Greek ship attacked in Red Sea by Houthis arrives in Aden with cargo


  • Red Sea ballistic missile attacks trigger Asian interest in defences | Reuters

    The use of anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs) in the Red Sea has spurred interest in Asia about the systems used to shoot them down, experts and industry officials say - although China, with its huge ASBM arsenal, presents a tougher challenge.

    U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) media releases from Nov. 27 - the world’s first documented use of an ASBM in combat - to Feb. 20 mention a total of 48 ASBMs and 12 interceptions in the Red Sea. Those releases noted that many ASBMs fired by the Iran-aligned Yemeni Houthis posed no danger and were not engaged.

    On the sidelines of the Singapore Airshow this week, a senior executive at a U.S. defence contractor said the air defence activity in the Red Sea and in Ukraine had caught the attention of potential customers in Asia.

    “What we’re seeing is demand increase for integrated air and missile defence here,” said the executive, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter. He said that included sensors to detect targets, the weapons to shoot them down and the command-and-control systems tying it all together.

    Robert Hewson of Sweden’s Saab (SAABb.ST), opens new tab said at the air show that customers in Asia were now more interested in not just countering ballistic missiles, but also small, “low-end” aerial threats such as drones that have been launched in concert with larger attacks in the Red Sea.

    “It turns out we can do this ballistic missile stuff,” Hewson said. “It costs a lot of money and shoots big expensive missiles, but it looks like it all works. What we’re not really able to do reliably is handle swarms of small threats that are coming at us ... at the same time.”
    The Houthis have said all their missiles are domestically produced. Experts, the U.S. military and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency say Iran has at least provided assistance, if not weapons themselves.

    In either case, the ASBMs and targeting on display in the Red Sea are rudimentary compared with what China could bring to bear, said Ankit Panda of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace.

    “The overall system complexity of Chinese ASBMs, including the range to which they aspire, outclasses the missiles we’ve seen used by the Houthis,” he said. “I think both Beijing and Washington would do well to not overinterpret lessons about the viability and limitations of ASBMs from the last few months’ experience in the Red Sea.”