• 31.05.2024 :

    People stuck on an islet in the #Evros region, near the Greek village of #Nea_Vyssa. The group of 4 say they were beaten by @Hellenicpolice & pushed on the islet. One of the travellers needs medical assistance. We informed authorities on both sides, but so far no help arrived!


    #Turkish authorities refuse to help as they claim the position is on #Greek territory. At the same time, a Greek officer told the people if they come back, they’ll beat them again. One person is in serious conditions. Stop playing with people’s lives, rescue them now!!


    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • Alina, non una di meno
    (pour archivage)

    Tutti assolti perché “il fatto non costituisce reato” i poliziotti e dirigenti della questura accusati di sequestro di persona e omicidio colposo per la morte di #Alina_Bonar_Diachuk, morta suicida a 32 anni il 16 aprile 2012 nel commissariato di Opicina. Il 14 aprile era stata prelevata da una volante al carcere del Coroneo dove aveva finito di scontare una pena per favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina ed era stata portata a quello che fu subito definito il “commissariato degli orrori”.
    Alina Bonar Diachuk era in attesa d’espulsione ma non in stato di fermo, non c’era alcun motivo legale per portarla al commissariato e trattenerla lì. Aveva già tentato il suicidio, dopo due giorni si è impiccata con il cordino della felpa davanti alle telecamere di sorveglianza. La sua agonia è durata 40 minuti, nessuno si è accorto di niente né tantomeno è intervenuto.

    Le indagini hanno permesso di scoprire che Alina non era stata l’unica ad aver subito un sequestro di persona in commissariato: era una prassi abituale. Nel corso delle perquisizioni si è scoperto che il funzionario dirigente Carlo Baffi aveva cambiato il cartello dell’ufficio immigrazione con la scritta “ufficio epurazione” che teneva in bella mostra vicino a un busto di Mussolini. All’epoca, Baffi era anche membro della Commissione territoriale di Gorizia che esaminava le domande d’asilo presentate in Friuli Venezia Giulia: Baffi ha continuato a partecipare alle riunioni della Commissione anche dopo il suicidio di Alina. L’allora questore Padulano disse che i poliziotti coinvolti avevano fatto il loro “dovere”.

    A febbraio 2018 il pm De Bortoli aveva chiesto pene per 20 anni e 9 mesi per i poliziotti coinvolti. A sei anni dalla morte di Alina, era giunta l’assoluzione per tutti in primo grado: il giudice Nicoli aveva ritenuto che i poliziotti avessero messo in atto direttive della Questura, conosciute e condivise ai massimi livelli istituzionali, anche dalla Pretura, secondo quanto riportato dalla stampa. In breve, i poliziotti hanno fatto il loro dovere e hanno obbedito agli ordini. Tuttavia, nonostante l’omertà istituzionale, noi sappiamo che il sequestro di persona non è legale in Italia e la detenzione di Alina e delle altre centinaia di persone a Opicina era abusiva. Ora, dopo due anni, arriva il giudizio in appello: tutti assolti non più perché “il fatto sussiste” ma perché “il fatto non costituisce reato”.

    È la banalità del male: non c’è reato e nessuno è responsabile dell’annientamento della vita di una giovane donna.

    Siamo in attesa di leggere le motivazioni della sentenza ma già possiamo dire che non ci stiamo: Alina, donna e migrante, è stata per la seconda volta uccisa da questa seconda sentenza che non condanna nessuno per la sua morte.

    Verità e giustizia per Alina. Le vite delle donne contano tutte, NON UNA DI MENO!

    Nell’immagine, l’azione toponomastica di rinominazione di via del Coroneo, dove si trova il carcere di Trieste, con il nome di Alina Bonar Diachuck, vittima di Stato.

    #suicide #asile #réfugiés #migrations #Opicina #homicide #détention #Italie #violences_policières #Carlo_Baffi #détention_arbitraire

    #toponymie #toponymie_politique #toponymie_migrante #victime_d'Etat

  • Zëri i Shqipërisë. L’accordo Italia-Albania, visto dagli albanesi

    Il 6 novembre 2023 la premier Giorgia Meloni e il suo omologo albanese Edi Rama presentano il protocollo d’intesa bilaterale in materia di gestione dei flussi migratori.

    Come si può guardare a questo accordo da un’altra prospettiva, quella della popolazione e della società civile albanese?
    Per capirlo abbiamo deciso di partire per l’Albania e ascoltare cosa aveva da dire chi vive sul territorio.

    Racconteremo il nostro viaggio in due episodi.

    In questo ascolterete i sopralluoghi a #Shëngjin e #Gjadër (dove sono in costruzione rispettivamente l’hotspot e il Centro di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio) e le interviste a:

    Dorian Pali, avvocato residente nel Comune di Lezhë, dove ricadono entrambe le località in cui verranno costruiti i centri detentivi italiani. Quando lo incontriamo ci parla di come si sente, in qualità di albanese e residente locale, al pensiero di come questo accordo impatterà sulla vita e le aspirazioni delle persone coinvolte.
    «[…] per gli albanesi l’Italia all’inizio dell’inizio degli anni 90 era un sogno. E gli albanesi proprio ci volevano andare – con dei costi che poi ovviamente ci sono stati: allontanarsi dalle famiglie, eccetera. Ma c’era un sogno. Invece le persone che verranno qua.. l’Albania, non è la loro scelta».

    Gjergi Erebara, giornalista investigativo di BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) residente a Tirana.
    «Il nostro Primo Ministro è stato un richiedente asilo politico in Francia dopo essere stato malmenato da giovane. Fondamentalmente è stato picchiato perché le sue opinioni politiche, ha scritto articoli giornalistici con cui possiamo essere d’accordo o meno, ma non importa. Di fatto è stato perseguitato per le sue opinioni».

    #audio #podcast #migrations #réfugiés #asile #Albanie #accord #Italie #externalisation


    ajouté à la métaliste sur l’#accord entre #Italie et #Albanie pour la construction de #centres d’accueil (sic) et identification des migrants/#réfugiés sur le territoire albanais...


  • Challenging the Complicity of Frontex’s Aerial Surveillance Activities in Crimes Against Humanity

    #front-LEX and #Refugees_in_Libya filed a legal notice pursuant to Art. 265 TFEU requesting Frontex’s Executive Director, Mr. Hans Leijtens, to partially terminate the Agency’s aerial surveillance activities in the ‘pre-frontier area’ in the Central Mediterranean.

    To prevent asylum seekers fleeing crimes against humanity in Libya from reaching the EU, Frontex systematically and unlawfully transmits the geolocalisation of refugee boats at high seas to the Libyan Coast Guard/Libyan Militia. Every day, Frontex allows for the systematic interception and ’pulling back’ of refugees to Libya, from where they have managed to escape by the skin of their teeth, and where they are subjected once more to crimes against humanity. Now, front-LEX, on behalf of X.Y. a refugee trapped in Libya, brings an unprecedented legal challenge against Frontex’s airborne complicity.

    Between 2021 and 2023, Frontex has shared 2,200 emails communicating the exact geolocalisation data of refugee boats with Libyan actors to enable their unlawful interception and forcible return back to Libya. There, the ‘pulled back’ refugees are arbitrarily detained and subjected to crimes against humanity of, inter alia, murder, enforced disappearance, torture, enslavement, sexual violence, rape, and other inhumane acts. It is Frontex’s sharing of geolocalisation data which enables the commission of these crimes – making the Agency complicit in the ongoing and systematic attack directed against refugees and asylum seekers in the Central Mediterranean.

    Frontex’s complicity in these ‘pullbacks’ and ensuing crimes against humanity committed against refugees has been well-documented by leading human rights organisations, UN organs, and investigative journalists. Now, based on this clear-cut evidence, front-LEX and Refugees in Libya filed an unprecedented legal notice challenging the Agency’s airborne complicity in crimes against humanity committed against people on the move.


    #Frontex #complicité #justice #surveillance_aérienne #asile #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #géolocalisation #gardes-côtes_libyens #crimes_contre_l'humanité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #pull-back #pullbacks #poursuite_judiciaire

    • Profugo sudanese intrappolato in Libia fa causa a Frontex: “L’agenzia europea è complice di crimini contro l’umanità”

      Per la prima volta, un richiedente asilo ancora intrappolato in Libia ha potuto presentare una sfida legale contro Frontex – l’agenzia europea per la sorveglianza dei confini terrestri e marini dell’Unione – relativamente alla sorveglianza aerea sul Mediterraneo centrale. Il profugo sudanese ha potuto denunciare “l’esercito” dei pattugliatori europei grazie a Front- Lex, Ong umanitaria olandese, in partnership con l’organizzazione “Rifugiati in Libia”. L’avvocato di Front-Lex, Iftach Cohen, ha presentato una comunicazione legale a Frontex ai sensi dell’articolo 265 TFUE, invitandola a sospendere e interrompere immediatamente tutte le comunicazioni con entità libiche in relazione alle cosiddette “situazioni di pericolo” nel Mediterraneo. Inoltre l’Ong intima che Frontex proibisca all’Italia e a Malta di condividere con i libici i dati di sorveglianza raccolti dagli aerei dell’agenzia europea.

      Si tratta di un’azione legale senza precedenti innanzitutto perchè basata sulla presunta complicità dell’Ue riguardo ai crimini contro l’umanità verificatisi in Libia. In secondo luogo, è la prima volta che un rifugiato ancora intrappolato in Libia senza protezione riesce ad avviare un procedimento per vedere riconosciuti i propri diritti. Il team di Front-Lex ha raccolto prove che evidenziano peraltro come tutti i precedenti direttori – incluso il penultimo, Fabrice Leggeri, oggi candidato alle Europee per il partito di Marine Le Pen – e altre entità di Frontex abbiano ammesso che consegnare la posizione delle imbarcazioni dei rifugiati a entità libiche sia illegale secondo il diritto europeo.

      Dal rapporto della Missione d’inchiesta indipendente sulla Libia del Consiglio per i diritti umani Ue del 23 marzo, i richiedenti asilo intercettati e rimpatriati forzatamente in Libia, una volta risbarcati in Libia, vengono detenuti e diventano “vittime di crimini contro l’umanità“. Frontex giustifica la condivisione con Tripoli del tracciamento delle imbarcazioni di profughi con il proprio obbligo, “ai sensi del quadro giuridico internazionale della Sar”, di trasmettere tutte le informazioni sull’”imbarcazione in pericolo” all’RCC competente della zona di ricerca e salvataggio, che è Tripoli nella maggioranza dei casi.

      Cohen non è d’accordo perchè l’obbligo legale di Frontex di trasmettere informazioni al competente RCC in caso di pericolo ai sensi del diritto marittimo internazionale è solo uno dei tanti obblighi legali dell’Agenzia, come il divieto dei respingimenti collettivi dei richiedenti asilo intercettati in mare in rotta verso Paesi dove si rischiano persecuzioni. “Questi obblighi derivano dalla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea che è di natura costituzionale. Abbiamo a questo punto raccolto prove sufficienti per dimostrare che nella zona Sar libica praticamente tutte le imbarcazioni di rifugiati rilevate da Frontex vengono automaticamente classificate come in ‘situazione di pericolo’ in modo tale che Frontex possa trasmettere immediatamente la posizione a Tripoli e astenersi dall’ingaggiare le navi di soccorso delle Ong nelle vicinanze”, spiega Cohen. Le imbarcazioni dei profughi di conseguenza non vengono contattate dagli aerei Frontex come richiede la legislazione dell’Ue per verificare se abbiano bisogno di assistenza.

      “D’altra parte, quando Frontex rileva un’imbarcazione di rifugiati nella zona Sar o nelle acque territoriali di uno Stato membro, come nei casi di Pylos (Grecia) o in Italia a Cutro non classifica i casi che sono chiaramente ‘situazioni di pericolo’ in modo che possa astenersi dall’allertare l’RCC dello Stato membro lasciandogli sufficiente potere e tempo per coinvolgere i libici anche nelle proprie acque territoriali e impedire così lo sbarco in Europa. È una vera e propria strumentalizzazione della ‘situazione di disagio’. Queste non sono persone che hanno telefonino e scarpe alla moda come dice il vostro vice premier Salvini nel descrivere i richiedenti asilo ma persone che subiscono i peggiori abusi contro l’umanità”.



