
  • Challenging the Complicity of Frontex’s Aerial Surveillance Activities in Crimes Against Humanity

    #front-LEX and #Refugees_in_Libya filed a legal notice pursuant to Art. 265 TFEU requesting Frontex’s Executive Director, Mr. Hans Leijtens, to partially terminate the Agency’s aerial surveillance activities in the ‘pre-frontier area’ in the Central Mediterranean.

    To prevent asylum seekers fleeing crimes against humanity in Libya from reaching the EU, Frontex systematically and unlawfully transmits the geolocalisation of refugee boats at high seas to the Libyan Coast Guard/Libyan Militia. Every day, Frontex allows for the systematic interception and ’pulling back’ of refugees to Libya, from where they have managed to escape by the skin of their teeth, and where they are subjected once more to crimes against humanity. Now, front-LEX, on behalf of X.Y. a refugee trapped in Libya, brings an unprecedented legal challenge against Frontex’s airborne complicity.

    Between 2021 and 2023, Frontex has shared 2,200 emails communicating the exact geolocalisation data of refugee boats with Libyan actors to enable their unlawful interception and forcible return back to Libya. There, the ‘pulled back’ refugees are arbitrarily detained and subjected to crimes against humanity of, inter alia, murder, enforced disappearance, torture, enslavement, sexual violence, rape, and other inhumane acts. It is Frontex’s sharing of geolocalisation data which enables the commission of these crimes – making the Agency complicit in the ongoing and systematic attack directed against refugees and asylum seekers in the Central Mediterranean.

    Frontex’s complicity in these ‘pullbacks’ and ensuing crimes against humanity committed against refugees has been well-documented by leading human rights organisations, UN organs, and investigative journalists. Now, based on this clear-cut evidence, front-LEX and Refugees in Libya filed an unprecedented legal notice challenging the Agency’s airborne complicity in crimes against humanity committed against people on the move.


    #Frontex #complicité #justice #surveillance_aérienne #asile #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #géolocalisation #gardes-côtes_libyens #crimes_contre_l'humanité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #pull-back #pullbacks #poursuite_judiciaire

    • Profugo sudanese intrappolato in Libia fa causa a Frontex: “L’agenzia europea è complice di crimini contro l’umanità”

      Per la prima volta, un richiedente asilo ancora intrappolato in Libia ha potuto presentare una sfida legale contro Frontex – l’agenzia europea per la sorveglianza dei confini terrestri e marini dell’Unione – relativamente alla sorveglianza aerea sul Mediterraneo centrale. Il profugo sudanese ha potuto denunciare “l’esercito” dei pattugliatori europei grazie a Front- Lex, Ong umanitaria olandese, in partnership con l’organizzazione “Rifugiati in Libia”. L’avvocato di Front-Lex, Iftach Cohen, ha presentato una comunicazione legale a Frontex ai sensi dell’articolo 265 TFUE, invitandola a sospendere e interrompere immediatamente tutte le comunicazioni con entità libiche in relazione alle cosiddette “situazioni di pericolo” nel Mediterraneo. Inoltre l’Ong intima che Frontex proibisca all’Italia e a Malta di condividere con i libici i dati di sorveglianza raccolti dagli aerei dell’agenzia europea.

      Si tratta di un’azione legale senza precedenti innanzitutto perchè basata sulla presunta complicità dell’Ue riguardo ai crimini contro l’umanità verificatisi in Libia. In secondo luogo, è la prima volta che un rifugiato ancora intrappolato in Libia senza protezione riesce ad avviare un procedimento per vedere riconosciuti i propri diritti. Il team di Front-Lex ha raccolto prove che evidenziano peraltro come tutti i precedenti direttori – incluso il penultimo, Fabrice Leggeri, oggi candidato alle Europee per il partito di Marine Le Pen – e altre entità di Frontex abbiano ammesso che consegnare la posizione delle imbarcazioni dei rifugiati a entità libiche sia illegale secondo il diritto europeo.

      Dal rapporto della Missione d’inchiesta indipendente sulla Libia del Consiglio per i diritti umani Ue del 23 marzo, i richiedenti asilo intercettati e rimpatriati forzatamente in Libia, una volta risbarcati in Libia, vengono detenuti e diventano “vittime di crimini contro l’umanità“. Frontex giustifica la condivisione con Tripoli del tracciamento delle imbarcazioni di profughi con il proprio obbligo, “ai sensi del quadro giuridico internazionale della Sar”, di trasmettere tutte le informazioni sull’”imbarcazione in pericolo” all’RCC competente della zona di ricerca e salvataggio, che è Tripoli nella maggioranza dei casi.

      Cohen non è d’accordo perchè l’obbligo legale di Frontex di trasmettere informazioni al competente RCC in caso di pericolo ai sensi del diritto marittimo internazionale è solo uno dei tanti obblighi legali dell’Agenzia, come il divieto dei respingimenti collettivi dei richiedenti asilo intercettati in mare in rotta verso Paesi dove si rischiano persecuzioni. “Questi obblighi derivano dalla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea che è di natura costituzionale. Abbiamo a questo punto raccolto prove sufficienti per dimostrare che nella zona Sar libica praticamente tutte le imbarcazioni di rifugiati rilevate da Frontex vengono automaticamente classificate come in ‘situazione di pericolo’ in modo tale che Frontex possa trasmettere immediatamente la posizione a Tripoli e astenersi dall’ingaggiare le navi di soccorso delle Ong nelle vicinanze”, spiega Cohen. Le imbarcazioni dei profughi di conseguenza non vengono contattate dagli aerei Frontex come richiede la legislazione dell’Ue per verificare se abbiano bisogno di assistenza.

      “D’altra parte, quando Frontex rileva un’imbarcazione di rifugiati nella zona Sar o nelle acque territoriali di uno Stato membro, come nei casi di Pylos (Grecia) o in Italia a Cutro non classifica i casi che sono chiaramente ‘situazioni di pericolo’ in modo che possa astenersi dall’allertare l’RCC dello Stato membro lasciandogli sufficiente potere e tempo per coinvolgere i libici anche nelle proprie acque territoriali e impedire così lo sbarco in Europa. È una vera e propria strumentalizzazione della ‘situazione di disagio’. Queste non sono persone che hanno telefonino e scarpe alla moda come dice il vostro vice premier Salvini nel descrivere i richiedenti asilo ma persone che subiscono i peggiori abusi contro l’umanità”.



  • #statistiques sur les #arrivées et les #décès de migrants en #Grèce (consulté le 30.05.2024)

    Commentaire de Lena K. sur X :

    In 2023, the number of dead and missing in Greece was the same as in 2015, with recorded arrivals being about 17 times lower. The effect of necropolitics indeed.


    Et importante note de Κάποιος Ταδόπουλος :

    Note: The number of dead includes only recovered bodies. The Pylos shipwreck (over 600 victims) is not counted in...


    #nécropolitique #mourir_aux_frontières #létalité #mourir_en_mer #chiffres #migrations #réfugiés #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée

  • Why is Italy forbidding NGO planes from departing from Sicily?

    NGO planes are forbidden from departing from five Italian airports near migrant routes on the Mediterranean, officials said this week. Here’s more background on the decision.

    NGO planes that patrol Mediterranean waters for migrant vessels in distress will no longer be able to depart from airports in Sicily, Italy’s civil aviation authority announced this week.

    Here’s some background on the specifics of the decision.
    No flights from Sicilian airports

    Italy’s National Entity for Civil Aviation (#ENAC) — a department of the Ministry of Transport, which is headed by Matteo Salvini — signed five ordinances barring NGO planes from departing the Sicilian airports of Palermo (Punta Raisi and Bocca di Falco), Lampedusa, Pantelleria and Trapani.

    According to the ordinance, these civil airplanes not only violate “the regulative legal framework of the Search and Rescue missions” but also risk “compromising the safety of migrant people who are not assisted by the current protocols approved by the Maritime Authority.”

    ENAC, in the ordinance, further stated that “anyone who takes part in Search and Rescue operations outside the legal provisions of the framework currently in place is punished with sanctions listed in the navigation code, and additional sanctions such as the administrative detention of the airplane.”
    Nadir rescue

    While the new ordinance was announced, German NGO Resquship vessel Nadir rescued a dinghy carrying 57 migrants in international waters.


    #sauvetage #Seabird #avions #criminalisation_de_la_solidarité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #migrations #réfugiés #Colibrì #Pilotes_Volontaires #Italie #aéroports

    • Migranti, il ministero di Salvini vuole fermare gli aerei delle ong. Le ordinanze emanate dall’Enac: “Elusione del quadro normativo”

      Non solo le navi, più volte sottoposte a fermi amministrativi per aver disobbedito alla guardia costiera libica. Adesso il governo prova a impedire alle ong di usare gli aerei che monitorano il Mediterraneo centrale per segnalare imbarcazioni in difficoltà, ma anche per documentare respingimenti o il comportamento dei libici, più volte filmati mentre intimidiscono gli equipaggi delle navi umanitarie o addirittura mentre sparano nel bel mezzo di un soccorso. Lo strumento per fermare velivoli come il Seabird della ong Sea Watch potrebbero essere alcune ordinanze emanate dell’Ente nazionale per l’Aviazione civile (Enac), controllato dal Ministero dei Trasporti di Matteo Salvini. “Interdizione all’operatività dei velivoli e delle imbarcazioni delle ONG sullo scenario del Mare Mediterraneo centrale”, titolano i provvedimenti, che in base a non meglio precisate “segnalazioni trasmesse dal Comando generale della Guardia costiera” accusano i velivoli delle ong di “sostanziale elusione del quadro normativo di riferimento” e minacciano sanzioni e sequestri.

      “Chiunque effettua attività in ambito Search and Rescue al di fuori delle previsioni del quadro normativo vigente è punito con le sanzioni di cui al Codice della navigazione, nonché con l’adozione di ulteriori misure sanzionatorie quali il fermo amministrativo dell’aeromobile“, dice il primo dei due articoli che compongono le ordinanze emanate dall’Enac nei giorni scorsi per tutti gli aeroporti siciliani e delle due isole minori, compreso quello di Lampedusa, il principale scalo utilizzato dai due velivoli operativi, il Seabird di Sea Watch e il Colibrì della ong svizzera Pilots Volontaires. Le ordinanze emanate dalle direzioni territoriali della Sicilia Occidentale e Orientale di Enac sono già in vigore e fin dalle prossime ore potrebbero abbattersi sugli aerei umanitari, impedendo loro di decollare e quindi di sorvolare il Mediterraneo.

      Questo il ragionamento: “Ritenuto che alla luce della normativa nazionale e sovranazionale citata, solo il Comando Generale della Guardia Costiera deve essere riconosciuto unica Autorità Marittima nazionale competente in ambito SAR”, “preso atto delle segnalazioni trasmesse dalla predetta Autorità marittima circa le reiterate attività effettuata da velivoli e natanti, riconducibili alla proprietà di Soggetti anche extra U/E, che si traduce nel prelievo – da imbarcazioni di fortuna – di persone migranti provenienti da rotte nordafricane”, vista la già citata “sostanziale elusione del quadro normativo “che si traduce per la Guardia Costiera nazionale in un aggravio dei propri compiti istituzionali di intervento in mare” e addirittura, si legge, nel rischio di “compromettere l’incolumità delle persone migranti non assistite secondo i protocolli vigenti ed approvati dall’Autorità marittima”, gli aerei che non rispettano le regole rischiano il fermo amministrativo. Come nel caso delle navi, il fermo potrà essere impugnato davanti ai tribunali amministrativi. Ma nel frattempo si resta a terra.

      I legali delle ong sono già al lavoro per contrastare le ordinanze, che almeno nella forma sembrano piuttosto vaghe. Non è chiaro infatti a quali violazioni si riferiscano. Gli aerei non portano materialmente a termine le operazioni SAR e qualora segnalino barche in pericolo sono poi i comandanti delle navi a interagire e ricevere istruzioni dal centro nazionale di coordinamento di soccorso marittimo competente per l’area SAR interessata. L’accusa potrebbe essere la stessa mossa sempre più spesso alle navi umanitarie, quella di interferire con la guardia costiera libica in zona SAR di sua competenza. Ma le ordinanze non citano i decreti del governo Meloni, quelli voluti dal ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi, la cui supposta violazione motiva i recenti fermi proprio con l’accusa di aver disobbedito ai libici. Accusa che più volte è stata dimostrata infondata, anche grazie ai video che smentiscono la versione dei libici. E che nessuno avrà modo di registrare se gli aerei resteranno a terra. Peggio, i migranti in pericolo segnalati dai velivoli potrebbero non essere intercettati. “In passato ci è capitato di avvistare persone in mare dopo che la loro barca si era già capovolta, e di riuscire a farle soccorrere”, racconta al Fatto un componente dell’equipaggio del Seabird. “In alcuni casi è stato chiarissimo: senza un aereo in grado di avvistarli non avrebbero avuto scampo”.

      Le ordinanze di Enac, dichiara la ong Sea Watch, “hanno il chiaro scopo di fermare i nostri aerei da ricognizione, ovvero gli unici occhi della società civile nel Mediterraneo. Occhi fondamentali per documentare le quotidiane violazioni dei diritti umani che vi avvengono, comprese quelle perpetrate dalla cosiddetta guardia costiera libica attraverso le motovedette e le risorse generosamente elargite dal Governo italiano. Fermare gli aerei ONG vuol dire rendere cieca la società civile e i cittadini italiani ed europei rispetto a quanto avviene nel Mediterraneo come risultato delle politiche migratorie dei loro governi. Un atto vigliacco e cinico di chi usa la criminalizzazione delle ONG come strumento di propaganda politica in vista delle imminenti elezioni per il rinnovo del Parlamento europeo. Non fermeremo le nostre operazioni anche a costo di mettere in pericolo i nostri aerei. Questo attacco che calpesta il diritto internazionale non ci impedirà di continuare a dare fastidio a chi vorrebbe che quanto avviene quotidianamente nel Mediterraneo rimanesse segreto e senza foto e video a documentarlo”.


  • #Tunisie : la #morgue de #Sfax débordée par les corps de migrants

    D’une capacité de 35 places, la morgue de l’#hôpital de Sfax, dans le centre de la Tunisie, est actuellement à saturation : une centaine de corps de migrants sont en attente d’inhumation. La région concentre les départs d’embarcations chargées d’exilés vers l’Europe.

    Il n’y a pas assez de place pour les cadavres. D’après un responsable de la santé basé à Sfax, la morgue de l’hôpital, d’une capacité de 35 places, est à saturation : une centaine de corps de migrants sont en attente d’#inhumation.

    Face à la multiplication des décès en mer, les autorités tunisiennes locales souffrent d’un manque de capacités logistiques pour conserver ces corps, le temps que des tests ADN soient effectués pour identification et que des tombes soient réservées, explique Middle East Monitor.

    Ce n’est pas la première fois que la morgue de l’hôpital se retrouve dans cette situation. En mars 2023, les autorités avaient tiré la sonnette d’alarme, alors que 70 corps avaient été pris en charge.

    Pour répondre à l’urgence, le directeur régional de la santé avait lancé un appel « aux organisations de migration », en particulier l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), « pour soutenir les efforts du système de santé local en fournissant des conteneurs réfrigérés et un camion réfrigéré pour transporter les corps à l’hôpital ».

    En mai 2022 aussi, l’établissement avait reçu 92 corps de migrants morts en mer, tous originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne. Faute de place, une quarantaine d’entre eux étaient « entassés sur le sol », avait déploré le porte-parole du tribunal de Sfax, Mourad Turki.
    Des naufrages en chaîne

    Cette région du centre de la Tunisie est le principal point de départ des embarcations d’exilés en partance pour l’Europe. Et les naufrages sont très nombreux. Mercredi 10 avril, deux embarcations parties de Tunisie ont chaviré en mer. L’un au large de Lampedusa : neuf personnes, dont une fillette, sont décédés, et 15 sont portées disparues. Le second naufrage s’est produit au large des côtes tunisiennes, sans que l’on ne retrouve les 45 passagers du bateau.

    Parfois, il faut attendre des jours voire des semaines après un naufrage avant que la mer ne recrache des corps sur les différentes plages du pays.

    Début avril, les autorités tunisiennes avaient aussi récupéré 13 corps de migrants au large du pays. Le 25 mars aussi, cinq corps de migrants ont été retrouvés par les garde-côtes tunisiens, sur le littoral centre.
    « Le racisme ici a tout chamboulé »

    Au cours du premier trimestre 2024, plus de 21 000 personnes parties des côtes tunisiennes ont atteint l’Italie, a déclaré à la radio Mosaïque FM le porte-parole de de la Garde nationale tunisienne, Houssam Eddine Jebabli.

    Les exilés embarquent dans de frêles bateaux en fer complètement inadaptés aux traversées en mer, poussés par des conditions de vie très difficiles dans le pays. Le racisme anti-Noirs, attisé par des propos du président Kaïs Saïed, est légion dans la région de Sfax notamment. Forcés de quitter la ville, des centaines de migrants survivent depuis plusieurs mois dans des camps délabrés, le long d’une route, sous des oliviers.

    Pour ces exilés qui survivent dans le dénuement le plus total, la seule solution reste un départ pour l’Europe. « Quand je suis arrivé en Tunisie, c’était pour y rester et construire ma vie : obtenir l’asile, continuer mes études dans l’informatique, et travailler un peu en parallèle, a raconté à InfoMigrants Miguel, un migrant camerounais installé dans un des camps près d’Al-Amra. Mais le racisme qu’il y a ici a tout chamboulé. Ça a cassé tous mes rêves ».

    Désormais le jeune homme n’aspire qu’à une chose : prendre la mer direction l’Italie. Malgré la dangerosité de la traversée. En 2023, 1 313 personnes parties des côtes tunisiennes ont disparu ou sont mortes en #mer_Méditerranée, selon les chiffres du Forum tunisien des droits économiques et sociaux (FTDES). Un nombre jamais atteint jusqu’ici.

    #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_Frontières #cadavres #identification #ADN #Méditerranée

  • Environ 900 corps de migrants ont été retrouvés en Tunisie depuis le début de l’année
    (info datant de juillet 2023)

    Selon le ministre tunisien de l’Intérieur, quelque 900 corps de migrants ont été découverts sur les côtes tunisiennes entre le 1er janvier et le 20 juillet. Parmi ces victimes figurent au moins au moins 260 ressortissants d’Afrique subsaharienne. Ce nombre tragique s’explique principalement par la très forte hausse des départs d’exilés due à la dégradation de la situation politique et économique dans le pays.

    C’est un nombre qui dit l’ampleur de la tragédie qui se déroule en Méditerranée centrale, au large des côtes tunisiennes. Mercredi 26 juillet, le ministre tunisien de l’Intérieur Kamel Feki a annoncé que 901 #corps de migrants ont été retrouvés sur les côtes tunisiennes entre le 1er janvier et le 20 juillet. Parmi ces victimes se trouvaient 26 Tunisiens, 267 « étrangers » (des Africains subsahariens) et 608 corps non-identifiés.

    De son côté, le porte-parole de la Garde nationale tunisienne, Houcem Eddine Jebabli a déclaré que 789 corps de migrants avaient été trouvés sur les côtes tunisiennes entre le 1er janvier et le 20 juin.

    Ce tragique record illustre l’explosion du nombre de tentatives de traversées de la Méditerranée au départ de la Tunisie, depuis le début de l’année. Le pays se place désormais en première place des pays de départs d’exilés de la région, devant la Libye. Les exilés prennent la mer dans l’espoir de rejoindre l’Europe, et notamment l’île italienne de Lampedusa, distante de seulement 180km de la ville de Sfax, d’où ont lieu la plupart des départs.

    Discours xénophobe

    L’augmentation des départs de Tunisie remonte à 2022 et au début de la guerre en Ukraine qui a aggravé la crise économique dans le pays. De nombreux migrants qui vivaient d’emplois informels dans le pays ont perdu leurs revenus. Au même moment, de nombreux jeunes Tunisiens choisissaient également de quitter le pays en raison de la hausse des prix.

    En février dernier, dans un discours, le président Kais Saied a accusé les migrants en Tunisie d’être à l’origine de « violence, de crimes et d’actes inacceptables ». Le président a également soutenu que l’immigration clandestine en Tunisie relevait d’une « entreprise criminelle ourdie à l’orée de ce siècle pour changer la composition démographique de la Tunisie », afin de la transformer en un pays « africain seulement » et estomper son caractère « arabo-musulman ».

    >> À lire : Tunisie : pourquoi le président Kaïs Saïed s’en prend-il aux migrants subsahariens ?

