• La température record enregistrée à New Delhi peut-être due à une « erreur » de capteur Radio Canada - AFP

    Les services météorologiques indiens ont annoncé que la température record enregistrée mercredi dans la capitale New Delhi pourrait être due à un défaut dans l’instrument de mesure.

    La station météo de Mungeshpur, située dans la banlieue de New Delhi, a “signalé une température de 52,9 degrés Celsius, une anomalie par rapport à d’autres stations”, a relevé le Département météorologique indien dans un communiqué.

    “Ceci pourrait être dû à une erreur au niveau du capteur ou à un facteur local”, a-t-il poursuivi, soulignant qu’il examinait “les données et les capteurs”.

    Cet organisme a expliqué qu’il gérait cinq sites majeurs de surveillance météorologique et 15 stations météorologiques automatiques, dont celle de Mungeshpur, effectuant des relevés de températures et de précipitations dans toute la capitale, qui compte plus de 30 millions d’habitants.

    Hormis celui de Mungeshpur, ces sites ont enregistré mercredi une température maximale à New Delhi qui “variait entre 45,2 °C et 49,1 °C”, a signalé le Département météorologique.

    Mardi, deux stations de la ville, celles de Mungeshpur et de Narela, ont fait état d’une température de 49,9 degrés Celsius.

    On ignore si ce chiffre est également remis en question.
    “La température dans les zones urbaines varie d’un endroit à l’autre”, ont insisté mercredi les services météorologiques, disant que ces variations pourraient être dues à des facteurs tels que la proximité de plans d’eau, de parcs ou d’une grande densité de logements.

    En 2022, la température à New Delhi a atteint un pic de 49,2 °C.
    . . . . . .

    #Climat #it_has_begun #collapsologie #fin_du_monde #températures #thermomètres #capteurs #Inde #New_Delhi

    Suite et Source : https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2076416/record-temperature-inde-new-delhi


    These three videos 2021-22 investigate the politics of ‘cold’ through the examination of a series of cases and contexts in which the thermostatic condition of cold and its differential experiences and effects are entangled with legal questions, human rights violations, but also claims for social and environmental justice.

    Through the analysis of a series of contemporary as well as historic ‘cold cases’ the project explores the strategic role of temperature and speculates about the emergence of a new thermo-politics defined by cold.

    Each of these COLD CASES exposes the degree to which temperature becomes a register of violence. One that includes the leagcies of climate colonialism, longstanding socio-economic inequalities, and ongoing structural racism.


    #architecture_forensique #froid #décès #violence #température #thermopolitique #thermo-politique #racisme_structurel #Susan_Schuppli #mourir_de_froid #peuples_autochtones #eau #abandon #Canada

    ping @reka @fil @karine4

  • High-precision Bluetooth temperature data logger factory direct sale

    The Bluetooth temperature data logger is a recorder independently developed and produced by Freshliance. It uses high-precision sensors and has high equipment accuracy. It can be used for the storage and transportation of food and medicine, as well as for real-time temperature and humidity monitoring such as laboratory scientific research, agricultural breeding, and environmental monitoring. It has a very good reputation among users.

    Freshliance Bluetooth temperature data logger provides convenient wireless data transmission and recording functions and can be widely used on various occasions that require temperature monitoring and recording. The wireless temperature logger uses advanced Bluetooth technology and can provide a free APP. The user only needs to use the APP to scan the QR code for the first time to automatically connect, and then set the parameters on the mobile phone APP. This wireless temperature logger is very convenient to view the environmental temperature and humidity data. You only need to bring the mobile phone close to view the current temperature and humidity data and historical temperature and humidity changes on the APP without opening the package. In addition, the mobile phone APP can automatically generate temperature and humidity reports without connecting to a computer, which is very helpful for managers to analyze environmental temperature and humidity changes.

    Freshliance’s Bluetooth temperature data logger takes up little space and has a high level of protection. It can be used in refrigerated containers, refrigerated bags, medicine cabinets, archives, laboratories, museums, and many other places. It can connect multiple devices at the same time, making environmental temperature and humidity management more efficient and convenient. Welcome to consult and place an order!
    #highprecision #bluetooth #temperaturedatalogger #wireless


  • High-precision Bluetooth temperature data logger factory direct sale

    The Bluetooth temperature data logger is a recorder independently developed and produced by Freshliance. It uses high-precision sensors and has high equipment accuracy. It can be used for the storage and transportation of food and medicine, as well as for real-time temperature and humidity monitoring such as laboratory scientific research, agricultural breeding, and environmental monitoring. It has a very good reputation among users.

