Will Facebook Replace Labor Unions ?


  • Tom Hayes : Will Facebook Replace Labor Unions ?

    the rise of organic self-organization—the powerful force behind social media and its massive communities like Facebook, LinkedIn, QQ and Twitter—has already changed the marketplace and is an emerging threat to all industrial-age institutions, be they governmental, commercial, political, social, or religious. When you empower individuals you necessarily weaken organizations.

    Les révoltes en cours montrent l’utilisation de réseaux sociaux pour s’auto-organiser hors des structures classiques. Tom Hayes pense qu’il s’agit là d’une évolution inéluctable et que les réseaux sociaux vont peu à peu supplanter d’autres outils d’organisation, comme les syndicats.

    All the same impulses that motivate people to join affinity groups for fun, shopping and hobbies will soon take a serious turn with political and economic implications.

    People don’t need others to tell them how to organize; they can talk directly to each other now.

    Thanks to their ability to connect, communicate and coalesce with other like-minded people anywhere in the world, the power dynamic is flopped. One person can make a difference; a network of people can make a revolution.

    #réseaux-sociaux #syndicat #organisation #facebook