di mettere insieme i pezzi e dare una cornice di senso a quello che stava succedendo.

    Cosa può dirci di Gaza che già prima dell’attacco di Hamas era una prigione a cielo aperto?

    Si, Gaza è una prigione. A Gaza la maggior parte della popolazione è molto giovane, e in pochi hanno visto il mondo oltre il muro di recinzione. Due terzi della popolazione è composto da famiglie di rifugiati del 1948. Il loro vissuto è per lo più quello di una lunga storia di violenza coloniale e di un durissimo assedio negli ultimi 15 anni. Possiamo cercare di immaginare cosa significa vivere questo trauma che si protrae da generazioni. Gli abitanti di Gaza nati prima del 1948 vivevano in 247 villaggi nel sud della Palestina, il 50% del paese. Sono stati costretti a riparare in campi profughi a seguito della distruzione o occupazione dei loro villaggi. Ora vivono in un’area che rappresenta l’1.3% della Palestina storica con una densità di 7000 persone per chilometro quadrato e le loro terre originarie si trovano a pochi metri di là dal muro di assedio, abitate da israeliani.

    E oggi?

    Chi vive a Gaza si descrive come in una morte lenta, in una privazione del presente e della capacità di immaginare il futuro. Il 90% dell’acqua non è potabile, il 60% della popolazione è senza lavoro, l’80% riceve aiuti umanitari per sopravvivere e il 40% vive al di sotto della soglia di povertà: tutto questo a causa dell’ occupazione e dell’assedio degli ultimi 15 anni. Non c’è quasi famiglia che non abbia avuto vittime, i bombardamenti hanno raso al suolo interi quartieri della striscia almeno quattro volte nel giro di una decina di anni. Non credo ci sia una situazione analoga in nessun altro posto del mondo. Una situazione che sarebbe risolta se Israele rispettasse il diritto internazionale, né più né meno.

    Prima di questa escalation di violenza c’era voglia di reagire, di vivere, di creare, di fare musica...

    Certo, anche in condizioni di privazione della liberta’ c’e’ una straordinaria capacità di sopravvivenza, creatività, amore per la propria gente. Tra l’altro ricordo di avere letto nei diari di Marek Edelman sul Ghetto di Varsavia che durante l’assedio del Ghetto ci si innamorava intensamente come antidoto alla disperazione. A questo proposito, consilgio a tutti di leggere The Ghetto Fights di Edelman. Aiuta molto a capire cosa è Gaza in questo momento, senza trascurare gli ovvi distinguo storici.

    Puoi spiegarci meglio?

    Come sapete il ghetto era chiuso al mondo esterno, il cibo entrava in quantità ridottissime e la morte per fame era la fine di molti. Oggi lo scenario di Gaza, mentre parliamo, è che non c’è elettricità, il cibo sta per finire, centinaia di malati e neonati attaccati alle macchine mediche hanno forse qualche ora di sopravvivenza. Il governo israeliano sta bombardando interi palazzi, le vittime sono per più della metà bambini. In queste ultime ore la popolazione si trova a dovere decidere se morire sotto le bombe in casa o sotto le bombe in strada, dato che il governo israeliano ha intimato a un milione e centomila abitanti di andarsene. Andare dove? E come nel ghetto la popolazione di Gaza è definita criminale e terrorista.

    Anche Franz Fanon, lei suggerisce, aiuta a capire cosa è Gaza.

    Certamente, come ho scritto recentemente, Fanon ci viene in aiuto con la forza della sua analisi della ferita della violenza coloniale come menomazione psichica oltre che fisica, e come privazione della dimensione di interezza del soggetto umano libero, che si manifesta come un trauma, anche intergenerazionale. La violenza prolungata penetra nelle menti e nei corpi, crea una sospensione delle cornici di senso e delle sensibilità che sono prerogativa di chi vive in contesti di pace e benessere. Immaginiamoci ora un luogo, come Gaza, dove come un rapporto di Save the Children ha riportato, come conseguenza di 15 anni di assedio e blocco, 4 bambini su 5 riportano un vissuto di depressione, paura e lutto. Il rapporto ci dice che vi è stato un aumento vertiginoso di bambini che pensano al suicidio (il 50%) o che praticano forme di autolesionismo. Tuttavia, tutto questo e’ ieri. Domani non so come ci sveglieremo, noi che abbiamo il privilegio di poterci risvegliare, da questo incubo. Cosa resterà della popolazione civile di Gaza, donne, uomini bambini.

    Come legge il sostegno incondizionato al governo israeliano di cui sono pieni i giornali occidentali e dell’invio di armi ( in primis dagli Usa), in un’ottica di vittoria sconfitta che abbiamo già visto all’opera per la guerra Russia-Ucraina?