    Freshliance Bluetooth temperature data logger provides convenient wireless data transmission and recording functions and can be widely used on various occasions that require temperature monitoring and recording. The wireless temperature logger uses advanced Bluetooth technology and can provide a free APP. The user only needs to use the APP to scan the QR code for the first time to automatically connect, and then set the parameters on the mobile phone APP. This wireless temperature logger is very convenient to view the environmental temperature and humidity data. You only need to bring the mobile phone close to view the current temperature and humidity data and historical temperature and humidity changes on the APP without opening the package. In addition, the mobile phone APP can automatically generate temperature and humidity reports without connecting to a computer, which is very helpful for managers to analyze environmental temperature and humidity changes.

    Freshliance’s Bluetooth temperature data logger takes up little space and has a high level of protection. It can be used in refrigerated containers, refrigerated bags, medicine cabinets, archives, laboratories, museums, and many other places. It can connect multiple devices at the same time, making environmental temperature and humidity management more efficient and convenient. Welcome to consult and place an order!
    #highprecision #bluetooth #temperaturedatalogger #wireless


  • Cost-effective single use temperature data logger for cold chain

    Single use temperature data logger is widely used for cold chain temperature monitoring and recording. They have high-precision sensors and high storage capacity, can record temperature data, and can automatically generate temperature reports. They can be used for cold chain temperature monitoring of sensitive items such as food, medicine, chemicals, and biological products to ensure the quality and safety of goods.

    The single use temperature data logger provided by Freshliance has the characteristics of a small footprint, simple operation, stable performance, and high protection level. It is a cost-effective recorder. They can be used in refrigerated containers, refrigerated bags, refrigerators, medicine cabinets, refrigerated trucks, and other places, without space size restrictions, and have a good waterproof effect. Freshliance cold chain temperature data recorder all have alarm functions and high sensitivity. The alarm point can be set. If the cold chain environment is abnormal, it can be reminded in time to ensure the quality of the goods. After the trip, you can directly generate CSV/PDF temperature reports by connecting to the computer via USB. There is no need to install any software. The operation is very simple.

    Freshliance offers a wide range of single use temperature data loggers for cold chains. Each temperature data recorder is stable and reliable and is ideal for monitoring and recording temperature and humidity changes in sensitive goods during transportation. Before choosing, it is recommended that you carefully consider the required functions and performance, and choose a suitable, cost-effective temperature data logger!
    #coldchain #temperaturereport #singleusetemperaturedatalogger #temperaturedatarecorder


  • Temperature data logger for cold chain transportation

    Cold chain transportation can provide a suitable environment for temperature-sensitive goods such as frozen foods, biological products, and medicines. It is very necessary to do a good job of temperature monitoring in cold chain transportation. The temperature data logger has the characteristics of a small footprint, simple operation, and high accuracy. It can improve the efficiency of cold chain management and ensure that the temperature of the cold chain environment meets the requirements.

    Freshliance is a manufacturer specializing in the research and development, production, and sales of temperature data loggers. It has launched USB temperature data loggers, Bluetooth temperature data loggers, wireless temperature data recorders, and ultra-low temperature data loggers, which can be used in food, medicine, biology, the chemical industry, and other fields. It is also very stable and accurate for temperature and humidity monitoring and recording in laboratories, libraries, museums, greenhouses, warehouses, and other places. It can not only provide real-time monitoring and abnormal alarms but also automatically generate reports when connected to a computer. There is no need to install other software, and the operation is very simple.

    The temperature data recorder produced by Freshliance has a very high usage rate in various fields, and the user reputation is very good. Our goal is to continuously provide customers with more innovative, accurate, and high-quality products, as well as excellent customer service and support. Welcome to purchase and place orders!
    #coldchain #transportation #temperaturedatalogger #temperaturemonitoring


  • Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger for warehousing

    Warehousing is used for the storage of food, medicine, chemicals, and other items. Many items are sensitive to temperature and humidity, so warehousing generally requires temperature and humidity control and temperature and humidity monitoring. Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger is very suitable for warehouse temperature and humidity monitoring. It can realize real-time understanding of warehouse temperature and humidity changes through mobile apps, detect abnormalities in time, and make temperature adjustments.

    The BlueTag TH30 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger developed by Freshliance has the characteristics of a small footprint, stable operation, and high accuracy. By connecting the device through the Tkeeper APP provided by Freshliance, you can remotely read real-time temperature and humidity data and historical data on the free APP at any time. Some storage spaces are large. To better monitor the ambient temperature and humidity, multiple Bluetooth temperature humidity sensor are required to monitor and record at the same time. The Freshliacne Bluetooth temperature recorder can connect to countless mobile APPs, and one mobile APP can connect to countless devices. The linkage is stronger and can improve the efficiency of warehousing environment management. The Bluetooth temperature humidity sensor can connect to gateway devices as needed to adapt to more application environments.