    Ces propos ont entraîné une vague de violences contre les Subsahariens dans le pays et a précipité le départ de nombreux d’entre eux. La plupart de ces départs se font depuis la région de Sfax, à l’est de la Tunisie. Dès le mois de mars, le personnel de la morgue de Sfax se disait totalement dépassé par le nombre de corps qui lui était confiés. Hatem Cherif, directeur régional de la santé à Sfax, cité par l’agence TAP, expliquait que « la semaine [précédente], la morgue [avait] compté 70 corps » pour seulement 35 places.
    « Tous les Subsahariens aspirent à aller en Europe »

    Dans la ville de Sfax la situation s’est encore dégradée après la mort, le 3 juillet, d’un Tunisien au cours d’affrontements entre migrants et population locale. À la suite de ces faits, de très nombreux exilés ont perdu leur emploi et ont été chassés de leur domicile. Des centaines de personnes ont également été arrêtées en pleine rue et envoyées dans des zones désertiques frontalières de la Libye et de l’Algérie. Face à ces menaces, de nombreux exilés ont décidé de quitter le pays alors qu’ils ne l’avaient pas envisagé auparavant.

    « Cette situation va précipiter les départs », assurait à InfoMigrants Salif*, un Ivoirien de 39 ans. Installé en Tunisie depuis plusieurs années avec sa femme et sa fille, il n’avait jamais envisagé de prendre la mer. Mais, comme beaucoup, il expliquait ne plus voir « d’autres solutions ». « Avec ce qu’il se passe en ce moment, tous les Subsahariens aspirent à aller en Europe, même ceux qui ne voulaient pas prendre la mer », affirmait-il début juillet.

    Une précipitation ressentie en Méditerranée par les ONG. « En 2022, nous n’avons pas opéré un seul sauvetage de personnes venues de Tunisie », confirme à InfoMigrants Caroline Willemen, responsable adjointe de la mission Search et Rescue de Médecins sans frontières (MSF). « Or, depuis janvier, on prend en charge plus de gens qui ont fui la Tunisie et cela s’est intensifié depuis début juillet ».

    « Lors de notre dernière mission [mi-juillet, ndlr], après un sauvetage près des côtes libyennes, les autorités italiennes nous ont demandé de les épauler pour secourir 11 canots dans la zone de recherche et de sauvetage. Tous étaient remplis de Subsahariens partis de Tunisie », ajoute-t-elle.

    Il faut ajouter à ces éléments que les départs d’embarcations depuis la Libye ne se sont jamais taris. De nombreux migrants continuent à prendre la mer depuis les côtes libyennes espérant atteindre Lampedusa. Un certain nombre de bateaux font naufrage en chemin et il arrive alors que des corps s’échouent sur les plages tunisiennes.
    Canots en métal

    Alors que le nombre de départs se multiplie, de nombreuses tentatives se finissent aussi en drame car la qualité des bateaux s’est dégradée ces derniers mois. Les canots pneumatiques et en bois ont été remplacés par des bateaux en métal assemblés à la va-vite et totalement inadaptés à la navigation en mer.

    « Les canots sont très lourds et […] il n’y a que 20 cm qui séparent les migrants de [la surface] de l’eau. À la première vague qui arrive sur le bateau, il coule immédiatement », expliquait en mai dernier Jens Janssen, avocat de l’ONG Resqship, interrogé par Reuters.

    Dans la ville tunisienne portuaire d’Ellouza, « les bateaux métalliques échoués et rongés par la rouille sont innombrables », a récemment décrit une reporter dans un article du Monde. Un pêcheur interrogé par la journaliste a, lui aussi, déploré l’utilisation de ces bateaux de « très mauvaise qualité ».

    Selon Rome, plus de 80 000 personnes ont traversé la Méditerranée et sont arrivées sur les côtes de la péninsule italienne depuis le début de l’année, contre 33 000 l’an dernier sur la même période, en majorité au départ du littoral tunisien et de Libye.

    La Méditerranée centrale - entre l’Afrique du Nord et l’Italie - est la route migratoire la plus dangereuse au monde en 2023, selon l’Organisation internationale des migrations (OIM), qui recense plus de 20 000 morts depuis 2014.

    #xénophobie #racisme #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_Frontières #décès #migrations #réfugiés #migrants_sub-sahariens #naufrages #Méditerranée #Mer_Méditerranée

    • Naufragio a Cutro


      Li han visti nel buio aggrappati alle sponde,
      li hai sentiti gridare in mezzo alle onde.
      Hanno detto che c’era tempesta sul mare,
      la guardia costiera li ha guardati annegare.

      Fuggiti da guerre, violenze e da fame,
      da città sbriciolate fra bombe e pietrame
      Dove anche ai bambini è vietato sognare
      l’Europa civile non vuole aiutare.

      Addio, Mohamed, addio, Rashida,
      addio, Bashar, piccola Jalina.
      Non siete persone per chi è a governare,
      ma solo migranti annegati nel mare.

      Rischiare la pelle, i figli e i parenti,
      stipati su barche sfasciate e cadenti
      Ha detto il ministro, non è cosa da fare,
      vi respinge l’Europa, potete annegare.

      Un orsacchiotto incrostato di sabbia,
      fra assi divelte rimane la rabbia.
      Restan soltanto nei vari rottami,
      speranze spezzate di poveri umani.

      Addio, Mohamed, addio, Rashida,
      addio, Bashar, piccola Jalina.
      Non siete persone per chi è a governare,
      ma solo un carico residuale.

      Per giorni e per notti affiorano i corpi,
      li cercano in mare, li cercano in molti.
      Riemergeranno, basta avere pazienza,
      sono dell’Europa la sporca coscienza.

      Addio, Mohamed, addio, Rashida,
      addio, Bashar, piccola Jalina.
      Non siete persone per chi è a governare,
      ma solo migranti annegati nel mare.

      Addio, Mohamed, addio, Rashida,
      addio, Bashar, piccola Jalina.
      Non siete persone per chi è a governare,
      ma solo migranti annegati nel mare.

      #Marina_Corti #Bruno_Podestà #migrations #naufrage #chanson #musique #musique_et_politique #Cutro #mourir_aux_frontières #mourir_en_mer #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #26_février_2023

  • Senza frontiere: La criminalizzazione dei cosiddetti #scafisti nel 2023

    1. Dati e monitoraggio della cronaca
    Numero di fermi

    Come negli anni precedenti, nel 2023 abbiamo monitorato sistematicamente la cronaca sulle notizie degli arresti dei cosiddetti scafisti. Abbiamo registrato 177 arresti negli ultimi 12 mesi (rispetto ai 171 arresti nel 2021 e ai 261 arresti nel 2022). Una dichiarazione di Piantedosi che sostiene che “550 scafisti” sono stati arrestati nel biennio 2022-23 – visto che nell’aprile il governo ha rivendicato c. 350 fermi per 2022 – ci fa stimare un totale di 200 fermi nel 2023. Dal 2013, quindi, sono state fermate ormai circa 3.200 persone.

    Il numero di arresti nel 2023 non solo è inferiore in termini assoluti rispetto agli anni precedenti, ma mostra una diminuzione ancora più significativa in termini relativi. Nel 2023, circa 157.000 persone sono arrivate in Italia via mare, il che significa che sono state arrestate circa tre persone ogni 2.000 arrivi. Nel 2021 e nel 2022, il tasso di criminalizzazione era due volte questo.

    Esistono diverse ragioni che potrebbero spiegare questa diminuzione. La più significativa sembra essere un cambiamento di politica ad Agrigento e Lampedusa nel non effettuare arresti sistematici dopo gli sbarchi, concentrandosi invece su casi specifici che coinvolgono accuse di morti durante il viaggio, torture e, per la prima volta, pirateria. Ci teniamo ad aggiungere che – appoggiando il lavoro dell’associazione Maldusa – stiamo seguendo casi in cui le persone sono accusate dei suddetti reati, che hanno suscitato in noi importanti dubbi sulla correttezza delle accuse e sulle modalità con cui vengono portati avanti questi procedimenti penali che spesso sembrano vere e proprie sperimentazioni giuridiche. È anche evidente che le autorità ad Agrigento effettuano continuamente arresti di persone, soprattutto cittadini tunisini, che, essendo rientrati in Italia dopo espulsioni precedenti, sono imputati del reato di violazione del divieto di reingresso. Questo dimostra una manipolazione molto evidente del diritto penale come mezzo per sostenere le ingiuste politiche di chiusura e respingimento.

    Luoghi di fermo e il decreto Piantedosi

    In secondo luogo, l’anno scorso è stata attuata una nuova strategia nella guerra italiana contro le navi di soccorso delle ONG, a cui sono stati assegnati porti di sbarco in tutta Italia (il decreto Piantedosi). Un effetto collaterale è che spesso i luoghi che hanno accolto le imbarcazioni non hanno visto tanti sbarchi prima di quest’anno, e sono quindi poco familiari con la criminalizzazione sistematica che si è agita negli ultimi anni. Nei porti settentrionali a volte sono stati disposti gli arresti, che spesso poi non sono stati convalidati dai Giudici locali, che non hanno ritenuto neppure di disporre una misura cautelare dato che le prove contro gli imputati erano troppo deboli. Mentre ad Agrigento e nei porti del Nord possiamo forse notare una certa resistenza alla solita politica degli arresti sistematici dei capitani, lo stesso non si può dire in altre parti d’Italia. Nella Sicilia orientale e in Calabria un alto numero di persone è stato arrestato e incarcerato. Augusta ha registrato 28 arresti, Siracusa 11; Crotone ha visto 24 arresti e Roccella 18. E come si può vedere dalla mappa, questo modello si replica in altri porti delle stesse zone.


    Nel 2023, come nel 2021 e nel 2022, le autorità hanno preso di mira in particolare i cittadini egiziani, identificandone almeno 60 come capitani. Ciò è notevolmente diverso da quanto avveniva prima del 2020, quando gli egiziani avevano smesso di essere la principale nazionalità criminalizzata. Questa inversione di tendenza ha visto circa 300 cittadini egiziani arrestati dal 2020, la maggior parte dei quali probabilmente è ancora nelle carceri italiane.

    Un cambiamento significativo delle nazionalità delle persone arrestate registrato nel 2023 è invece l’importante aumento della criminalizzazione delle persone migranti provenienti dai paesi asiatici, che ammontano a circa 40 persone fermate quest’anno.

    Con riferimento alla rotta ionica, che arriva in Calabria – la stessa utilizzata dalla barca che è tragicamente affondata vicino a Cutro – nel 2021 la maggior parte delle persone arrestate come capitani proveniva da Russia e Ucraina. Con l’inizio della guerra, sono arrivate molte meno persone con queste nazionalità, mentre abbiamo assistito ad un allarmante aumento della persecuzione dei cittadini turchi nel 2022. Nell’ultimo anno, invece, abbiamo assistito a pochi arresti di persone provenienti dall’Europa orientale o dalla Turchia, e molti di più di persone provenienti dagli stati dell’Asia centrale.

    Va detto che la diminuzione dei fermi eseguiti dalla Procura di Agrigento dovrebbe essere letta alla luce della massiccia operazione posta in essere dalla polizia tunisina, con la benedizione e il finanziamento dell’Europa, contro i cosiddetti trafficanti a Sfax. I governi si vantano di ben 750 fermi nel paese nordafricano negli ultimi tre mesi, accanto a strategie violente di intercettazione e refoulement, come denunciato sia da Amnesty che dal Forum tunisino per i diritti economici e sociali. Anche in Egitto, l’inasprimento della legge nazionale contro i ‘trafficanti’ ha portato a diffusi arresti e processi ingiusti. Ad esempio, l’11 giugno 2023, una campagna di arresti ingiustificati per “smuggling” ha portato alla morte, alla città di Marsa Matruh, di un cittadino egiziano per colpi di arma da fuoco inferti dalla polizia, come ha denunciato Refugees Platform in Egypt. A livello dell’UE, si provano invece ad affinare gli strumenti legali, accrescendo le infrastrutture di controllo e criminalizzazione della frontiera e proponendo emendamenti – come quelli presentati in occasione del lancio dell’Alleanza globale contro il traffico di migranti – al cosiddetto Facilitators Package (in italiano “pacchetto facilitatori”).

    È chiaro quindi che, mentre festeggiamo alcune limitate vittorie, non possiamo negare che il “trafficante/scafista” rimane il capro espiatorio per eccellenza in Europa e non solo.
    2. Un anno di casi e udienze

    Attualmente seguiamo la situazione di 107 persone accusate di essere ‘scafisti’, 66 delle quali sono ancora in carcere. Dei detenuti, 32 si trovano in Sicilia e 16 in Calabria; gli altri sono sparsi in tutta Italia. Come ci si aspetterebbe dagli arresti degli ultimi anni, quasi la metà delle persone detenute che seguiamo proviene dall’Africa del Nord (30 su 44), mentre la maggior parte di quelle provenienti dall’Africa occidentale con cui siamo in contatto sono ormai libere (23 su 30). Siamo anche in contatto con 24 persone provenienti da paesi asiatici (tra cui Turchia, Palestina e i paesi ex-sovietici), la maggior parte delle quali è ancora detenuta.

    E’ trascorso poco meno di un anno da quando quasi 100 persone hanno perso la vita nelle acque di Cutro, in Calabria. Il Governo ha reagito non solo con finta commozione e decreti razzisti, ma anche, come quasi sempre accade, con un processo contro i cosiddetti scafisti. Insieme alle realtà calabresi, seguiamo attentamente i processi contro Khalid, Hasab, Sami, Gun e Mohamed, sopravvissuti al naufragio e provenienti dalla Turchia e dal Pakistan: ora si devono difendere contro il Ministero dell’Interno, il Consiglio dei Ministri e la Regione Calabria che si sono costituiti parti civili nel processo penale. Le istituzioni governative, anche se non esiste un fondo per questo, chiedono un risarcimento superiore a un milione di euro per danni al turismo e all’immagine: come se la tragedia del massacro di Cutro fosse questa.

    Sono diversi i procedimenti penali che siamo riusciti a seguire da vicino, offrendo il nostro supporto ad avvocatə e persone criminalizzate, e, in alcuni casi, andando personalmente alle udienze.

    - Tra le vittorie ottenute non possiamo non citare la recentissima sentenza di assoluzione emessa dalla Corte di Appello di Messina in favore di Ali Fabureh, un giovane ragazzo gambiano che era stato erroneamente condannato dal Tribunale di Messina a 10 anni di carcere senza che – come appurato dalla Corte – avesse mai preso un timone in mano. E sempre a Messina abbiamo registrato un’altra importante vittoria: si è, infatti, concluso con una sentenza di assoluzione anche il procedimento penale iniziato due anni fa contro 4 persone accusate di aver condotto un peschereccio con a bordo centinaia di persone ed essere responsabili della morte di 5 di esse. Tra le persone assolte c’è A., che attualmente è ospitato presso l’associazione Baobab, e con cui continuiamo a rimanere in contatto. Un’altra importante vittoria di quest’anno è stata raggiunta a febbraio a Palermo, quando il Tribunale ha assolto 10 persone accusate di art. 12 TUI, riconoscendo loro lo stato di necessità per le violenze subite in Libia e aprendo la strada, si spera, a un maggior riconoscimento di questa causa di giustificazione. La sentenza è ora definitiva.
    - Purtroppo non tutti i procedimenti seguiti si sono conclusi positivamente, a dimostrazione del fatto che, anche se qualche passo nella direzione giusta è stato fatto, ne restano ancora tanti da compiere. Spesso può succedere che il processo contro due imputati nello stesso procedimento, ha avuto esiti diversi. Questo è stato il caso in un processo nei confronti di due cittadini senegalesi al Tribunale di Agrigento, che ha disposto l’archiviazione per uno di loro, mentre per l’altro il processo continua.
    – Altre volte è stata emessa una sentenza di condanna senza assoluzioni o archiviazioni. Questo è il caso della riprovevole condanna di 7 anni inflitta dal Tribunale di Locri a Ahmid Jawad, magistrato afghano che ancora lotta per dimostrare che era un semplice passeggero dell’imbarcazione che dalla Turchia l’ha condotto in Italia. E’ anche la situazione di Ahmed, che si è visto rigettare l’appello proposto alla Corte di Appello di Palermo avverso la sentenza di condanna del Tribunale di Agrigento.
    - Inoltre, non possiamo non mostrare indignazione e preoccupazione per i casi, come quello di E. (egiziano) al tribunale di Locri e M. e J. (del Sierra Leone) a Reggio Calabria, con cui siamo in contatto, a cui è stata applicata la nuova fattispecie di reato di cui all’art. 12 bis TUI, introdotta con il decreto Cutro, che prevede pene ancora più elevate. Seguiamo il loro processo da lontano: a gennaio, il tribunale di Locri ha rigettato la richiesta di remissione alla Corte Costituzionale presentata dagli avvocati per contestare l’art 12 bis.

    Centri di permanenza per il rimpatrio (CPR)

    I problemi per le persone accusate di essere ‘scafisti’ non finiscono a fine pena, e anche con riferimento alla detenzione nei CPR abbiamo seguito casi che hanno avuto esiti molto diversi. Siamo felicə che gli ultimi due casi seguiti si siano conclusi in modo positivo. Nel mese di dicembre, infatti, una donna ucraina e un uomo tunisino entrambə codannatə per art. 12 TUI, sono statə scarceratə, rispettivamente dalle carceri di Palermo e di Caltagirone, senza essere deportatə presso i centri di detenzione. Sicuramente nel primo caso ha inciso la nazionalità della persona, mentre nel secondo il sovraccaricamento dei centri.

    Purtroppo non sempre è stato possibile evitare il CPR. Molte persone seguite, nonostante la richiesta asilo presentata tempestivamente, sono state trattenute nei centri di detenzione, chi per pochi giorni, chi per due mesi. Per circostanze che sembrano spesso fortuite, la maggior parte è riuscita ad uscire e, anche se con poche prospettive di regolarizzarsi, possono vivere in “libertà” in Italia.

    Purtroppo, per due persone seguite le cose sono andate diversamente. La macchina burocratica ha mostrato il suo volto più spietato e sono stati rimpatriati prima che avessero la possibilità di ricevere un aiuto più concreto; oggi si trovano in Gambia e Egitto. Nell’ultimo caso, la situazione è ancora più preoccupante perché era stato assolto dal Tribunale di Messina; nonostante ciò, all’uscita dal carcere lo aspettava la deportazione.
    Misure alternative

    Quest’anno è stato particolarmente significativo in termini del superamento del regime ostativo alle misure alterantive alla detenzione posto dall’art. 4 bis o.p., che si applica a chi subisce una condanna per art. 12 TUI. Abbiamo infatti registrato i primi casi in cui le persone incarcerate che seguiamo hanno potuto accedere a misure alternative alla detenzione. Questo è stato il caso di B., che ha ottenuto dal Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Palermo l’affidamento in prova ai servizi sociali in provincia di Sciacca. Adesso che ha raggiunto il fine pena si è stabilito lì, in poco più di un mese ha aggiunto i suoi obiettivi personali: ha un lavoro e una rete sociale. E questa è la storia anche di A., e O., che hanno fatto accesso alle misure alternative presso la comunità Palermitana Un Nuovo Giorno. Rimaniamo, invece, in attesa dell’esito della seconda istanza di accesso per M., cugino di B., con cui tentiamo dal 2022, e che speriamo possa presto vedere il cielo oltre le quattro mura.

    Abbiamo anche seguito 6 persone, tra cui i 3 accusati palestinesi che l’estate scorsa sono entrati in sciopero della fame, che sono riusciti ad accedere agli arresti domiciliari, che pur non essendo oggetto dell’art. 4 bis o.p., nel corso degli anni sono comunque rimasti difficili da ottenere. Queste vittorie sono state possibili grazie ai tentativi, a volte ripetuti, dellə loro avvocatə difensorə, e alle offerte di ospitalità di un numero crescente di realtà conosciute.

    È bello vedere che qualcuno riesce a sgusciare attraverso alcune crepe di questo meccanismo. Certamente lavoreremo per continuare ad allargarle, anche se sappiamo che questo strumento può solo alleviare la sofferenza di alcune persone, e certamente non riparare i danni subiti per la loro detenzione.
    3. Rete

    Per noi è fondamentale ribadire che è solo grazie a una rete forte, impegnata, diffusa e informata, che questo lavoro è possibile. Anche quest’anno, possiamo dire di aver avuto il grandissimo piacere di collaborare con realtà diverse, in tanti luoghi, da Torino a Napoli, da Lampedusa a Londra, da Roma a Bruxelles e New York.

    In particolare, segnaliamo la campagna recentemente avviata Free #Pylos 9, promossa della rete Captain Support, per le persone arrestate in seguito al massacro di Pylos in Grecia. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo inoltre avuto modo di conoscere realtà solidali a Bruxelles, tra cui PICUM, che ha organizzato a fine novembre un incontro di scambio sulle pratiche di criminalizzazione attuate intorno al controllo della migrazione. Qui abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di aprire insieme una conversazione sul lancio della nuova Alleanza Globale Europea contro il Traffico di Migranti, che stava avvenendo proprio in quei giorni.

    A New York a novembre abbiamo partecipato alla conferenza dell’Università di Columbia sulla criminalizzazione della migrazione nel mondo, e abbiamo presentato il nostro lavoro al centro sociale Woodbine, insieme ad altri gruppi locali impegnati nella lotta contro le frontiere.

