• Le bilan du raid palestinien à Jénine s’alourdit à 10 morts
    22 mai 2024 19:36 BST

    Le bilan du raid israélien sur Jénine, en Cisjordanie occupée, est passé à 10 morts, selon le ministère palestinien de la santé.

    Le raid se poursuit depuis mardi, date à laquelle huit personnes ont été tuées. Deux autres Palestiniens ont été tués mercredi.

    Le bilan de l’attaque s’élève désormais à 10 Palestiniens tués et 25 blessés.

  • Focalboard: Open source alternative to #Trello, Asana, and Notion

    Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.

    It helps define, organize, track and manage work across individuals and teams. Focalboard comes in two editions:

    – Focalboard Personal Desktop: A stand-alone desktop app for your #todos and personal projects
    – Focalboard Personal Server: A self-hosted server for your team to collaborate


  • The University and Social Justice
    Edited by Aziz Choudry, Salim Vally, Pluto Press, février 2020

    Table des matières:

    1. Studies in Struggle: Movements for Education and Social Justice - Aziz Choudry (McGill Univ., Canada) and Salim Vally (Univ. of Johannesburg, South Africa)
    2. The Trajectory of the 2010 Student Movement in the UK: From Student Activism to Strikes - Jamie Woodcock (Univ. of Oxford, UK)
    3. Insurgent Subjects: Student Politics, Education, and Dissent in India - Prem Kumar Vijayan (Delhi Univ., India)
    4. Neoliberalism, National Security and Academic Knowledge Production in Turkey - Gülden Özcan (Univ. of Lethbridge, Canada)
    5. ’Nous’ Who? Racialized Social Relations and Quebec Student Movement Politics - Rosalind Hampton (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
    6. Learning from Chile’s Student Movement: Youth Organising and Neoliberal Reaction - Javier Campos-Martinez (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) and Dayana Olavarria (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
    7. Resisting the US Corporate University: Palestine, Zionism and Campus Politics - Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi (San Francisco State Univ., USA) and Saliem Shehadeh (Univ. of California)
    8. The Palestinian Student Movement and the Dialectic of Palestinian Liberation and Class Struggles - Lena Meari (Birzeit Univ., Palestine) and Rula Abu-Duhou (Birzeit Univ., Palestine)
    9. The New Student Movements in Mexico in the 21st Century: #YoSoy132, Ayotzinapa and #TodosSomosPolitecnico - Alma Maldonado-Maldonado (Center for Advanced Research, Mexico) and Vania Bañuelos Astorga (CREFAL, Mexico)
    10. How Did They Fight?: French Student Movements in the Late 2000s and Their Contentious Repertoire - Julie Le Mazier (Pantheon-Sorbonne Univ., France)
    11. The Mustfall Mo(ve)ments and ’Publica[c]tion’: Reflections on Collective Knowledge Production in South Africa - Asher Gamedze (cultural worker, South Africa) and Leigh-Ann Naidoo (Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa)
    12. Revolutionary Vanguard No More?: The Student Movement and the Struggle for Education and Social Justice in Nigeria - Rhoda Nanre Nafziger (Pennsylvania State Univ., USA) and Krystal Strong (Pennsylvania State Univ., USA)
    13. Postcolonial versus Transformative Education in the University of Philippines - Sarah Raymundo (Univ. of the Philippines-Diliman, Philippines) and Karlo Mikhail I. Mongaya (Univ. of the Philippines-Diliman, Philippines)

    #Universités #Mouvement_social #Luttes #Education #Justice #Livre