    A Gaza si sta consumando un crimine contro l’umanità di dimensioni e proporzioni enormi mentre i media continuano a gettare benzina sul fuoco pubblicando notizie in prima pagina di decapitazioni e stupri, peraltro non confermate neanche dallo stesso esercito israeliano. Tuttavia, non utilizzerei definizioni statiche e omogeneizzanti come quelle di ‘Occidente’ che in realtà appiattiscono i movimenti e le società civili sulle politiche dei governi, che in questo periodo sono per lo più a destra, nazionalisti xenofobi e populisti. Non è sempre stato così.

    Va distinto il livello istituzionale, dei governi e dei partiti o dei media mainstream, da quello delle società civili e dei movimenti sociali?

    Ci sono una miriade di manifestazioni di solidarietà ovunque nel mondo, che a fianco del lutto per le vittime civili sia israeliane che palestinesi, non smettono di invocare la fine della occupazione, come unica via per ristabilire qualcosa che si possa chiamare diritto (e diritti umani) in Palestina e Israele. Gli stessi media mainstream sono in diversi contesti molto più indipendenti che non in Italia. Per esempio, Bcc non ha accettato di piegarsi alle pressioni del governo rivendicando la sua indipendenza rifiutandosi di usare la parola ‘terrorismo’, considerata di parte, preferendo riferirsi a quei palestinesi che hanno sferrato gli attacchi come ‘combattenti’. Se sono stati commessi crimini contro l’umanità parti lo stabiliranno poi le inchieste dei tribunali penali internazionali. In Italia, la complicità dei media è invece particolarmente grave e allarmante. Alcune delle (rare) voci critiche verso la politica del governo israeliano che per esempio esistono perfino sulla stampa liberal israeliana, come Haaretz, sarebbero in Italia accusate di anti-semitismo o incitamento al terrorismo! Ci tengo a sottolineare tuttavia che il fatto che ci sia un certo grado di libertà di pensiero e di stampa in Israele non significa che Israele sia una ‘democrazia’ o perlomeno non lo è certo nei confronti della popolazione palestinese. Che Israele pratichi un regime di apartheid nei confronti dei palestinesi è ormai riconosciuto da organizzazioni come Amnesty International e Human Rights Watch, nonché sottolineato a più riprese dalla Relatrice speciale delle Nazioni Unite sui territori palestinesi occupati, Francesca Albanese.

    Dunque non è una novità degli ultimi giorni che venga interamente sposata la retorica israeliana?

    Ma non è una novità degli ultimi giorni che venga interamente sposata la narrativa israeliana. Sono anni che i palestinesi sono disumanizzati, resi invisibili e travisati. Il paradosso è che mentre Israele sta violando il diritto e le convenzioni internazionali e agisce in totale impunità da decenni, tutte le forme di resistenza: non violente, civili, dimostrative, simboliche, legali dei palestinesi fino a questo momento sono state inascoltate, anzi la situazione sul terreno è sempre più invivibile. Persino organizzazioni che mappano la violazione dei diritti umani sono demonizzate e catalogate come ‘terroristiche’. Anche le indagini e le commissioni per valutare le violazioni delle regole di ingaggio dell’esercito sono condotte internamente col risultato che divengono solo esercizi procedurali vuoti di sostanza (come per l’assassinio della reporter Shereen AbuHakleh, rimasto impunito come quello degli altri 55 giornalisti uccisi dall’esercito israeliano). Ci dobbiamo seriamente domandare: che cosa rimane del senso vero delle parole e del diritto internazionale?

    Il discorso pubblico è intriso di militarismo, di richiami alla guerra, all’arruolamento…

    Personalmente non metterei sullo stesso piano la resistenza di un popolo colonizzato con il militarismo come progetto nazionalistico di espansione e profitto. Possiamo avere diversi orientamenti e non condividere le stesse strategie o tattiche ma la lotta anticoloniale non è la stessa cosa del militarismo legato a fini di affermazione di supremazia e dominio di altri popoli. Quella dei palestinesi è una lotta che si inscrive nella scia delle lotte di liberazione coloniali, non di espansione militare. La lotta palestinese si collega oggi alle lotte di giustizia razziale e di riconoscimento dei nativi americani e degli afro-americani contro società che oggi si definiscono liberali ma che sono nate da genocidi, schiavitù e oppressione razziale. Le faccio un esempio significativo: la prima bambina Lakota nata a Standing Rock durante le lunghe proteste contro la costruzione degli olelodotti in North Dakota, che stanno espropriando e distruggendo i terre dei nativi e inquinando le acque del Missouri, era avvolta nella Kuffyah palestinese. Peraltro, il nazionalismo non è più il solo quadro di riferimento. In Palestina si lotta per la propria casa, per la propria terra, per la liberazione dalla sopraffazione dell’occupazione, dalla prigionia, per l’autodeterminazione che per molti è immaginata o orientata verso la forma di uno stato laico binazionale, almeno fino agli eventi recenti. Domani non so come emergeremo da tutto questo.