    Qua in Italia, se da un lato il decreto Piantedosi ha ottusamente costretto le navi ONG a sbarcare in diversi porti d’Italia (come abbiamo scritto nei paragrafi sopra), dall’altro ha contribuito a catalizzare la consapevolezza sugli arresti allo sbarco in diverse città. Grazie al lavoro di alcunə avvocatə e individui solidali a Napoli, e con il supporto della Clinica Legale Roma 3, le persone arrestate agli sbarchi in Campania hanno avuto accesso a un supporto indipendente ed esaustivo.

    L’evento Capitani Coraggiosi, organizzato da Baobab Experience alla Città dell’Altra Economia a Roma, ha visto proiezione del film Io Capitano di Matteo Garrone (ora fra i candidati agli Oscar), e un dibattito col regista e con altre persone impegnate in questa lotta. Qui è stata lanciata la campagna in vista della presentazione della richiesta di revisione del caso di Alaji Diouf, che ha subito una condanna di 7 anni per il reato di favoreggiamento. Adesso, Alaji chiede che sia fatta giustizia sul suo caso, come affermato nel suo intervento dopo la proiezione del film “Io Capitano”, quando ha detto “Tutto quello che succede dopo, da lì parte davvero il film. […] ora che sono libero voglio far conoscere al mondo la verità”.

    ‘Dal mare al carcere’
    un progetto di Arci Porco Rosso e borderline-europe
    4° report trimestrale 2023.

    Leggete il report ‘Dal mare al carcere’ (2021), e i seguenti aggiornamenti trimestrale, al www.dal-mare-al-carcere.info.

    Ringraziamo Iuventa Crew, Sea Watch Legal Aid e Safe Passage Fund che hanno supportato il nostro lavoro nel 2023. Vuoi sostenerlo anche tu? Puoi contribuire alla nostra raccolta fondi.

    #scafista #criminalisation_de_la_migration #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Arci_Porco_Rosso #Italie #chiffres #statistiques #2023 #justice #procès #détention_administrative #rétention #Cutro


    On August 21, 2023, the rescue ship Aurora from Sea Watch was detained by the Italian authorities after refusing to disembark survivors in Tunisia as ordered by the Rome MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Center), a country which by no means can be considered a place of safety.

    This episode is just one example of the efforts of European states to avoid arrivals on their shores at all costs, and to evade their responsibility for reception and #Search_and_Rescue (#SAR). Already in 2018, the European Commission, with its disembarkation platform project, attempted to force sea rescue NGOs to disembark survivors in North Africa. While this project was ultimately unsuccessful as it stood, European states have endeavored to increase the number of measures aimed at reducing crossings in the central Mediterranean.

    One of the strategies employed was to set up a “push-back by proxy regime”, outsourcing interceptions at sea to the Libyan Coast guards, enabling the sending back of people on the move to a territory in which their lives are at risk, undertaken by Libyan border forces under the control of the EU authorities, in contravention of principle of non-refoulement, one of the cornerstones of international refugee law. Since 2016, the EU and its member states have equipped, financed, and trained the Libyan coastguard and supported the creation of a MRCC in Tripoli and the declaration of a Libyan SRR (search and rescue region).

    This analysis details how the European Union and its member states are attempting to replicate in Tunisia the regime of refoulement by proxy set up in Libya just a few years earlier. Four elements are considered: strengthening the capacities of the Tunisian coastguard (equipment and training), setting up a coastal surveillance system, creating a functional MRCC and declaring a Tunisian SRR.
    A. Building capacity of the Garde Nationale Maritime
    Providing equipment

    For several decades now, Tunisia has been receiving equipment to strengthen its coast guard capabilities. After the Jasmine Revolution in 2011, Italy-Tunisia cooperation deepened. Under the informal agreement of April 5, 2011, 12 boats were delivered to the Tunisian authorities. In 2017, in a joint statement by the IItalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Tunisian counterpart, the two parties committed to “closer cooperation in the fight against irregular migration and border management,” with a particular focus on the maritime border. In this context, the Italian Minister declared Italy’s support for the modernization and maintenance of the patrol vessels supplied to Tunisia (worth around 12 million euros) and the supply of new equipment for maritime border control. On March 13, 2019, Italy also supplied Tunisia with vehicles for maritime border surveillance, sending 50 4-wheelers designed to monitor the coasts.

    Recently, Germany also started to support the coast guard more actively in Tunisia, providing it with equipment for a boat workshop designed to repair coast guard vessels in 2019. As revealed in an answer to a parliamentary question, in the last two years, the Federal Police also donated 12 inflatable boats and 27 boat motors. On the French side, after a visit in Tunis in June 2023, the Interior Minister Gérard Darmanin announced 25 million euros in aid enabling Tunisia to buy border policing equipment and train border guards. In August 2023, the Italian authorities also promised hastening the provision of patrol boats and other vehicles aimed at preventing sea departures.

    Apart from EU member states, Tunisia has also received equipment from the USA. Between 2012 and 2019, the Tunisian Navy was equipped with 26 US-made patrol boats. In 2019, the Tunisian national guard was also reinforced with 3 American helicopters. Primarily designed to fight against terrorism, the US equipment is also used to monitor the Tunisian coast and to track “smugglers.”

    Above all, the supply of equipment to the Tunisian coastguard is gaining more and more support by the European Union. Following the EU-Tunisia memorandum signed on July 16, 2023, for which €150 million was pledged towards the “fight against illegal migration”, in September 2023, Tunisia received a first transfer under the agreement of €67 million “to finance a coast guard vessel, spare parts and marine fuel for other vessels as well as vehicles for the Tunisian coast guard and navy, and training to operate the equipment.”

    In a letter to the European Council, leaked by Statewatch in October 2023, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the provision of vessels and support to the Tunisian coast guards: “Under the Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia, we have delivered spare parts for Tunisian coast guards that are keeping 6 boats operation and others will be repaired by the end of the year.”
    Trainings the authorities

    In addition to supplying equipment, the European countries are also organizing training courses to enhance the skills of the Tunisian coastguard. In 2019, Italy’s Interior Ministry released €11 million to Tunisia’s government for use in efforts to stem the crossing of people on the move from Tunisia, and to provide training to local security forces involved in maritime border control.

    Under the framework of Phase III of the EU-supported IBM project (Integrated Border Management), Germany is also organizing training for the Tunisian coast guards. As revealed in the answer to a parliamentary question mentioned before, the German Ministry of Interior admitted that 3.395 members of the Tunisian National Guard and border police had been trained, including within Germany. In addition, 14 training and advanced training measures were carried out for the National Guard, the border police, and the coast guard. These training sessions were also aimed at learning how to use “control boats.”

    In a document presenting the “EU Support to Border Management Institutions in Libya and Tunisia” for the year 2021, the European Commission announced the creation of a “coast guard training academy.” In Tunisia, the project consists of implementing a training plan, rehabilitating the physical training environment of the Garde Nationale Maritime, and enhancing the cooperation between Tunisian authorities and all stakeholders, including EU agencies and neighboring countries. Implemented by the German Federal Police and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the project started in January 2023 and is supposed to run until June 2026, to the sum of 13,5 million EUR.

    Although the European Commission underlines the objective that “the Training Academy Staff is fully aware and acting on the basis of human rights standards” the increase in dangerous maneuvers and attacks perpetrated by the Tunisian coast guard since the increase in European support leaves little doubt that respect for human rights is far from top priority.

    On November 17, 2023, the ICMPD announced on its Linkedin account the inauguration of the Nefta inter-agency border management training center, as a benefit to the three agencies responsible for border management in Tunisia (Directorate General Directorate of Borders and Foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior, the General Directorate of Border Guard of the National Guard and the General Directorate of Customs).
    B. Setting up a coastal surveillance system

    In addition to supplying equipment, European countries also organize training courses to enhance the skills of European coastguards in the pursuit of an “early detection” strategy, which involves spotting boats as soon as they leave the Tunisian coast in order to outsource their interception to the Tunisian coastguard. As early as 2019, Italy expressed its willingness to install radar equipment in Tunisia and to establish “a shared information system that will promptly alert the Tunisian gendarmerie and Italian coast guard when migrant boats are at sea, in order to block them while they still are in Tunisian waters.” This ambition seems to have been achieved through the implementation of the system ISMaris in Tunisia.
    An Integrated System for Maritime Surveillance (ISMaris)

    The system ISMaris, or “Integrated System for Maritime Surveillance”, was first mentioned in the “Support Programme to Integrated Border Management in Tunisia” (IBM Tunisia, launched in 2015. Funded by the EU and Switzerland and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the first phase of the program (2015-2018) supported the equipment of the Garde Nationale Maritime with this system, defined as “a maritime surveillance system that centralizes information coming from naval assets at sea and from coastal radars […] [aiming] to connect the sensors (radar, VHF, GPS position, surveillance cameras) on board of selected Tunisian Coast Guard vessels, control posts, and command centers within the Gulf of Tunis zone in order for them to better communicate between each other.”

    The implementation of this data centralization system was then taken over by the “Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region” (BMP-Maghreb), launched in 2018 and funded by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The Tunisia component, funded with €24,5 million is implemented by ICMPD together with the Italian Ministry of Interior and designed to “strengthen the capacity of competent Tunisian authorities in the areas of maritime surveillance and migration management, including tackling migrant smuggling, search and rescue at sea, as well as in the coast guard sphere of competence.” With the BMP programme, the Tunisian Garde Maritime Nationale was equipped with navigational radars, thermal cameras, AIS and other IT equipment related to maritime surveillance.
    Data exchange with the EU

    The action document of the BMP program clearly states that one of the purposes of ISMaris is the reinforcement of “operational cooperation in the maritime domain between Tunisia and Italy (and other EU Member States, and possibly through EUROSUR and FRONTEX).” Established in 2013, the European Border Surveillance system (EUROSUR) is a framework for information exchange and cooperation between Member States and Frontex, to prevent the so-called irregular migration at external borders. Thanks to this system, Frontex already monitors the coast regions off Tunisia using aerial service and satellites.

    What remains dubious is the connection between IS-Maris and the EU surveillance-database. In 2020, the European Commission claimed that ISMariS was still in development and not connected to any non-Tunisian entity such as Frontex, the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) or the Italian border control authorities. But it is likely that in the meantime information exchange between the different entities was systematized.

    In the absence of an official agreement, the cooperation between Frontex and Tunisia is unclear. As already mentioned in Echoes#3, “so far, it has not been possible to verify if Frontex has direct contact with the Tunisian Coast Guard as it is the case with the Libyan Coast Guard. Even if most of the interceptions happen close to Tunisian shores, some are carried out by the Tunisian Navy outside of territorial waters. […] Since May 2021 Frontex has been flying a drone, in addition to its different assets, monitoring the corridor between Tunisia and Lampedusa on a daily basis. While it is clear that Frontex is sharing data with the Italian authorities and that Italian authorities are sharing info on boats which are on the way from Tunisia to Italy with the Tunisian side, the communication and data exchanges between Frontex and Tunisian authorities remain uncertain.”

    While in 2021, Frontex reported that “no direct border related activities have been carried out in Tunisia due to Tunisian authorities’ reluctance to cooperate with Frontex”, formalizing the cooperation between Tunisia and Frontex seems to remain one of the EU’s priorities. In September 2023, a delegation from Tunisia visited Frontex headquarters in Poland, with the participation of the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs and Defence. During this visit, briefings were held on the cross-border surveillance system EUROSUR and where all threads from surveillance from ships, aircraft, drones and satellites come together.

    However, as emphasized by Mathias Monroy, an independent researcher working on border externalization and the expansion of surveillance systems, “Tunisia still does not want to negotiate such a deployment of Frontex personnel to its territory, so a status agreement necessary for this is a long way off. The government in Tunis is also not currently seeking a working agreement to facilitate the exchange of information with Frontex.”

    This does not prevent the EU from continuing its efforts. In September 2023, in the wake of the thousands of arrivals on the island of Lampedusa, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, reaffirmed, in a 10-point action plan, the need to have a “working arrangement between Tunisia and Frontex” and to “step up border surveillance at sea and aerial surveillance including through Frontex.” In a letter written by the European Commission in reply to the LIBE letter about the Tunisia deal sent on the Greens Party initiative in July 2023, the EU also openly admits that IT equipment for operations rooms, mobile radar systems and thermal imaging cameras, navigation radars and sonars have been given to Tunisia so far and that more surveillance equipment is to come.

    To be noted as well is that the EU4BorderSecurity program, which includes support to “inter-regional information sharing, utilizing tools provided by Frontex” has been extended for Tunisia until April 2025.
    C. Supporting the creation of a Tunisian MRCC and the declaration of a Search and rescue region (SRR)
    Building a MRCC in Tunisia, a top priority for the EU

    In 2021, the European Commission stated the creation of a functioning MRCC in Tunisia as a priority: “Currently there is no MRCC in Tunisia but the coordination of SAR events is conducted by Tunisian Navy Maritime Operations Centre. The official establishment of a MRCC is a necessary next step, together with the completion of the radar installations along the coast, and will contribute to implementing a Search and rescue region in Tunisia. The establishment of an MRCC would bring Tunisia’s institutional set-up in line with the requirements set in the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) of 1979 (as required by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organisation IMO).”

    The objective of creating a functioning Tunisian MRCC is also mentioned in a European Commission document presenting the “strategy for the regional, multi-country cooperation on migration with partner countries in North Africa” for the period 2021-2027. The related project is detailed in the “Action Document for EU Support to Border Management Institutions in Libya and Tunisia (2021),” whose overall objective is to “contribute to the improvement of respective state services through the institutional development of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres” in the North Africa region. The EU also promotes a “regional approach to a Maritime Rescue Coordination Center,” that “would improve the coordination in the Central Mediterranean in conducting SAR operations and support the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings networks in Libya and Tunisia.”

    The Tunisia component of the programs announces the objective to “support the establishment of a Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, [… ] operational 24/7 in a physical structure with functional equipment and trained staff,” establishing “cooperation of the Tunisian authorities with all national stakeholders, EU agencies and neighbouring countries on SAR.”

    This project seems to be gradually taking shape. On the website of Civipol, the French Ministry of the Interior’s service and consultancy company, a new project entitled “Support for Search and Rescue Operations at Sea in Tunisia” is mentioned in a job advertisement. It states that this project, funded by the European Union, implemented together with the GIZ and starting in September 2023, aims to “support the Tunisian authorities in strengthening their operational capacities (fleet and other)” and “provide support to the Tunisian authorities in strengthening the Marine Nationale and the MRCC via functional equipment and staff training.”

    In October 2023, the German development agency GIZ also published a job offer for a project manager in Tunisia, to implement the EU-funded project “Support to border management institution (MRCC)” in Tunisia (the job offer was deleted from the website in the meantime but screenshots can be shared on demand). The objective of the project is described as such: “improvement of the Tunisia’s Search and Rescue (SAR) capacity through reinforced border management institutions to conduct SAR operations at sea and the fight against migrant smuggling and human being trafficking by supporting increased collaboration between Tunisian actors via a Maritime RescueCoordination Centre (MRCC).”

    According to Mathias Monroy, other steps have been taken in this direction: “[the Tunisian MRCC] has already received an EU-funded vessel tracking system and is to be connected to the “Seahorse Mediterranean” network. Through this, the EU states exchange information about incidents off their coasts. This year Tunisia has also sent members of its coast guards to Italy as liaison officers – apparently a first step towards the EU’s goal of “linking” MRCC’s in Libya and Tunisia with their “counterparts” in Italy and Malta.”

    The establishment of a functional MRCC represents a major challenge for the EU, with the aim to allow Tunisia to engage actively in coordination of interceptions. Another step in the recognition of the Tunisian part as a valid SAR actor by the IMO is the declaration of a search and rescue region (SRR).
    The unclear status of the current Tunisian area of responsibility

    Adopted in 1979 in Hamburg, the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR – Search & Rescue Convention) aimed to establish an international search and rescue plan to encourage cooperation and coordination between neighboring states in order to ensure better assistance to persons in distress at sea. The main idea of the convention is to divide seas and oceans into search and rescue zones in which states are responsible for providing adequate SAR services, by establishing rescue coordination centers and setting operating procedures to be followed in case of SAR operations.

    Whereas Tunisia acceded to the treaty in 1998, this was not followed by the delimitation of the Tunisian SAR zone of responsibilities nor by regional agreements with neighboring states. It is only in 2013 that Tunisia declared the limits of its SRR, following the approval of the Maghreb Convention in the Field of Search and Rescue in 2013 and by virtue of Decree No. 2009-3333 of November 2, 2009, setting out the intervention plans and means to assist aircraft in distress. In application of this norm, Tunisian authorities are required to intervene immediately, following the first signal of help or emergency, in the limits of the Tunisia sovereign borders (12 nautical miles). This means that under national legislation, Tunisian authorities are obliged to intervene only in territorial waters. Outside this domain, the limits of SAR interventions are not clearly defined.

    A point to underline is that the Tunisian territorial waters overlap with the Maltese SRR. The Tunisian Exclusive Economic Zone – which does not entail any specific duty connected to SAR – also overlaps with the Maltese SRR and this circumstance led in the past to attempts by the Maltese authorities to drop their SAR responsibilities claiming that distress cases were happening in this vast area. Another complex topic regards the presence, in international waters which is part of the Maltese SRR, of Tunisian oil platforms. Also, in these cases the coordination of SAR operations have been contested and were often subject to a “ping-pong” responsibility from the involved state authorities.
    Towards the declaration of a huge Tunisian SRR?

    In a research document published by the IMO Institute (International Maritime Organization), Akram Boubakri (Lieutenant Commander, Head, Maritime Affairs, Tunisian Coast Guard according to IMO Institute website) wrote that at the beginning of 2020, Tunisia officially submitted the coordinates of the Tunisian SRR to the IMO. According to this document, these new coordinates, still pending the notification of consideration by the IMO, would cover a large area, creating two overlapping areas with neighboring SAR zones – the first one with Libya, the second one with Malta* (see map below):

    *This delimitation has to be confirmed (tbc). Nothing proves that the coordinates mentioned in the article were actually submitted to the IMO

    As several media outlets have reported, the declaration of an official Tunisian SRR is a project supported by the European Union, which was notably put back on the table on the occasion of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in July 2023 between the EU and Tunisia.

    During the summer 2023, the Civil MRCC legal team initiated a freedom of information access request to the Tunisian authorities to clarify the current status of the Tunisian SRR. The Tunisian Ministry of Transport/the Office of the Merchant Navy and Ports replied that”[n]o legal text has yet been published defining the geographical marine limits of the search and rescue zone stipulated in the 1979 International Convention for Search and Rescue […]. We would like to inform you that the National Committee for the Law of the Sea, chaired by the Ministry of National Defence, has submitted a draft on this subject, which has been sent in 2019 to the International Maritime Organisation through the Ministry of Transport.” A recourse to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Interior was sent but no reply was received yet.

    Replying in December 2023 to a freedom of information access request initiated by the Civil MRCC, the IMO stated that “Tunisia has not communicated their established search and rescue region to the IMO Secretariat.” However, on November 3, 2023, the Tunisian Ministerial Council adopted a “draft law on the regulation of search and rescue at sea in Tunisia’s area of responsibility.” A text which, according to FTDES, provides for the creation of a Tunisian SAR zone, although it has not yet been published. While the text still has to be ratified by the parliament, it is quite clear that the Tunisian authorities are currently making concrete steps to align on the IMO standards and, by doing so, on the EU agenda.
    Conclusion: A EU strategy to escape from its SAR responsibilities

    While some analysts have seen the drop in arrivals in Italy from Tunisia in recent months as a sign of the “success” of the European Union’s strategy to close its borders (in November, a drop of over 80% compared to the summer months), in reality, the evolution of these policies proves that reinforcing a border only shifts migratory routes. From autumn onwards, the Libyan route has seen an increase in traffic, with many departing from the east of the country. These analyses fail to consider the agency of people on the move, and the constant reinvention of strategies for transgressing borders.

    While condemning the generalization of a regime of refoulement by proxy in the central Mediterranean and the continued brutalization of the border regime, the Civil MRCC aims to give visibility to the autonomy of migration and non-stop solidarity struggles for freedom of movement!


