• The Project : Sound like Donauinsel

    With this blog post and sound map of the Donauinsel in Vienna, we tried to capture place-specific acoustic features along a roughly 500m interval transect across the whole island. On May 20th, 2023, we walked the island from the north-western to the south-eastern end and took 2 minute long recordings at every stop. The recording took place at noon and afternoon on a warm and sunny Saturday. However, due to heavy rains in the days and weeks before that date, resulting in higher water-levels as well as low water temperatures, the island was less populated than it normally would have been in late spring and summer weekends. By clicking on the points on the map you can see the name of the recording and find it in the playlist below. The playlist will also play the sounds from north to south automatically in the background as well. The way urban soundscapes can be studied are manifold. With this blog we first want to present the recordings as they are, simply to be listened to, without any analysis of the sound data itself for now. However, we understand this as a first step in an exploratory process to capturing and analysing urban soundscapes in Vienna. Important considerations include comparative analyses of sound data at different day and night times as well as seasonal variation in relation to not only how different places can sound in terms of volumes and frequencies, but also how people sense and react to different soundscapes at different times.


    #son #bruit #villes #urbanisme #urban_matter #soundscape #Vienna #Vienne #Donauinsel #soundmap #cartographie #visualisation

    ping @reka