MoE reconfirms ban on periodic leave for ‘wage-tied’ Bedouns - Imams, Muezzins ordered to stick to official dress code


  • Discrimination

    “The demand of a Bedoun female teacher who wanted paid maternity leave”: quelle outrecuidance

    MoE reconfirms ban on periodic leave for ‘wage-tied’ Bedouns - Imams, Muezzins ordered to stick to official dress code - ARAB TIMES

    KUWAIT CITY, Jan 11: Ministry of Education has reconfirmed its ban on giving Bedoun employees any periodic vacations in line with the decision of Civil Service Commission (CSC) concerning vacations for those working under the clause of “wage in exchange for work”.

    In this regard, Director of Human Resources Department at the ministry Saud Al-Juwaiser sent a circular to the educational zone directors of all six governorates.

    The circular, which is based on CSC’s letter No. 2016035684, was issued on June 10, 2016 regarding the rights of those working on wage system for periodic vacations, maternity leave, Hajj leave and emergency leaves. It stressed that those working on wage system have no right to receive periodic vacations or similar leaves from work.

    Al-Juwaiser sent this circular in response to the demand of a Bedoun female teacher who wanted paid maternity leave, and the discussion that followed regarding her rights as a Bedoun employee based on laws concerning children, disabled individuals and women and other laws.