    #push-backs #refoulements #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #externalisation #Tunisie #Libye #EU #UE #Union_européenne #gardes-côtes_libyens #push-back_by_proxy_regime #financement #training #formation #gardes-côtes #MRCC #Méditerranée #Mer_Méditerranée #Libyan_SRR #technologie #matériel #Integrated_Border_Management #surveillance #Integrated_System_for_Maritime_Surveillance (#ISMaris) #International_Centre_for_Migration_Policy_Development (#ICMPD) #Border_Management_Programme_for_the_Maghreb_Region #Trust_Fund #Trust_Fund_for_Africa #EUROSUR #Frontex #ISMariS #Search_and_rescue_region (#SRR)

    ping @_kg_

    • #18_aprile

      Erano partiti di notte da un porto vicino a Zwara, a ovest di Tripoli, in Libia. Quando alcune ore più tardi la balena aveva cominciato a inabissarsi in un mugghiare di metallo dopo aver urtato per una manovra sbagliata il mercantile portoghese che la Capitaneria di porto di Roma aveva inviato a soccorrerla, quelli rinchiusi nella stiva si erano ammassati gli uni sugli altri, arrampicandosi su quelli che avevano davanti e di fianco per cercare di raggiungere la botola, lassù in alto. In due si erano abbracciati in quell’inferno che era la sala macchine. “Lì dentro si sviluppa un calore tale che neanche il macchinista ci mette spesso piede”, raccontano i Vigili del fuoco che li avevano tirati fuori, un anno dopo. Persino in mezzo ai motori avevano ammassato 65 persone. I mercanti li avevano stipati in ogni interstizio, mille persone pigiate come bestie in 23 metri di barca, e li avevano spediti nel Mediterraneo con due litri d’acqua a testa e senza uno straccio di ancora perché anche il gavone di prua doveva servire per farcene entrare ancora, per aumentare il guadagno. Erano riusciti a metterne 5 per ogni metro quadro.


      Settecento chilometri senza mangiare
      Bevendo sputi, a farsi bruciare
      Da questo sole feroce riflesso dal mare
      Da questo vento che di giorno scortica e di notte gela
      E rimescola il freddo con la paura

      Che quest’acqua buia, infinita e cattiva
      È più salata dei conti che ci han fatto saldare
      Non cura la sete, marcisce le ossa
      E questa Italia non vuole arrivare
      Questa terra che non ci vuole non si fa trovare

      E questo sarcofago sul mare è un cimitero per ottocento
      Sulla tavola fredda e muta che non finisce di violentare
      A perdita d’occhio e di cuore

      Amore mio, che ti ho lasciata a patire
      Tra la fame, la sete e l’orrore
      Tra gli arti amputati spezzati calpestati
      Le bombe esportate
      I bambini soldati
      Amore mio ascoltami bene: tu non morire che ti vengo a salvare
      Appena finisce questo mare io ti vengo a salvare

      E a noi ricchi senza pudore
      Ce lo spiega la televisione
      Un mantenuto ignorante e cafone
      Con la felpa e il ghigno arrogante
      Ce lo spiega lui cosa dobbiamo pensare
      Di questa gente che prende il mare
      Per provare a non morire


      #chanson #musique #musique_et_politique #naufrage #asile #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #18_avril_2015 #mourir_en_mer

      #commémoration #Libye #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Zouara

  • #Frontex, Cutro è un ricordo sbiadito: sorvegliare dall’alto resta la priorità

    Un anno dopo la strage, l’Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera investe ancora su velivoli per sorvolare il Mediterraneo. Dal 2016 a oggi la spesa supera mezzo miliardo di euro. Una strategia dagli esiti noti: più respinti e più morti

    Frontex è pronta a investire altri 158 milioni di euro per sorvegliare dall’alto il Mediterraneo. A un anno dal naufragio di Steccato di Cutro (KR), costato la vita a 94 persone, la strategia dell’Agenzia che sorveglia le frontiere esterne europee non cambia. Anzi, si affina con “occhi” sempre più efficaci per rintracciare e osservare dall’alto le imbarcazioni in difficoltà. “Si continua a pensare che Frontex sia un’innocua gregaria degli Stati, senza responsabilità -spiega Laura Salzano, docente di diritto dell’Ue presso l’Università di Barcellona-. Ma in mare, sempre di più, le sue attività hanno conseguenze dirette sulla vita delle persone”.

    Lo racconta, in parte, anche la strage di Cutro del 26 febbraio 2023. Alle 22.26 della sera prima infatti fu l’Agenzia, attraverso il velivolo “Eagle 1”, a individuare per prima la “Summer love” e a segnalarla, quand’era a circa 40 miglia delle coste crotonesi, al Frontex coordination centre. Da Varsavia le coordinate della nave furono girate alle autorità competenti: tra queste anche l’International coordination centre (ICC) di Pratica di mare (RM) in cui, allo stesso tavolo, siedono le autorità italiane e la stessa Agenzia che ha il dovere di monitorare quello che succede. “Nonostante fosse noto che c’erano persone nella ‘pancia della nave’ e il meteo stesse peggiorando, si è deciso di attivare un’operazione di polizia e non di ‘ricerca e soccorso’ -spiega Salzano-. Questa classificazione a mio avviso errata è responsabilità anche dell’Agenzia”. Un errore che potrebbe aver inciso anche sul ritardo nei soccorsi.

    Lo stabilirà la Procura di Crotone che, a metà gennaio 2024, non ha ancora chiuso le indagini sulla strage. Qualcosa di quanto successo quella sera, però, si sa già, perché il processo contro i presunti manovratori dell’imbarcazione è già in fase di dibattimento. “La prima barca della Guardia costiera -spiega Francesco Verri, avvocato di decine di familiari delle vittime- arriva sul luogo del naufragio alle 6.50, quasi tre ore dopo il naufragio: salva due persone ma recupera anche il cadavere di un bambino morto di freddo. Perché ci hanno impiegato così tanto tempo per percorrere poche miglia nautiche? Sulla spiaggia la pattuglia è arrivata un’ora e 35 minuti dopo il naufragio. Da Crotone a Cutro ci vogliono dieci minuti di macchina”. Domande a cui dovranno rispondere le autorità italiane.

    Al di là delle responsabilità penali, però, quanto successo quella notte mostra l’inadeguatezza del sistema dei soccorsi di cui la sorveglianza aerea è un tassello fondamentale su cui Frontex continua a investire. Con importi senza precedenti.

    Quando Altreconomia va in stampa, a metà gennaio, l’Agenzia sta ancora valutando le offerte arrivate per il nuovo bando da 158 milioni di euro per due servizi di monitoraggio aereo: uno a medio raggio, entro le 151 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza (budget di 100 milioni), l’altro a lungo raggio che può superare le 401 miglia di distanza (48 milioni).


    Documenti di gara alla mano, una delle novità più rilevanti riguarda i cosiddetti “Paesi ospitanti” delle attività di monitoraggio: si prevede infatti espressamente che possano essere anche Stati non appartenenti all’Unione europea. In sostanza: il velivolo potrebbe partire da una base in Tunisia o Libia; e, addirittura, si prevede che un host country liaison officer, ovvero un agente di “contatto” delle autorità di quel Paese, possa salire a bordo dell’aeromobile. “Bisogna capire se sarà fattibile operativamente -sottolinea Salzano-. Ma non escludere questa possibilità nel bando è grave: sono Paesi che non sono tenuti a rispettare gli standard europei”.

    Mentre lavora per dispiegare la sua flotta anche sull’altra sponda del Mediterraneo, Frontex investe sulla “qualità” dei servizi richiesti. Nel bando si richiede infatti che il radar installato sopra il velivolo sia in grado di individuare (per poi poter fotografare) un oggetto di piccole dimensioni a quasi dieci chilometri di distanza e uno “medio” a quasi 19. Prendendo ad esempio il caso delle coste libiche, più la “potenza di fuoco” è elevata più il velivolo potrà essere distante dalle coste del Nordafrica ma comunque individuare le imbarcazioni appena partite.

    La distanza, in miglia nautiche, che l’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex nel novembre 2023 prevede tra l’aeroporto di partenza del velivolo e l’area di interesse da sorvolare è di 401 miglia. Nella prima gara riguardante questi servizi, pubblicata dall’agenzia nell’agosto 2016, la distanza massima prevista era di 200 miglia

    Frontex sa che, oltre alla componente meccanica, l’efficienza “tecnica” dei suoi droni è fondamentale. Per questo il 6 e 7 settembre 2023 ha riunito a Varsavia 16 aziende del settore per discutere delle nuove frontiere tecnologiche dei “velivoli a pilotaggio remoto”. A presentare i propri prodotti c’era anche l’italiana Leonardo Spa, leader europeo nel settore aerospaziale e militare, che già nel 2018 aveva siglato un accordo da 1,6 milioni di euro per fornire droni all’Agenzia.

    L’ex Finmeccanica è tra le 15 aziende che hanno vinto i bandi pubblicati da Frontex per la sorveglianza aerea. Se si guarda al numero di commesse aggiudicate, il trio formato da DEA Aviation (Regno Unito), CAE Aviation (Stati Uniti) ed EASP Air (Spagna) primeggia con oltre otto contratti siglati. Valutando l’importo delle singole gare, a farla da padrone sono invece due colossi del settore militare: la tedesca Airbus DS e la Elbit System, principale azienda che rifornisce l’esercito israeliano, che si sono aggiudicate in cordata due gare (2020 e 2022) per 125 milioni di euro. Dal 2016 a oggi, il totale investito per questi servizi supera i cinquecento milioni di euro.

    “La sorveglianza è una delle principali voci di spesa dell’Agenzia -spiega Ana Valdivia, professoressa all’Oxford internet institute che da anni analizza i bandi di Frontex- insieme a tutte le tecnologie che trasformano gli ‘eventi reali’ in dati”. E la cosiddetta “datificazione” ha un ruolo di primo piano anche nel Mediterraneo. “La fotografia di una barca in distress ha un duplice scopo: intercettarla ma anche avere un’evidenza digitale, una prova, che una determinata persona era a bordo -aggiunge Valdivia-. Questa è la ‘sorveglianza’: non un occhio che ci guarda giorno e notte, ma una memoria digitale capace di ricostruire in futuro la nostra vita. Anche per i migranti”. E per chi è su un’imbarcazione diretta verso l’Europa è vitale a chi finiscono le informazioni.

    Nell’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex, si prevede che “il contraente trasferirà i dati a sistemi situati in un Paese terzo se è garantito un livello adeguato di protezione”. “Fanno finta di non sapere che non possono farlo -aggiunge Salzano- non potendo controllare che Paesi come la Tunisia e la Libia non utilizzino quei dati, per esempio, per arrestare le persone in viaggio una volta respinte”. Quello che si sa, invece, è che quei dati -nello specifico le coordinate delle navi- vengono utilizzate per far intervenire le milizie costiere libiche. Per questo motivo i droni si avvicinano sempre di più alla Libia. Se nel 2016 l’Agenzia, nella prima gara pubblicata per questa tipologia di servizi, parlava di area operativa nelle “vicinanze” con le coste italiane e greche, fino a 200 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza, dal 2020 in avanti questa distanza ha superato le 401 miglia.

    Lorenzo Pezzani, professore associato di Geografia all’università di Bologna, ha esaminato giorno per giorno i tracciati di “Heron”, il più importante drone della flotta di Frontex: nel 2021 l’attività di volo si è concentrata tra Zuara e Tripoli, il tratto di costa libica da cui partiva la maggior parte delle barche.

    “Il numero di respingimenti delle milizie libiche -spiega Pezzani autore dello studio “Airborne complicity” pubblicato a inizio dicembre 2022- cresce all’aumentare delle ore di volo del drone e allo stesso tempo la mortalità non diminuisce, a differenza di quanto dichiarato dall’Agenzia”. Che tramite il suo direttore Hans Leijtens, entrato in carica a pochi giorni dal naufragio di Cutro, nega di avere accordi o rapporti diretti con la Libia. “Se è così, com’è possibile che un drone voli così vicino alle coste di uno Stato sovrano?”, si chiede Salzano. Chi fornirà il “nuovo” servizio per Frontex dovrà cancellare le registrazioni video entro 72 ore. Meglio non lasciare troppe tracce in giro.

    #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #complexe_militaro-industriel #business #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Cutro #surveillance_aérienne #Leonardo #Elbit_System #Airbus #host_country_liaison_officer #radar #technologie #DEA_Aviation #CAE_Aviation #EASP_Air #Libye #gardes-côtes_libyens

  • EU’s AI Act Falls Short on Protecting Rights at Borders

    Despite years of tireless advocacy by a coalition of civil society and academics (including the author), the European Union’s new law regulating artificial intelligence falls short on protecting the most vulnerable. Late in the night on Friday, Dec. 8, the European Parliament reached a landmark deal on its long-awaited Act to Govern Artificial Intelligence (AI Act). After years of meetings, lobbying, and hearings, the EU member states, Commission, and the Parliament agreed on the provisions of the act, awaiting technical meetings and formal approval before the final text of the legislation is released to the public. A so-called “global first” and racing ahead of the United States, the EU’s bill is the first ever regional attempt to create an omnibus AI legislation. Unfortunately, this bill once again does not sufficiently recognize the vast human rights risks of border technologies and should go much further protecting the rights of people on the move.

    From surveillance drones patrolling the Mediterranean to vast databases collecting sensitive biometric information to experimental projects like robo-dogs and AI lie detectors, every step of a person’s migration journey is now impacted by risky and unregulated border technology projects. These technologies are fraught with privacy infringements, discriminatory decision-making, and even impact the life, liberty, and security of person seeking asylum. They also impact procedural rights, muddying responsibility over opaque and discretionary decisions and lacking clarity in mechanisms of redress when something goes wrong.

    The EU’s AI Act could have been a landmark global standard for the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable. But once again, it does not provide the necessary safeguards around border technologies. For example, while recognizing that some border technologies could fall under the high-risk category, it is not yet clear what, if any, border tech projects will be included in the final high-risk category of projects that are subject to transparency obligations, human rights impact assessments, and greater scrutiny. The Act also has various carveouts and exemptions in place, for example for matters of national security, which can encapsulate technologies used in migration and border enforcement. And crucial discussions around bans on high-risk technologies in migration never even made it into the Parliament’s final deal terms at all. Even the bans which have been announced, for example around emotion recognition, are only in place in the workplace and education, not at the border. Moreover, what exactly is banned remains to be seen, and outstanding questions to be answered in the final text include the parameters around predictive policing as well as the exceptions to the ban on real-time biometric surveillance, still allowed in instances of a “threat of terrorism,” targeted search for victims, or the prosecution of serious crimes. It is also particularly troubling that the AI Act explicitly leaves room for technologies which are of particular appetite for Frontex, the EU’s border force. Frontex released its AI strategy on Nov. 9, signaling an appetite for predictive tools and situational analysis technology. These tools, which when used without safeguards, can facilitate illegal border interdiction operations, including “pushbacks,” in which the agency has been investigated. The Protect Not Surveil Coalition has been trying to influence European policy makers to ban predictive analytics used for the purposes of border enforcement. Unfortunately, no migration tech bans at all seem to be in the final Act.

    The lack of bans and red lines under the high-risk uses of border technologies in the EU’s position is in opposition to years of academic research as well as international guidance, such as by then-U.N. Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, E. Tendayi Achiume. For example, a recently released report by the University of Essex and the UN’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (OHCHR), which I co-authored with Professor Lorna McGregor, argues for a human rights based approach to digital border technologies, including a moratorium on the most high risk border technologies such as border surveillance, which pushes people on the move into dangerous terrain and can even assist with illegal border enforcement operations such as forced interdictions, or “pushbacks.” The EU did not take even a fraction of this position on border technologies.

    While it is promising to see strict regulation of high-risk AI systems such as self-driving cars or medical equipment, why are the risks of unregulated AI technologies at the border allowed to continue unabated? My work over the last six years spans borders from the U.S.-Mexico corridor to the fringes of Europe to East Africa and beyond, and I have witnessed time and again how technological border violence operates in an ecosystem replete with the criminalization of migration, anti-migrant sentiments, overreliance on the private sector in an increasingly lucrative border industrial complex, and deadly practices of border enforcement, leading to thousands of deaths at borders. From vast biometric data collected without consent in refugee camps, to algorithms replacing visa officers and making discriminatory decisions, to AI lie detectors used at borders to discern apparent liars, the roll out of unregulated technologies is ever-growing. The opaque and discretionary world of border enforcement and immigration decision-making is built on societal structures which are underpinned by intersecting systemic racism and historical discrimination against people migrating, allowing for high-risk technological experimentation to thrive at the border.

    The EU’s weak governance on border technologies will allow for more and more experimental projects to proliferate, setting a global standard on how governments will approach migration technologies. The United States is no exception, and in an upcoming election year where migration will once again be in the spotlight, there does not seem to be much incentive to regulate technologies at the border. The Biden administration’s recently released Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence does not offer a regulatory framework for these high-risk technologies, nor does it discuss the impacts of border technologies on people migrating, including taking a human rights based approach to the vast impacts of these projects on people migrating. Unfortunately, the EU often sets a precedent for how other countries govern technology. With the weak protections offered by the EU AI act on border technologies, it is no surprise that the U.S. government is emboldened to do as little as possible to protect people on the move from harmful technologies.

    But real people already are at the centre of border technologies. People like Mr. Alvarado, a young husband and father from Latin America in his early 30s who perished mere kilometers away from a major highway in Arizona, in search of a better life. I visited his memorial site after hours of trekking through the beautiful yet deadly Sonora desert with a search-and-rescue group. For my upcoming book, The Walls have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, I was documenting the growing surveillance dragnet of the so-called smart border that pushes people to take increasingly dangerous routes, leading to increasing loss of life at the U.S.-Mexico border. Border technologies as a deterrent simply do not work. People desperate for safety – and exercising their internationally protected right to asylum – will not stop coming. They will instead more circuitous routes, and scholars like Geoffrey Boyce and Samuel Chambers have already documented a threefold increase in deaths at the U.S.-Mexico frontier as the so-called smart border expands. In the not so distant future, will people like Mr. Alvarado be pursued by the Department of Homeland Security’s recently announced robo-dogs, a military grade technology that is sometimes armed?

    It is no accident that more robust governance around migration technologies is not forthcoming. Border spaces increasingly serve as testing grounds for new technologies, places where regulation is deliberately limited and where an “anything goes” frontier attitude informs the development and deployment of surveillance at the expense of people’s lives. There is also big money to be made in developing and selling high risk technologies. Why does the private sector get to time and again determine what we innovate on and why, in often problematic public-private partnerships which states are increasingly keen to make in today’s global AI arms race? For example, whose priorities really matter when we choose to create violent sound cannons or AI-powered lie detectors at the border instead of using AI to identify racist border guards? Technology replicates power structures in society. Unfortunately, the viewpoints of those most affected are routinely excluded from the discussion, particularly around areas of no-go-zones or ethically fraught usages of technology.

    Seventy-seven border walls and counting are now cutting across the landscape of the world. They are both physical and digital, justifying broader surveillance under the guise of detecting illegal migrants and catching terrorists, creating suitable enemies we can all rally around. The use of military, or quasi-military, autonomous technology bolsters the connection between immigration and national security. None of these technologies, projects, and sets of decisions are neutral. All technological choices – choices about what to count, who counts, and why – have an inherently political dimension and replicate biases that render certain communities at risk of being harmed, communities that are already under-resourced, discriminated against, and vulnerable to the sharpening of borders all around the world.

    As is once again clear with the EU’s AI Act and the direction of U.S. policy on AI so far, the impacts on real people seems to have been forgotten. Kowtowing to industry and making concessions for the private sector not to stifle innovation does not protect people, especially those most marginalized. Human rights standards and norms are the bare minimum in the growing panopticon of border technologies. More robust and enforceable governance mechanisms are needed to regulate the high-risk experiments at borders and migration management, including a moratorium on violent technologies and red lines under military-grade technologies, polygraph machines, and predictive analytics used for border interdictions, at the very least. These laws and governance mechanisms must also include efforts at local, regional, and international levels, as well as global co-operation and commitment to a human-rights based approach to the development and deployment of border technologies. However, in order for more robust policy making on border technologies to actually affect change, people with lived experiences of migration must also be in the driver’s seat when interrogating both the negative impacts of technology as well as the creative solutions that innovation can bring to the complex stories of human movement.


    #droits #frontières #AI #IA #intelligence_artificielle #Artificial_Intelligence_Act #AI_act #UE #EU #drones #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #droits_humains #technologie #risques #surveillance #discrimination #transparence #contrôles_migratoires #Frontex #push-backs #refoulements #privatisation #business #complexe_militaro-industriel #morts_aux_frontières #biométrie #données #racisme #racisme_systémique #expérimentation #smart_borders #frontières_intelligentes #pouvoir #murs #barrières_frontalières #terrorisme

    • The Walls Have Eyes. Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

      A chilling exposé of the inhumane and lucrative sharpening of borders around the globe through experimental surveillance technology

      “Racism, technology, and borders create a cruel intersection . . . more and more people are getting caught in the crosshairs of an unregulated and harmful set of technologies touted to control borders and ‘manage migration,’ bolstering a multibillion-dollar industry.” —from the introduction

      In 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it was training “robot dogs” to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border against migrants. Four-legged machines equipped with cameras and sensors would join a network of drones and automated surveillance towers—nicknamed the “smart wall.” This is part of a worldwide trend: as more people are displaced by war, economic instability, and a warming planet, more countries are turning to A.I.-driven technology to “manage” the influx.

      Based on years of researching borderlands across the world, lawyer and anthropologist Petra Molnar’s The Walls Have Eyes is a truly global story—a dystopian vision turned reality, where your body is your passport and matters of life and death are determined by algorithm. Examining how technology is being deployed by governments on the world’s most vulnerable with little regulation, Molnar also shows us how borders are now big business, with defense contractors and tech start-ups alike scrambling to capture this highly profitable market.