  • 01.06.2024, #Nfansou_Drame , Ventimiglia, cadavere di un migrante nell’accampamento sul fiume Roja

    Un migrante è stato trovato morto all’interno di una tenda nell’accampamento di fortuna allestito nel greto del torrente Roja, sotto il cavalcavia di via Tenda a Ventimiglia.
    Al momento non si conoscono i motivi del decesso, che sembrerebbe comunque essere dovuto a cause naturali.
    Sul posto sono accorsi carabinieri e polizia, atteso il medico legale per una prima ispezione sulla salma.
    A compiere accertamenti su quanto accaduto saranno i militari dell’Arma.

    #Ventimille #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontière_sud-alpine #Italie #France #Alpes_Maritimes #décès #mort #mourir_aux_frontières


    ajouté au fil de discussion sur les morts à la frontière de Vintimille :

    lui-même ajouté à la métaliste sur les morts aux frontières alpines :

    • Ventimiglia, identificato il migrante trovato morto sotto il cavalcavia di via Tenda

      Una corona di fiori appassiti posata davanti a una tenda sgualcita nel greto di un fiume in cui vivono ratti e piccioni. E’ un gesto di rispetto e affetto, probabilmente l’unico, nei confronti del giovane trovato morto intorno a mezzogiorno sotto il cavalcavia di via Tenda, a Ventimiglia.

      A dare un nome a quel corpo magro sono stati i carabinieri della compagnia della città di confine, che sono riusciti a identificare l’uomo, nonostante i tanti alias utilizzati dal suo arrivo in Italia. Si tratta di un senegalese di 32 anni, irregolare in Italia e richiedente asilo in Francia. Secondo quanto appurato fino ad ora, anche grazie ad un primo esame esterno del corpo da parte del medico legale Andrea Leoncini, il giovane sarebbe morto per le conseguenze di una malattia.

      Intorno al corpo si è formato un mesto capannello di uomini, tutti giovani africani, che alle forze dell’ordine hanno dichiarato di conoscere il 30enne morto. Qualcuno di loro, per dargli una sorta di saluto, deve aver raggiunto il vicino cimitero di Roverino dove ha trovato una corona di rose ormai vecchie, l’ha presa e l’ha adagiata sull’uscio della tenda dove è stato ritrovato il corpo del giovane.

      Ora gli investigatori cercheranno di rintracciare la famiglia per restituire, oltre alla salma, gli oggetti personali della vittima: uno zainetto, con dentro tutto quello che possedeva.


    • Supporting a family for the loss of a son

      On June 1st, after feeling sick for a day, N. passed away in his tent in Ventimiglia.

      This tragedy is not an isolated incident, but a consequence of structural discrimination against people on the move.

      In theory, everyone has the right to access healthcare. Unfortunately, the reality is that people face numerous obstacles imposed by institutional racism.

      The brother and some friends of N. are now in Ventimiglia, trying to arrange for his body to be sent back to his parents and wife in Senegal. This process is time-consuming and expensive, costing up to 6,000 euros.

      We are reaching out for help to support the family in this difficult situation. There is no consolation for losing a loved one in such an unjust manner. With your donation you can accompany them in their grief.

      Le 1er juin dernier, N. est décédé dans sa tente à Ventimille après avoir été souffrant.

      Ceci n’est pas un cas isolé mais bien l’une des conséquences de la discrimination systémique envers les migrants.

      En théorie, tout un chacun a le droit d’accéder aux soins de santé. Malheureusement, en pratique, des personnes se retrouvent à devoir faire face à de nombreux obstacles mis en place par un racisme ancré et institutionnel.

      Le frère de N. ainsi que certains de ses amis se sont rendus à Ventimille afin de rapatrier le corps de N. au Sénégal, où l’attendent ses parents ainsi que son épouse. Malheureusement, cette procédure requiert beaucoup de temps et d’argent (environ 6 000€).

      Nous faisons donc appel à vous afin d’apporter notre soutien à la famille de N. durant leur deuil. Il n’existe bien évidemment pas de consolation après la perte d’un être cher dans de conditions aussi injustes. Votre donation pourra néanmoins accompagner la famille dans cette dure épreuve qui se présente désormais à elle.


  • Comment des migrants sont abandonnés en plein désert en #Afrique

    Une enquête de plusieurs mois menée par « Le Monde », le média à but non lucratif « Lighthouse Reports » et sept médias internationaux montre comment des dizaines de milliers de migrants en route vers l’Europe sont arrêtés et abandonnés en plein désert au Maroc, Tunisie et Mauritanie.


    #vidéo #migrations #désert #abandon #Mauritanie #Maroc #Tunisie #réfugiés #externalisation #frontières #rafles #racisme_anti-Noirs #Fès #déportations #Rabat #forces_auxiliaires #refoulements #arrestations_arbitraires #enlèvements #centres_de_détention #Ksar #détention_administrative #Espagne #bus #Algérie #marche #torture #Gogui #Mali #accords #financements #expulsions_collectives #Nouakchott #forces_de_l'ordre #Sfax #Italie #équipement #aide_financière #UE #EU #Union_européenne #forces_de_sécurité #gardes-côtes #gardes-côtes_tunisiens #droits_humains #droits_fondamentaux

    ping @_kg_

  • Européennes : les propositions irréalistes et illégales du #RN sur l’immigration

    Le #Rassemblement_national peine à expliquer comment il compte mettre en place la « #double_frontière » que promet #Jordan_Bardella dans son programme. La proposition est à la fois irréaliste et contraire au droit international.

    LaLa formule est rodée, répétée à longueur d’interview, martelée à chaque meeting. Pour lutter contre ce que le Rassemblement national (RN) qualifie de « submersion migratoire » qui menacerait « nos valeurs de civilisation », sa tête de liste, Jordan Bardella, avance une solution : une « double frontière », aux niveaux européen et français. Une proposition qui tient en trois lignes dans le programme officiel du parti et n’était pas davantage développée dans le projet qui accompagnait la première candidature de son président aux européennes de 2019.

    Impossible à appliquer, elle supposerait surtout la remise en cause par la France de nombreux traités internationaux et l’isolement diplomatique, économique et politique du pays vis-à-vis de ses partenaires européens.

    Jordan Bardella, qui reprend régulièrement à son compte la thèse complotiste et raciste du « grand remplacement », affirmait encore le 6 avril au Journal du dimanche que « le projet de la Commission européenne, c’est la submersion de l’Europe et le remplacement d’une partie de la population européenne par une population venue du Sud ». Revendiquant de faire du scrutin européen un « référendum sur l’immigration », la tête de liste propose « le refoulement systématique des bateaux de migrants qui arrivent sur les côtes européennes », comme il le répétait encore récemment sur le plateau de TF1.

    « Le refoulement est la violation flagrante du droit international des droits humains », prévient Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, professeure de droit public à l’université Jean-Moulin-Lyon 3, avant de lister les normes et traités que cette proposition remet en question : « La Convention de Genève relative au statut des réfugiés dispose explicitement le principe de non-refoulement, comme la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’UE. De manière indirecte, en interdisant les traitements inhumains et dégradants, le Pacte international des droits civils et politiques et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme [CEDH] prohibent aussi les refoulements. L’interdiction est claire : il est impératif de ne pas renvoyer des individus vers des pays où ils risqueraient d’endurer de tels traitements. »

    « Ça voudrait dire, concrètement, prendre les personnes, pour les ramener dans une zone internationale, pour que les gens se noient ?, s’indigne de son côté Anna Sibley, chargée d’études au Groupe d’information et de soutien des immigré·es (Gisti). C’est ça qu’il se passe en pratique. Quand il y a des refoulements, car il y en a, même si c’est illégal. Les gens se noient ou sont renvoyés vers des États où ils risquent la torture ou l’esclavage. »
    Plusieurs conventions internationales à dénoncer

    Troisième sur la liste du RN, porte-parole de la campagne et ancien patron de l’agence européenne de garde-frontières Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri assure à Mediapart – après avoir dénoncé « les discours politiques des ONG promigrants et de la Commission » – que « les personnes qui font l’objet d’un sauvetage maritime seront mises en sécurité et raccompagnées vers le port sûr le plus proche, le plus souvent situé hors de l’Union européenne, sur les côtes d’où sont parties ces personnes ».

    Pour mettre en place le premier volet de cette « double frontière » vendue par le RN, « il faudrait que les États dénoncent la Convention de Genève, le Pacte international des droits civils et politiques et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, et qu’ils modifient la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’UE, ce qui supposerait une unanimité et une ratification par chacun des États », analyse Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche.

    Pendant des années, Marine Le Pen et le RN prônaient justement la sortie de la CEDH, qualifiée de « camisole », avant de faire demi-tour sur la question pendant la campagne présidentielle de 2022.

    Fabrice Leggeri réclame lui aussi de refouler systématiquement les bateaux d’exilé·es qui arrivent sur les côtes européennes. Responsable de l’agence Frontex de 2015 à 2022, il est visé par une plainte pour complicité de crime contre l’humanité et complicité de crime de torture, pour avoir participé au refoulement d’embarcations de migrant·es.

    Deux associations, la Ligue des droits de l’homme (LDH) et Utopia 56, l’accusent d’avoir soit couvert, soit facilité ces pratiques illégales, contraires au droit international, avec l’objectif affiché de faire obstacle, « quel qu’en soit le prix », à l’entrée de personnes migrantes au sein de l’UE. « L’exécution de cette politique s’est faite au détriment du respect des droits fondamentaux des migrants, que Fabrice Leggeri a délibérément ignoré », peut-on lire dans leur plainte.

    L’ex-patron de Frontex dénonce pour sa part une « plainte fantasque » et une « opération de communication politique destinée à [lui] nuire et à nuire au RN », tout en affirmant que « certaines ONG voulaient contraindre Frontex à les assister pour faciliter le travail des passeurs » et tenteraient de « criminaliser le travail des garde-frontières ».
    Jordan « à peu près » Bardella

    Le deuxième volet du programme de Jordan Bardella sur les migrations n’est pas plus clair. Le président du RN revendique, en plus du refoulement systématique des migrant·es aux frontières de l’UE, « la restriction de la libre circulation de l’espace Schengen aux seuls ressortissants des pays membres ». Une proposition ancienne du parti d’extrême droite, qui se heurte là encore à de nombreuses règles juridiques.

    « Si l’optique est de restaurer un contrôle strict des frontières intérieures de l’Union européenne, deux voies sont envisageables : la sortie de l’UE ou l’abandon par l’UE de l’esprit de Schengen, ce qui supposerait une réforme des traités qui exige l’unanimité des États membres et sa ratification dans tous les États membres », détaille Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche.

    En débat face à Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella a été bien en peine de détailler sa proposition, finissant par admettre qu’il comptait « renforcer les contrôles aléatoires » aux frontières françaises, sans s’aventurer sur l’impossibilité de faire adopter par l’ensemble des pays européens une telle renégociation des traités.

    Sur le plateau de Public Sénat, le 29 mai, la tête de liste du RN a assuré s’en remettre « au flair du policier » pour mener ces contrôles aléatoires, avant de reconnaître que la mise en place de cette proposition ne pouvait pas se décider au Parlement européen, malgré sa présence dans le programme européen de son parti : « Évidemment, aller contrôler nos frontières, ça se fera demain avec le ministère de l’intérieur quand nous serons à la tête de l’État », a-t-il balayé.

    Auprès de Mediapart, Fabrice Leggeri émet aussi l’hypothèse de rétablir pour les étrangers non citoyens de l’UE une « déclaration d’entrée sur le territoire » associée à un QR code, tout en assurant que « le dispositif ne pénaliserait pas la circulation des Français et les citoyens de l’UE » et que son efficacité reposerait « sur la sévérité des sanctions contre les contrevenants et la possibilité élevée de contrôles aléatoires ».

    "Le pacte asile et immigration s’est nourri des positions de l’extrême droite." (Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, professeure de droit public)

    Sur la nécessité de réformer les traités pour mettre en place de telles mesures, le porte-parole de la campagne du RN affirme qu’il « n’est pas nécessaire de réformer les traités pour instaurer ces mesures » avant de s’en remettre à une future révision de la Constitution française – leur marotte sur le sujet – qui permettrait à la France de s’affranchir des traités européens.

    Sur cette proposition, Jordan Bardella peut compter sur le soutien de Reconquête et du parti Les Républicains (LR). François-Xavier Bellamy, tête de liste de LR, appelle dans son projet à « rétablir les contrôles aux frontières intérieures » de l’UE. Il y a cinq ans, Laurent Wauquiez, alors président du parti, présentait le programme européen de ce dernier en affirmant que « redonner un avenir à notre civilisation, c’est ne plus subir l’immigration de masse », avant de défendre la nécessité d’« établir une double frontière : une frontière européenne, défendue en commun, et une frontière nationale, chaque pays gardant la possibilité d’arrêter les migrants comme à Menton ».

