More Phone Etiquette for the Hearing Challenged and Those that Call Them


  • More Phone Etiquette for the Hearing Challenged and Those that Call Them | Open Ears

    Example: the mumbling, speed talking, number cruncher

    Someone has just left you an important message — so important that the message has been screamed into the phone at alarming speed. You did not get their name but it sounded like “Bfnu Hrnsten G.” No problem you think, I’ll just get the number and call them back. They say it just once and the number you hear is “snfideeeeoosixflniven.”

    Example: the deep down, soulful Darth Vaderish voice

    Silky, smooth, beautiful but often unintelligible. These voices sink to the bottom of the ocean and never come up for air no matter how perfectly their message is delivered.

    Example: the high pitched, squeaky, loud then soft, and/or accented and dialected voice

    See “the deep down, soulful, Darth Vaderish voice” and just flip it over. Add just enough speed as per the cultural velocity of whatever is that person’s first language.

    Example: very thin and soft voices

    These voices have little bite to them so much of what is said tends to drift off like a cool summer breeze in a valley somewhere. I can see their voice but I cannot hear it.

    Haha, très vrai tout ça.