      With a foreword by former U.N. Special Rapporteur E. Tendayi Achiume, The Walls Have Eyes reveals the profound human stakes, foregrounding the stories of people on the move and the daring forms of resistance that have emerged against the hubris and cruelty of those seeking to use technology to turn human beings into problems to be solved.

      #livre #Petra_Molnar

  • #Frontex and the pirate ship

    The EU’s border agency Frontex and the Maltese government are systematically sharing coordinates of refugee boats trying to escape Libya with a vessel operated by a militia linked to Russia, human trafficking, war crimes and smuggling.

    Tareq Bin Zeyad (TBZ) is one of the most dangerous militia groups in the world. It is run by Saddam Haftar, the powerful son of East Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar. The group has been operating a vessel, also called TBZ, in the Central Mediterranean since May, during which it has intercepted more than 1,000 people at sea off the coasts of Libya and Malta and returned them to Libya.

    Experts say the militia would not have been able to find the refugee boats without help from surveillance planes. We analysed several interceptions carried out by the TBZ boat in Maltese waters. These are known as ‘pullbacks’ and are illegal according to Maritime experts. We found that TBZ receives coordinates from EU planes in three ways:

    – Direct communication through a Frontex mayday alert. On 26 July, a Frontex plane issued a mayday (a radio alert to all vessels within range used in cases of immediate distress) in relation to a refugee boat. TBZ answered within minutes. Frontex only informed the nearby rescue authorities of Italy, Libya and Malta after issuing the mayday. They did not intervene. Frontex admitted the plane had to leave the area after an hour, leaving the fate of the refugees in the hands of a militia. It would take TBZ another six hours to reach the boat and drag people back to Libya.


    – Indirect communication through Tripoli. Frontex routinely shares refugee vessel coordinates with the Libyan authorities. In Frontex’s own system, they recorded that on 16 August the coordinates they shared with Tripoli were handed over to TBZ and led to an interception.

    – Direct communication with Malta’s Armed forces. On 2 August, a pilot with a Maltese accent was recorded giving coordinates to TBZ. Hours later, the TBZ vessel was spotted by NGOs near the coordinates. Malta’s armed forces did not deny the incident.


    Both Frontex and Malta say their aim when sharing the coordinates is to help people in distress.

    Responding to our questions on the 26 July mayday, Frontex said its experts decided to issue the alert because “the vessel was far away from the shoreline, it was overcrowded, and there was no life-saving equipment visible.”

    However, in all of the cases we analysed there were safer options: merchant ships were sailing nearby -– much closer than the TBZ ship – and NGO vessels or the Maltese or Italian coast guards could have assisted.

    According to international law expert Nora Markard “Frontex should have ensured that someone else took over the rescue after the distress call – for example one of the merchant ships, which would have been on site much faster anyway.”

    Markard added: “Frontex knows that this situation is more of a kidnapping than a rescue. You only have to imagine pirates announcing that they will deal with a distress case. That wouldn’t be right either.”

    The TBZ is described by the EU as a militia group affiliated with warlord Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army in confidential documents obtained by this investigation. We also found confidential reports showing that EU states are aware of the illicit nature of many of TBZ’s activities – including human trafficking. The group was described in an EU report as being supported by Russian private military group PCM-Wagner.

    Frontex declined to comment on whether TBZ was an appropriate partner.

    We obtained confidential EU documents, tracked position data from European surveillance aircraft and cargo ships, monitored social media of militia members on board the TBZ vessel, spoke to insider sources in EU and Libya institutions and reached out to linguistic experts to analyse a radio communication.

    We were able to speak to seven refugees who were dragged back to Libya by the TBZ and gave harrowing accounts of mistreatment.

    All the refugees we spoke to reported abuse at the hands of the militia, including torture, forced labour and ransom payment. One of them, Syrian Bassel Nahas*, described a three-week ordeal that he did not think he would survive.

    He said TBZ crew shaved his eyebrows and lashes and mutilated his head. “They beat us until our bodies turned black,” he said. “Then they threw our bodies in the water”.

    Bassel said he and other refugees were left in the Benghazi harbour next to the docked vessel for hours overnight, the salt burning their wounds, before they took him out at 4am and beat him more.

    Finally, Bassel recounts, the armed men made him wear an orange prisoner suit and stand against a wall. They opened fire, laughing as he collapsed. It was only when he regained consciousness and checked his body for blood that he realised the bullets hadn’t hit him.

    A Frontex drone was filming Bassel’s boat while it was intercepted by TBZ several days before, on 18 August. Bassel recounts the moment the militia approached: “We told them to leave us alone, that we had children and women on board. But they accused us of having weapons and drugs and opened fire on our boat.”

    Frontex claims that due to poor visibility on that day “detailed observations were challenging”. The same drone spotted Bassel’s vessel two days before its interception by TBZ and shared coordinates with Malta and Greece.

    Frontex declined to comment on whether its coordinates were used to intercept Bassel’s vessel and on allegations of torture and human rights abuses by TBZ.

    Jamal*, a Syrian from the southwestern province of Deraa, recalls that after being intercepted at sea on 25 May he was taken “to a big prison” where they were beaten “with sticks and iron” and all their belongings – “[their] passports, [their] cell phones” – were confiscated. “There was no water available in the prison. We drank in the bathroom. They fed us rice, soup or pasta in small quantities. We were held for 20 days by the Tariq bin Ziyad brigade,” he said.

    Several people report that they were forced to work to earn their freedom. “What this brigade did to us was not authorised, it was slavery. They sold us to businessmen so that we would work for them for free,” said Hasni, who was intercepted on 7 July by the TBZ.


    #Malte #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #réfugiés #Russie #Libye #Tareq_Bin_Zeyad (#TBZ) #milices #collaboration #Saddam_Haftar #Khalifa_Haftar #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #pull-backs #sauvetage (well...) #PCM-Wagner #drones

  • Beyond borders, beyond boundaries. A Critical Analysis of EU Financial Support for Border Control in Tunisia and Libya

    In recent years, the European Union (EU) and its Member States have intensified their effort to prevent migrants and asylum seekers from reaching their borders. One strategy to reach this goal consists of funding programs for third countries’ coast guards and border police, as currently happens in Libya and Tunisia.

    These programs - funded by the #EUTF_for_Africa and the #NDICI-Global_Europe - allocate funding to train and equip authorities, including the delivery and maintenance of assets. NGOs, activists, and International Organizations have amassed substantial evidence implicating Libyan and Tunisian authorities in severe human rights violations.

    The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament commissioned a study carried out by Profundo, ARCI, EuroMed Rights and Action Aid, on how EU funding is linked to human rights violations in neighbouring countries, such as Tunisia and Libya.

    The study answers the following questions:

    - What is the state of EU funding for programs aimed at enhancing border control capacities in Libya and Tunisia?
    - What is the human rights impact of these initiatives?
    - What is the framework for human rights compliance?
    - How do the NDICI-Global Europe decision-making processes work?

    The report highlights that the shortcomings in human rights compliance within border control programs, coupled with the lack of proper transparency clearly contradicts EU and international law. Moreover, this results in the insufficient consideration of the risk of human rights violations when allocating funding for both ongoing and new programs.

    This is particularly concerning in the cases of Tunisia and Libya, where this report collects evidence that the ongoing strategies, regardless of achieving or not the questionable goals of reducing migration flows, have a very severe human rights impact on migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

    Pour télécharger l’étude:


    #Libye #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Tunisie #aide_financières #contrôles_frontaliers #frontières #rapport #trust_fund #profundo #Neighbourhood_Development_and_International_Cooperation_Instrument #droits_humains #gestion_des_frontières #EU #UE #Union_européenne #fonds_fiduciaire #IVCDCI #IVCDCI-EM #gardes-côtes #gardes-côtes_libyens #gardes-côtes_tunisiens #EUTFA #coût #violence #crimes_contre_l'humanité #impunité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #naufrages

  • Le dessous des images. Derniers instants avant le naufrage

    Au large de la Grèce, une équipe de garde-côtes survole et capture cette scène depuis un hélicoptère. Des centaines de migrants appellent au secours depuis un chalutier. La plupart ne survivront pas au naufrage. Mais à quoi a servi cette image ? Présenté par Sonia Devillers, le magazine qui analyse les images de notre époque.

    Ce cliché du 13 juin 2023 est repris dans toute la presse internationale. Les autorités grecques ont photographié ce bateau de pêche qu’ils savent bondé et fragile, et dont les passagers sont affamés et déshydratés. Pourtant, ils ne seront pas capables de les secourir. La responsabilité des garde-côtes sera mise en cause par médias et ONG. Arthur Carpentier, journaliste au Monde et coauteur d’une enquête sur ce naufrage, nous explique en quoi les images ont permis de reconstituer le drame. Le chercheur suisse Charles Heller nous aide à comprendre l’impact médiatique, politique et symbolique des images de migrants et de naufrages en Méditerranée.


    Citation de #Charles_Heller :

    « Ces #images cristallisent toutes les #inégalités et les #conflits du monde dans lequel on vit. Elles nous disent aussi la #normalisation de la #violence des #frontières, sur la large acceptation de dizaines de milliers de #morts aux frontières européennes, et en #Méditerranée en particulier »

    #naufrage #migrations #réfugiés #mer #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Grèce #reconstruction #Pylos #géolocalisation #architecture_forensique #images #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #garde-côtes #Frontex #reconstitution #SAR #mer_Egée #border_forensics #domination #imaginaire #invasion #3_octobre_2013 #émoi #émotions #normalisation_de_la_violence

    ping @reka

    • Frontex report into Greek shipwreck suggests more deaths could have been prevented

      A Frontex report suggesting that many of the deaths caused by the shipwreck off the Greek coast near Pylos last June could have been prevented was released by the Aegean Boat Report NGO on their X feed yesterday evening (January 31).

      Investigations into what happened to the Adriana, an overcrowded fishing vessel carrying some 750 people from Libya to Italy that sank off the coast of Greece on June 13, are ongoing.

      However, a report produced by the European Border Agency Frontex — marked “sensitive” and dated December 1, 2023 — was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) late on January 31.

      The report was posted by Aegean Boat Report, an organization working with migrants in the eastern Mediterranean.

      In their post on X, they thank freelance Brussels-based journalist Eleonora Vasques for “making it available to the public.” Frontex told InfoMigrants in an email that they had released the report via their “Transparency Office.” They added that the “release wass part of a Public Access to Documents request, an important process that allows us to share information with the public.”

      Vasques writes regularly for the European news portal Euractiv. One of her latest reports looks into what happened in the Cutro shipwreck off Italy almost a year ago. The story was also sourced back to an internal Frontex report, which concluded that more lives could have potentially been saved if the response from Frontex and the Italian coast guard had been different.


      Long and detailed report

      The 17-page Pylos report from Frontex is redacted in parts and goes into great detail about what happened and which authorities and merchant ships were involved. It also compares timelines from various authorities, NGOs and media organizations.

      In the email to InfoMigrants, Frontex continued that they “strive to make such documents available in our Public Register of Documents as promptly as possible.” The Press Spokesperson Krzysztof Borowski wrote that the “Pylos tragedy is a stark reminder of the challenges and dangers faced at sea. We at Frontex share the profound concern and sadness of the public regarding this heartbreaking event.” He finished by saying: “Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy, and we remain dedicated to our mission of safeguarding lives while ensuring border security.”
      Committment to ’assess cases more thoroughly

      Although the report finds that Frontex “followed applicable procedures”, it admitted that “going forward and based on a reviewed assessment methodology ... the team … should assess similar cases more thoroughly against the need to issue a Mayday alert.”

      A Mayday alert is a radio distress signal used at sea.

      The report appears to suggest that more could have been done on the day to prevent such a huge loss of life.

      According to the Frontex report posted on X, “in the hours following the sighting of Adriana, Frontex made three attempts to follow up on the case, by suggesting additional Frontex Surveillance Aircraft (FSA) sorties.”

      Frontex writes that “no reply was received by the Greek authorities to Frontex’ repeated offers until Adriana’s shipwreck.”

      Frontex made an initial statement on June 16 expressing “shock and sadness” at the events off Pylos.
      ’Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue situation’

      Although the investigating office at Frontex underlines that it is “not in a position to conclude what caused Adriana’s capsizing and shipwreck … it appears that the Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue and to deploy a sufficient number of appropriate assets in time to rescue the migrants.”

      The report stated that Frontex “regrets the lack of information provided by the Greek authorities to its enquiry but still expects to receive updates from the national investigations in progress.”

      According to Frontex’ timeline of the incident, the agency first learned about the existence of the fishing vessel carrying migrants on June 13 at around 10:12 UTC, or around 13:12 in Greek summer time. They spotted the vessel from their aerial surveillance plane Eagle 1. About four hours later, another update was sent to the fundamental rights monitor, but according to the report, nothing “out of the ordinary” was flagged regarding the vessel at this point.

      The next paragraph jumped to June 14 at 06.19 UTC, when the fundamental rights monitor received “another update … notifying that Adriana sank overnight and a SAR [Search and Rescue] was in progress.”
      ’Serious Incident Report’ launched by Frontex on June 26

      In the following days, the Office for Fundamental Rights at Frontex monitored the aftermath of the incident, states the report.

      They studied “Frontex’ own sightings of Adriana” along with “statements by Greek officials, and initial information reported in the media.”

      Frontex launched a “Serious Incident Report (SIR) on June 26, “to clarify the role of Frontex in the incident as well as the legality and fundamental rights compliance of the assistance to the boat in distress, and the coordination and conduct of rescue operation by national authorities.”

      According to a summary of that work, the first mention of the Adriana came from the Italian control authorities in Rome at 08:01 UTC on June 13.

      At that point, Rome’s search and rescue authorities contacted Greece’s authorities and Frontex about “a fishing vessel with approximately 750 migrants on board, known to be sailing within the Greek Search and Rescue Region at 06:51 UTC.” At that point, Rome had already alerted the authorities to “reports of two dead children on board.”

      After receiving this report, Frontex wrote that it directed its plane Eagle 1, which was already in the air, to fly over the fishing vessel “even though the vessel lay outside the normal patrolling route.”

      The report said the Eagle 1 spotted the “heavily overcrowded” vessel at 09:47 UTC and informed the Greek authorities. Ten minutes later, the plane left the area due to low fuel and returned to base.
      Italian authorities report Adriana ’adrift’ long before Greek authorities do

      By 13:18, Rome’s search and rescue authorities provided an update of the situation to Greek authorities and Frontex. At that point, they said the boat was “reported adrift” and had “seven people dead on board.”

      At 14:54, Frontex reportedly received an email from the NGO Watch The Med – Alarm Phone alerting Frontex, JRCC Piraeus, the Greek Ombudsman’s Office, UNHCR and others to the new location of the fishing boat. In that email, Alarm Phone stated there were “several very sick individuals, including babies” among the approximately 750 people on board and that the boat was “not able to sail.”

      About 30 minutes later, this email was forwarded by Frontex to the Greek National Coordination Center and JRCC Piraeus, and it was sent on to the Fundamental Rights Office.

      About an hour later, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities to request an update on the situation. Frontex also offered to deploy a surveillance aircraft to check on the ship’s current position, but reports it received no reply.

      Just under two and a half hours later, the Greek authorities did request that Frontex support them “in the detection of a migrant boat within the maritime area south of Crete, as part of another SAR operation.” This turned out to be a sailing boat with about 50 people on board.
      ’No reply was received’

      Later that evening, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities twice more and said no reply was received.

      At 23:20 UTC, Frontex redirected the plane that had been helping with the fishing boat off Crete to the last known position of the fishing vessel.

      The timeline moves to June 14. At 02:46 UTC, Frontex informs the Greek authorities that its plane was headed towards the last position of the fishing vessel. It says it received no reply from the Hellenic authorities.

      Over an hour passed before the plane, this time the Heron 2, reached the “operational area” where it spotted “nine maritime assets (eight merchant vessels and one Hellenic Coast Guard patrol vessel) and two helicopters involved in a large-scale SAR operation.” At that point, states Frontex in the report “no signs of the fishing vessel were spotted.”

      At 05:31, Frontex told the Greek authorities that its plane Heron 1 was about to leave the operation, but offered Eagle 1, which was already airborne, to help with the SAR operation. The Greek authorities replied over two hours later that “no further aerial surveillance support was needed for the time being.”
      No mention of dead bodies on board in Greek timeline

      The Frontex report then includes a similar timeline from the Greek authorities. In the Greek version, there is no initial mention of dead bodies on board. They say they established contact with those on board and “no request for assistance was addressed to the Greek authorities.”

      Although the Italians reported that the vessel was already adrift around 13:18 UTC, according to the Frontex report, in the Greek version, the vessel is “still sailing with a steady course and speed” at 15:00 UTC.

      Around that same time, a Maltese flagged commercial vessel approaches the fishing boat to supply them with food and water, as requested by the Greek authorities. According to the Greek report, the people on board were repeatedly asked if they were facing “any kind of danger” or were “in need of additional support.” Their answer, according to Greece, was “they just wanted to continue sailing towards Italy.”

      30 minutes later, again according to JRCC Piraeus, via satellite phone contact, those on board said they wanted to keep sailing.

      At 18:00, the boat was approached again. According to the report, the migrants “accepted water” from the Greek-flagged commercial vessel that approached them, but “threw the rest of the supplies into the sea.” This approach and refusal of assistance carried on into the evening.
      Adriana ’still holding a steady course and speed’

      At 19:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, a Greek coast guard vessel approached the fishing vessel and “remained at a close distance in order to observe it.” It was still holding a “steady course and speed, without any indications of sailing problems.”

      It was only at 22:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, that the fishing vessel “stopped moving and informed the Greek authorities that they had an engine failure.”

      A Greek coast guard vessel then immediately approached the vessel to assess the situation. Less than an hour later — at 23:04 UTC, but 02:04 local time on June 14 — the Greek report notes that the fishing vessel “took an inclination to the right side, then a sudden inclination to the left side and again a great inclination to the right side, and eventually capsized.”

      They said "people on the external deck fell in the sea and the vessel sunk within 10-15 minutes.” At that point, the Hellenic coast guard “initiated a SAR operation.”

      The Frontex report then notes “alleged discrepancies” between the various timelines and survivor statements given to the media.

      They say that many of the survivors reported that the Greek coast guard “tied ropes onto the fishing vessel in an effort to tow it,” which allegedly caused it to destabilize and capsize.

      In the past, the Greek coast guard have tied and towed vessels successfully towards safety.

      However, while the Greek coast guard acknowledged that one rope was attached around three hours before the boat sank to ascertain passengers’ conditions, there was “no attempt to tow it.”

      The rope, say the Greeks, was removed by the migrants on board just a few minutes later and the coast guard vessel moved a distance away to continue observation.
      Was Adriana stationary prior to capsizing or not?

      The BBC and several other media outlets also reported at the time that prior to capsizing and sinking, the fishing vessel had not moved for several hours.

      This is consistent with the Frontex timeline, which mentions the Italian authorities’ warnings that the boat was adrift the day before it eventually capsized.

      Later in the report, Frontex notes that many of the “alternative and complementary timelines” put together by international NGOs and journalists are “credible” as they quote “more than one source for each statement.”

      The Frontex report looks into the question of whether or not the Adriana was drifting for several hours before sinking.

      It concludes that the Faithful Warrior, one of the merchant tankers sent to assist, was tracked between 17:00 and 20:00 and was “likely stationary or moving at extremely slow speed (less than 1 knot),” indicating that the Adriana was probably not sailing normally until shortly before it capsized as the Greek report claimed.

      The report also consulted “maritime experts to gain insight into issues pertaining to stability when a trawler of Adriana’s type is overloaded with human cargo.” Although their consultations were not precise due to a lack technical data, the experts indicated that the amount of people on board could have destabilized the boat or affected its stability.
      Testimony from survivors

      A Frontex team took testimonies from survivors after the shipwreck. They said they were told there were between 125 and 150 Syrians on board, including five women and six children.

      Around 400-425 Pakistanis were on board, the report said, most of whom were placed on the lower decks. The access ladders had been removed, making it impossible for them to exit.

      There were also between 150 and 170 Egyptians and about 10 Palestinians on board. The alleged smugglers were all said to be Egyptians and enforced discipline with pocket knives.

      Numerous fights broke out on board, particularly after food ran out a few days into sailing. At some point, the captain allegedly suffered a heart attack and the boat was “drifting without engine for extended periods of time.” On day four, June 12, six people were reported to have died, and others had resorted to drinking urine or sea water.

      On day five, June 13, some migrants said they received supplies from two vessels and “at night … were approached by a small boat that they were asked to follow.”

      They said they could not do this because of their engine malfunction. Several of the migrants also allege that attempts were made to tow the vessel — presumably by the Hellenic coast guard, they said.

      Survivors also said that at one point, a boat tied a rope to the front of the Adriana and started “making turns”. This, they said, “caused the migrants to run to one side, their vessel started rocking, and eventually capsized within 15 minutes.”