    Du côté de Reconquête, la troisième de liste Sarah Knafo a publié une vidéo pour déplorer que « le rétablissement des frontières a[it] pu sembler impraticable » à l’issue du débat entre Gabriel Attal et Jordan Bardella. Elle veut d’ailleurs aller plus loin, en proposant carrément un projet de « triple frontière », « un plan qui peut se mettre en œuvre facilement », selon elle.

    « Ces gens défendent un modèle de société de repli sur soi complètement déconnecté de la réalité. Les migrations sont un fait, pas un problème. Il faut déconstruire tout ça, affirme Anna Sibley du Gisti. Le fait de débattre de la maîtrise de l’immigration, c’est une conception terriblement éloignée de la réalité de terrain. »

    Pour Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, l’adoption au Parlement européen des différents volets du pacte asile et immigration a marqué un tournant peu de temps avant la campagne : « Le pacte introduit une politique très restrictive, une politique de fermeture drastique et de contrôle majeur aux frontières extérieures de l’Union. Les instruments qui le composent se sont nourris des positions de l’extrême droite. Ont ainsi été intégrées en droit de l’UE des idées radicales – notamment de restriction du droit d’asile – qui sont énoncées par les partis d’extrême droite. »

    À Strasbourg, Jordan Bardella et les autres eurodéputé·es RN ont voté contre les textes du pacte, qualifié de « pacte de submersion » par le président du parti.

    Jeudi soir, les principales têtes de liste se retrouveront sur le plateau de CNews pour un nouveau débat – sans Raphaël Glucksmann et Marie Toussaint, qui boycottent le rendez-vous. Dans la bande d’annonce de la soirée, le journaliste d’Europe 1 Pierre de Vilno annonce la couleur, reprenant sans hésiter les éléments de langage de l’extrême droite : « Comment la France peut-elle contrôler ses frontières dans une Europe submergée par les flux migratoires ? »


    #frontière_sud-alpine #France #frontières #migrations #réfugiés

  • #statistiques sur les #arrivées et les #décès de migrants en #Grèce (consulté le 30.05.2024)

    Commentaire de Lena K. sur X :

    In 2023, the number of dead and missing in Greece was the same as in 2015, with recorded arrivals being about 17 times lower. The effect of necropolitics indeed.


    Et importante note de Κάποιος Ταδόπουλος :

    Note: The number of dead includes only recovered bodies. The Pylos shipwreck (over 600 victims) is not counted in...


    #nécropolitique #mourir_aux_frontières #létalité #mourir_en_mer #chiffres #migrations #réfugiés #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée

  • The automated Fortress Europe : No place for human rights

    29,000 people have died in the Mediterranean over the past ten years while trying to reach the EU. You would think that the EU wanted this tragedy to stop and scientists across Europe were working feverishly on making this happen with the latest technology. The opposite is the case: With the help of so-called Artificial Intelligence, digital border walls are being raised, financed with taxpayers’ money.

    Drones, satellites, and other digital monitoring systems: For decades, the EU’s external borders have been upgraded with state-of-the-art surveillance technology to create so-called smart borders. Now, algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are increasingly adding to the wall.

    Their development is funded with millions of euros by EU research programs with names like Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe. The funded projects read like a catalog of surveillance technologies. Instead of trying to save people from losing their lives, they put all of us in danger.

    It doesn’t come as a surprise that most initiatives are kept secret. The public learns next to nothing about them. Law enforcement and border authorities prefer not to be bothered with giving insights into their work. They try to avoid a democratic debate about the research and development of this sort of AI-driven surveillance technology.

    When we asked for information on research projects in which such systems are being developed, we received many responses that wouldn’t give us any substantial information.

    The European Research Executive Agency (REA) is mandated by the EU Commission to fund and manage innovative projects in virtually all areas of research, including Horizon 2020. Still, the REA isn’t particularly outspoken about their research projects.

    We had tried, for example, to obtain details about the ROBORDER project‘s “methodology applied for the evaluation of the system performance” through access to information requests. At first, we were denied it in reference to the “protection of the public interest as regards public security.” The identity and affiliation of individuals involved in the ethics review process would also not be shared, to protect their “privacy and integrity.” REA also cited “commercial interests” and the protection of intellectual property as lawful grounds to refuse disclosure: “releasing this information into public domain would give the competitors of the consortium an unfair advantage, as the competitors would be able to use this sensitive commercial information in their favour.” These reasons given to us to avoid disclosure were common reactions to all the requests we sent out. But in the end, REA did provide us with information on the methodology.

    More transparency is urgently needed. ROBORDER aims at developing unmanned vehicles to patrol EU borders, capable of operating in swarms. Such capabilities would most likely be of interest to the military as well. In fact, research by AlgorithmWatch and ZDF Magazin Royale shows that in a market analysis conducted within the ROBORDER project, “military units” have been identified as potential users of the system. Documents we obtained show that members of the research team met with prospective officers of the Greek Navy to introduce the ROBORDER system.

    Military applications would exclude ROBORDER from Horizon 2020 funding, which is reserved for civilian applications. However, an EU Commission’s spokesperson said that the mere fact that a “military audience” was also chosen to disseminate the project does not “per se call into question the exclusively civilian application of the activities carried out within the framework of this project.”

    The ROBORDER project was executed as planned until its scheduled end in 2021. Its output contributed to later projects. At a national level, one is REACTION, which is funded by the EU’s Border Management and Visa Instrument and coordinated by the Greek Ministry of Immigration and Asylum. AlgorithmWatch and ZDF Magazin Royale tried to ask the Greek research center CERTH – which coordinated ROBORDER and is now working on REACTION – what results or components exactly were adopted, but we didn’t get an answer.

    Due to our persistence, we managed to obtain documents for various EU-funded projects. Some of them we received were so heavily redacted that it was impossible to get an idea what they were about. The grant agreement and the annexes to the NESTOR project contained 169 consecutive redacted pages.

    An automated Fortress Europe would also impact everyone’s rights, since the technology it facilitates allows governments to find out everything about us.

    How do they do it, you ask? By using face recognition, for example, and by reducing your identity to your face and other measurable biometric features. Faces can be captured and analyzed by increasingly sophisticated biometric recognition systems. In the D4FLY project, they combine “2D+thermal facial, 3D facial, iris and somatotype biometrics.” In projects such as iBorderCtrl, they examine emotions and “micro-expressions,” fleeting facial expressions that last only fractions of a second, to assess whether travelers are lying to (virtual) border officials. That way, risk assessments are automatically created, which could lead to stricter security checks at EU borders.

    Such EU-funded projects are designed to digitalize, computerize, and automate human mobility. The EU envisions a future where law-abiding travelers enjoy uninterrupted freedom, while “risky” people are automatically flagged for further checks.

    As Frontex’ deputy executive director, Uku Särekanno, put it in a recent interview: „What comes next is a very serious discussion on automation. We are looking into how, in the next five to ten years, we can have more automated border crossings and a more seamless travel experience.”

    According to various scientists, this is the result of over two decades’ work, ultimately leading to total remote surveillance and thus to a perfect panoptic society, in which we are utterly dominated by such digital technologies and the underlying logic of security policy.


    Checking people requires time and resources. Therefore, some projects aim to automatically “relieve” border officials, which means make them auxiliaries for automated systems that are falsely assumed to be more objective or reliable.

    Automated systems are supposed to detect “abnormal behavior,” increase “situation awareness,” and derive real-time information and predictions ("nowcasts") from multiple sensors attached to individuals, groups, but also freighters or other vehicles. Migration movements are to be predicted algorithmically, by analyzing Google Trends data, content on social media platforms such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), and “quantitative (geo-located) indicators of telephone conversations.” But such automated systems can’t replace political decisions by taking available data and leaving the decision to algorithms. The decisions have to be justified. Political decisions are also not only a byproduct of technological solutions and have to be put first.

    Risks become apparent by looking at the ITFLOWS project’s EuMigraTool. It includes “monthly predictions of asylum applications in the EU” and is supposed to “identify the potential risks of tensions between migrants and EU citizens” by providing “intuitions” on the “attitudes towards migration” in the EU using “Twitter Sentiment Analysis model data as input”. The very project’s Users Board, in which organizations such as the Red Cross and Oxfam are represented, warned in a statement against misuse, “misuse could entail closing of borders, instigating violence, and misuse for political purposes to gain support and consensus for an anti-migration policy.” The tool was developed nonetheless.

    In these EU-funded projects, people on the move are constantly portrayed as a threat to security. The FOLDOUT project explicates this core premise in all frankness: “in the last years irregular migration has dramatically increased,” therefore it was “no longer manageable with existing systems.” Law enforcement and border agencies now assume that in order to “stay one step ahead” of criminals and terrorists, automation needs to become the norm, especially in migration-related contexts.


    A driving force in border security is also one of the main customers: Frontex. Founded in 2004, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency has played an increasingly important role in the EU’s research and innovation projects in recent years. The agency’s budget has increased by 194 percent compared to the previous budget, and by an incredible 13,200 percent in the last 20 years. But Frontex’ influence goes far beyond the money at its disposal. The agency intervened to “help,” "actively participate in," and “push forward” several Horizon 2020 projects, addressing “a wide spectrum of technological capabilities critical for border security,” including Artificial Intelligence, augmented reality, or virtual reality.

    In 2020, the agency formalized their collaboration with the EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG-HOME). It allowed Frontex to provide assistance to DG-HOME “in the areas of programming, monitoring and the uptake of projects results.” The agency is now responsible for “identifying research activities,” evaluating research proposals, and the supervision of the Horizon Europe research projects’ “operational relevance.”

    The agency therefore joined EU-funded projects trials, demonstrations, and workshops, held events involving EU-funded projects, and even created a laboratory (the Border Management Innovation Centre, BoMIC) to help implement EU-funded projects in border security. This is complemented with Frontex’s own “Research Grants Programme”, whose first call for proposals was announced in November 2022, to “bring promising ideas from the lab to real applications in border security.”

    The NESTOR project promises “an entirely functional, next-generation, comprehensive border surveillance system offering pre-frontier situational awareness beyond sea and land borders.” The system is based on optical, thermal imaging, and radio frequency spectrum analysis technologies. Such data will be “fed by an interoperable sensors network” comprised of both stationary installations and mobile manned or unmanned vehicles (that can operate underwater, on water surfaces, on the ground, or in the air). The vehicles are also capable of functioning in swarms. This allows for detecting, recognizing, classifying, and tracking “moving targets” such as persons, vessels, vehicles, or drones. A “Border Command, Control, and Coordination intelligence system” would adopt “cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence and Risk Assessment technologies”, fusing “in real-time the surveillance data in combination with analysis of web and social media data.”

    The key term here is “pre-frontier awareness.” According to the EU, “pre-frontier” refers to “the geographical area beyond the external borders which is relevant for managing the external borders through risk analysis and situational awareness.” Or, to put it bluntly: the very notion of “border” ultimately dissolves into whatever the authorities want it to mean.

    The list of projects could go on and on (see the box below), but you get the EU’s gist: They perceive migrants as a threat and want to better protect their borders from them by constantly improving automation and ever-increasing surveillance − far beyond existing borders. The EU conjures up the image of a migration “crisis” that we can only hope to end through technological solutions.

    This belief is extensively and increasingly affirmed and shaped by the border and coast guard community in lockstep with the surveillance and security industries, as has been well documented. But it threatens social justice, non-discrimination, fairness, and a basic respect of fundamental rights. “Ethics assessments” only scratch at the surface of the complexity of automating migration. The systems will be developed anyway, even if the assessments fundamentally question whether the systems’ use can be justified at all. Many of these projects should not have been funded in the first place, so they should not be pursued.

    #AI #IA #intelligence_artificielle #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #mur_digital #frontières_digitales #technologie #drones #satellites #frontières_intelligentes #smart_borders #Horizon_2020 #Horizon_Europe #surveillance #complexe_militaro-industriel #European_Research_Executive_Agency (#REA) #recherche #ROBORDER #REACTION #Border_Management_and_Visa_Instrument #CERTH #Grèce #NESTOR #biométrie #D4FLY #iBorderCtrl #Frontex #ITFLOWS #risques #EuMigraTool #FOLDOUT #pré-frontière

    ping @reka

  • A Sliver of Hope on the Deadly Route to the Canary Islands

    In Western Sahara, one local aid association has pioneered new ways to keep migrants from making the journey.

