Mondes Sociaux

Magazine de sciences humaines et sociales en openaccess

  • La démocratie athénienne est souvent convoquée pour justifier des réformes politiques. Mais les historiens invitent à la prudence… #Athènes #histoire #antiquité #politique

    Classic Athenian democracy (Vth-IVth century) and its citizens are quite often referred to in the current/contemporary media and political spheres. In the context of the current « democratic crisis », it serves to legitimate the demand for a new political practice or for a reform whose goal would be to set up a political system that would enable citizens to play their part and be fully committed, « just like in Athens ».

    And yet, we are twenty-five centuries away from Périclès fellow citizens, which should call for a little more caution. In view of this observation, it may be worthwhile to examine what it was like to be a female and male citizen in ancient Greece and to what extent their actual practices could contribute to enlighten our contemporary debates (...)