    Emerge di nuovo questa cultura patriarcale della guerra, a cui come femministe ci siamo sempre opposte…

    Con i distinguo che ho appena fatto e che ribadisco – ossia che non si può mettere sullo stesso piano occupanti e occupati, colonialismo e anticolonialismo -mi sento comunque di dire che una mobilitazione trasversale che aneli alla fine della occupazione deve essere possibile. Nel passato, il movimento femminista internazionalista tentava di costruire ponti tra donne palestinesi e israeliane mobilitando il lutto di madri, sorelle e figlie delle vittime della violenza. Si pensava che questo fosse un legame primario che univa nella sofferenza, attraversando le differenze. Ci si appellava alla capacità delle donne di politicizzare la vulnerabilità, convinte che nella morte e nel lutto si fosse tutte uguali. La realtà è che la disumanizzazione dei palestinesi, rafforzata dalla continua e sempre più violenta repressione israeliana, rende impossibile il superamento delle divisioni in nome di una comune umanità. Mentre i morti israeliani vengono pubblicamente compianti e sono degni di lutto per il mondo intero, i palestinesi – definiti ‘terroristi’ (anche quando hanno praticato forme non-violente di resistenza), scudi-umani, animali (e non da oggi), sono già morti -privati della qualità di umani- prima ancora di morire, e inscritti in una diversa classe di vulnerabilità, di non essenza, di disumanità.

    Antropologa dell’università di Bologna Ruba Salih si interessa di antropologia politica con particolare attenzione a migrazioni e diaspore postcoloniali, rifugiati, violenza e trauma coloniale, genere corpo e memoria. Più recentemente si è occupata di decolonizzazione del sapere e Antropocene e di politiche di intersezionalità nei movimenti di protesta anti e de-coloniali. Ha ricoperto vari ruoli istituzionali tra cui membro eletto del Board of Trustees del Arab Council for the Social Sciences, dal 2015 al 2019. È stata visiting professor presso varie istituzioni tra cui Brown University, University of Cambridge e Università di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari.


    #Gaza #Israël #Hamas #violence #prison #Palestine #violence_coloniale #siège #trauma #traumatisme #camps_de_réfugiés #réfugiés #réfugiés_palestiniens #pauvreté #bombardements #violence #dépression #peur #santé_mentale #suicide #crime_contre_l'humanité #apartheid #déshumanisation #résistance #droit_international #lutte #nationalisme #féminisme #à_lire #7_octobre_2023

    • Gaza between colonial trauma and genocide

      In the hours following the attack of Palestinian fighters in the south of Israel Western observers, bewildered, speculated about why Hamas and the young Palestinians of Gaza, born and bred under siege and bombs, have launched an attack of this magnitude, and right now. Others expressed their surprise at the surprise.

      The Israeli government responded by declaring “total war”, promising the pulverization of Gaza and demanding the inhabitants to leave the strip, knowing that there is no escape. Mobilising even the Holocaust and comparing the fighters to the Nazis, the Israeli government engaged in an operation that they claim is aimed at the destruction of Hamas.

      In fact, as I am writing, Gaza is being razed to the ground with an unbearable number of Palestinian deaths which gets larger by the hour, with people fleeing under Israeli bombs, water, electricity and fuel being cut, hospitals – receiving one patient a minute – on the brink of catastrophe, and humanitarian convoys prevented from entering the strip.

      An ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza is taking place with many legal observers claiming this level of violence amounts to a genocide.

      But what has happened – shocking and terrible in terms of the number of victims – including children and the elderly – creates not only a new political scenario, but above all it also imposes a new frame of meaning.

      Especially since the Oslo accords onwards, the emotional and interpretative filter applying to the “conflict” has been the asymmetrical valuing of one life over the other which in turn rested on an expectation of acquiescence and acceptance of the Palestinians’ subalternity as a colonised people. This framing has been shattered.

      The day of the attack, millions of Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories found themselves in a trance-like state – with an undeniable initial euphoria from seeing the prison wall of Gaza being dismantled for the first time. They were wondering whether what they had before their eyes was delirium or reality. How was it possible that the Palestinians from Gaza, confined in a few suffocating square kilometres, repeatedly reduced to rubble, managed to evade the most powerful and technologically sophisticated army in the world, using only rudimentary equipment – bicycles with wings and hang-gliders? They could scarcely believe they were witnessing a reversal of the experience of violence, accustomed as they are to Palestinian casualties piling up relentlessly under Israeli bombardments, machine gun fire and control apparatus.