      Only people on the upper decks were able to jump into the water.
      Greek authorities leave ’detailed questions answered’

      In July, Frontex said it approached the Greek authorities with a “detailed set of questions” but most of its questions were left unanswered.

      In conclusion, the Frontex Fundamental Rights Office concluded that although Frontex “upheld” all its “applicable procedures,” in the light of the information that had already been transmitted and similar situations in which Mayday alerts had been issued, the assessment could have been different and the process for issuing Mayday alerts in the future “needs to be reviewed.”

      The report admits that “at the time of the initial sighting [of the Adriana] by Eagle 1, there was reasonable certainty that persons aboard … were threatened by grave and imminent danger and required immediate assistance.”

      They also say the “resources mobilized by the [Greek] authorities during the day … were not sufficient for the objective of rescuing the migrants.”

      Frontex adds that the Greek authorities appear to have “delayed the declaration of SAR operation until the moment of the shipwreck when it was no longer possible to rescue all the people on board.”


  • El mar. El muro

    Agost del 2023, missió del vaixell Astral d’#Open_Arms al Mediterrani central. Les periodistes Mercè Folch i Anna Surinyach acompanyen voluntaris i tripulació durant una setmana intensa en què els rescats s’encavalquen els uns darrere dels altres. En pocs dies, l’ONG ha pogut salvar la vida de més d’un miler de persones. D’altres no han tingut la mateixa sort i se’ls ha perdut la pista per sempre.


    #naufrage #sauvetage #audio #podcast #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée

    • Épisode 1/4 : Des #bénévoles dans les airs face à l’agence européenne de garde-frontières et garde-côtes, #Frontex

      Depuis 2018, l’ONG #Pilotes_Volontaires survole le large des côtes libyennes pour localiser les bateaux de fortune en détresse qu’empruntent les migrants pour tenter de rejoindre l’Europe.

      #José_Benavente fait ce triste constat : « les agences européennes comme Frontex espéraient que mettre un terme à l’opération "#Mare_Nostrum" rendraient les traversées plus difficiles et opéreraient un effet de dissuasion pour les migrants qui tentent de traverser la mer ». Or depuis leur petit avion d’observation, le Colibri 2, ils aident les bateaux qui sont évidemment toujours présents dans la zone à opérer des sauvetages plus rapidement.

      D’autres avions, ceux de Frontex notamment, transitent aussi par là pour permettre aux gardes côtes libyens d’opérer toujours plus d’interceptions synonymes d’un retour en enfer pour les migrants qui tentent justement de fuir coûte que coûte ce pays en proie à la guerre civile. Comme le regrette #Charles_Heller « les migrants fuient la Libye, où ils sont réduits à l’esclavage, aux travaux forcés, à la torture. Les migrants sont devenus un objet qui circule de main en main, que ce soit les milices ou les centres de détention de l’Etat. Aucune opération de secours en mer dans la zone libyenne ne peut effectivement être terminée de manière adéquate et respectueuse du droit international, dès lors que les passagers sont ramenés dans un pays où leur vie est en danger ».

      Surveillance et interception d’un côté, contre surveillance et sauvetage de l’autre, ce documentaire retrace l’histoire récente de ce qui se trame dans les airs et en mer depuis l’arrêt en 2014 de l’opération "Mare Nostrum" initiée par la marine italienne et qui avait permis de sauver des dizaines de milliers de vies car comme le rappelle Charles Heller : « l’Union européenne a sciemment créé ce vide de secours d’abord, et ce système de refoulement indirect ensuite. Et les avions de surveillance européens sont au cœur de ce dispositif » et José Benavente ajoute « lorsqu’on survole la Méditerranée, on n’est pas au-dessus d’un cimetière. On est littéralement au-dessus d’une fosse commune ».

      Avec :

      – Jose Benavente, fondateur de l’ONG Pilotes Volontaires ONG Pilotes Volontaires
      - Charles Heller, chercheur et cinéaste, co-fondateur du projet Forensic Oceanography

      #frontières #sauvetage_en_mer #sauvetage #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #asile #migrations #réfugiés #gardes-côtes_libyens #pull-backs #solidarité

    • Épisode 2/4 : De l’#apprentissage à l’#expulsion

      Les initiatives pour alerter sur la condition des jeunes majeurs étrangers en passe d’être expulsés se multiplient partout en France.

      La très médiatique grève de la faim de Stéphane Ravacley, boulanger à Besançon, tentant d’empêcher l’expulsion vers la Guinée de son apprenti Laye Fodé Traoré, a fait des émules : “j’ai reçu énormément d’appels de patrons qui étaient dans la même problématique que moi et ça m’a posé question. Je savais qu’il y avait des milliers de Laye en France, mais que je ne m’étais jamais posé la question. Et là, je me suis dit il faut faire quelque chose.”

      Dans la Marne, les militants épuisés, par l’aberration du système, comme l’explique Marie-Pierre Barrière : “il faut une autorisation de travail pour aller au CFA et il faut un titre de séjour. Donc ils ne peuvent pas travailler avec un patron parce qu’ils ne l’ont pas. C’est le serpent qui se mord la queue”.

      Pourtant quelques chefs d’entreprise commencent à timidement à protester contre les mesures d’expulsion de leurs apprentis étrangers. C’est le cas de Ricardo Agnesina : _“_je suis furax parce que quand on a justement des éléments comme Souleyman, on se dit il ne faut pas le louper parce que c’est réellement quelqu’un à qui il faut donner sa chance. Qu’il vienne de Guinée, de Pologne, de Normandie ou du sud de la France, peu importe, c’est quelqu’un qui a envie de travailler et qui a envie d’apprendre un métier donc on n’a pas le droit de lui dire non.”

      Ces patrons et artisans de secteurs dits "en tension" comme la restauration et le bâtiment se trouvent, par le biais de la défense de leurs intérêts, nouvellement sensibilisés à la question migratoire sont interdits face à l’arbitraire des décisions préfectorales qu’ils découvrent alors qu’ils peinent à embaucher des jeunes compétents. Bruno Forget, président de la foire de Châlons-en-Champagne s’indigne : “aujourd’hui, on vit une véritable hérésie. J’ai un cas précis d’une personne qui ne peut pas avoir de boulot parce qu’elle n’a pas de papiers. Et cette personne n’a pas de papiers parce qu’on ne peut pas fournir un certificat d’employeur. On se pince ! Il faut s’indigner ! ”

      Avec :

      – Mamadou, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Souleimane, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Laye Fodé Traoré, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Marie-Pierre Barrière, militante Réseau Education Sans Frontières (RESF)
      – Stéphane Ravacley, boulanger, fondateur de l’association Patrons solidaires
      – Riccardo Agnesina, chef d’entreprise
      – Bruno Forget, directeur de la foire de Châlons-en-Champagne
      – M. et Mme Ansel, restaurateurs à Reims
      – Alexandrine Boia, avocate au barreau de Reims

      #travail #sans-papiers

    • Épisode 3/4 : #Femmes migrantes invisibles

      Statistiquement plus nombreuses que les hommes sur les chemins de l’exil, les femmes sont pourtant les grandes absentes du récit médiatique et de la recherche scientifique dans le domaine des migrations.

      Pour comprendre l’invisibilité Camille Schmoll constate : “il y a aussi un peu d’auto-invisibilité de la part des femmes qui ne souhaitent pas forcément attirer l’attention sur leur sort, leur trajectoire. La migration reste une transgression” et remarque que cette absence peut servir un certain discours “ or, quand on veut construire la migration comme une menace, c’est probablement plus efficace de se concentrer sur les hommes.”

      Depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, les bénévoles de l’Association meusienne d’accompagnement des trajets de vie des migrants (AMATRAMI) viennent en aide aux personnes migrantes présentes sur leur territoire, aux femmes notamment. Camille Schmoll rappelle cette situation : “il y a toujours eu des femmes en migration. On les a simplement occultés pour différentes raisons. En fait, ce sont à l’initiative de femmes, de chercheuses féministes que depuis les années 60-70, on redécouvre la part des femmes dans ces migrations. On sait qu’elles étaient très nombreuses dans les grandes migrations transatlantiques de la fin du 19ème siècle et du début du 20ème siècle. "

      Confrontées tout au long de leurs parcours migratoires mais également dans leur pays de destination à des violences de genre, ces femmes ne sont que trop rarement prises en compte et considérées selon leur sexe par les pouvoirs publics. Majoritairement des femmes, les bénévoles de l’AMATRAMI tentent, avec le peu de moyens à leur disposition de leur apporter un soutien spécifique et adapté.  Lucette Lamousse se souvient “elles étaient perdues en arrivant, leur première demande c’était de parler le français”. Camille Schmoll observe un changement dans cette migration : “les femmes qui partent, partent aussi parce qu’elles ont pu conquérir au départ une certaine forme d’autonomie. Ces changements du point de vue du positionnement social des femmes dans les sociétés de départ qui font qu’on va partir, ne sont pas uniquement des changements négatifs”.


      - Aïcha, citoyenne algérienne réfugiée en France
      - Mire, citoyenne albanaise réfugiée en France
      - Salimata, citoyenne ivoirienne réfugiée en France
      - Lucette Lamousse, co-fondatrice de l’Association meusienne d’accompagnement des trajets de vie des migrants (AMATRAMI)
      - Colette Nordemann, présidente de l’AMATRAMI
      - Camille Georges, médiatrice socioculturelle à l’AMATRAMI
      – Khadija, employée à l’AMATRAMI
      – Camille Schmoll, géographe, autrice de Les damnées de la mer (éd. La Découverte)
      - Élise Buliard, animatrice famille à l’AMATRAMI

      #femmes_migrantes #invisibilisation

    • Épisode 4/4 : Une famille afghane en #Touraine

      Comment Aziz et les siens négocient-ils leur exil en Touraine ? 

      Après des années d’une attente angoissée que la France veuille bien lui fournir un sauf conduit pour fuir la menace des Talibans en Afghanistan, Aziz, ancien Personnel Civil de Recrutement local (PCRL) de l’armée française est en sécurité dans le village d’#Avoine (Indre-et-Loire) avec son épouse et leurs six enfants. Mais comme le précise le maire de la commune d’Avoine : “une petite commune comme nous de 1900 habitants quand vous avez 10 réfugiés sur le terrain de la commune, ils sont acceptés, les gens sont très généreux avec eux et ils sont très acceptés. Si demain vous m’en mettez 200 sur un terrain de la commune, là vous risquez d’avoir des problèmes”.

      Quoique libéral car il a créé un lycée pour filles, Aziz est originaire d’une petite ville de province, patriarcale, religieuse et conservatrice qu’il a laissée derrière lui pour découvrir le monde jusque-là inconnu d’une société sécularisée. Ancien notable de cette petite ville qui l’a vu naître, il doit désormais vivre l’expérience du déclassement et de l’anonymat : “j’ai tout laissé derrière et j’ai le sentiment de ne plus avoir de valeur” . Mais il doit aussi faire face et tenter d’accepter la transformation de ses plus jeunes enfants qu’il a confiés aux bons soins de l’école de la République. Et l’adaptation n’est pas toujours évidente, ainsi son épouse qui à la nostalgie du pays, se sent mise à nue depuis le jour où elle a dû quitter sa burka : “c’était la première fois que je n’avais pas le visage caché. Nous portions toujours le voile avant. Je me sentais très bizarre. Je ne pouvais pas regarder les gens. C’était étrange, difficile”

      Le couple est vigilant et craint que leurs enfants perdent peu à peu l’usage de leur langue, le pashto : "j’espère que mes filles et mes fils n’oublieront pas l’islam, leur langue maternelle et leur éducation. Les quatre plus grands sont âgés et nous devons faire attention aux deux petites filles parce qu’elles sont petites. Elles oublient facilement la culture.”

      Avec :

      - Aziz Rahman Rawan, citoyen afghan réfugié en France, son épouse Bibi Hadia Azizi et leurs enfants
      - Julie Vérin, artiste
      – Françoise Roufignac, enseignante à la retraite
      – Didier Godoy, maire d’Avoine (Indre-et-Loire)
      – Christelle Simonaire, parente d’élève
      – M. Galet, directeur de l’école primaire d’Avoine
      – Mme Camard, enseignante à l’école primaire d’Avoine
      – Pauline Miginiac, coordinatrice régionale en Formation professionnelle à l’Union française des centres de vacances (UFCV)


  • EU to step up support for human rights abuses in North Africa

    In a letter (https://www.statewatch.org/media/4088/eu-com-migration-letter-eur-council-10-23.pdf) to the European Council trumpeting the EU’s efforts to control migration, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the provision of vessels and support to coast guards in Libya and Tunisia, where refugee and migrant rights are routinely violated.

    The letter (pdf) states:

    “…we need to build up the capacity of our partners to conduct effective border surveillance and search and rescue operations. We are providing support to many key partners with equipment and training to help prevent unauthorised border crossings. All five vessels promised to Libya have been delivered and we see the impact of increased patrols. Under the Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia, we have delivered spare parts for Tunisian coast guards that are keeping 6 boats operational, and others will be repaired by the end of the year. More is expected to be delivered to countries in North Africa in the coming months.”

    What it does not mention is that vessels delivered to the so-called Libyan coast guard are used to conduct “pullbacks” of refugees to brutal detention conditions and human rights violations.

    Meanwhile in Tunisia, the coast guard has been conducting pullbacks of people who have subsequently been dumped in remote regions near the Tunisian-Algerian border.

    According to testimony provided to Human Rights Watch (HRW)¸ a group of people who were intercepted at sea and brought back to shore were then detained by the National Guard, who:

    “…loaded the group onto buses and drove them for 6 hours to somewhere near the city of Le Kef, about 40 kilometers from the Algerian border. There, officers divided them into groups of about 10, loaded them onto pickup trucks, and drove toward a mountainous area. The four interviewees, who were on the same truck, said that another truck with armed agents escorted their truck.

    The officers dropped their group in the mountains near the Tunisia-Algeria border, they said. The Guinean boy [interviewed by HRW) said that one officer had threatened, “If you return again [to Tunisia], we will kill you.” One of the Senegalese children [interviewed by HRW] said an officer had pointed his gun at the group.”

    Von der Leyen does not mention the fact that the Tunisian authorities refused an initial disbursement of €67 million offered by the Commission as part of its more than €1 billion package for Tunisia, which the country’s president has called “small” and said it “lacks respect.” (https://apnews.com/article/tunisia-europe-migration-851cf35271d2c52aea067287066ef247) The EU’s ambassador to Tunisia has said that the refusal “speaks to Tunisia’s impatience and desire to speed up implementation” of the deal.

    [voir: https://seenthis.net/messages/1020596]

    The letter also emphasises the need to “establish a strategic and mutually beneficial partnership with Egypt,” as well as providing more support to Türkiye, Jordan and Lebanon. The letter hints at the reason why – Israel’s bombing of the Gaza strip and a potential exodus of refugees – but does not mention the issue directly, merely saying that “the pressures on partners in our immediate vicinity risk being exacerbated”.

    It appears that the consequences rather than the causes of any movements of Palestinian refugees are the main concern. Conclusions on the Middle East agreed by the European Council last night demand “rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access and aid to reach those in need” in Gaza, but do not call for a ceasefire. The European Council instead “strongly emphasises Israel’s right to defend itself in line with international law and international humanitarian law.”

    More surveillance, new law

    Other plans mentioned in the letter include “increased aerial surveillance” for “combatting human smuggling and trafficking” by Operation IRINI, the EU’s military mission in the Mediterranean, and increased support for strengthening controls at points of departure in North African states as well as “points of entry by migrants at land borders.”

    The Commission also wants increased action against migrant smuggling, with a proposal to revise the 2002 Facilitation Directive “to ensure that criminal offences are harmonised, assets are frozen, and coordination strengthened,” so that “those who engage in illegal acts exploiting migrants pay a heavy price.”

    It appears the proposal will come at the same time as a migrant smuggling conference organised by the Commission on 28 November “to create a Global Alliance with a Call to Action, launching a process of regular international exchange on this constantly evolving crime.”

    Deportation cooperation

    Plans are in the works for more coordinated action on deportations, with the Commission proposing to:

    “…work in teams with Member States on targeted return actions, with a lead Member State or Agency for each action. We will develop a roadmap that could focus on (1) ensuring that return decisions are issued at the same time as a negative asylum decisions (2) systematically ensuring the mutual recognition of return decisions and follow-up enforcement action; (3) carrying out joint identification actions including through a liaison officers’ network in countries of origin; (4) supporting policy dialogue on readmission with third countries and facilitating the issuance of travel documents, as well as acceptance of the EU laissez passer; and (5) organising assisted voluntary return and joint return operations with the support of Frontex.”

    Cooperation on legal migration, meanwhile, will be done by member states “on a voluntary basis,” with the letter noting that any offers made should be conditional on increased cooperation with EU deportation efforts: “local investment and opportunities for legal migration must go hand in hand with strengthened cooperation on readmission.”

    More funds

    For all this to happen, the letter calls on the European Council to make sure that “migration priorities - both on the internal and external dimension - are reflected in the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework,” the EU’s 2021-27 budget.

    Mid-term revision of the budget was discussed at the European Council meeting yesterday, though the conclusions on that point merely state that there was an “in-depth exchange of views,” with the European Council calling on the Council of the EU “to take work forward, with a view to reaching an overall agreement by the end of the year.”


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Afrique_du_Nord #externalisation #Ursula_von_der_Leyen #lettre #contrôles_frontaliers #Tunisie #Libye #bateaux #aide #gardes-côtes_libyens #surveillance_frontalière #surveillance_frontalière_effective #frontières #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Memorandum_of_Understanding #MoU #pull-backs #Egypte #Turquie #Jourdanie #Liban #réfugiés_palestiniens #Palestine #7_octobre_2023 #Operation_IRINI #IRINI #surveillance_aérienne #passeurs #directive_facilitation #renvois #déportation #officiers_de_liaison #réadmissions #laissez-passer #Frontex

    ping @isskein @_kg_ @karine4

    • *Crise migratoire : le bilan mitigé des accords passés par l’Union européenne pour limiter les entrées sur son sol*

      Réunis en conseil jeudi et vendredi, les Vingt-Sept devaient faire le point sur la sécurisation des frontières extérieures de l’UE. Mardi, la présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, a proposé de conclure de nouveaux partenariats « sur mesure » avec le #Sénégal, la #Mauritanie et l’Egypte.

      Malgré la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas, qui s’est imposée à leur ordre du jour, le sujet de la migration demeure au menu des Vingt-Sept, qui se réunissent en Conseil européen jeudi 26 et vendredi 27 octobre à Bruxelles. Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement doivent faire un point sur la dimension externe de cette migration et la sécurisation des frontières extérieures de l’Union européenne (UE). Depuis janvier, le nombre d’arrivées irrégulières, selon l’agence Frontex, a atteint 270 000, en progression de 17 % par rapport à 2022. Sur certaines routes, la croissance est bien plus importante, notamment entre la Tunisie et l’Italie, avec une augmentation de 83 % des arrivées sur les neuf premiers mois de 2023.

      Si le #pacte_asile_et_migration, un ensemble de réglementations censé améliorer la gestion intra européenne de la migration, est en passe d’être adopté, le contrôle des frontières externes de l’Europe est au cœur des discussions politiques. A moins de huit mois des élections européennes, « les questions de migration seront décisives », prévient Manfred Weber, le patron du groupe conservateur PPE au Parlement européen.

      Nouveaux « #partenariats sur mesure »

      Mardi, dans une lettre aux dirigeants européens, Ursula von der Leyen, la présidente de la Commission, a rappelé sa volonté de « combattre la migration irrégulière à la racine et travailler mieux avec des #pays_partenaires », c’est-à-dire ceux où les migrants s’embarquent ou prennent la route pour l’UE, en établissant avec ces pays des « #partenariats_stratégiques_mutuellement_bénéficiaires ». Elle propose de conclure avec le Sénégal, la Mauritanie et l’Egypte de nouveaux « #partenariats_sur_mesure » sur le modèle de celui qui a été passé avec la Tunisie. Sans oublier la Jordanie et le Liban, fortement déstabilisés par le conflit en cours entre Israël et Gaza.

      L’UE souhaite que ces pays bloquent l’arrivée de migrants vers ses côtes et réadmettent leurs citoyens en situation irrégulière sur le Vieux Continent contre des investissements pour renforcer leurs infrastructures et développer leur économie. « L’idée n’est pas nécessairement mauvaise, glisse un diplomate européen, mais il faut voir comment c’est mené et négocié. Le partenariat avec la Tunisie a été bâclé et cela a été fiasco. »

      Depuis vingt ans, l’Europe n’a eu de cesse d’intégrer cette dimension migratoire dans ses accords avec les pays tiers et cette préoccupation s’est accentuée en 2015 avec l’arrivée massive de réfugiés syriens. Les moyens consacrés à cet aspect migratoire ont augmenté de façon exponentielle. Au moins 8 milliards d’euros sont programmés pour la période 2021-2027, soit environ 10 % des fonds de la coopération, pour des politiques de sécurisation et d’équipements des gardes-côtes. Ces moyens manquent au développement des pays aidés, critique l’ONG Oxfam. Et la Commission a demandé une rallonge de 15 milliards d’euros aux Vingt-Sept.

