
Infovore, father, photography, roller-skating, cycling, Africa, Free software, open networks, adventure, wargaming, cooking and more geekery

  • Prolong the trends of miniaturisation, autonomy and lower costs - the result is obviously cheap insect-like fully autonomous and lethal. Now we realize that it is no longer science-fiction but the coming environment - especially against non-state actors. It is not quite like ground combat as we now it and it is also a dimension separate from macro-scale high-altitude air combat. Now what ?

    "Using a new technological invention, the Red robots wiped out the Blue robots in the first days of the war, compelling the Blue humans to surrender. Some Blue humans tried to fight on, but the Red robots disarmed them, laughing at their slowness. The videos taken by the Red robots went viral"

    On tomorrow’s battlefields, swatting swarms of autonomous bullet-drones... #weapons #robots