    “Papa Africa, Papa Africa,” calls a voice in an alleyway in Laayoune, Western Sahara’s largest city, as #Abdelkebir_Taghia walks past fish stalls. Since 2005, this Moroccan of Sahrawi origin, now in his 50s, has devoted all his free time to helping and protecting migrants who try to reach Europe by crossing the murderous Atlantic Ocean from the Sahara region to the Canary Islands. In the process, he gained his nickname and established himself as one of the few indispensable direct observers of migration in this area. Official data is scarce here, hampered by a lack of access to migrants’ points of departure in a huge and sparsely populated region where one of Africa’s longest-running conflicts, over the status of Western Sahara, rumbles on.

    In 2023, “The Atlantic route to the Canary Islands was once again the deadliest migratory region in the world,” according to #Caminando_Fronteras, a Spanish nongovernmental organization that defends human rights in border regions. It reports that just over 6,000 people died on the “Canary route” over the year, including hundreds of children and many on makeshift boats that disappeared without a trace. Taghia cooperates with Caminando Fronteras to try and count the number of victims and missing persons who leave from the Sahara coast. An estimated 1,418 of those who died during the crossing in 2023 set off from this stretch of coastline, on a route mostly taken at the end of a long and often violent migration process.

    Since 2017, the number of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, Palestine, Syria and Yemen seeking to cross the ocean here has continued to rise, as the authorities have increased controls at the usual crossing points in northern Morocco. Migration is documented mainly on the arrivals side, by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, which counts almost 40,000 migrants as having landed in the Canary Islands in 2023. In January 2024 alone, more than 7,270 migrants arrived in the archipelago, according to data from the Spanish authorities, over 10 times the number in January 2023.

    Over many years, and with modest resources, Taghia has set up the only migrant aid association in #Laayoune, covering the whole region. It raises awareness of the dangers of crossing and offers an alternative, facilitating integration into the local society and organizing discussion workshops for migrant women. “In the Sahara, Rabat, Marrakech or Tangiers, everyone knows me as Papa Africa. Since 2014, with my team, I’ve been able to help 7,000-8,000 people in the region. Looking back, I can’t believe it,” says Taghia, who is always the first to open the door of his association in the morning. The premises were set up in 2016, in a working-class district of the city near to the ocean, helped by the Catholic charity federation Caritas Internationalis and subsidies from the Moroccan government. The main hall, where a poster reads “Solidarity is not a crime, it’s a duty!” is crowded all day long. “We chose to be in the immediate vicinity of where the migrants live. Our aim has always been to focus on the most vulnerable population. It’s important to give them a place to express themselves, with all that they have endured during their migration,” he explains.

    Historically, the region is a crossroads of cultures and peoples, and in the surrounding area the local population rubs shoulders with Wolofs, Peuls, Mauritanians and Ivoirians. “We’ve always been used to seeing Black people here. There is less racism than in the north of the country. The locals rent flats to migrants, which is not the case elsewhere in Morocco,” Taghia says, as he sips a Touba coffee from Senegal, the only one to be found in the neighborhood. Pointing to several flags of African and Middle Eastern countries on a shelf in the main room, the humanitarian estimates that between 15,000 and 18,000 migrants are currently in Laayoune.

    The desert area of Western Sahara is bordered to the east by a front line between Morocco and the Sahrawi nationalist Polisario Front, known as the “wall of sands,” and to the west by the Atlantic Ocean. The varied and shifting behavior of migrants in this area makes it hard to ascertain their numbers: Some decide to settle and make Morocco their home, some make the crossing and others wait to cross. And the crossings depart from a wild coastline — a sort of no-man’s-land — stretching as far as the eye can see, for more than 680 miles. This expanse offers illegal immigrants a multitude of possible departure zones when night falls, as they hope to reach the Canary Islands, the small Spanish archipelago that has become the new gateway to the European Union.

    Throughout the year, Taghia roams the coastline of dunes falling into the ocean, from Tarfaya in the north to Dakhla in the south, reaching out to migrants preparing to cross and making them aware of the dangers of the ocean. “We don’t encourage them to make the crossing because it’s too dangerous. They think that the Canaries are not far away, but the weather conditions are difficult, hence the many shipwrecks,” he says.

    The vastness of the coastal strip facilitates the departure of makeshift boats from scattered crossing points. In places, it is sometimes possible to see the lights coming from the Spanish islands on a fine day. At the closest point, in the Tarfaya region, the Moroccan coast is 62 miles from the Canaries — a mere stone’s throw, but across some of the world’s most dangerous waters for migrants.

    As Caminando Fronteras outlines in its recent report, migrants’ chances for survival on this route are strongly affected by relations between Morocco and Spain. Morocco has sought to use its willingness to oversee migration routes to gain recognition for its control of the region and its waters, and in 2023 the Spanish search and rescue agency Salvamento Maritimo did effectively recognize Moroccan control of the route by distributing maps drawn up by the kingdom. Rescues are delayed as the Spanish authorities encourage Morocco to take responsibility for migrants at sea, adding to the dangers faced by those making the crossing.

    The flow of migrants taking the route from both Western Sahara and from the West African coast in general to the Canaries began in the 1990s and intensified in 2006 with the “pirogue crisis,” when thousands attempted the crossing from the coasts of Senegal and Mauritania to the Canaries, spurred by conflicts in several countries, tightening border controls at Ceuta and Melilla and the collapse of traditional fisheries under pressure from intensive fishing practices. This period coincided with the start of Taghia’s humanitarian involvement. “My commitment began some 20 years ago, when I was drinking coffee with friends here in this local cafe. At the time, next to this cafe, there was a detention center where migrants were held after being rescued at sea. They had just come out of the water, still wet, and they were going to be sent straight back to Mauritania at that point,” he remembers, adding: “I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. At the beginning, in 2005, I started to help by simply collecting and distributing clothes and food. It wasn’t as structured as it is today with the association premises. There was no help for immigrants, and nobody understood why we were helping them.”

    From 2017, the association was able to observe an increase in the arrival of migrants seeking to cross to the Canaries. “First, the Moroccan authorities blocked departures in northern Morocco. Then, in Libya, migrants are victims of rape and human trafficking. And recently, in Tunisia, the authorities abandoned them in the desert. More and more migrants are leaving here, despite the risks of the fatal ocean,” he explains. But these are not the only reasons that people continue to come. “The flow increased enormously during and after the COVID crisis. With the problem of building sites and shops closing all over the world, and particularly in Africa, this has led to a loss of jobs,” he adds. With the number of crossings on the increase, the watchword at the association’s office is “raising awareness” of the dangers involved.

    Taghia has surrounded himself with volunteers: two women, Aicha Sallasylla and Diara Thiam, and two men, Aboubakar Ndiaye and Abdou Ndiaye, all from Senegal. This team is a symbol of what Taghia has achieved over the past 20 years. Some of those now working with him considered the crossing to Europe themselves. It was after meeting Taghia that they decided to stay in Laayoune to help prevent further deaths and to try to help others envisage a future in Morocco like their own.

    Every morning, the group gathers in the meeting room to plan the tasks ahead and take stock of the weather situation, worrying about the survival of any migrants who might take to the ocean. “When we are confronted with dozens of corpses, regularly, we have to take the lead. We must raise awareness among young people so that they take the necessary measures. People’s lives are important, which is why we turn to community leaders. But some of them are smugglers, so our message doesn’t always get through,” says Taghia, who organizes the monthly awareness campaigns with Thiam. According to Taghia, nearly 1 in 10 of the boats run aground. Sallasylla, a volunteer with the association who wanted to cross in the past, says: “Clandestine migration is financed by family investments. Relatives sell their land to get to Europe, hoping to be able to pay off the journey. By the time they get here, it’s often too late, because they’ve already taken out a loan with a bank or their family.” “Cross or die” is the migrants’ motto. In debt or under family pressure, migrants feel they have no choice but to continue their journey. “All this encourages people to leave. And we can only convince two or three people out of 10,” she admits.

    Not far from Laayoune, Taghia and Abdou walk along an endless sandy beach. They usually come here when there is a risk of shipwreck, hoping to find survivors. They are close; Taghia saved Abdou from his attempted crossings. Abdou, 38, has since become a volunteer with the association. “This beach was a starting point, but now the gendarmes are on the lookout,” he says, pointing to soldiers on patrol. The two men watch the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean, worried.

    Over the last few days, as is often the case, dozens of people have gone missing in the open sea. Abdou shows a message on his phone: “SOS in the Atlantic! We were alerted to the presence of a boat with 47 people in distress coming from Tarfaya. We lost contact 42 hours ago. To date, we’ve had no news.” It was sent by Alarm Phone, a group of volunteers offering telephone assistance to people in distress in the Mediterranean, the Aegean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, with whom the association works. Testimonies from families and alerts from civilians in the departure areas are vital to the rescue operation. “When we receive these alerts, we share the GPS coordinates of the last known positions with the Moroccan maritime forces,” Taghia explains.

    On the beach, Abdou discusses the mechanisms of clandestine migration in the light of his own story, under Taghia’s benevolent gaze. Abdou has tried to cross three times. He entered Morocco illegally in 2012 and for three years he worked in fish-freezing factories. Every year, at the time of Eid el-Kebir, a public holiday, Abdou traveled to Tangiers with friends, with a single goal in mind: the crossing to Europe. Each time they arrived in northern Morocco, Abdou and his friends tried to find a so-called “captain” to take them out to sea. “The captains are often sub-Saharan fishermen who want to immigrate. The fishermen don’t pay for the journey, and in exchange, they guide us out to sea. It’s a win-win situation,” Abdou confides, adding: “In the north of Morocco, we can’t use motorboats, because we don’t want to make noise and be spotted. So, we paddle.” Abdou was arrested twice in a forest before he had even touched water, and the third time at sea.

    In 2015, Abdou found a new job in a factory in El Marsa, a few miles from Laayoune: “That’s where I heard about Papa Africa. Since then, it has given meaning to my life, by giving me the opportunity to help people,” Abdou says, looking out over the ocean. Taghia, moved, replies: “You have to have love and desire. You must know how to live for others.” Since then, Abdou has decided to save lives alongside Papa Africa, a commitment that has earned him respect and turned him into an unofficial leader of the Senegalese community in Laayoune.

    hile the association works to save lives, others take advantage of the “European dream” and turn it into a business. “There are two kinds of prices for the Canaries: the ‘classic pack’ for which you pay $550 on departure and $2,100 on arrival. And then there’s the ‘guaranteed’ option, which costs $3,200 if you arrive at your destination,” explains Abdou. It’s a financial windfall for the local mafia and the smugglers. A small 9-meter Zodiac inflatable boat carrying 58 people can make $150,000. According to our information, the people at the head of the networks are Moroccan nationals. They never physically move. They organize the clandestine crossings from their homes and instruct the sub-Saharan smugglers to bring the Zodiacs to the beach.

    For Taghia and Abdou, this illegal business is distressing: “It hurts us to see people dying. We are eyewitnesses to these tragedies. We regularly see inanimate bodies washed ashore. Families with no news contact me to find out if their loved ones are still alive,” Abdou says. To facilitate the search, Abdou visits the local morgues. “The family sends me a passport photo and a photo of the missing person taken in everyday life. The last time, I was able to identify a corpse in a morgue thanks to a scar on the forehead,” says Abdou.

    The association’s goal of saving lives is ultimately at odds with the smugglers’ activities, and when asked if he has experience of pressure from the mafia, Taghia replies: “Not directly. But I hear things here and there.” Hundreds of criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling and human trafficking are dismantled every year by the Moroccan authorities, sponsored since 2019 by the EU and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, with a budget of 15 million euros allocated over three years for Morocco and the rest of North Africa (Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Tunisia).

    In Abdou’s view, the smugglers are not the only ones responsible for the human tragedies in the Atlantic: “The European Union is guilty of these deaths. It allocates large subsidies to third countries to combat immigration. Instead of externalizing its border protection, the EU could fund humanitarian development projects or vocational training centers in the countries of departure,” he says, adding: “In Senegal, it’s mainly the fishermen who are leaving. There are no fish left because of the fishing contracts signed with China and South Korea, which practice industrial overfishing. They’ve taken everything.” According to a report published by the Foundation for Environmental Justice, almost two-thirds of Senegalese fishermen say that their income has fallen over the last five years. One of the causes of this decline is overfishing, notably the destruction of breeding grounds following the arrival of foreign industrial fishing fleets off the Senegalese coast. “In five to 10 years’ time, there won’t be any young people left in Senegal,” Abdou says.