      Indeed, that Israel “declared war” after the attack illustrates this: to declare war assumes that before there was “peace”. To be sure, the inhabitants of Sderot and southern Israel would like to continue to live in peace. For the inhabitants of Gaza, on the other hand, peace is an abstract concept, something they have never experienced. For the inhabitants of the strip, as well as under international law, Gaza is an occupied territory whose population – two million and three hundred thousand people, of which two thirds are refugees from 1948 – lives (or to use their own words: “die slowly”) inside a prison. Control over the entry and exit of people, food, medicine, materials, electricity and telecommunications, sea, land and air borders, is in Israeli hands. International law, correctly invoked to defend the Ukrainian people and to sanction the Russian occupier, is a wastepaper for Israel, which enjoys an impunity granted to no other state that operates in such violation of UN resolutions, even disregarding agreements they themselves signed, never mind international norms and conventions.

      This scaffolding has crucially rested on the certainty that Palestinians cannot and should not react to their condition, not only and not so much because of their obvious military inferiority, but in the warped belief that Palestinian subjectivity must and can accept remaining colonised and occupied, to all intents and purposes, indefinitely. The asymmetry of strength on the ground led to an unspoken – but devastatingly consequential – presumption that Palestinians would accept to be confined to a space of inferiority in the hierarchy of human life.

      In this sense, what is happening these days cannot be understood and analysed with the tools of those who live in “peace”, but must be understood (insofar as this is even possible for those who do not live in Gaza or the occupied Palestinian territories) from a space defined by the effects of colonial violence and trauma. It is to Franz Fanon that we owe much of what we know about colonial violence – especially that it acts as both a physical and psychic injury. A psychiatrist from Martinique who joined the liberation struggle for independence in Algeria under French colonial rule, he wrote at length about how the immensity and duration of the destruction inflicted upon colonised subjects results in a wide and deep process of de-humanisation which, at such a profound level, also compromises the ability of the colonised to feel whole and to fully be themselves, humans among humans. In this state of physical and psychic injury, resistance is the colonised subject’s only possibility of repair. This has been the case historically in all contexts of liberation from colonial rule, a lineage to which the Palestinian struggle belongs.

      It is in this light that the long-lasting Palestinian resistance of the last 75 years should be seen, and this is also the key to understanding the unprecedented events of the last few days. These are the result, as many observers – including Israeli ones – have noted, of the failure of the many forms of peaceful resistance that the Palestinians have managed to pursue, despite the occupation, and which they continue to put into play: the hunger strikes of prisoners under “administrative detention”; the civil resistance of villagers such as Bil’in or Sheikh Jarrah who are squeezed between the separation wall, the expropriation of land and homes, and suffocated by the increasingly aggressive and unstoppable expansion of settlements; the efforts to protect the natural environment and indigenous Palestinian culture, including the centuries-old olive trees so often burnt and vandalised by settlers; the Palestinian civil society organisations that map and report human rights violations – which make them, for Israel, terrorist organisations; the struggle for cultural and political memory; the endurance of refugees in refugee camps awaiting implementation of their human rights supported by UN resolutions, as well as reparation and recognition of their long term suffering; and, further back in time, the stones hurled in resistance during the first Intifada, when young people with slingshots threw those same stones with which Israeli soldiers broke their bones and lives, back to them.

      Recall that, in Gaza, those who are not yet twenty years old, who make up about half the population, have already survived at least four bombing campaigns, in 2008-9, in 2012, in 2014, and again in 2022. These alone caused more than 4000 deaths.

      And it is again in Gaza that the Israeli tactic has been perfected of firing on protesters during peaceful protests, such as those in 2018, to maim the bodies – a cynical necropolitical calculation of random distribution between maimed and dead. It is not surprising, then, that in post-colonial literature – from Kateb Yacine to Yamina Mechakra, just to give two examples – the traumas of colonial violence are narrated as presence and absence, in protagonists’ dreams and nightmares, of amputated bodies. This is a metaphor for a simultaneously psychic and physical maiming of the colonised identity, that continues over time, from generation to generation.

      Despite their predicament as colonised for decades and their protracted collective trauma, Palestinians inside and outside of Palestine have however shown an incredible capacity for love, grief and solidarity over time and space, of which we have infinite examples in day-to-day practices of care and connectedness, in the literature, in the arts and culture, and through their international presence in other oppressed peoples’ struggles, such as Black Lives Matter and Native American Dakota protestors camps, or again in places such as the Moria camp in Greece.