    Currently, the Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger provided by Freshliance is widely used in warehouses, hospitals, museums, laboratories, wine cellars, and other places. It can accurately monitor and record environmental temperature and humidity with high accuracy. It can be viewed and generated through the mobile phone during the entire working process. Humidity report, easy to operate and cost-effective.
    #temperaturehumidity #Bluetooth #warehousing


  • Tea temperature humidity data logger with the probe

    Tea is very sensitive to temperature and humidity. Unsuitable temperature and humidity will not only affect its taste and quality but also affect the fermentation process. Therefore, the storage and transportation of tea require appropriate temperature and humidity. The temperature humidity data logger with the probe is very suitable for tea temperature and humidity monitoring. It is more sensitive and accurate to temperature. The monitored temperature and humidity data are more accurate and reliable, which can ensure that tea leaves maintain a reasonable temperature and humidity.

    The Atlas Log-TH temperature humidity data logger launched by Freshliance is equipped with an external probe, which has the characteristics of small space occupation, high accuracy, good stability, simple operation, configurable parameters, and can be used repeatedly. The temperature and humidity monitoring range of this temperature and humidity data logger is -30℃~+70℃; 0~100%RH, and the accuracy is ±0.5℃ in the full range (-30℃ to +70℃); ±3% relative humidity, in line with tea temperature and humidity monitoring standards. Moreover, the temperature humidity sensor can set a temperature and humidity alarm point. When the temperature/humidity in the tea exceeds the alarm range, the alarm symbol (x) will be displayed on the LCD screen, which can promptly remind the user of abnormal changes in the tea environment and ensure the quality of the tea.

    Freshliance Atlas Log-TH is a powerful temperature humidity data logger with an LCD display that displays temperature and humidity data, operating status, alarm status, etc. in real-time. It also has a recording function and can store up to 35,000 readings. USB connection to computer Temperature and humidity reports can be generated to ensure that tea leaves meet relevant standards and requirements. In addition, this USB temperature recorder can also be used to monitor and record the temperature and humidity of sensitive items such as coffee, fruits, vegetables, medicines, etc.
    #temperaturehumidity #temperaturehumiditymonitoring #tea #temperaturehumiditysensor


  • Disposable temperature data logger for fruit transportation

    Cold chain management can provide a transportation environment with suitable temperatures for fruit transportation. The disposable temperature data logger can monitor and record the temperature changes of the entire fruit supply chain. If there is an abnormality, it can also alarm and promptly remind managers to adjust the cold chain environment temperature. Ensure fruit quality.

    Fresh Tag 1 USB temperature data logger is a cost-effective disposable temperature data logger launched by Freshliance. It is mainly used for cold chain temperature monitoring and recording of food, medicine, biological reagents, vaccines, and other temperature-sensitive items. This single use temperature data logger has an accuracy of ±0.5℃ at full range (-30℃ to +70℃), has a small footprint, high protection level, simple and convenient operation, and is cheap and affordable, so it is very suitable for fruit cold chain temperatures. Monitor and record. This USB temperature data logger can store up to 129,600 readings. After the fruit transportation trip, you can use a USB to connect to the computer to generate PDF/CSV/PDF&CSV reports. You can learn more about the entire fruit cold chain supply temperature data and changes.

    Temperature monitoring can ensure the stability of the fruit transportation and storage environment and detect any temperature abnormalities in time. The single use temperature data logger provided by Freshliance is highly sensitive and accurate. It can accurately collect the temperature data of the fruit cold chain environment and ensure the quality of the fruit. It is more ideal for temperature monitoring of fruits, vegetables, seafood, frozen, and other foods Choice.
    #coldchain #fruittransportation #temperaturemonitoring


  • Des universités françaises au bord de l’#asphyxie : « Ça craque de partout »

    Locaux vétustes, #sous-financement structurel, #pénurie d’enseignants, inégalités sociales et scolaires… Les universités de Créteil, Villetaneuse ou encore Montpellier-III cumulent les difficultés. Le fossé se creuse encore entre les établissements prestigieux et les autres.

    A l’#université_Sorbonne-Paris_Nord, sur le campus de Villetaneuse, en Seine-Saint-Denis, la visite guidée se transforme immanquablement en un passage en revue du #délabrement. Tel couloir ou telle salle, inondés à chaque forte pluie, cumulent vétusté et moisissures sur les murs. Des amphithéâtres aux sièges cassés, des prises abîmées depuis des années, et des vidéoprojecteurs qui, régulièrement, ne fonctionnent pas. Les filets de fortune qui retiennent des bouts de plafond qui s’écroulent au-dessus d’une passerelle reliant plusieurs bâtiments. Cet ascenseur, également, en panne depuis la rentrée, rendant le deuxième étage du département des lettres inaccessible aux étudiants à mobilité réduite.

