After Paris attacks, refugees should not be turned into scapegoats


  • UNHCR - After Paris attacks, refugees should not be turned into scapegoats

    “UNHCR is deeply concerned by the yet unconfirmed news that one of the attackers in Paris might have entered Europe as part of the current influx,” UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming told a press briefing in Geneva.

    “We strongly believe in the importance of preserving the integrity of the asylum system. Asylum and terrorism are not compatible with each other. The 1951 Refugee Convention is clear about that and in fact excludes from its scope people who have committed serious crimes,” she added.

    Fleming stressed that the overwhelming majority of those coming to Europe are fleeing persecution or the life-threatening effects of conflict and are unable to reach safety in Europe by alternative avenues. Precarious situations in countries of first asylum are also driving many to leave for Europe.

    “Many are fleeing extremism and terrorism – from the very people associated with the Paris attacks,” she said. “A world that welcomes Syrians can help defeat extremism. But a world that rejects Syrians, and especially Muslim refugees, will just feed into their propaganda.”