
Portail méchamment antifasciste

  • #États-Unis : réactions antifascistes à l’élection de Trump

    Un peu partout aux États-Unis, des rassemblements spontanés ou des manifestations organisées ont eu lieu dès l’annonce de l’élection de #Donald_Trump comme président des États-Unis. Au-delà de ces quelques images, quelques textes ont également circulé, souvent pour appeler à organiser la résistance antifasciste. En voici un très bref aperçu, que nous n’avons pas le temps de traduire, [&hellip

    #International #antifascisme #slide #solidarité_internationale

    • j’ajouterais ce texte anarchiste de Crimethink:

      President Trump: Countdown to Apocalypse | CrimethInc. Far East Blog

      News like this is bound to induce despair, but we must not let this election cause us to lose faith in humanity as a whole. Elections serve to represent us to each other at our worst, distilling the most offensive, cowardly, and servile aspects of the species. Many people who would never personally wrest a mother from her children are capable of endorsing deportation from the privacy of a voting booth, just as most people who eat meat could never work at a slaughterhouse. Were it not for the alienation that characterizes government itself, most of the ugly policies comprising the Trump agenda could never be implemented.

      Presidential campaigns are calculated to promote apathy, giving the impression that all the important decisions in the world are out of our hands. That’s the point of state politics: to immobilize us outside the halls of power, distrusting each other and ourselves.