      Mettre l’accent sur les retours

      Tant de moyens, pour quels résultats ? Il est impossible de chiffrer le nombre d’entrées évitées par les accords passés, exception faite de l’arrangement avec la Turquie. Après la signature le 18 mars 2016, par les Vingt-Sept et la Commission, de la déclaration UE-Turquie, les arrivées de Syriens ont chuté de 98 % dès 2017, mais cela n’a pas fonctionné pour les retours, la Turquie ayant refusé de réadmettre la majorité des Syriens refoulés d’Europe. Cet engagement a coûté 6 milliards d’euros, financés à la fois par les Etats et l’UE.

      « Pour les autres accords, le bilan est modeste, indique Florian Trauner, spécialiste des migrations à la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgique). Nous avons étudié l’ensemble des accords passés par l’UE avec les pays tiers sur la période 2008-2018 pour mesurer leurs effets sur les retours et réadmissions. Si les pays des Balkans, plus proches de l’Europe, ont joué le jeu, avec les pays africains, cela ne fonctionne pas. »

      Depuis le début de l’année, la Commission assure malgré tout mettre l’accent sur les retours. Selon Ylva Johansson, la commissaire chargée de la politique migratoire, sur près de 300 000 obligations de quitter le territoire européen, environ 65 000 ont été exécutées, en progression de 22 % en 2023. Ces chiffres modestes « sont liés à des questions de procédures internes en Europe, mais également à nos relations avec les Etats tiers. Nous avons fait beaucoup de pédagogie avec ces Etats en mettant en balance l’accès aux visas européens et cela commence à porter ses fruits. »

      « Généralement, explique Florian Trauner, les Etats tiers acceptent les premiers temps les retours, puis la pression de l’opinion publique locale se retourne contre eux et les taux de réadmissions baissent. Les accords qui conditionnent l’aide au développement à des réadmissions créent davantage de problèmes qu’ils n’en résolvent. La diplomatie des petits pas, plus discrète, est bien plus efficace. »

      L’alternative, juge le chercheur, serait une meilleure gestion par les Européens des migrations, en ménageant des voies légales identifiées pour le travail, par exemple. Dans ce cas, affirme-t-il, les pays concernés accepteraient de reprendre plus simplement leurs citoyens. « Mais en Europe, on ne veut pas entendre cela », observe M. Trauner.
      Statut juridique obscur

      Le développement de ces accords donnant-donnant pose un autre problème à l’UE : leur statut juridique. « Quel que soit leur nom – partenariat, déclaration…–, ce ne sont pas des accords internationaux en bonne et due forme, négociés de manière transparente avec consultation de la société civile, sous le contrôle du Parlement européen puis des tribunaux, rappelle Eleonora Frasca, juriste à l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique). Ce sont des objets juridiques plus obscurs. »

      En outre, les arrangements avec la Turquie ou la Libye ont conduit des migrants à des situations dramatiques. Qu’il s’agisse des camps aux conditions déplorables des îles grecques où étaient parqués des milliers de Syriens refoulés d’Europe mais non repris en Turquie, ou des refoulements en mer, souvent avec des moyens européens, au large de la Grèce et de la Libye, ou enfin du sort des migrants renvoyés en Libye où de multiples abus et de crimes ont été documentés.

      Concernant la Tunisie, « l’Union européenne a signé l’accord sans inclure de clause de respect de l’Etat de droit ou des droits de l’homme au moment même où cette dernière chassait des migrants subsahariens vers les frontières libyenne et algérienne, relève Sara Prestianni, de l’ONG EuroMed Droit. Du coup, aucune condamnation n’a été formulée par l’UE contre ces abus. » L’Europe a été réduite au silence.

      Sous la pression d’Ursula von der Leyen, de Giorgia Melloni, la présidente du conseil italien, et de Mark Rutte, le premier ministre néerlandais, ce partenariat global doté d’un milliard d’euros « a été négocié au forceps et sans consultation », juge une source européenne. La conséquence a été une condamnation en Europe et une incompréhension de la part des Tunisiens, qui ont décidé de renvoyer 60 millions d’euros versés en septembre, estimant que c’était loin du milliard annoncé. « Aujourd’hui, le dialogue avec la Tunisie est exécrable, déplore un diplomate. La méthode n’a pas été la bonne », déplore la même source.
      Exposition à un chantage aux migrants

      « L’Union européenne a déjà été confrontée à ce risque réputationnel et semble disposée à l’accepter dans une certaine mesure, nuance Helena Hahn, de l’European Policy Center. Il est important qu’elle s’engage avec les pays tiers sur cette question des migrations. Toutefois, elle doit veiller à ce que ses objectifs ne l’emportent pas sur ses intérêts dans d’autres domaines, tels que la politique commerciale ou le développement. »

      Dernier risque pour l’UE : en multipliant ces accords avec des régimes autoritaires, elle s’expose à un chantage aux migrants. Depuis 2020, elle en a déjà été l’objet de la part de la Turquie et du Maroc, de loin le premier bénéficiaire d’aides financières au titre du contrôle des migrations. « Ce n’est pas juste le beau temps qui a exposé Lampedusa à l’arrivée de 12 000 migrants en quelques jours en juin, juge Mme Prestianni. Les autorités tunisiennes étaient derrière. La solution est de rester fermes sur nos valeurs. Et dans notre négociation avec la Tunisie, nous ne l’avons pas été. »


    • EU planning new anti-migration deals with Egypt and Tunisia, unrepentant in support for Libya

      The European Commission wants to agree “new anti-smuggling operational partnerships” with Tunisia and Egypt before the end of the year, despite longstanding reports of abuse against migrants and refugees in Egypt and recent racist violence endorsed by the Tunisian state. Material and financial support is already being stepped up to the two North African countries, along with support for Libya.

      The plan for new “partnerships” is referred to in a newly-revealed annex (pdf) of a letter from European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, that was sent to the European Council prior to its meeting in October and published by Statewatch.

      In April, the Commission announced “willingness” from the EU and Tunisia “to establish a stronger operational partnership on anti-smuggling,” which would cover stronger border controls, more police and judicial cooperation, increased cooperation with EU agencies, and anti-migration advertising campaigns.

      The annex includes little further detail on the issue, but says that the agreements with Tunisia and Egypt should build on the anti-smuggling partnerships “in place with Morocco, Niger and the Western Balkans, with the support of Europol and Eurojust,” and that they should include “joint operational teams with prosecutors and law enforcement authorities of Member States and partners.”

      Abuse and impunity

      Last year, Human Rights Watch investigations found that “Egyptian authorities have failed to protect vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers from pervasive sexual violence, including by failing to investigate rape and sexual assault,” and that the police had subjected Sudanese refugee activists to “forced physical labor [sic] and beatings.” Eritrean asylum-seekers have also been detained and deported by the Egyptian authorities.

      The EU’s own report on human rights in Egypt in 2022 (pdf) says the authorities continue to impose “constraints” on “freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and media freedom,” while “concerns remained about broad application of the Terrorism Law against peaceful critics and individuals, and extensive and indiscriminate use of pre-trial detention.”

      Amr Magdi, Human Rights Watch’s Senior Researcher on the Middle East and North Africa, has said more bluntly that “there can be no light at the end of the tunnel without addressing rampant security force abuses and lawlessness.” The Cairo Institute for Human Rights said in August that the country’s “security apparatus continues to surveil and repress Egyptians with impunity. There is little to no access to participatory democracy.”

      The situation in Tunisia for migrants and refugees has worsened substantially since the beginning of the year, when president Kais Said declared a crackdown against sub-Saharan Africans in speeches that appeared to draw heavily from the far-right great replacement theory.

      It is unclear whether the EU will attempt to address this violence, abuse and discrimination as it seeks to strengthen the powers of the countries’ security authorities. The annex to von der Leyen’s letter indicates that cooperation with Tunisia is already underway, even if an anti-smuggling deal has not been finalised:

      “Three mentorship pairs on migrant smuggling TU [Tunisia] with Member States (AT, ES, IT [Austria, Spain and Italy]) to start cooperation in the framework of Euromed Police, in the last quarter of 2023 (implemented by CEPOL [the European Police College] with Europol)”

      Anti-smuggling conference

      The annex to von der Leyen’s letter indicates that the Egyptian foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, “confirmed interest in a comprehensive partnership on migration, including anti-smuggling and promoting legal pathways,” at a meeting with European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, at the UN General Assembly.

      This month the fourth EU-Egypt High Level Dialogue on Migration and the second Senior Officials Meeting on Security and Law Enforcement would be used to discuss the partnership, the annex notes – “including on the involvement of CEPOL, Europol and Frontex” – but it is unclear when exactly the Commission plans to sign the new agreements. An “International Conference on strengthening international cooperation on countering migrant smuggling” that will take place in Brussels on 28 November would provide an opportune moment to do so.

      The conference will be used to announce a proposal “to reinforce the EU legal framework on migrant smuggling, including elements related to: sanctions, governance, information flows and the role of JHA agencies,” said a Council document published by Statewatch in October.

      Other sources indicate that the proposal will include amendments to the EU’s Facilitation Directive and the Europol Regulation, with measures to boost the role of the European Migrant Smuggling Centre hosted at Europol; step up the exchange of information between member states, EU agencies and third countries; and step up Europol’s support to operations.

      Additional support

      The proposed “partnerships” with Egypt and Tunisia come on top of ongoing support provided by the EU to control migration.

      In July the EU signed a memorandum of understanding with Tunisia covering “macro-economic stability, economy and trade, green energy, people-to-people contacts and migration and mobility.”

      Despite the Tunisian government returning €67 million provided by the EU, the number of refugee boat departures from Tunisia has decreased significantly, following an increase in patrols at sea and the increased destruction of intercepted vessels.

      Violent coercion is also playing a role, as noted by Matthias Monroy:

      “State repression, especially in the port city of Sfax, has also contributed to the decline in numbers, where the authorities have expelled thousands of people from sub-Saharan countries from the centre and driven them by bus to the Libyan and Algerian borders. There, officials force them to cross the border. These measures have also led to more refugees in Tunisia seeking EU-funded IOM programmes for “voluntary return” to their countries of origin.”

      The annex to von der Leyen’s letter notes that the EU has provided “fuel to support anti-smuggling operations,” and that Tunisian officials were shown around Frontex’s headquarters in mid-September for a “familiarisation visit”.

      Egypt, meanwhile, is expected to receive the first of three new patrol boats from the EU in December, €87 million as part of the second phase of a border management project will be disbursed “in the coming months,” and Frontex will pursue a working arrangement with the Egyptian authorities, who visited the agency’s HQ in Warsaw in October.

      Ongoing support to Libya

      Meanwhile, the EU’s support for migration control by actors in Libya continues, despite a UN investigation earlier this year accusing that support of contributing to crimes against humanity in the country.

      The annex to von der Leyen’s letter notes with approval that five search and rescue vessels have been provided to the Libyan Coast Guard this year, and that by 21 September, “more than 10,900 individuals reported as rescued or intercepted by the Libyan authorities in more than 100 operations… Of those disembarked, the largest groups were from Bangladesh, Egypt and Syria”.

      The letter does not clarify what distinguishes “rescue” and “interception” in this context. The organisation Forensic Oceanography has previously described them as “conflicting imperatives” in an analysis of a disaster at sea in which some survivors were taken to Libya, and some to EU territory.

      In a letter (pdf) sent last week to the chairs of three European Parliament committees, three Commissioners – Margaritas Schinas, Ylva Johansson and Oliver Várhelyi – said the Commission remained “convinced that halting EU assistance in the country or disengagement would not improve the situation of those most in need.”

      While evidence that EU support provided to Libya has facilitated the commission of crimes against humanity is not enough to put that policy to a halt, it remains to be seen whether the Egyptian authorities’ violent repression, or state racism in Tunisia, will be deemed worthy of mention in public by Commission officials.

      The annex to von der Leyen’s letter also details EU action in a host of other areas, including the “pilot projects” launched in Bulgaria and Romania to step up border surveillance and speed up asylum proceedings and returns, support for the Moroccan authorities, and cooperation with Western Balkans states, amongst other things.


      en italien:
      Statewatch. Mentre continua il sostegno alla Libia, l’UE sta pianificando nuovi accordi anti-migrazione con Egitto e Tunisia

    • Accord migratoire avec l’Égypte. Des #navires français en eaux troubles

      Les entreprises françaises #Civipol, #Défense_Conseil_International et #Couach vont fournir à la marine du Caire trois navires de recherche et sauvetage dont elles formeront également les équipages, révèle Orient XXI dans une enquête exclusive. Cette livraison, dans le cadre d’un accord migratoire avec l’Égypte, risque de rendre l’Union européenne complice d’exactions perpétrées par les gardes-côtes égyptiens et libyens.

      La France est chaque année un peu plus en première ligne de l’externalisation des frontières de l’Europe. Selon nos informations, Civipol, l’opérateur de coopération internationale du ministère de l’intérieur, ainsi que son sous-traitant Défense Conseil International (DCI), prestataire attitré du ministère des armées pour la formation des militaires étrangers, ont sélectionné le chantier naval girondin Couach pour fournir trois navires de recherche et sauvetage (SAR) aux gardes-côtes égyptiens, dont la formation sera assurée par DCI sur des financements européens de 23 millions d’euros comprenant des outils civils de surveillance des frontières.

      Toujours selon nos sources, d’autres appels d’offres de Civipol et DCI destinés à la surveillance migratoire en Égypte devraient suivre, notamment pour la fourniture de caméras thermiques et de systèmes de positionnement satellite.

      Ces contrats sont directement liés à l’accord migratoire passé en octobre 2022 entre l’Union européenne (UE) et l’Égypte : en échange d’une assistance matérielle de 110 millions d’euros au total, Le Caire est chargé de bloquer, sur son territoire ainsi que dans ses eaux territoriales, le passage des migrants et réfugiés en partance pour l’Europe. Ce projet a pour architecte le commissaire européen à l’élargissement et à la politique de voisinage, Olivér Várhelyi. Diplomate affilié au parti Fidesz de l’illibéral premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orbán, il s’est récemment fait remarquer en annonçant unilatéralement la suspension de l’aide européenne à la Palestine au lendemain du 7 octobre — avant d’être recadré.

      La mise en œuvre de ce pacte a été conjointement confiée à Civipol et à l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) de l’ONU, comme déjà indiqué par le média Africa Intelligence. Depuis, la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a déjà plaidé pour un nouvel accord migratoire avec le régime du maréchal Sissi. Selon l’UE, il s’agirait d’aider les gardes-côtes égyptiens à venir en aide aux migrants naufragés, via une approche « basée sur les droits, orientée vers la protection et sensible au genre ».
      Circulez, il n’y a rien à voir

      Des éléments de langage qui ne convainquent guère l’ONG Refugees Platform in Egypt (REP), qui a alerté sur cet accord il y a un an. « Depuis 2016, le gouvernement égyptien a durci la répression des migrants et des personnes qui leur viennent en aide, dénonce-t-elle auprès d’Orient XXI. De plus en plus d’Égyptiens émigrent en Europe parce que la jeunesse n’a aucun avenir ici. Ce phénomène va justement être accentué par le soutien de l’UE au gouvernement égyptien. L’immigration est instrumentalisée par les dictatures de la région comme un levier pour obtenir un appui politique et financier de l’Europe. »

      En Égypte, des migrants sont arrêtés et brutalisés après avoir manifesté. Des femmes réfugiées sont agressées sexuellement dans l’impunité. Des demandeurs d’asile sont expulsés vers des pays dangereux comme l’Érythrée ou empêchés d’entrer sur le territoire égyptien. Par ailleurs, les gardes-côtes égyptiens collaborent avec leurs homologues libyens qui, également soutenus par l’UE, rejettent des migrants en mer ou les arrêtent pour les placer en détention dans des conditions inhumaines, et entretiennent des liens avec des milices qui jouent aussi le rôle de passeurs.

      Autant d’informations peu compatibles avec la promesse européenne d’un contrôle des frontières « basé sur les droits, orienté vers la protection et sensible au genre ». Sachant que l’agence européenne de gardes-frontières et de gardes-côtes Frontex s’est elle-même rendue coupable de refoulements illégaux de migrants (pushbacks) et a été accusée de tolérer de mauvais traitements sur ces derniers.

      Contactés à ce sujet, les ministères français de l’intérieur, des affaires étrangères et des armées, l’OIM, Civipol, DCI et Couach n’ont pas répondu à nos questions. Dans le cadre de cette enquête, Orient XXI a aussi effectué le 1er juin une demande de droit à l’information auprès de la Direction générale du voisinage et des négociations d’élargissement (DG NEAR) de la Commission européenne, afin d’accéder aux différents documents liés à l’accord migratoire passé entre l’UE et l’Égypte. Celle-ci a identifié douze documents susceptibles de nous intéresser, mais a décidé de nous refuser l’accès à onze d’entre eux, le douzième ne comprenant aucune information intéressante. La DG NEAR a invoqué une série de motifs allant du cohérent (caractère confidentiel des informations touchant à la politique de sécurité et la politique étrangère de l’UE) au plus surprenant (protection des données personnelles — alors qu’il aurait suffi de masquer lesdites données —, et même secret des affaires). Un premier recours interne a été déposé le 18 juillet, mais en l’absence de réponse de la DG NEAR dans les délais impartis, Orient XXI a saisi fin septembre la Médiatrice européenne, qui a demandé à la Commission de nous répondre avant le 13 octobre. Sans succès.

      Dans un courrier parvenu le 15 novembre, un porte-parole de la DG NEAR indique :

      "L’Égypte reste un partenaire fiable et prévisible pour l’Europe, et la migration constitue un domaine clé de coopération. Le projet ne cible pas seulement le matériel, mais également la formation pour améliorer les connaissances et les compétences [des gardes-côtes et gardes-frontières égyptiens] en matière de gestion humanitaire des frontières (…) Le plein respect des droits de l’homme sera un élément essentiel et intégré de cette action [grâce] à un contrôle rigoureux et régulier de l’utilisation des équipements."

      Paris-Le Caire, une relation particulière

      Cette livraison de navires s’inscrit dans une longue histoire de coopération sécuritaire entre la France et la dictature militaire égyptienne, arrivée au pouvoir après le coup d’État du 3 juillet 2013 et au lendemain du massacre de centaines de partisans du président renversé Mohamed Morsi. Paris a depuis multiplié les ventes d’armes et de logiciels d’espionnage à destination du régime du maréchal Sissi, caractérisé par la mainmise des militaires sur la vie politique et économique du pays et d’effroyables atteintes aux droits humains.

      La mise sous surveillance, la perquisition par la Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure (DGSI) et le placement en garde à vue de la journaliste indépendante Ariane Lavrilleux fin septembre étaient notamment liés à ses révélations dans le média Disclose sur Sirli, une opération secrète associant les renseignements militaires français et égyptien, dont la finalité antiterroriste a été détournée par Le Caire vers la répression intérieure. Une enquête pour « compromission du secret de la défense nationale » avait ensuite été ouverte en raison de la publication de documents (faiblement) classifiés par Disclose.

      La mise en œuvre de l’accord migratoire UE-Égypte a donc été indirectement confiée à la France via Civipol. Société dirigée par le préfet Yann Jounot, codétenue par l’État français et des acteurs privés de la sécurité — l’électronicien de défense Thales, le spécialiste de l’identité numérique Idemia, Airbus Defence & Space —, Civipol met en œuvre des projets de coopération internationale visant à renforcer les capacités d’États étrangers en matière de sécurité, notamment en Afrique. Ceux-ci peuvent être portés par la France, notamment via la Direction de la coopération internationale de sécurité (DCIS) du ministère de l’intérieur. Mais l’entreprise travaille aussi pour l’UE.

      Civipol a appelé en renfort DCI, société pilotée par un ancien chef adjoint de cabinet de Nicolas Sarkozy passé dans le privé, le gendarme Samuel Fringant. DCI était jusqu’à récemment contrôlée par l’État, aux côtés de l’ancien office d’armement Eurotradia soupçonné de corruption et du vendeur de matériel militaire français reconditionné Sofema. Mais l’entreprise devrait prochainement passer aux mains du groupe français d’intelligence économique ADIT de Philippe Caduc, dont l’actionnaire principal est le fonds Sagard de la famille canadienne Desmarais, au capital duquel figure désormais le fonds souverain émirati.

      DCI assure principalement la formation des armées étrangères à l’utilisation des équipements militaires vendus par la France, surtout au Proche-Orient et notamment en Égypte. Mais à l’image de Civipol, l’entreprise collabore de plus en plus avec l’UE, notamment via la mal nommée « Facilité européenne pour la paix » (FEP).
      Pacte (migratoire) avec le diable

      Plus largement, ce partenariat avec l’Égypte s’inscrit dans une tendance généralisée d’externalisation du contrôle des frontières de l’Europe, qui voit l’UE passer des accords avec les pays situés le long des routes migratoires afin que ceux-ci bloquent les départs de migrants et réfugiés, et que ces derniers déposent leurs demandes d’asile depuis l’Afrique, avant d’arriver sur le territoire européen. Après la Libye, pionnière en la matière, l’UE a notamment signé des partenariats avec l’Égypte, la Tunisie — dont le président Kaïs Saïed a récemment encouragé des émeutes racistes —, le Maroc, et en tout 26 pays africains, selon une enquête du journaliste Andrei Popoviciu pour le magazine américain In These Times.

