• Nuclear dementia - Tehran Times

    On en parle beaucoup dans la presse du coin... Résultat du piratage d’un gros paquet de données judiciaires...

    For context, in mid-September, the Lebanese news station Al-Mayadeen reported that the Israeli prime minister was involved in a dangerous judicial case, citing an Iranian security source.

    The Iranian source noted that the Israeli judiciary has not yet disclosed the file because it constitutes a “threat to the national security” of Israel, indicating that if the details of this information are revealed, Netanyahu’s political life will be exposed to real danger.

    The Tehran Times has obtained new information indicating that the issue at stake is far from being limited to the Netanyahu case. According to the information received by the Tehran Times, Iran has gotten its hand on the whole archive of Israel’s judiciary, which includes sensitive information about Netanyahu’s case.

    According to documents from the Israeli judiciary, Netanyahu and his wife Sara suffer from a relapsed psychiatric disease, which prompted a member of Yair Lapid’s party to take to the Judiciary to call into question Netanyahu’s fitness for the top job in Israel.

    The member of Lapid’s party took the whole medical case of Netanyahu and his wife to the court in the hope of barring him from assuming public office over mental health problems.

    The court reviewed the documents and signaled seriousness in following up on the case, but a top judicial official shelved the case, saying in handwriting, “The court does not have the authorization to look into this case, and moving ahead with it could endanger Israel’s national security.”

    In addition to this case, Netanyahu faced other lawsuits, which have been shelved through bribery, bullying, and political influence.

    The case in question could well be the reason why the phones of a number of members of Lapid’s party and Lapid himself, were hacked recently, according to Israeli media. Observers said the Netanyahu could be behind the hack. Considering that the information about the court cases of Netanyahu, his party, and many of the officials of the current government of Israel, as well as some abuses and unannounced donations to the Haredis and their corruption and espionage cases, have been leaked, the possibility of retaliation cannot be ruled out. At any rate, what is important now is the top-secret information that is in Iran’s possession and can jeopardize the Israeli regime’s national security.

    Also, the Israeli judicial archive includes documents showing how the Israeli judiciary discriminated against Israel’s Arab citizens in a systematic way. The documents show that Israeli judges have always issued verdicts against Israel’s Arab citizens based on an undeclared guideline.

    In general, based on the information provided by sources familiar with the matter, more than 70,000 pages of judicial documents, some of which bear secret and top-secret seals, have been leaked and are being reviewed and analyzed.