U.S. officials : Al Qaida behind Syria bombings


  • U.S. officials: Al Qaida behind Syria bombings

    The Iraqi branch of al Qaida, seeking to exploit the bloody turmoil in Syria to reassert its potency, carried out two recent bombings in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and likely was behind suicide bombings Friday that killed at least 28 people in the largest city, Aleppo, U.S. officials told McClatchy.

    The officials cited U.S. intelligence reports on the incidents, which appear to verify Syrian President Bashar Assad’s charges of al Qaida involvement in the 11-month uprising against his rule. The Syrian opposition has claimed that Assad’s regime, which has responded with massive force against the uprising, staged the bombings to discredit the pro-democracy movement calling for his ouster.

    • Blasts Rock Aleppo as Dozens More Are Reported Killed in Syria

      In Washington, analysts were looking seriously at the possibility that Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq was responsible for Friday’s attack in neighboring Syria. “It comes as no surprise that Al Qaeda’s Iraq affiliate — through its networks in Syria — might attempt to seem relevant by going after the Assad regime,” said an American official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the assessment contained classified information. “It is opportunism, plain and simple.”

    • Ce qui signifie que, sur France 24, un responsable de l’ASL revendique un attentat que des analystes américains attribuent à la branche irakienne d’Al Qaeda.

      Un peu plus tôt dans la journée, un haut gradé de l’ASL, le colonel Aref Hamoud, lui aussi interrogé par France 24, tenait un discours bien différent de celui de Ryad al-Assad : « Ce ne sont pas de simples explosions qu’il y a eu ce matin, mais bien une attaque que nous avons organisée, nous, l’Armée syrienne libre », avait-il alors confié, revendiquant ainsi la responsabilité des attaques. « Il ne s’agissait pas de voiture piégée mais de nos bombes qui ont détruit ces bâtiments. Nous avons voulu envoyer un message fort au régime : nous pouvons frapper n’importe où. »