• Revolution, the Only Path Forward for the Jews (Leon Trotsky, 1940) — The Spark #1189

    The following article is translated from Lutte Ouvrière Issue 2883, November 2, 2023, the newspaper of the revolutionary workers group active in France.

    Israeli governments and their supporters make the security of Jews, in the Middle East and elsewhere, dependent on political and military support for Israel by imperialist states. This is already what Zionist activists were proposing in the 1930s, when the anti-Semitic wave was rising in Europe. The Zionists then only saw a solution in the goodwill of Great Britain and in the reception of the Jews in Palestine under British mandate. This is what Leon Trotsky said about it on December 22, 1938:

    “The number of countries expelling Jews continues to grow. The number of countries capable of welcoming them is decreasing. At the same time, the struggle is only getting worse. It is possible to easily imagine what awaits the Jews from the start of the future world war. But, even without war, the next development of world reaction almost certainly means the physical extermination of the Jews.

    Palestine has revealed itself to be a tragic mirage (…). Now more than ever, the destiny of the Jewish people — not just their political destiny, but their physical destiny — is indissolubly linked to the emancipatory struggle of the international proletariat. Only a courageous mobilization of workers against reaction, the constitution of workers’ militias, direct physical resistance to fascist bands (...) can (...) stop the global wave of fascism and open a new chapter in the history of humanity.”

    He added in 1940: “The attempt to resolve the Jewish question by the migration of Jews to Palestine can now be seen for what it is, a tragic travesty for the Jewish people. (…) Future developments in military situations could well transform Palestine into a bloody trap for several hundred thousand Jews. Never has it been as clear as today that the salvation of the Jewish people is inseparable from the overthrow of the capitalist system.”

    The extermination of Europe’s Jews tragically confirmed the revolutionary leader’s first remark. The current situation puts the second back on the agenda.

  • People Did Not Have to Be Set Against Each Other in Palestine — The Spark #1189

    British and then U.S. capitalists set the Jewish and Arab peoples against each other. Zionists worked with these great powers to get Jews to see their interests as against those of the Arab Palestinians. But it didn’t have to be that way.

    This text from a Jewish revolutionary in 1920 points at another possibility:

    “The Jewish workers are here to live with you, they have not come to persecute you but to live with you. They are ready to fight alongside you against the capitalist enemy whether Jewish, Arab, or British.

    If the capitalists incite you against the Jewish worker, it is to protect themselves from you. Do not fall into the trap, the Jewish worker, who is a soldier of the revolution, has come to offer you his hand as that of a comrade in the resistance against the British, Jewish, and Arab capitalists.

    We call on you to fight against the rich who sell their land and their country to foreigners. Down with the British and French bayonets. Down with Arab and foreign capitalists.”

  • U.S. Forces Threaten a Widening War in the Middle East — The Spark #1189

    U.S. forces have been increasingly involved in the fighting in the Middle East. On October 26 and November 8, U.S. planes struck Iranian facilities in Syria. A U.S. ship earlier shot down missiles it said were aimed at Israel. A U.S. drone was shot down near Yemen.

    The U.S. admits to having 900 troops in Syria, plus 2,500 in Iraq. Since the Hamas attack on Israel, the U.S. has sent an additional 1,200 troops to the region. It has two aircraft carrier battle groups nearby, with 4,000 Marines, plus dozens of additional Air Force attack planes sent to the Middle East.

    These forces are not there to promote peace. Fundamentally, they are there to ensure U.S. corporations can continue to suck wealth out of this oil-rich region.

    They are also part and parcel of Israel’s war in Gaza. While Israeli forces carry out the dirty work, U.S. forces back them up, give them cover, and buy them time. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin himself said that the U.S. was sending forces to the region to “assist in the defense of Israel.”

    Their presence also carries the threat of a wider war. After launching an airstrike against what he said was an Iranian warehouse in Syria, Austin threatened: “If attacks by Iran’s proxies against U.S. forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further measures.…” This enormous U.S. military presence is a threat not just against Iran, but against any country that moves against U.S. interests in the region, threatening to broaden the wars that have already engulfed so many people.

    The U.S. population has no interest in any of this warmongering carried out in our name.

  • Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto — The Spark #1189

    Right now, an army claiming to represent the Jewish people is invading, bombarding, and besieging what amounts to a giant ghetto, where food, water, and electricity have been cut off. That ghetto, Gaza, is an area of 17 square miles filled with 2.2 million Palestinian people who cannot gain access to their old homeland or citizenship in it because of their religion and ethnicity.

    Eighty years ago, we might switch the names of a few groups and be referring to the Warsaw ghetto in Poland. The Nazis crammed 460,000 Jews into a 1.3 square mile section of that city. In the end, at least 390,000 of them were killed, most in the death camp at Treblinka.

    We might not be quite there yet in #Gaza, but the logic of nationalism, used by the dominant capitalist powers to suck wealth out of every corner of the globe, has once again set people to push in this direction.

  • The U.S. Is Dragging the World Closer to a New World War — The Spark #1189

    As the latest Israel-Palestine War broke out last month, the U.S. military moved two aircraft carriers, along with several destroyers, cruisers, and missile launchers into the Middle East. They were joined by a nuclear submarine equipped with 147 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

    This wasn’t a “peace keeping” mission. It was war—supporting Israel in its war on Gaza and the West Bank; pushing its control over Iraq and Syria, where the U.S. itself had carried out long, brutal wars that killed millions and forced millions more to flee as refugees.

    Nobody knows what will happen next. But there is the very real likelihood that the unthinkable could become reality. The already smoldering fires of war in the Middle East could trigger a new world war. How close is the world now to being dragged into a new cataclysm? We will find out.

    The Middle East region is explosive today because the big imperial powers, first England and France, and now, the U.S., have dominated the region by playing the different countries and peoples off against each other. This tried-and-true imperialist strategy has allowed a few big oil companies, banks, military contractors, and other instruments of the capitalist class to extract the riches produced out of the Middle East for more than a century, leaving the vast majority of its people in a constant state of poverty and desperation.

    The horrible wars that have come out of this imperial domination go way beyond the countries themselves. For example, the ongoing war in Yemen that has already taken millions of lives is a proxy war between two big regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran. But behind Saudi Arabia and Iran stand none other than the U.S., Russia, and China. The same line-up of regional and big powers is involved in the current war that Israel is waging against the Palestinians.

    The Middle East carries in its womb a world war in embryo.

    The U.S. is deeply involved not only in wars in the Middle East. In Europe, with the war in Ukraine, a war that the U.S. has prepared and fueled for more than a decade, the U.S. is using the people of Ukraine as cannon fodder in order to weaken and bleed Russia, an old rival. In Asia, the U.S. has been escalating an economic war with China, the second largest economy in the world, while surrounding that huge country with increasingly more massive military forces.

    The world has become a bloody madhouse. An Israeli government cabinet minister casually raised the possibility of Israel dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza, like it is the most ordinary thing in the world. And he wasn’t even fired, only suspended!

    But not to worry, says President Biden. “I think we have an opportunity to… unite the world in ways that it never has been,” Biden said from the White House on October 20. “We were in a post-war period for 50 years where it worked pretty damn well, but that’s sort of run out of steam… It needs a new world order in a sense, like that was a world order.”

    Amazingly, this justification for a new barbaric world war comes from the President of the United States. According to Biden, World War II resulted in a new world order, a step in the right direction. Forget, infers Biden, the human toll, the 85 million people killed, the thousands of cities and towns destroyed. Eyes straight ahead, says Biden, the world needs a new world order. In casual fashion, he calls for a new global war, which will bring with it an even more terrible toll.

    “I’m optimistic,” said Biden. That’s what politicians said during World War I, which killed more than 20 million people, but was supposed to be “the war to end all wars.” It’s what the politicians said about World War II—even as the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on women, children and the elderly in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the very end of the war in order to demonstrate the explosive ascendency of the new U.S. superpower.

    Those world wars didn’t lead to Biden’s 50 years of peace, but only to bigger wars. The 20th century was the most murderous century in history, with two-thirds of the casualties being civilians. And the present century promises to be even worse.

    Who says it has to be this way? Working people can live together peacefully. But only if the cause of the wars is destroyed, the domination of the planet by a tiny minority of capitalists and other parasites, who are in constant competition with each other for wealth and power.

    Doing away with this domination and barbarism is the historic mission of the working class. Working people may not realize this, nor are most of them prepared to accept this mission today. But their class, the working class, has the power and every interest to do just that. And the world, hurtling toward war, will bring the working class face to face with this necessity. There is no other way out.