      Via ces accords, l’UE n’hésite pas à apporter une assistance financière, humaine et matérielle à des acteurs peu soucieux du respect des droits fondamentaux, de la bonne gestion financière et parfois eux-mêmes impliqués dans le trafic d’êtres humains. L’UE peine par ailleurs à tracer l’utilisation de ces centaines de millions d’euros et à évaluer l’efficacité de ces politiques, qui se sont déjà retournées contre elles sous la forme de chantage migratoire, par exemple en Turquie.

      D’autres approches existent pourtant. Mais face à des opinions publiques de plus en plus hostiles à l’immigration, sur fond de banalisation des idées d’extrême droite en politique et dans les médias, les 27 pays membres et les institutions européennes apparaissent enfermés dans une spirale répressive.


  • En #Méditerranée, avec les « #pilotes_volontaires » qui repèrent les exilés en mer

    Depuis six ans, l’avion de l’ONG française Pilotes volontaires survole la mer dans l’objectif d’identifier des embarcations de migrants en détresse. Elle ne vit que grâce aux bénévoles qui constatent, avec amertume, le durcissement des politiques migratoires européennes et ses conséquences sur le terrain.

    La grille noire du modeste immeuble qu’ils occupent s’entrouvre au petit matin. Le soleil ne s’est pas encore levé sur Lampedusa, et les rues sont baignées par l’obscurité. Il est 6 h 30 vendredi 6 octobre lorsque José, Alix et Gaëlle sautent en voiture pour rejoindre l’aéroport, situé à cinq minutes de là. Cela fait trois jours qu’ils enchaînent deux vols quotidiens, du lever au coucher du soleil.

    Les membres de Pilotes volontaires, cette ONG française dont le Colibri 2, un avion de reconnaissance, patrouille dans les airs à la recherche d’exilé·es en détresse en Méditerranée centrale, avouent être usé·es par la fatigue. « Hier, on n’a trouvé que des bateaux vides, quatre au total, rapporte José, le fondateur de l’association. Et les Libyens ont intercepté près de soixante-dix personnes à bord d’un bateau pneumatique. »

    Sur le tarmac de l’aéroport de l’île, après avoir passé la sécurité, José se lance dans une « visite pré-vol » : purge des réservoirs d’essence, contrôle du niveau d’huile des moteurs, inspection générale extérieure de l’avion… « Il n’y avait pas de souci particulier lorsque l’on est rentrés hier soir, mais il nous faut pouvoir identifier un problème si jamais il y en a un. » Tandis que les premières lueurs du soleil percent au loin, Alix et Gaëlle vérifient quant à elles les outils de communication.

    « On va s’enquérir des dernières infos, notamment la position du Geo Barents », annoncent-elles, assises à même le sol, un gilet jaune estampillé « Pilotes volontaires » sur le dos. Le navire humanitaire affrété par Médecins sans frontières (MSF) était déjà sur zone cette nuit. Comme les autres, il ratisse les eaux internationales, entre la Libye et l’Italie – et, plus récemment, entre la Tunisie et Lampedusa, une route migratoire qui a connu un rythme effréné en 2023 – à la recherche d’embarcations en détresse à qui il peut porter secours. « Une info vient de tomber, annonce Alix. Le Geo Barents a secouru 162 personnes à l’aube. »

    Le port « sûr » de Salerne, au sud de Naples et à plusieurs jours de navigation, leur a déjà été attribué par les autorités italiennes. Ce jour-là, il s’agit du seul navire humanitaire à être présent en mer. L’information change la donne : les membres de Pilotes volontaires ont pour habitude de travailler main dans la main avec les ONG qui se trouvent sur la zone de recherche et de secours (appelée « zone SAR »), le but étant de repérer plus facilement, vues du ciel, les embarcations de fortune et de les signaler aux autorités compétentes ainsi qu’aux ONG.
    Détecter l’« anomalie » dans l’immensité

    « On part quand même, décide le groupe. On ne sait pas si le Geo Barents va obéir aux instructions données par les autorités pour débarquer les rescapés à Salerne dans la foulée. » Si le Colibri 2 détectait une embarcation en détresse à proximité du navire, celui-ci pourrait lui porter secours, comme l’exige le droit maritime international.

    Mais cette année, plusieurs décrets sont venus défier ce même droit, l’un d’eux imposant aux ONG d’aller débarquer leurs rescapé·es immédiatement après le sauvetage, sans porter assistance à d’autres exilé·es même si ceux-ci se trouvent sur leur chemin. La réalité du terrain a montré, au cours des derniers mois, l’absurdité d’une telle mesure, impraticable lorsque les traversées connaissent une flambée.

    « Il y a deux semaines, le Geo Barents a porté secours à une embarcation, puis les secours italiens lui ont demandé d’enchaîner treize sauvetages », raconte José pour pointer les contradictions entre le discours politique et les faits constatés sur zone. Quelques jours plus tôt, ce même navire humanitaire n’avait pas été autorisé à porter secours à une petite embarcation transportant huit personnes – une famille – alors que celle-ci était située à 12 milles nautiques de lui, soit une heure vingt de navigation. « C’est incompréhensible. Le bateau a finalement été secouru par les gardes-côtes sept heures plus tard. Pourquoi les avoir laissés en danger durant tout ce temps ? »

    À 8 heures, chaque membre de l’équipe est installé sur son siège, un gilet de sauvetage sur le dos, la ceinture de sécurité attachée. Le quatrième bénévole, Damien, les accompagnera depuis la terre : c’est l’agent de liaison qui devra transmettre les informations venues des autres ONG ou de la plateforme AlarmPhone (en contact avec les exilé·es ou leurs proches lorsqu’ils se signalent en détresse), mais aussi prévenir les centres de coordination et de sauvetage (surnommés « MRCC ») italien et maltais lorsque des embarcations sont repérées par ses collègues.

    « Pied sur le frein. Personne à droite. Démarrage. »

    Tandis qu’il laisse le moteur ronronner un temps, José ajuste son casque et visse le micro à ses lèvres pour rendre ses paroles audibles. L’appareil rejoint la piste, puis s’élève, surplombant la petite île de Lampedusa qui se réveille doucement. Le Colibri 2 met le cap vers le sud pour se rapprocher du Geo Barents. Quarante minutes plus tard seulement, un premier bateau bleu en bois est repéré. Parti de Libye, il transporte près de cinquante personnes et semble avancer correctement.

    « Malgré les apparences, il peut tomber en panne à n’importe quel moment, nuance José. Il est surchargé et n’est pas du tout adapté à la haute mer. » Alix, assise sur le siège passager avant droit, doit donner l’alerte en tant qu’observatrice référente. C’est elle qui envoie la position de l’embarcation à Damien afin que ce dernier en informe les MRCC.

    « Je vois quelque chose », lâche soudain Alix, qui décrit aux autres la position de ce qu’elle a repéré grâce aux points cardinaux affichés sur ses jumelles. « Visuel ! », confirme José. Il faut aller « lever le doute ». La forme et la taille de ce petit point noir au milieu de l’immensité de la mer peuvent laisser penser à une embarcation de migrant·es.

    Il faut savoir les distinguer des bateaux de pêche ou des navires marchands, tout comme il ne faut pas les confondre avec une simple vague blanche ou la ligne de l’horizon, ou encore être trompé par les reflets du soleil. Le premier qui repère une « anomalie » doit en donner la position, sans la perdre de vue, le temps que les autres puissent l’identifier également.
    Deux sauvetages opérés par le « Geo Barents » de MSF

    Le bateau est bel et bien une embarcation de migrant·es, mais il est vide. Il s’agit de celui qui a été intercepté par les gardes-côtes libyens la veille, affirme José. L’Aurora était en mer, mais les Libyens ont été plus rapides. « On est arrivés vingt minutes trop tard, on les a vus partir au loin après l’interception. »

    Dans ces cas-là, c’est un immense sentiment d’impuissance. Les exilé·es sont renvoyé·es en Libye, où les pires sévices leur sont infligés, alors qu’ils devraient être rapatriés vers un « port sûr ». L’Union européenne assume le financement de la Libye pour qu’elle endosse ce rôle de gardes-frontières, bien que ces interceptions correspondent à des « refoulements illégaux ».

    À 9 h 10, l’équipe à bord du Colibri 2 retrouve le Geo Barents. Celui-ci procède à une seconde opération de sauvetage pour un bateau en bois à double étage, parti de Libye. Seules soixante-quinze personnes sont d’abord visibles de l’ONG, qui en découvre soixante-quinze autres dans la cale, dans des conditions de navigation bien souvent terribles, accroupies dans l’obscurité et secouées par la houle.

    Le bateau en bois bleu est vidé, petit à petit, de ses occupant·es transbordé·es vers le grand navire grâce à des semi-rigides rapides. En fin d’opération, les équipes du Geo Barents marquent l’embarcation pour signifier à quiconque passerait par là que des exilé·es ont été secouru·es.

    Le Geo Barents n’opérera pas d’autres sauvetages ce vendredi. L’équipe de Pilotes volontaires repère pourtant un petit bateau blanc, transportant trente personnes, « avec un très mauvais cap ». « Ils vont suivre les instructions des autorités italiennes et se rendre à Salerne. C’est une mauvaise nouvelle. Ce bateau ne sera pas secouru mais probablement intercepté dans les prochaines heures », prédit José.

    Situé à plus de 100 nautiques de Lampedusa, il lui faudrait, même s’il réajustait son cap, au moins trente-six heures pour rejoindre la petite île italienne. Le Colibri 2 continue de survoler la zone, puis revient vers la première embarcation repérée plus tôt dans la matinée.

    Il la découvre à la dérive. Entre-temps, elle s’est déclarée en détresse auprès de la plateforme AlarmPhone – sans doute grâce à un téléphone satellite à bord. En apercevant l’avion qui les survole, certains hommes font désespérément des signes de la main. Une poignée d’entre eux revêtent un gilet de sauvetage orange. « Voilà, commente José. Ils ont fait 4 nautiques de plus et sont tombés en panne. Comme quoi, tout peut arriver à n’importe quel moment. »

    L’avion repère une seconde embarcation, pour laquelle une levée de doute est effectuée. L’équipe découvre un bateau en bois bleu transportant cinquante personnes, mettant le cap sur le nord à une vitesse de 5 nœuds. « Elle se rapproche de la première qui est à la dérive », constate l’équipe. Les deux embarcations ont été signalées aux MRCC maltais et italien. Sans navire humanitaire opérationnel, le Colibri 2 ne peut rien faire de plus. Il effectue là l’avant-dernière rotation de cette mission : « On ne doit pas dépasser cent heures de vol en tout », explique José.

    Celles-ci sont réparties selon la météo ; une mission dure en moyenne quatre semaines. Ce vendredi, il ne lui reste que douze heures de vol, et quatre viennent de s’écouler. L’équipe choisit de retourner à l’aéroport pour se poser. La situation est difficile, mais il lui faut prendre la meilleure décision. Le lendemain, l’Aurora et le Life Support (d’une ONG italienne) seront tous deux sur zone. Mieux vaut garder les heures restantes pour les épauler durant leurs opérations de sauvetage.
    Une journée de vol pour deux bateaux secourus

    Mais deux heures plus tard, c’est plus fort qu’eux : ils se rendent en urgence à l’aéroport et redécollent. « On ne pouvait pas rester à ne rien faire. » Damien tente, à distance, de convaincre l’Aurora de se rendre sur zone un jour plus tôt pour porter secours aux deux embarcations repérées le matin. Depuis les airs, il s’agit maintenant de les retrouver grâce aux positions GPS prises plus tôt.

    Alix aperçoit le deuxième bateau à l’horizon ; celui-ci s’est déclaré en détresse auprès de l’AlarmPhone, estimant se trouver à 70 kilomètres de Lampedusa mais être perdu. « On pense qu’il s’agit du même vu la description et la position. Mais on ne sait pas comment ils ont évalué cette distance. » Leur cap est « erratique », martèle José. « S’ils continuent comme ça, ils vont finir à Tunis. »

    L’avion s’approche et tente de lui faire passer le message. Il se positionne devant l’embarcation, bien en vue, puis oriente ses ailes de manière à lui montrer la voie. Il recommence à quatre reprises, « jusqu’à ce qu’ils rectifient leur cap ». Gaëlle repère la première embarcation qui, quelques heures plus tôt, se trouvait à la dérive.

    Elle a pu reprendre sa route. « Peut-être un problème technique qu’ils ont réussi à résoudre seuls », supposent-ils. Ou une panne de carburant surmontée grâce à l’aide d’un pêcheur. « », articule Alix pour donner la position du bateau à Damien, qui préviendra de nouveau les MRCC. « Et les gardes-côtes italiens qui sont là-bas et ne font rien… Combien faudra-t-il de naufrages ? », enrage José.

    L’Aurora se décide à prendre la mer en fin d’après-midi. Pour l’équipe des Pilotes volontaires, c’est le soulagement. Car même si les deux embarcations parvenaient à rallier les côtes italiennes par elles-mêmes, elles arriveraient au bout de trois à quatre heures, de nuit, avec le risque de « se fracasser contre les cailloux ».

    À 18 h 20, Pilotes volontaires transmet la position du deuxième bateau à l’Aurora, qui fonce à pleine vitesse pour opérer le sauvetage. Un bateau des gardes-côtes italiens suit curieusement le navire humanitaire, lui affirmant via la radio ne pas avoir eu connaissance de ce cas de détresse. « Ils le savent depuis au moins huit heures, quand on a envoyé le premier signalement », réagit Alix.

    « Soit Rome ne transmet pas les informations à Lampedusa, ce qui m’étonnerait ; soit Lampedusa ignore ces cas de détresse jusqu’au soir, les laissant sciemment en détresse », complète José. L’embarcation change de nouveau de cap, d’au moins 30 degrés. L’arrière du bateau penche dangereusement à gauche, semblant s’enfoncer petit à petit dans les eaux. La situation est critique. L’Aurora et le bateau des gardes-côtes italiens arrivent en même temps ; les seconds procèdent au sauvetage.
    Consacrer sa vie à sauver celle des autres

    Le Colibri 2 retourne à l’autre embarcation, qui n’avance désormais plus. « Ils n’ont plus de moteur », constate l’équipage depuis les airs, avant de donner la position à l’Aurora. Un bateau de la Guardia di Finanza jaillit, au loin, dans une petite vedette. José les guide grâce aux phares de l’avion avant d’aller se poser à la nuit tombée. « Ils attendent qu’il fasse nuit pour venir », soupire Gaëlle.

    Une fois à terre, l’équipe souffle enfin. Elle a utilisé de précieuses heures sans regret, contribuant à sauver au moins deux embarcations, dont une qui n’aurait jamais maintenu le cap sans son intervention.

    Les traits marqués, pour certains en manque de sommeil, ils font le bilan. Ils savent qu’ils sont « à [leur] place » : « On sait pourquoi on est là. » L’un est un ancien travailleur humanitaire qui a passé son permis de pilote ; les autres sont juristes spécialisés en droit des étrangers et photographe documentaire indépendante.

    Tous et toutes sont bénévoles et consacrent une partie de leur vie à sauver celle des exilé·es qui tentent de rallier l’Europe en empruntant l’une des routes les plus meurtrières au monde, faute de voies légales. L’association ne compte que vingt membres, triés sur le volet, entre peur d’une infiltration malveillante et crainte des petits curieux en quête de sensations fortes.

    Si Pilotes volontaires a été créée six ans plus tôt pour répondre à une urgence, José le répète sans cesse, ils travaillent à sa disparition. « Tant qu’on est là, ça signifie que la situation ne s’est pas améliorée. » Ils sont les « yeux » de toutes ces ONG qui, depuis leur navire, ne peuvent repérer les embarcations les plus éloignées, tout comme ils permettent à l’AlarmPhone de détecter des cas pour lesquels une alerte a été donnée avec une position GPS parfois hasardeuse.

    Mais alors que l’association a dépassé son record d’embarcations repérées en une journée cet été – vingt-neuf bateaux en cinq heures trente de vol, soit plus du triple que le record précédent, tous repérés sur le corridor tunisien –, elle pourrait ne pas pouvoir maintenir ses activités. Elle ne vit que des dons de particuliers et de fondations privées, et c’est la deuxième fois dans son histoire qu’elle est en proie à des difficultés financières.

    « Pour l’heure, on n’a pas de quoi repartir pour la mission suivante. » Le constat est amer. José dit avoir démissionné de son dernier emploi en tant qu’expert technique au bureau des affaires humanitaires de la Commission européenne pour se consacrer à l’association. Une décision qui « allait de soi », à laquelle son épouse s’est adaptée parce qu’elle partage « les mêmes valeurs ».

    Il se bat désormais pour continuer à la faire vivre. « On a besoin d’un budget de fonctionnement de 500 000 euros, ce qui n’est pas énorme au vu de notre activité. » En six ans, Pilotes volontaires a effectué près de 400 vols et repéré plus de 1 052 bateaux en Méditerranée, contribuant à sauver plus de 27 300 vies.

    #solidarité #asile #réfugiés #sauvetage #mer_Méditerranée #avion #solidarité

  • Identification of bodies from the Mediterranean - Parliamentary question - E-001950/2023

    In recent years, the Mediterranean has carried thousands of migrants’ bodies onto European beaches, and more than half of those bodies have never been identified.

    Given that it is not possible to identify the majority of people who die while crossing the Mediterranean, in its resolution adopted on 19 May 2021 on the protection of human rights and the EU’s external policy on migration, Parliament called for ‘a coordinated European approach in order to ensure prompt and effective identification processes, and to establish a database of those who died on their way to the EU as well of their belongings and personal items’ and a parallel database containing data about missing people provided by those looking for them.

    From a legal and administrative perspective, it is also important for the living that victims are identified.

    In the light of the above:

    1. Does the Commission not think that the failure to identify victims could hinder the principle of family reunification and block any possibility that justice may be obtained for any crimes committed against individual migrants?

    2. Does it not agree that failing to work to identify the dead violates the right to good mental health of those looking for them?

    3. Will it follow up on Parliament’s request by presenting a legislative proposal to harmonise the victim identification procedure?



    #identification #migrations #asile #réfugiés #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #Méditerranée #mer_méditerranée #parlement_européen #EU #UE #union_européenne #base_de_données #disparus #droits_humains

  • Frontex boosts support to Italy

    Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will expand its support for Italy following the recent spike in the number of arrivals of irregular migrants on the island of Lampedusa.

    Frontex has already agreed to double the number of flight hours of its aircraft that monitor the Central Mediterranean Sea and offered additional satellite images of the main departure areas of migrants from Tunisia. These measures will allow the Italian authorities to be better monitor the seas and will support any potential search and rescue operations.

    The agency also offered additional support in the registration and identification of migrants by contributing mobile migration teams, comprising about 30 experts, to the port cities of Reggio Calabria and Messina, where many of the migrants were transported to.

    “We are actively collaborating with Italian authorities and stand ready to bolster our support. This is not just an Italian challenge but a collective one for Europe. Together, we embrace the shared responsibility of safeguarding the EU’s external borders,” said Frontex Executive Director Hans Leijtens.

    Frontex already has nearly 40 officers and staff members on Lampedusa to help Italian authorities with the identification and registration of people arriving on the island, as well as one patrol vessel stationed there. In addition, the agency has two aircraft based on Lampedusa and one drone in Malta, assisting with aerial surveillance and providing early warning.

    Frontex is currently looking into sending additional officers to Lampedusa and increasing the number of patrolling hours of the vessels deployed in the area and support efforts to combat the criminal groups involved in people smuggling.

    The agency is also ready to step up its support with return activities. Apart from sending additional return experts and providing training, Frontex may organise identification missions to non-EU countries based on the needs of the Italian authorities to facilitate return procedures.

    Frontex is present in Italy through joint operation Themis, which in total consists of 283 officers and staff, five vessels, seven aircraft, 18 mobile offices and 4 vehicles for migration management.

    #Frontex #Italie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #avions #enregistrement #Reggio_Calabria #identification #Messina #soutien #aide #mobile_migration_teams #Lampedusa #Themis #opération_Themis #militarisation_des_frontières

  • From the Sea to the River, the deadly violence of Europe’s borders

    Over the last years, investigative practices combining scientific methods, art and architecture have allowed to shed new light on human rights violations. Emerging out of the pioneering London-based agency Forensic Architecture and the Forensic Oceanography research project, in 2021 a new investigative agency – Border Forensics – was established. Border Forensics focuses specifically on documenting and contesting violence related to the existence and management of borders. This article (...) Articles