      The brutality of a 16 years long siege in Gaza, and the decades of occupation, imprisonment, humiliation, everyday violence, death, grief – which as we write happen at an unprecedented genocidal intensity, but are in no way a new occurrence – have not however robbed people of Gaza, as individuals, of their ability to share in the grief and fear of others.

      “Striving to stay human” is what Palestinians have been doing and continue to do even as they are forced to make inhumane choices such as deciding who to rescue from under the rubbles based on who has more possibility to survive, as recounted by journalist Ahmed Dremly from Gaza during his brief and precious dispatches from the strip under the heavy shelling. This colonial violence will continue to produce traumatic effects in the generations of survivors. Yet, it has to be made clear that as the occupied people, Palestinians cannot be expected to bear the pain of the occupier. Equal standing and rights in life are the necessary preconditions for collective shared grief of death.

      Mahmoud Darwish wrote, in one of his essays on the “madness” of being Palestinian, written after the massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982, that the Palestinian “…is encumbered by the relentless march of death and is busy defending what remains of his flesh and his dream…his back is against the wall, but his eyes remain fixed on his country. He can no longer scream. He can no longer understand the reason behind Arab silence and Western apathy. He can do only one thing, to become even more Palestinian… because he has no other choice”.

      The only antidote to the spiral of violence is an end to the occupation and siege, and for Israel to fully comply with international law and to the UN resolutions, as a first and non-negotiable step. From there we can begin to imagine a future of peace and humanity for both Palestinians and Israelis.

      #colonialisme #traumatisme_colonial #génocide

    • Can the Palestinian speak ?

      It is sadly nothing new to argue that oppressed and colonised people have been and are subject to epistemic violence – othering, silencing, and selective visibility – in which they are muted or made to appear or speak only within certain perceptual views or registers – terrorists, protestors, murderers, humanitarian subjects – but absented from their most human qualities. Fabricated disappearance and dehumanisation of Palestinians have supported and continue to sustain their physical elimination and their erasure as a people.

      But the weeks after October 7th have set a new bar in terms of the inverted and perverse ways that Palestinians and Israel can be represented, discussed, and interpreted. I am referring here to a new epistemology of time that is tight to a moral standpoint that the world is asked to uphold. In that, the acts of contextualising and providing historical depth are framed as morally reprehensible or straight out antisemitic. The idea that the 7th of October marks the beginning of unprecedented violence universalises the experience of one side, the Israeli, while obliterating the past decades of Palestinians’ predicament. More than ever, Palestinians are visible, legible, and audible only through the frames of Israeli subjectivity and sensibility. They exist either to protect Israel or to destroy Israel. Outside these two assigned agencies, they are not, and cannot speak. They are an excess of agency like Spivak’s subaltern,[1] or a ‘superfluous’ people as Mahmoud Darwish[2] put it in the aftermath of the Sabra and Chatila massacre. What is more is the persistent denying by Israel and its Western allies, despite the abundant historical evidence, that Palestinian indigenous presence in Palestine has always been at best absented from their gaze – ‘a problem’ to manage and contain – at worse the object of systemic and persistent ethnic cleansing and erasure aiming at fulfilling the narcissistic image of “a land without a people for a people without a land.” Yet, the erasure of Palestinians, also today in Gaza, is effected and claimed while simultaneously being denied.

      A quick check of the word “Palestine” on google scholar returns one million and three hundred thousand studies, nearly half of them written from the mid 1990s onwards. Even granting that much of this scholarship would be situated in and reproducing orientalist and colonial knowledges, one can hardly claim scarcity of scholarly production on the dynamics of subalternity and oppression in Palestine. Anthropology, literary theory, and history have detected and detailed the epistemological and ontological facets of colonial and post-colonial erasure. One might thus ask: how does the persistent denial of erasure in the case of Palestinians work? We might resort to psychoanalysis or to a particular form of narcissistic behaviour known as DAVRO – Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender[3] – to understand the current pervading and cunning epistemic violence that Israel and its allies enact. Denying the radical obstructing and effacing of Palestinian life (while effecting it through settler-colonialism, settler and state violence, siege, apartheid, and genocidal violence in Gaza) is the first stage in Israel’s and western allies’ discursive manipulation. Attacking historicisation and contextualisation as invalid, antisemitic, propaganda, hate speech, immoral, outrageous, and even contrary to liberal values is the second stage. Lastly is the Reversing Victim and Offender by presenting the war on Gaza as one where Israel is a historical victim reacting to the offender, in response to demands that Israel, as the colonial and occupying power, takes responsibility for the current cycle of violence.

      This partly explains why the violent attack that Hamas conducted in the south of Israel last October, in which 1200 people were killed, is consistently presented as the start date of an ‘unprecedented’ violence, with more than 5000 Palestinians killed in carpet bombings of Gaza until 2022 doubly erased, physically and epistemically. With this, October 7th becomes the departure point of an Israeli epistemology of time assumed as universal, but it also marks an escalation in efforts to criminalise contextualisation and banish historicisation.