    In June 2023, the European Commission presented an EU action plan on the migratory routes of the Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic, supporting the outsourcing of border management and strengthening “the capacities of Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia to develop targeted actions to prevent irregular departures.” To prevent migrants from organizing themselves to make the crossing to the Canary Islands, Morocco is deploying measures to keep them away from the departure areas and move them to other towns.

    In support of integrated border and migration management, Morocco received 44 million euros from the EU between December 2018 and April 2023. Yet for Taghia, the tactics funded in this way are inadequate. “Morocco has a duty to limit departures under bilateral agreements. The financial aid granted by the EU is mainly distributed to the Moroccan coast guards and security services. They mustn’t take an exclusively security-oriented approach. We need to have a long-term humanitarian vision, aimed at vocational training and the integration of migrants in their countries of origin or when they arrive here,” he says. “In Laayoune at the moment, there are arrests everywhere, because recently, following several shipwrecks that left many dead and missing, the authorities have arrested and moved migrants all over the Sahara, to keep them away from the departure areas.”

    According to some witnesses in the region interviewed by New Lines, migrants are regularly subjected to police violence and forced displacement in efforts to keep them away from the departure points and dissuade them from taking to sea. New Lines was able to visit a migrants’ hostel to gather testimonies from direct victims of police violence and view several videos documenting human rights violations against migrants. To protect the victims, we will not give details of their identities or backgrounds.

    A man who testified that he had been subjected to police violence on several occasions said: “During the day, we hide to avoid police raids. When the police arrive at the houses to arrest us, some of us jump off the roofs to try and escape, and some of us break a leg.” Several victims told of how these “displacement” operations to move migrants away from the departure zones are carried out. “Often, the police are in civilian clothes. When we ask to see their identity papers or badges, they hit us,” one person said. “They force us into vans or buses, then take us to a center outside Laayoune. We remain detained in unsanitary conditions for a few days until we can fill a bus with 40 to 50 people to take us to other Moroccan towns.” Measures are different for migrants rescued at sea or arrested by coastguards at the time of crossing, who are systematically incarcerated in detention centers and released after several days. “I left my country because of a political crisis, so I wanted to take refuge in Morocco. I had no intention of crossing, but the violence here might force me to take the risk,” a young woman from Ivory Coast told New Lines in tears.

    Taghia has just returned from Dakhla, where he met with the Senegalese consul, installed in the coastal town in April 2021, to obtain permits for access to the detention center in Laayoune, in the hope of finding Senegalese migrants reported missing after shipwrecks or rescues, and providing news to their families. According to our information, there are four detention centers in the area: one on the outskirts of Laayoune, two in Dakhla and one in Tan-Tan.

    “Morocco is caught between the African countries and the European Union,” Taghia says. The Cherifian Kingdom does not wish to carry out mass expulsions of sub-Saharan immigrants to their countries of origin, which could jeopardize its strategic and diplomatic relations with the rest of Africa. In this context, from 2014 the Moroccan government adopted a new comprehensive national strategy called “immigration and asylum,” aimed at regularizing the situation of irregular migrants present on Moroccan territory and facilitating their social integration. This initiative, partly funded by the European Union, is one of the policy levers intended to reduce the migratory flow to Europe. In January 2024, the UNHCR estimated that there were 10,280 refugees and 9,386 asylum seekers from 50 different countries in Morocco. “In Laayoune, in 2015, a Migrant Monitoring Commission was set up to facilitate access to healthcare, and regularization. But we don’t have the exact figures for the number of migrants regularized in the region, because they are not public data. The Regional Human Rights Commission and the Wilaya have helped to integrate migrants. Today, migrant children can enroll in school. And doors have started to open for humanitarian projects,” Taghia says.

    “We don’t stop migration at the last minute. If someone has traveled from Guinea to Algeria and then on to Morocco, you can’t ask them to stop along the way. So, we must meet their economic needs by giving them a professional perspective here,” he says. Taghia is aware that the situation of migrants remains fragile and precarious across the region. “We would like to be able to obtain grants from the European Union to help us develop humanitarian projects like the ones we are currently setting up,” he points out. He perseveres, using his own contacts and seeking support from the Catholic Church in Laayoune. He regularly crisscrosses the city to convince companies to recruit migrants. “We’ve become a sort of employment agency,” he says with a smile. “This year, we managed to find work for 25 people who were already qualified in their country of origin. Today, they are working, for example, in gardening, mechanics or catering.”

    Since 2023, he has been trying to create partnerships with local schools to provide vocational training for migrants, making it more likely that they choose to stay and avoid tragedy at sea. Amie Gueye, 28, is one of them. A Senegalese mother, she came to Morocco with her husband and two children. In the salon where she is training to become a hairdresser, she explains that the association helped to find her the opportunity.

    Day after day, Abdou’s phone keeps ringing. One morning, he listens to an audio message — “I’ve arrived in Spain” — looking reassured. Abdou confides: “He’s a Burkinabe who’s had a problem with his leg since he was born. He wanted to go to Spain for treatment because, despite several operations in Burkina Faso, it wasn’t getting any better,” adding, “Like Papa Africa, my days are focused on the needs of migrants. My phone even rings at night. Yesterday, I took a woman who was about to give birth to the hospital by taxi at 3 in the morning.” The needs are regularly medical, and the association activates its personal networks to take care of the migrants. Sometimes there are happy days, like this time with the new baby, and Taghia decides to drive his team to the hospital. A rock fan, he puts on a song by an artist he likes; Sallasylla starts humming to the tune of Dire Straits’ “Sultans of Swing.” The volunteers arrive enthusiastically with gifts for the mother and baby Abdou has helped. Sallasylla dances as she enters the room, Taghia shouts “Congratulations,” while Thiam takes the newborn in her arms and exclaims: “He looks just like his brother.”


    #Canaries #îles_Canaries #migrations #réfugiés #Papa_Africa #solidarité #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #route_Atlantique #Espagne #contrôles_frontaliers #Sahara_occidental #Maroc #dissuasion

  • #Foligno, inaugurata piazza 3 ottobre

    Per ricordare le vittime delle migrazioni. Il Sindaco Mismetti: “la città ha capito che le differenze sono una ricchezza. Con l’indifferenza si creano nuovi muri, mentre noi abbiamo fatto la scelta dell’integrazione”.

    “Piazzetta tre ottobre: giornata delle vittime di tutte le migrazioni”. E’ questo il nome scelto dalla Diocesi e dal Comune di Foligno per rendere incancellabili le tragedie che ancora oggi avvengono quotidianamente in tutto il mondo. C’è ancora chi in cerca di speranza e di un futuro migliore perde la propria vita. Esempio tangibile quello delle vittime in mare, che dall’Africa cercano di arrivare in Europa attraverso l’Italia. Ne sa qualcosa Tareke Brhane, presidente del Comitato 3 ottobre, uno dei superstiti della strage di Lampedusa del tre ottobre 2013.

    Presente all’inaugurazione della piazza, Tareke Brhane ha ricordato che da quella data ad oggi, nelle traversate del Mediterraneo sono morte 11.400 persone. Con questo gesto Foligno vuole promuovere la realtà dell’accoglienza e dell’integrazione. “Tareke è il rappresentante di chi ha perso la voce – ha spiegato il vescovo di Foligno, Gualtiero Sigismondi -. Il primo ponte da creare tra le culture – ha poi proseguito – è quello della stretta di mano”. Per don Luigi Filippucci, è importante “affermare sempre di più la vita e dire no alla morte”, mentre la presidente del consiglio regionale Donatella Porzi ha sottolineato come “il dialogo è la prima forma di solidarietà per attuare una strategia comune”. La nuova piazzetta sorge nell’area del polo scolastico di viale Marconi.

    Dopo Roma, quella di Foligno è la seconda piazza d’Italia a portare questo nome, “segno – ha affermato il sindaco Mismetti – che la città ha capito che le differenze sono una ricchezza. Con l’indifferenza – ha concluso il primo cittadino – si creano nuovi muri, mentre noi abbiamo fatto la scelta dell’integrazione”. Non solo piazzetta Tre ottobre. Nella giornata di mercoledì infatti, in viale Marconi sono stati piantati degli ulivi come simbolo di pace. Alla cerimonia erano presenti, tra gli altri, Rita Barbetti, vicesindaco, l’assessore Maura Franquillo, i consiglieri comunali, Vincenzo Falasca e Michela Matarazzi, rappresentanti delle forze dell’ordine e gli studenti delle scuole medie superiori. Atteso anche il prefetto di Perugia, che però non ha partecipato alla cerimonia.

    #3_octobre #commémoration #migrations #toponymie #toponymie_politique #toponymie_migrante #réfugiés #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #3_octobre_2023 #naufrage #Italie

  • Lumière sur les #financements français et européens en #Tunisie

    Alors que la Tunisie s’enfonce dans une violente #répression des personnes exilées et de toute forme d’opposition, le CCFD-Terre Solidaire publie un #rapport qui met en lumière l’augmentation des financements octroyés par l’Union européenne et les États européens à ce pays pour la #sécurisation de ses #frontières. Cette situation interroge la #responsabilité de l’#UE et de ses pays membres, dont la France, dans le recul des droits humains.

    La Tunisie s’enfonce dans l’#autoritarisme

    Au cours des deux dernières années, la Tunisie sous la présidence de #Kaïs_Saïed s’engouffre dans l’autoritarisme. En février 2023, le président tunisien déclare qu’il existe un “un plan criminel pour changer la composition démographique de la Tunisie“, en accusant des “hordes de migrants clandestins“ d’être responsables “de violences, de crimes et d’actes inacceptables“.

    Depuis cette rhétorique anti-migrants, les #violences à l’encontre des personnes exilées, principalement d’origine subsaharienne, se sont exacerbées et généralisées dans le pays. De nombreuses associations alertent sur une montée croissante des #détentions_arbitraires et des #déportations_collectives vers les zones frontalières désertiques de l’#Algérie et de la #Libye.

    #EU #Union_européenne #externalisation_des_frontières #migrations #réfugiés #désert #abandon

    ping @_kg_

  • Gaza and the European border regime: Connecting the struggles

    As Israel’s genocidal assault[1] on the Gaza Strip shows no signs of relenting, the situation increasingly lays bare broader inequalities, hypocrisies, and tendencies in global politics. This moment compels those of us working against European borders and border externalization to think about the many connections and parallels between the genocidal Israeli occupation and the global border regime. Israeli apartheid and the global border regime share an assumption that segments of humanity can be permanently confined, contained, and warehoused, surrounded by affluence that springs from their dispossession.

    Israel has long been a part of the European border regime, and its technologies of surveillance and control inform bordering practices elsewhere. The state of Israel inflicts racial violence and hierarchies upon the Palestinian people akin to the violence that migrants experience in the Sahara, the Mediterranean, and on Europe’s eastern maritime and land borders. In the Occupied Territories, a regime of legal apartheid severely restricts human mobility and access to social resources enacting a hierarchy of racial exclusion and privilege. Scholars who think of border regimes as global apartheid describe this in similar terms. In Gaza, meanwhile, the same logic of racial supremacy has degenerated into outright genocide against those deemed racially inferior. Whether this becomes a blueprint for how “unwanted” populations are treated in the future is a question that concerns all of us.

    Both border regimes and the war on Gaza involve extensive Western support to authoritarian governments and the nourishment of fascist tendencies. In the face of Israel’s policies of deliberate starvation, the systematic targeting of civilians, and the destruction of vital infrastructure, Western allies continue to fund and arm these war crimes. The most extreme elements of Netanyahu’s war cabinet are among the main beneficiaries of this Western policy approach. In a similar vein, Western backing and funding to non-democratic governments has contributed to the gross human rights violations carried out by European externalization partners like Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan. In each case, the values that “the West” claims to uphold are eroded, exposing an authoritarian, fascist, and genocidal underside.

    Indeed, when placed in a historical context, events in Gaza today are the latest destructive episode in a continuous history of enclosure, expulsion, dispossession, displacement, and ethnic cleansing going back 76 years in the region. Palestine, moreover, is not an exception. Colonial conquest and genocide are constitutive of modernity. This connection between nation-statehood, genocide and extreme political violence can be seen in Tigray/Amhara (Ethiopia), in Darfur (Sudan), the Democratic Republic of Congo and elsewhere. The situation in the West Bank and Gaza is not a departure from this colonial genealogy of the nation-state. On the contrary, it is a direct consequence of this genocidal history as it unfolded in the 20th century, including global population displacements after the Second World War, the persecution and expulsion of Jews from Europe (the flight from the Holocaust), and the export of European nationalism and racial ideologies.

