CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya


  • Un revers intéressant de l’affaire Stevens. CIA, security contractors... Homeland style

    CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya -

    “The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said.

    The coordinated attacks stirred up a political hornet’s nest over whether the administration provided adequate security and whether it was forthcoming with its assessment of what happened. In the election season, that cast a shadow over the Obama administration’s foreign policy record.”

    #CIA #Libye #Benghazi #Christopher Stevens #Contractors