      Since October 7th, a plurality of voices – ranging from Israeli political figures and intellectuals, to mainstream and left-leaning journalists – has condemned efforts to inscribe Gaza into a long term history of colonialism as scurrilous justification for the killing of Israeli civilians. Attempts to analyse or understand facts through a historical and political frame, by most notably drawing attention to Gazans’ lived experience over the past 16 years (as a consequence of its long term siege and occupation) or merely to argue that there is a context in which events are taking place, such as General UN director Guterres did when he stated that October 7th “did not happen in a vacuum,” are represented as inciting terrorism or morally repugnant hate speech. In the few media reports accounting for the dire and deprived conditions of Palestinians’ existence in Gaza, the reasons causing the former are hardly mentioned. For instance, we hear in reports that Palestinians in Gaza are mostly refugees, that they are unemployed, and that 80% of them are relying on aid, with trucks of humanitarian aid deemed insufficient in the last few weeks in comparison to the numbers let in before the 7th of October. Astoundingly, the 56 years old Israeli occupation and 17 years old siege of Gaza, as root causes of the destruction of the economy, unemployment, and reliance on aid are not mentioned so that the public is left to imagine that these calamities are the result of Palestinians’ own doing.

      In other domains, we see a similar endeavour in preventing Palestine from being inscribed in its colonial context. Take for instance the many critical theorists who have tried to foreclose Franz Fanon’s analysis of colonial violence to Palestinians. Naming the context of colonial violence and Palestinians’ intergenerational and ongoing traumas is interpreted as morally corrupt, tantamount to not caring for Israeli trauma and a justification for the loss of Israeli lives. The variation of the argument that does refer to historical context either pushes Fanon’s arguments to the margins or argues that the existence of a Palestinian authority invalidates Fanon’s applicability to Palestine, denying therefore the effects of the violence that Palestinians as colonised subjects have endured and continue to endure because of Israeli occupation, apartheid, and siege.

      But perhaps one of the most disconcerting forms of gaslighting is the demand that Palestinians should – and could – suspend their condition of subordination, their psychic and physical injury, to centre the perpetrators’ feelings and grief as their own. In fact, the issue of grief has come to global attention almost exclusively as an ethical and moral question in reaction to the loss of Israeli lives. Palestinians who accept to go on TV are constantly asked whether they condemn the October 7th attack, before they can even dare talk about their own long history of loss and dispossession, and literally while their families are being annihilated by devastating shelling and bombing and still lying under the rubbles. One such case is that of PLO ambassador to the UK Hussam Zomlot, who lost members of his own family in the current attack, but was asked by Kirsty Wark to “condemn Hamas” on screen. To put it another way: would it even be conceivable to imagine a journalist asking Israeli hostages in captivity if they condemn the Israeli bombardments and the war on Gaza as a precondition to speak and be heard?

      “Condemning” becomes the condition of Palestinian intelligibility and audibility as humans, a proof that they share the universal idea that all human life is sacred, at the very moment when the sacrality of human life is violently precluded to them and when they are experiencing with brutal clarity that their existence as a people matters to no one who has the power to stop the carnage. This imperative mistakes in bad faith the principle that lives should have equal worth with a reality that for Palestinians is plainly experienced as the opposite of this postulate. Israel, on the other hand, is given “the extenuating circumstances” for looking after Israelis’ own trauma by conducting one of the most indiscriminate and ferocious attacks on civilians in decades, superior in its intensity and death rate to the devastation we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, according to the New York Times. Nearly 20.000 killed – mostly children, women, and elderly – razed, shelled, bulldozed while in their homes or shelters, in an onslaught that does not spare doctors, patients, journalists, academics, and even Israeli hostages, and that aims at making Gaza an unlivable habitat for the survivors.