    At the same time, Gaza is a 21st-century refugee camp, where the wretched of the earth are warehoused in increasing numbers. Combining the governmental form of the prison with that of the concentration camp, the Gaza siege aspires for total control and surveillance of its incarcerated population, which it frames as a threat deserving its fate. In a global context of climate breakdown and economic crisis, this could well become a global model of refugee containment. Yet to paraphrase Yasmeen Daher, why should Palestinians and the formerly colonized be the perpetual refugees in our world?
    Unprecedented destruction

    The scale of destruction and atrocities committed after the Hamas attack on 7 October, 2023 by the Israeli Defence Forces in Gaza is in many ways unprecedented. Using publicly available data, Oxfam calculated that the number of average deaths per day in Gaza (250) is higher than in any recent major armed conflict including Syria (96.5 deaths per day), Sudan (51.6), Iraq (50.8), Ukraine (43.9) Afghanistan (23.8) and Yemen (15.8).2 More UN workers have been killed since October in Gaza than in any other conflict since the founding of the UN. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, more journalists have been killed in the first 10 weeks of the Israel-Gaza war than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year.

    By December 30, 2023, almost half of Gaza’s buildings had been damaged or destroyed, a figure that also accounts for almost 70 percent of its 439,000 homes. Satellite images show the widespread and targeted destruction of the entire Gaza Strip through Israel’s bombing campaign, including farmland. In December 2023, more than 8,000 Palestinians were being held in Israeli jails amid an intensified wave of arrests and detentions in Gaza and the West Bank since the 7 October attacks by Hamas, according to human rights groups. Even before October 7, 2023, Israel was holding 5,200 Palestinian political prisoners.

    This is a war not just against Hamas but against the “stateless” population in Gaza and, by extension, against the population of the other occupied Palestinian territories. The war waged by Netanyahu and his right-wing extremist coalition and war cabinet is also further militarizing Israeli society and turning the entire region into a war zone, with an imminent risk of potential for global escalation.

    Early and repeated warnings of an imminent humanitarian catastrophe and genocide went unanswered. In February, the United Nations World Food Programme warned of an impending famine. With the threat of defunding UNRWA[2], the largest humanitarian agency active in Gaza and on which 2 million people are depending for shelter and basic supplies, the situation has further deteriorated. A CNN report shows that Israel’s security forces are confiscating items such as water filtration systems, dates, and sleeping bags, thus violating the requirements by the International Court of Justice’ to allow adequate aid deliveries. On March 28, 2024, the International Criminal Court ordered the Israeli government to allow unimpeded access to food aid in Gaza, where sections of the population are facing imminent starvation. While states and non-governmental organizations have made efforts to provide humanitarian aid via planes and ships, the only solution is an immediate ceasefire.

    In sum, Israel’s willful withholding of essential humanitarian aid is responsible for famine in Gaza, and the situation is set to deteriorate further with an impending military campaign in Rafah.[3] At the same time, decisive calls for an immediate ceasefire remain marginalized and shunned by Western political leaders and Western mainstream media, and their proponents are regularly attacked as Hamas supporters or anti-Semites.[4] Without concrete actions to pressure the Netanyahu government, such as stopping arms exports or imposing sanctions, recent calls for a ceasefire by some Western governments are bound to remain mere lip service.
    Repression of opposition and anti-migrant racism

    The intensification of war, occupation and expulsion of Palestinians has been accompanied by a crackdown on democratic opposition and the weaponization of anti-Semitism. Critical voices, journalism and peaceful protests are being repressed in Israel, the Palestinian territories and Western societies. Civil liberties such as freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly as well academic freedom have also been restricted in Western Europe. This is exacerbated by a sustained news blockade from Gaza, where the killing of at least 107 journalists has prompted investigations by the International Criminal Court.

    The governing powers in Germany frame criticism of the Israeli right-wing extremist government or the war as „Israel-oriented anti-Semitism“.This concept, essential to repressing all opposition to Israel’s genocidal actions and German complicity, relies on the German government’s restrictive interpretation[5] of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) „working definition of antisemitism“. The two-sentence-long IHRA definition, embraced by many governments, media, cultural and educational institutions, does not itself equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. However, the list of 11 examples, often considered as part of the definition, strongly suggests this equation. This interpretation and the definition itself have been criticized and challenged by many. Jewish and Israeli historians and scholars have, for instance, argued that it undermines the fight against antisemitism.[6] As the Diaspora Alliance notes: „The Israeli government and its allies are promoting the use of the IHRA definition in order to curtail protected free speech… [and] to reframe legitimate criticism of well-documented Israeli state violence against Palestinians as anti-Jewish bigotry …to silence critics of the State of Israel and of Zionism.“

    European governments and public institutions have issued bans on demonstrations, excluded critical voices from public forums and universities and defunded cultural spaces, particularly harshly in Germany. This amounts to a systematic violation of the constitutional principles of freedom of expression and opinion and therefore erodes the freedoms of all. The shutting down of the Palestine Congress in Berlin in April exemplifies this regression. Ultimately, this strategy will only reinforce societal division and polarization – instead of combating anti-Semitism or racism. In fact, the equation of criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism has been used to fuel racism against Arabs and Muslims.

    This trend of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism provides a fertile ground for the ongoing deportation campaigns, European asylum reform and intensification of border externalization. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz explicitly made the link between 7 October, deportations and suspicion of Arabs in his November 2023 announcement of “deportations on a large scale” The major opposition party CDU (Christian Democratic Union) at the same time called for “physical violence” against “irregular migrants” at Europe’s external borders. This institutionalization of direct violence is also evident in the adopted reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), which envisions the massive incarceration of newly arriving migrants at the EU’s external borders. And while the German right-wing party AfD is openly discussing the “re-migration” of persons with “migration background” – a plan to revoke citizenship and deport millions – members of the Netanjahu cabinet are doing the same for the Palestinian population in Gaza.

    If the current conjuncture is one of escalating border violence, apartheid, global militarization, and expanding far-right forces, it is vital to connect the struggles against these forces.
    Connecting struggles: Against borders and apartheid?

    To summarize, there are at least four elements connecting Israeli apartheid and the global border regime. Apartheid and global border regimes are both productive of racialized difference and segregation; they both feed authoritarian and fascist tendencies; they are bound up in the history of colonial genocide and nation-state building, and they provide respectively a framework for containing the displaced and dispossessed in a 21st century of climate and economic crisis. At present, Gaza is the site of unprecedented destruction and violence. Precedents are also being set in “the West” in that constitutionally protected freedoms are being withdrawn to repress those protesting this violence and destruction. All of this feeds a growing overlap between racist sentiment, far-right exclusionary nationalism, and liberal technocratic border governance projects.

    In such a conjuncture, it is neither feasible nor desirable to separate the struggle for freedom in Palestine from the struggles against racism and border regimes “at home” in Europe. Many groups and individuals already participate in several of these struggles. Our infinite respect and solidarity goes to those already doing this work. Yet matters have now become entangled in a fashion that heightens the urgency to deepen these connections in our movements. As an activist research collective documenting and critiquing European border externalisation, we wish to provide resources and perspectives towards this end.


    #Gaza #externalisation #Israël #externalisation_des_frontières #réfugiés #destruction #résistance #luttes

  • Le corps d’un homme non identifié retrouvé à 2 300 mètres d’altitude

    Des randonneurs à skis ont trouvé un corps ce dimanche 19 mai à Névache. Une autopsie sera diligentée.

    Ce dimanche 19 mai, dans l’après-midi, un groupe de randonneurs à skis, dont un accompagnateur en montagne italien, a trouvé un corps, sous la pointe Balthazar, vers 2300 mètres d’altitude, à Névache, dans la vallée Étroite, a appris le Dauphiné Libéré.

    Le corps pas encore identifié

    Les secouristes du peloton de gendarmerie de haute montagne (PGHM) de Briançon se sont rendus sur place, avec les techniciens en identification criminelle de la gendarmerie de Gap, ainsi que la brigade de recherche de Briançon, à bord de l’hélicoptère de la section aérienne de gendarmerie.

    Le corps n’a pour le moment pas été identifié. Il s’agit d’un homme. Selon la procureure de la République de Gap, Marion Lozac’hmeur, « une enquête en recherche des causes de la mort a été ouverte et une autopsie sera diligentée. L’enquête aura pour objectif de déterminer la période et les circonstances de la mort ».


    Peut-être un migrant... mais les informations ne sont pas encore claires et vérifiées...

    #migrations #réfugiés #morts_aux_frontières #frontières #Névache #Hautes-Alpes #France #Italie #décès


    ajouté au fil de discussion sur les morts à la frontière des Hautes-Alpes :

    lui-même ajouté à la métaliste sur les morts aux frontières alpines :

    • Névache : le corps non identifié d’un homme retrouvé à 2.300 mètres d’altitude

      Un groupe de randonneurs et un accompagnateur ont découvert un corps sous la pointe Balthazar dans la Vallée Étroite à 2.300 mètres d’altitude ce dimanche 19 mai. Une enquête a été ouverte.

      Macabre découverte pour un groupe de randonneurs et un accompagnateur en montagne italien ce dimanche 19 mai. Selon les informations de nos confrères du Dauphiné Libéré, un corps a été retrouvé sous la pointe Balthazar au niveau de Névache dans la Vallée Étroite (Hautes-Alpes) à 2.300 mètres d’altitude.
      Une autopsie prévue

      Des secouristes du peloton de gendarmerie de haute montagne de Briançon, des techniciens en identification criminelle de la gendarmerie de Gap et la brigade de recherche de Briançon se sont rendus sur place à bord de l’hélicoptère de la section aérienne de gendarmerie.

      Contactée par BFM DICI, Marion Lozac’hmeur la procureure de la République de Gap annonce « qu’une enquête en recherche des causes la mort a été ouverte, afin de déterminer l’identité du défunt, la période et les causes de la mort ». Elle ajoute qu’une autopsie « va être diligentée ».


    • Morire di frontiera
      Domenica 19 maggio 2024


      Un’escursione di sci alpinismo verso la punta Baldassarre in Valle stretta, a quota 2300 in territorio francese, ha permesso di scoprire un altro cadavere, probabilmente di persona migrante, riemerso dalla coltre di neve e ormai in parte divorato dagli animali. L’intervento del soccorso militare francese ha permesso il trasporto della salma a Briançon. È stata istruita un’inchiesta sulle cause e temporalità del decesso con richiesta di relativa autopsia.

      Alla data attuale non c’è stata identificazione della persona e neppure si può avere informazioni precise sulla sua provenienza, ma una serie di elementi indiziari fanno supporre che si tratti di nuovo di una morte per frontiera: l’abbigliamento non consono ad affrontare la montagna, la zona non attraversata in inverno da escursionisti in quanto pericolosa, Il territorio (Valle Stretta- Colle della scala è tracciato storico del passaggio indocumentato in Francia). Non è la prima volta che muoiono persone nel tentativo di varcare il confine partendo da Bardonecchia e che i loro corpi vengono riscattati solo dopo il disgelo. Per lo stato di oltraggio e decomposizione del corpo il decesso potrebbe risalire anche agli ultimi mesi del 2023. Non dimentichiamo che tra ottobre e novembre dell’anno passato altre due persone hanno perso la vita.

      Amarezza, dolore e rabbia convivono.

      Una decisione del Consiglio di Stato francese del 2 febbraio 2024 (a seguito di una sentenza della Corte di Giustizia Europea del settembre 2023) ha di fatto modificato la situazione del transito alla frontiera italo-francese e ha sancito che un’altra parte dello Stato, esecutiva e decentrata, la polizia di frontiera, ha attuato prassi illegittime impedendo alle persone in transito di esercitare il proprio diritto di richiedere asilo, respingendole. Al valico del Monginevro, confine con la Francia, oggi non ci sono quasi più respinti. Al contrario, dal 2017 a febbraio 2024 i respingimenti sono stati una costante: coloro che venivano “catturati” in montagna erano deportati in Italia con fogli prestampati che spesso le persone non capivano. Per sfuggire alla caccia all’uomo che si ripete da anni, di giorno e di notte, le persone migranti su queste montagne sono state costrette a inoltrarsi lungo sentieri sempre più in quota e sempre più pericolosi. Se allo stato attuale si può transitare con maggior sicurezza, permane tragicamente colpevole il fatto che decine di migliaia di persone in questi anni hanno sofferto, patito mutilazioni o sono morte su queste nostre montagne.