      Let us go back to the frequently invoked question of “morality.” In commentaries and op-eds over the last few weeks we are told that any mention of context for the attacks of October 7th is imperiling the very ability to be compassionate or be moral. Ranging from the Israeli government that argues that a killing machine in Gaza is justified on moral grounds – and that contextualisation and historicisation are a distraction or deviation from this moral imperative – to those who suggest Israel should moderate its violence against Palestinians – such as New York times columnist Nicholas Kristof who wrote that “Hamas dehumanized Israelis, and we must not dehumanize innocent people in Gaza” – all assign a pre-political or a-political higher moral ground to Israel. Moreover, October 7th is said to – and is felt as – having awakened the long historical suffering of the Jews and the trauma of the Holocaust. But what is the invocation of the Holocaust – and the historical experience of European antisemitism – if not a clear effort at historical and moral contextualisation? In fact, the only history and context deemed evocable and valid is the Israeli one, against the history and context of Palestinians’ lives. In this operation, Israeli subjectivity and sensibility is located above history and is assigned a monopoly of morality with October 7th becoming an a-historical and a meta-historical fact at one and the same time. In this canvas Palestinians are afforded permission to exist subject to inhabiting one of the two agencies assigned to them: guardian of Israeli life or colonised subject. This is what Israeli president Herzog means when he declares that there are no innocents in Gaza: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. This rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true. They could’ve risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime”. The nearly twenty thousand Palestinian deaths are thus not Israel’s responsibility. Palestinians are liable for their own disappearance for not “fighting Hamas” to protect Israelis. The Israeli victims, including hundreds of soldiers, are, on the other hand, all inherently civilians, and afforded innocent qualities. This is the context in which Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, of Itamar Ben Gvir’s far-right party in power, can suggest nuking Gaza or wiping out all residents: “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves”. Let us not here be mistaken by conceding this might just be a fantasy, a desire of elimination: the Guardian and the +972/Local call magazines have provided chilling evidence that Palestinian civilians in Gaza are not “collateral” damage but what is at work is a mass assassination factory, thanks to a sophisticated AI system generating hundreds of unverified targets aiming at eliminating as many civilians as possible.

      Whether Palestinians are worthy of merely living or dying depends thus on their active acceptance or refusal to remain colonised. Any attempts to exit this predicament – whether through violent attacks like on October 7th or by staging peaceful civil tactics such as disobedience, boycott and divesting from Israel, recurrence to international law, peaceful marches, hunger strikes, popular or cultural resistance – are all the same, and in a gaslighting mode disallowed as evidence of Palestinians’ inherent violent nature which proves they need taming or elimination.

      One might be compelled to believe that dehumanisation and the logic of elimination of Palestinians are a reaction to the pain, sorrow, and shock generated by the traumatic and emotional aftermath of October 7th. But history does not agree with this, as the assigning of Palestinians to a non-human or even non-life sphere is deeply rooted in Israeli public discourse. The standpoint of a people seeking freedom from occupation and siege has consistently been reversed and catalogued as one of “terror and threat” to Israeli state and society when it is a threat to their colonial expansive or confinement plans, whether the latter are conceived as divinely mandated or backed by a secular settler-colonial imaginary. In so far as “terrorists” are birthed by snakes and wild beasts as Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaker states, they must be exterminated. Her words bear citation as they anticipate Gaza’s current devastation with lucid clarity: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads”. Urging the killing of all Palestinians women, men, and children and the destruction of their homes, she continued: “They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there. They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists.” This is not an isolated voice. Back in 2016 Prime Minister Netanyahu argued that fences and walls should be built all around Israel to defend it from “wild beasts” and against this background retired Israeli general and former head of Intelligence Giora Eiland, in an opinion article in Yedioth Aharonoth on November 19, argues that all Palestinians in Gaza die of fast spreading disease and all infrastructure be destroyed, while still positing Israel’s higher moral ground: “We say that Sinwar (Hamas leader in Gaza, ndr) is so evil that he does not care if all the residents of Gaza die. Such a presentation is not accurate, since who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters, or wives of Hamas murderers,” adding, “And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake, since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as an end but as a means.”

      But let us not be mistaken, such ascription of Palestinians to a place outside of history, and of humanity, goes way back and has been intrinsic to the establishment of Israel. From the outset of the settler colonial project in 1948, Palestinians as the indigenous people of the land have been dehumanised to enable the project of erasing them, in a manner akin to other settler colonial projects which aimed at turning the settlers into the new indigenous. The elimination of Palestinians has rested on more than just physical displacement, destruction, and a deep and wide ecological alteration of the landscape of Palestine to suit the newly fashioned Israeli identity. Key Israeli figures drew a direct equivalence between Palestinian life on the one hand and non-life on the other. For instance, Joseph Weitz, a Polish Jew who settled in Palestine in 1908 and sat in the first and second Transfer Committees (1937–1948) which were created to deal with “the Arab problem” (as the indigenous Palestinians were defined) speaks in his diaries of Palestinians as a primitive unity of human and non-human life.[4] Palestinians and their habitat were, in his words, “bustling with man and beast,” until their destruction and razing to the ground in 1948 made them “fossilized life,” to use Weitz’ own words. Once fossilised, the landscape could thus be visualised as an empty and barren landscape (the infamous desert), enlivened and redeemed by the arrival of the Jewish settlers.