  • Ukrainian Refugees in Switzerland: A research synthesis of what we know

    The objective of this research synthesis is to collect and summarize the research literature on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland. This is done through a systematic review, mostly in the form of a narrative review and with statistical indicators that are synthesized. There is a wide range of evidence on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland and their integration, although substantive and systematic gaps remain. The review provides a brief historical background, looks at the demographic composition of Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland, discusses economic integration, housing, education, social integration, crime and safety, health and well-being, and attitudes to Ukrainian refugees. Much less is known about cultural integration and political participation. Given the size of the population and the ongoing war in Ukraine, more research on Ukrainian refugees is warranted, particularly in the direction of successful integration in a context where return seems increasingly unlikely — although dual-intent remains the official focus —, and in areas beyond economic integration that affect well-being and intentions to return.


    #statistiques #chiffres #réfugiés_ukrainiens #réfugiés #Ukraine #asile #migrations #Suisse

  • Rome : #Freedom_of_Movement_Solidarity_Network for migrants launched

    A new alliance between NGOs operating on the mainland and at sea to support migrants, called the Freedom of Movement Solidarity Network, was presented in Rome on May 15.

    The Freedom of Movement Solidarity Network is a new alliance that includes groups operating along migration routes — on the road, in forests, at sea, and on mountain trails — to help people on the move.

    Promoters of the network presented on May 15 in Rome at the Foreign Press Association included the following associations: Baobab Experience, Bozen Solidale, Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche Alto Vicentino, Como senza frontiere, Linea d’Ombra, No Name Kitchen, On Borders, Refugees In Lybia, ResQ - People saving people, Rete Milano, Sea-Watch, Small Axe, as well as individuals like Father Massimo Biancalami, Loredana Crivellari, Father Giusto Della Valle, Francesco Delli Santi, Filippo Lombardo Tiziano Rossetti and Tommaso Stella.

    International gathering in June in Rebbio

    “Today, a network for the freedom of movement sees the light after two years of meetings in Rebbio, between Como and the Swiss border, during which experiences, opinions and discussions were shared on how to bring solidarity to migrants,” said the president of Baobab Experience, Andrea Costa.

    Costa added that this network will not lead to the dissolution of its members, but rather represents a “step forward towards joint action and a way to operate involving everyone, regardless of the group they belong to.”

    The president of Baobab Experience stressed that the new network has been presented “after the approval of the EU pact on migration and before upcoming European elections that appear to design a Europe that is even less friendly towards migrant people.”

    He also announced that an international assembly will be held on June 29-30 in Rebbio with Italian associations and their counterparts operating in other European countries.

    “We are presenting the network in the name of a collective choice to stand with people on the move,” explained Piero Gorza, a member of On Borders.
    EU questioned over ’securitarian policies’

    All participants accused the EU of promoting “securitarian policies and rampant externalization, a model launched in 2017 with the memorandum of understanding between Italy and Libya by then-interior minister Marco Minniti,” denounced Luca Morelli, member of Sea-Watch, who joined the meeting via video link from Lampedusa.

    “We have to create another model against that of deportations, create a common front to support the journey of people in movement,” he continued, highlighting a “protection system torn apart,” citing as examples Italy’s Cutro law including controversial restrictions to the country’s protection regime and the new EU pact on migration and asylum.

    David Yambio, spokesman of Refugees in Libya, said “the situation in Tunisia and Libya is the direct consequence of European policies.”

    “The accords scrap freedom of movement, Tunisia has become hell” after an agreement was forged between the Italian government of Premier Giorgia Meloni and Tunisian President Saied, he claimed.

    Yambio said he is in contact with thousands of people in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco who don’t have access to information and are abandoned or treated like criminals.

    Trafficking the product of borders and barriers - Baobab

    Alice Basiglini, spokesperson of Baobab Experience, recalled that aid facilities on the mainland and rescue vessels at sea can also monitor the situation “constantly, safeguarding the security of people in movement.”

    “We recognize freedom of movement as a universal right”, she said, citing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and called for grassroots action against the “current policies of the EU and member States forcing people to undertake increasingly dangerous journeys.”

    According to Basiglini, “human trafficking is the product of present borders and barriers, thanks lately to the Migration pact. We are opposed to policies of flows, people are not goods and they cannot enter in relation to the needs of the labor market”.

    She also expressed opposition to the “Libyan model created in 2017 and then replicated by Egypt, Tunisia and Albania”.

    “We are in favour of safe passages under the light of the sun, which is why we are denouncing our action in support of people in movement”, she concluded.


    #alliance #migrations #asile #réfugiés #solidarité #liberté_de_mouvement #Rebbio #Rete_Rebbio

    ping @isskein @karine4 @_kg_

  • Migranti: tutti i dubbi sull’accordo Rama-Meloni

    Nonostante le incongruenze e le incertezze relative all’accordo siglato tra Roma e Tirana per l’accoglienza dei migranti in suolo albanese, e in attesa del giudizio della Corte europea, a Gjadër e Shëngjin i lavori per i due centri sono già iniziati. Siamo andati a vedere come procedono

  • L’accordo Italia-Albania e la nuova frontiera dell’esternalizzazione

    di Kristina Millona , traduzione di Nicoletta Alessio La fine dei lavori di costruzione dei centri italiani in Albania che era stata stabilita per il 20 maggio, slitta a novembre. Ad aggiudicarsi la gestione dei centri di “accoglienza e trattenimento” nei siti di Shëngjin e Gjadër per 24 mesi è la cooperativa Medihospes che ha vinto la gara d’appalto con un’offerta di 133,8 milioni di euro (con un ribasso del 4,9%) . Negli ultimi decenni, l’esternalizzazione del controllo migratorio è diventata uno dei pilastri fondamentali delle politiche europee sui confini e il Protocollo Italia-Albania ne rappresenta una nuova preoccupante (...)

  • #Mothership

    In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, the crew of the #Ocean_Viking is rescuing people in exile fleeing Libya, crammed in unseaworthy boats. Once rescued and welcomed on board, survivors receive first aid, then accompanied to a safe port. On this ship, like a refuge within a refuge, the Women’s Shelter is a listening and care center for women and children.

    To ensure that people in distress are rescued in compliance with human rights and maritime law, a tug-of-war between authorities and humanitarian aid workers occurs on a daily basis.


    #sauvetage #mer #Méditerranée #migrations #réfugiés
    #film #film_documentaire #Muriel_Cravatte

  • Relier les rives. Sur les traces des morts en Méditerranée

    Sur le port de #Catane, à l’est de la Sicile, des milliers de personnes en péril débarquent, accompagnées des corps de celles qui n’ont pas survécu à la traversée de la Méditerranée. Dans un contexte d’#indifférence générale à cette #hécatombe et un environnement politique marqué par la criminalisation des migrants, un petit groupe d’habitants et d’habitantes s’est mobilisé pour redonner un nom aux défunts et joindre leurs familles. L’ouvrage retrace cette initiative locale inédite, qu’aucune autorité nationale ou européenne n’avait entreprise jusque-là de façon systématique.
    Au cours des visites répétées au #cimetière, des lectures de dossiers administratifs et des enquêtes conduites pour suivre les pistes susceptibles de relier un corps à une histoire, un attachement particulier à ces inconnus naît. Le livre raconte les vies des morts auprès de celles et ceux qui les accueillent sur l’autre rivage. Il explore les tentatives collectives et intimes menées pour tracer un chemin entre nous et les autres.
    Émaillé d’extraits de textes rédigés par des hommes et des femmes soucieux d’empêcher l’oubli, ainsi que des poèmes et des chansons qui donnent, à leurs yeux, sens à leur engagement, ce récit entend restituer la dimension sensible de leurs investigations. Il rend également perceptible la fragilité des liens invisibles et rarement mis en mots qui unissent des vivants à des morts dont ils ne savent (presque) rien.

    #livre #Filippo_Furri #Carolina_Kobelinsky #mourir_aux_frontières #Italie #morts_aux_frontières #migrations #réfugiés #Méditerranée #identification

  • Why is Italy forbidding NGO planes from departing from Sicily?

    NGO planes are forbidden from departing from five Italian airports near migrant routes on the Mediterranean, officials said this week. Here’s more background on the decision.

    NGO planes that patrol Mediterranean waters for migrant vessels in distress will no longer be able to depart from airports in Sicily, Italy’s civil aviation authority announced this week.

    Here’s some background on the specifics of the decision.
    No flights from Sicilian airports

    Italy’s National Entity for Civil Aviation (#ENAC) — a department of the Ministry of Transport, which is headed by Matteo Salvini — signed five ordinances barring NGO planes from departing the Sicilian airports of Palermo (Punta Raisi and Bocca di Falco), Lampedusa, Pantelleria and Trapani.

    According to the ordinance, these civil airplanes not only violate “the regulative legal framework of the Search and Rescue missions” but also risk “compromising the safety of migrant people who are not assisted by the current protocols approved by the Maritime Authority.”

    ENAC, in the ordinance, further stated that “anyone who takes part in Search and Rescue operations outside the legal provisions of the framework currently in place is punished with sanctions listed in the navigation code, and additional sanctions such as the administrative detention of the airplane.”
    Nadir rescue

    While the new ordinance was announced, German NGO Resquship vessel Nadir rescued a dinghy carrying 57 migrants in international waters.


    #sauvetage #Seabird #avions #criminalisation_de_la_solidarité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #migrations #réfugiés #Colibrì #Pilotes_Volontaires #Italie #aéroports

    • Migranti, il ministero di Salvini vuole fermare gli aerei delle ong. Le ordinanze emanate dall’Enac: “Elusione del quadro normativo”

      Non solo le navi, più volte sottoposte a fermi amministrativi per aver disobbedito alla guardia costiera libica. Adesso il governo prova a impedire alle ong di usare gli aerei che monitorano il Mediterraneo centrale per segnalare imbarcazioni in difficoltà, ma anche per documentare respingimenti o il comportamento dei libici, più volte filmati mentre intimidiscono gli equipaggi delle navi umanitarie o addirittura mentre sparano nel bel mezzo di un soccorso. Lo strumento per fermare velivoli come il Seabird della ong Sea Watch potrebbero essere alcune ordinanze emanate dell’Ente nazionale per l’Aviazione civile (Enac), controllato dal Ministero dei Trasporti di Matteo Salvini. “Interdizione all’operatività dei velivoli e delle imbarcazioni delle ONG sullo scenario del Mare Mediterraneo centrale”, titolano i provvedimenti, che in base a non meglio precisate “segnalazioni trasmesse dal Comando generale della Guardia costiera” accusano i velivoli delle ong di “sostanziale elusione del quadro normativo di riferimento” e minacciano sanzioni e sequestri.

      “Chiunque effettua attività in ambito Search and Rescue al di fuori delle previsioni del quadro normativo vigente è punito con le sanzioni di cui al Codice della navigazione, nonché con l’adozione di ulteriori misure sanzionatorie quali il fermo amministrativo dell’aeromobile“, dice il primo dei due articoli che compongono le ordinanze emanate dall’Enac nei giorni scorsi per tutti gli aeroporti siciliani e delle due isole minori, compreso quello di Lampedusa, il principale scalo utilizzato dai due velivoli operativi, il Seabird di Sea Watch e il Colibrì della ong svizzera Pilots Volontaires. Le ordinanze emanate dalle direzioni territoriali della Sicilia Occidentale e Orientale di Enac sono già in vigore e fin dalle prossime ore potrebbero abbattersi sugli aerei umanitari, impedendo loro di decollare e quindi di sorvolare il Mediterraneo.

      Questo il ragionamento: “Ritenuto che alla luce della normativa nazionale e sovranazionale citata, solo il Comando Generale della Guardia Costiera deve essere riconosciuto unica Autorità Marittima nazionale competente in ambito SAR”, “preso atto delle segnalazioni trasmesse dalla predetta Autorità marittima circa le reiterate attività effettuata da velivoli e natanti, riconducibili alla proprietà di Soggetti anche extra U/E, che si traduce nel prelievo – da imbarcazioni di fortuna – di persone migranti provenienti da rotte nordafricane”, vista la già citata “sostanziale elusione del quadro normativo “che si traduce per la Guardia Costiera nazionale in un aggravio dei propri compiti istituzionali di intervento in mare” e addirittura, si legge, nel rischio di “compromettere l’incolumità delle persone migranti non assistite secondo i protocolli vigenti ed approvati dall’Autorità marittima”, gli aerei che non rispettano le regole rischiano il fermo amministrativo. Come nel caso delle navi, il fermo potrà essere impugnato davanti ai tribunali amministrativi. Ma nel frattempo si resta a terra.

      I legali delle ong sono già al lavoro per contrastare le ordinanze, che almeno nella forma sembrano piuttosto vaghe. Non è chiaro infatti a quali violazioni si riferiscano. Gli aerei non portano materialmente a termine le operazioni SAR e qualora segnalino barche in pericolo sono poi i comandanti delle navi a interagire e ricevere istruzioni dal centro nazionale di coordinamento di soccorso marittimo competente per l’area SAR interessata. L’accusa potrebbe essere la stessa mossa sempre più spesso alle navi umanitarie, quella di interferire con la guardia costiera libica in zona SAR di sua competenza. Ma le ordinanze non citano i decreti del governo Meloni, quelli voluti dal ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi, la cui supposta violazione motiva i recenti fermi proprio con l’accusa di aver disobbedito ai libici. Accusa che più volte è stata dimostrata infondata, anche grazie ai video che smentiscono la versione dei libici. E che nessuno avrà modo di registrare se gli aerei resteranno a terra. Peggio, i migranti in pericolo segnalati dai velivoli potrebbero non essere intercettati. “In passato ci è capitato di avvistare persone in mare dopo che la loro barca si era già capovolta, e di riuscire a farle soccorrere”, racconta al Fatto un componente dell’equipaggio del Seabird. “In alcuni casi è stato chiarissimo: senza un aereo in grado di avvistarli non avrebbero avuto scampo”.

      Le ordinanze di Enac, dichiara la ong Sea Watch, “hanno il chiaro scopo di fermare i nostri aerei da ricognizione, ovvero gli unici occhi della società civile nel Mediterraneo. Occhi fondamentali per documentare le quotidiane violazioni dei diritti umani che vi avvengono, comprese quelle perpetrate dalla cosiddetta guardia costiera libica attraverso le motovedette e le risorse generosamente elargite dal Governo italiano. Fermare gli aerei ONG vuol dire rendere cieca la società civile e i cittadini italiani ed europei rispetto a quanto avviene nel Mediterraneo come risultato delle politiche migratorie dei loro governi. Un atto vigliacco e cinico di chi usa la criminalizzazione delle ONG come strumento di propaganda politica in vista delle imminenti elezioni per il rinnovo del Parlamento europeo. Non fermeremo le nostre operazioni anche a costo di mettere in pericolo i nostri aerei. Questo attacco che calpesta il diritto internazionale non ci impedirà di continuare a dare fastidio a chi vorrebbe che quanto avviene quotidianamente nel Mediterraneo rimanesse segreto e senza foto e video a documentarlo”.


  • Migrant centres in Albania 20 May opening postponed

    Army engineers at work but facilities not finished.

    The opening of new Italian-run migrant centres in Albania, which was scheduled for 20 May, has been postponed, according to reports Wednesday.
    The Italian military engineers working on the Shengjin and Gjader sites, according to the agreement between Rome and Tirana, have not yet finished setting up the facilities.
    Meanwhile, the contract for the management of the facilities for 24 months was awarded to the Medihospes cooperative with a bid of 133.8 million euro.
    Italy is to set up two migrant hotspots and a centre to hold migrants awaiting repatriation for a total expenditure of almost 34 million euro a year.
    The agreement, signed by Premier Giorgia Meloni and her Albanian counterpart Edi Rama in Rome in November, provides for the reception and processing of up to 3,000 migrants and refugees rescued by Italian ships per month.
    People with special needs such as the elderly, children or pregnant women, migrants and refugees who have been rescued by NGO-run ships and people who land directly on Italian soil are to be excluded from the deal.
    Since taking office in autumn 2022 the Meloni government has been reaching out to third countries in a bid to stem irregular migration by sea to Italy, which in 2023 rose by around 50% over the previous year.
    The Italian opposition has slammed the Albania deal as creating a new Guantanamo and allegedly breaching the Italian Constitution, charges the government rejects.
    The Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) and the Council of Europe have also criticized the agreement.
    Some other EU countries have said it is a model that could be emulated, as has European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


    #migrations #externalisation

    ajouté à la métaliste sur l’#accord entre #Italie et #Albanie pour la construction de #centres d’accueil (sic) et identification des migrants/#réfugiés sur le territoire albanais...

    • Beffa centri migranti. In Albania agenti pagati per sorvegliare il nulla

      In 20 in servizio dal 2 giugno: 100 euro al giorno più vitto e alloggio
      Pronta la prima struttura, ma per far partire l’altra ci vorranno mesi.

      I responsabili del cantiere del Genio dell’Aeronautica militare provano a sbarrare il passo: «Ci dispiace, senza autorizzazione qui non si può entrare». Alle loro spalle alte palizzate proteggono da occhi indiscreti l’hotspot che diventerà primo approdo dei migranti soccorsi in acque internazionali da navi militari italiane, portati qui per essere sottoposti a procedure accelerate di frontiera e rimpatrio.

      "Serve il nullaosta del ministero della difesa albanese”

      Il deputato di Avs Angelo Bonelli insiste: «Sono un parlamentare, intendo esercitare le mie prerogative ispettive in territorio dove c’è giurisdizione italiana». «Ma qui occorre il nullaosta del ministero della difesa albanese, non c’è ancora la giurisdizione italiana», replicano i militari mentre poco distante il direttore del porto Sander Marashi scuote la testa: «Dipende tutto dall’Italia da ora e per i prossimi cinque anni, è tutto scritto nelle carte».

      Il protocollo Italia-Albania

      Già, è scritto chiaramente nel protocollo Italia-Albania, ratificato con legge pubblicata sulla Gazzetta ufficiale in aprile e dunque in vigore, che nelle due aree “cedute” da Edi Rama a Giorgia Meloni per il suo progetto apripista in Europa di esternalizzazione delle richieste di asilo la giurisdizione è italiana. Ma visto che il progetto che doveva partire il 20 maggio è ancora all’anno zero, meglio provare a inventarle tutte per tenere lontano parlamentari e giornalisti. Alla fine, un paio d’ore e due telefonate dopo, toccherà all’ambasciatore italiano a Tirana Fabrizio Bucci arrampicarsi sugli specchi per sostenere che «la giurisdizione italiana comincerà solo a lavori consegnati» per poi accompagnare con estrema disponibilità Angelo Bonelli nella visita dei due centri.

      L’hotspot quasi pronto e quello neanche iniziato

      O meglio delle due aree: perché se al porto di Schëngjin l’hotspot è quasi pronto, trenta chilometri più all’interno, nell’area militare di Gjader, ruspe e camion sono ancora alle prese con complicatissime e impreviste operazioni di sbancamento del terreno che ha presentato grossi problemi di natura geotecnica. «Non siamo in grado di dire quanto tempo ci vorrà», spiegano i tecnici. Novembre, come sembra suggerire la scadenza per la consegna dei lavori? «Dobbiamo fare le cose per bene, la sicurezza innanzitutto, ma spero prima», sottolinea l’ambasciatore Bucci.
      Dal 2 giugno gli agenti dall’Italia a sorvegliare il nulla

      Certo è che fino a quando a Gjader non saranno montati i prefabbricati che daranno forma al centro di trattenimento per richiedenti asilo, al Cpr e al piccolo carcere da 24 posti, l’hotspot di Schëngjin rimarrà chiuso. E il progetto dunque di certo non partirà prima di diversi mesi. E dal 2 giugno verranno mandati 20 agenti di polizia italiani per vigilare sulle strutture vuote: riceveranno un’indennità di 100 euro al giorno più vitto e alloggio in hotel.
      L’appalto alle società al centro di inchieste giudiziarie

      Telecamere ovunque, chiuso da recinzioni in lamiera alte tre metri, moduli a un piano per ospitare infermeria, ufficio per le identificazioni, stanzetta per l’attesa, l’hotspot di Schëngjin attende solo gli arredi interni. Niente posti letto, qui i migranti (solo uomini maggiorenni) rimarranno solo poche ore prima di essere trasportati in bus nel centro di reclusione di Gjader: 70.000 metri quadri in area militare, divisi per blocchi nelle strutture prefabbricate che il ministero della Difesa, con un appalto di cui non ce alcuna evidenza pubblica, ha affidato — per una cifra di poco superiore ai 6 milioni di euro — alla Rigroup, società leccese dell’imprenditore Salvatore Tafuro già finita al centro di un’inchiesta giudiziaria così come la Medihospes, il colosso dell’accoglienza a cui è stata affidata la gestione dei servizi ai migranti. Come ha scoperto Report, che tornerà sui centri in Albania nella puntata del 2 giugno, la Rigroup è finita a giudizio per turbativa d’asta in un’indagine del 2018 per la realizzazione del Cie di Foggia in cui alti ufficiali dell’aeronautica furono accusati di corruzione. La vicenda finì con un patteggiamento e Tafuro si liberò dalle accuse grazie all’intervento della prescrizione.
      "L’enorme spreco di risorse pubbliche”

      «Quando inizierà l’operatività di questi centri nessuno sa dirlo, da quello che abbiamo visto con i nostri occhi è evidente che ci vorranno mesi», dice Bonelli, «e nel frattempo siamo di fronte ad uno spreco enorme di risorse pubbliche che sfiora il miliardo di euro peraltro in violazione della legge».


  • 10 mai 2024 :

    🆘 from ~11 people stranded on an islet on the #Evros river, near #Didymoticho!

    We received information about this group, but can’t reach them. The relative who alerted us to them lost contact two hours ago and is worried. @Hellenicpolice
    have been alerted: assist them now!


    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • Migranti, la nuova mossa del governo per i rimpatri : ampliata la lista dei Paesi sicuri. E scoppia la polemica

    Nei centri in Albania anche chi arriva da Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Egitto e Camerun. Albano: “I giudici dovranno verificare se sono davvero luoghi non pericolosi”

    Un tassello dietro l’altro il governo prova a riempire la cornice dell’ancora vuoto progetto Albania nel tentativo di non farlo fallire prima del tempo. E così, dopo l’assegnazione dell’appalto da 133 milioni di euro per la gestione dei centri al colosso dell’accoglienza Medihospes del discusso Camillo Aceto, oggi un decreto ministeriale della Farnesina pubblicato in gazzetta ufficiale come d’incanto fa lievitare la lista dei cosiddetti Paesi sicuri, quelli – per intenderci – in cui potranno essere rimpatriati con le procedure accelerate di frontiera i migranti soccorsi nel Mediterraneo che da lì provengono.

    La lista, fino a ieri composta da 15 paesi, ne contiene ora ben 21: tra i sei nuovi ingressi alcuni Paesi d’origine di un numero consistente di migranti che arrivano in Italia via mare. Innanzitutto il Bangladesh, ma anche Sri Lanka, Camerun ed Egitto, a cui di aggiungono due Paesi sudamericani, Colombia e Perù da cui, in aereo, arrivano in Italia ogni anno migliaia di persone che poi chiedono asilo.

    Il Bangladesh , cosi come già l’anno scorso, è in cima alla lista dei Paesi d’origine dei migranti che arrivano in Italia grazie ad una triangolazione dall’Africa che riescono a raggiungere in aereo: 3425 quelli sbarcati nei primi 4 mesi del 2024, più di 1000 gli egiziani.

    Numeri consistenti che adesso, con il loro inserimento nella lista dei Paesi sicuri, consentiranno alle autorità italiane di portarli direttamente nei centri albanesi in attesa del probabile rimpatrio nel caso in cui la loro richiesta di asilo(come avviene nella maggior parte dei casi) dovesse essere respinta. Nel 2023 sono stati più di 12.000 gli arrivi dal Bangladesh e 11.000 dall’Egitto.

    I giudici della sezione immigrazione nutrono forti perplessità sul fatto che alcuni dei paesi inclusi nell’elenco, su tutti l’Egitto, possano essere considerati sicuri. La presidente di Magistratura democratica, Silvia Albano, spiega: “Il decreto ministeriale è fonte normativa secondaria e deve rispettare tanto le fonti sovraordinate, come la Costituzione e la normativa della UE, quanto la legge ordinaria”; quindi “i giudici dovranno verificare se il Paese designato come sicuro con decreto ministeriale, possa essere effettivamente considerato tale in base a quanto stabilito dalla legge”.

    #pays_sûrs #liste #Albanie #Italie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #renvois #expulsions

    #Bangladesh #Sri-Lanka #Cameroun #Egypte #Colombie #Pérou

    ajouté à la métaliste sur l’#accord entre #Italie et #Albanie pour la construction de #centres d’accueil (sic) et identification des migrants/#réfugiés sur le territoire albanais... :