      Locating events within the context and long durée of the incommensurable injustices inflicted upon the Palestinians since 1948 – which have acquired a new unimaginable magnitude with the current war on Gaza – is not just ethically imperative but also politically pressing. The tricks of DARVO (Denying Attacking and Reversing Victim and Offender) have been unveiled. We are now desperately in need of re-orienting the world’s moral compass by exposing the intertwined processes of humanisation and dehumanisation of Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. There is no other way to begin exiting not only the very conditions that usher violence, mass killings, and genocide, but also towards effecting the as yet entirely fictional principle that human lives have equal value.

      [1] Spivak, G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (1988). In Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, pp. 271–313. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; Basingstoke: Macmillan.

      [2] Mahmoud Darwish, “The Madness of Being a Palestinian,” Journal Of Palestine Studies 15, no. 1 (1985): 138–41.

      [3] Heartfelt thanks to Professor Rema Hamami for alerting me to the notion of DAVRO and for her extended and invaluable comments on this essay.

      [4] Cited in Benvenisti M (2000) Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp.155-156.

      #violence_épistémique #élimination #in/visilité #nettoyage_ethnique #oppression #DAVRO

  • La bande de #Gaza : un territoire fermé sur lui-même par une frontière hermétique et militarisée

    Située sur la bordure littorale de la Méditerranée orientale, entre Israël et l’Egypte, la bande de Gaza est un territoire palestinien autonome administré par le parti islamiste palestinien, le Hamas, depuis 2007. D’une superficie de 365 km², le territoire compte 1,9 million d’habitants, ce qui en fait l’un des lieux les plus densément peuplés au monde (4110 hab./km²) qui vit refermé sur lui-même en raison du blocus israélien. Ce petit territoire est entouré par une clôture de haute sécurité qui délimite une frontière parmi les plus hermétiques et militarisés au monde. Malgré celle-là, la branche militaire du Hamas réalise le #7_octobre_2023 une vaste opération contre Israël qui y fait plus de 1400 morts, militaires et civils. En réponse, #Israël lance une riposte de très grande envergure mobilisant des moyens exceptionnels qui entrainent des destructions urbaines de grande ampleur et fait des milliers de morts.

    #Palestine #bande_de_Gaza #militarisation #enfermement #image #visualisation #cartographie #image_satellitaire #image_satellite

    • typo : destructions urbaines de grande ampleur et fait des dizaines de milliers de morts (au moins, et pour l’instant)

  • Israel-Hamas war live: Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school | News | Al Jazeera

    20:45 GMT

    Nearly 1.3 million people sheltering in Gaza UNRWA facilities

    Displaced Palestinians are sheltering in 155 locations run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, it says in its latest situation report.

    Here are some other key figures from the report:

    At least 288 Palestinians have been killed and 998 injured while sheltering on UNRWA premises since October 7.
    There is currently one toilet for every 486 people in overcrowded shelters in Rafah.
    Of the total number of people sheltering at UNRWA facilities, the vast majority of them, more than 1.1 million, are in shelters in central Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah.
    UNRWA confirmed that one more of its staff members was killed, bringing the total number of deaths among its staff to 135 since October 7.


    • (18:30 GMT)

      WATCH: Civilians sheltering inside Gaza school ‘executed’

      As we’ve been reporting throughout the day, Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive testimonies from Gaza residents of the sights they encountered inside Shadia Abu Ghazala School in northern Gaza.

      Israeli soldiers took civilians sheltering in the school into a room “and executed them, even the children”, a Palestinian woman told Al Jazeera.

      “They were infants. They executed them.”

      Watch the testimonies below:


    • 17:40 GMT

      Two journalists killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza

      Gaza’s government media office identified the two journalists as Ahmed Abu Absah and Hanan Ayyad.

      The office said the latest deaths brings the total number of journalists killed in the Strip since October 7 to 89.INTERACTIVE_Journalists_killed_Gaza_Israel_war_December5

    • 15:40 GMT

      Israeli forces detain Jenin Freedom Theatre staff

      The US-based Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre identified the staff members as General Manager Mustafa Sheta and Artistic Director Ahmed Tobasi and said they were taken from their homes. Tobasi’s brother, Mohammed, was also taken.

      “We have no information on the whereabouts or condition of these two vital members of a beloved cultural institution in Jenin. The last word we had from Ahmed Tobasi was, ‘They are going house to house. They are taking everyone,’” the organisation said in a statement.

      “More than 100 Palestinians have been seized in Jenin … The Israeli army has repeatedly, violently invaded the Jenin refugee camp where The Freedom Theatre is situated, with each attack escalating in violence.”

      At least six people have been killed in the latest invasion, which saw armoured bulldozers tearing up streets, drones dropping bombs on Palestinian homes, and a siege of the hospital blocking ambulances.

      “The Israeli army has killed 58 people in Jenin alone since October 7, including children,” the statement said.