    De façon moins visible, une grande partie des bâtiments contient encore de l’#amiante, plus ou moins bien protégée. « Là ou encore là, le sol est abîmé, montre Stéphane Chameron, maître de conférences en éthologie, membre du comité social d’administration, encarté SUD-Education, en désignant des dalles usées dans des couloirs ou des escaliers. Donc il peut arriver que de la poussière amiantée soit en suspension dans l’air. C’est une #mise_en_danger. »

    Selon la Cour des comptes, 80 % du bâti de l’université Sorbonne-Paris Nord est aujourd’hui vétuste. Mais le constat national n’est guère réjouissant non plus, avec un tiers du #patrimoine_universitaire jugé dans un état peu ou pas satisfaisant. « Honnêtement, on a honte de faire travailler les étudiants dans ces conditions » , souligne une des enseignantes de l’établissement qui, comme beaucoup, a demandé à rester anonyme.

    En matière d’#encadrement aussi, « la situation est critique », alerte Marc Champesme, chargé du département d’informatique de Paris Nord, membre du syndicat Snesup-FSU. Dans sa composante, le nombre d’étudiants en première année a été multiplié par plus de trois entre 2010 et 2022, et par deux sur les trois années de licence. Dans le même temps, le nombre d’enseignants titulaires n’a pas bougé. « On est maintenant contraints de faire des travaux dirigés en amphi avec soixante étudiants parce qu’on manque de professeurs , réprouve-t-il. Alors même que les pouvoirs publics ne cessent de dire qu’il faut former plus d’informaticiens et de spécialistes de l’IA [intelligence artificielle] , que c’est l’avenir. »

    « Sans l’État, ce ne sera pas possible »

    Ici, comme dans d’autres facultés, les personnels ont été désespérés par le signal envoyé, en février, avec l’annonce de coupes budgétaires de près de 1 milliard d’euros dans l’enseignement supérieur – en contradiction avec la volonté affichée, fin 2023 par Emmanuel Macron, de « donner plus de moyens » pour la recherche. « On nous disait que l’université serait une priorité, mais cela a vite été oublié. C’est un #délaissement total. Et les premiers à trinquer, ce sont nous, universités de banlieue populaire ou de petites villes déjà en mauvaise forme » , s’exaspère un autre enseignant-chercheur de Sorbonne-Paris Nord.

    Cette réalité s’impose comme le signe d’une université française en crise, qui maintient sa mission de service public en poussant les murs, colmatant les brèches et serrant les dents. La conséquence de décennies pendant lesquelles les établissements ont absorbé une augmentation significative de la #population_étudiante, sans que les moyens aient suivi. Entre 2008 et 2021, le nombre d’étudiants a augmenté de 25 %, quand le #budget de l’enseignement supérieur a progressé de moins de 10 %. Quant aux fonds versés par l’Etat liés spécifiquement au #bâti, ils stagnent depuis plus de dix ans.

    Désormais, « ça craque de partout » , résume un enseignant dans un Baromètre des personnels réalisé en 2023 par la Conférence des praticiens de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. A Villetaneuse, « on essaie de mettre les bouchées doubles depuis trois ans pour les travaux urgents. On a investi 6 millions d’euros sur fonds propres. Mais on ne dispose pas de ressources infinies. Sans l’Etat, ce ne sera pas possible » , souligne son président, Christophe Fouqueré. Sur tout le territoire, la pression budgétaire contraint les établissements à se contenter de rafistoler un bâti vieillissant plutôt que d’entamer des travaux de #rénovation nécessaires, ou encore à geler les embauches de #titulaires et à avoir recours à des #vacataires précaires – à présent majoritaires au sein des personnels enseignants dans les universités.

    Mais, à l’image de Sorbonne-Paris Nord, certaines se trouvent plus en difficulté que d’autres en matière de conditions d’études. « La question du bâti et de son délabrement éclaire en fait toutes les #inégalités entre élèves, et entre établissements du supérieur : d’abord entre universités et grandes écoles type Sciences Po, mieux loties, et désormais entre universités elles-mêmes, analyse la sociologue Annabelle Allouch, qui mène un projet de recherche sur le #bâti_universitaire. Mais elle renforce aussi ces inégalités, en encourageant des étudiants à adopter des stratégies d’évitement de certains campus. »

    De fait, des #écarts se sont creusés. Si certains campus ont bénéficié de belles rénovations, comme de moyens plus conséquents pour l’enseignement, d’autres universités, moins subventionnées, décrochent. « On a été oubliés du #plan_Campus de 2008, qui a permis à d’autres universités, y compris voisines, de se remettre à niveau » , regrette le président de Sorbonne-Paris Nord. « L’Etat avait fait le choix de porter les efforts sur 21 sites seulement. Cela a créé un premier différentiel, qui n’a cessé de s’accentuer puisque ces universités lauréates ont été, par la suite, mieux placées, aussi, pour répondre à des appels à projet sur le patrimoine » , explique Dean Lewis, vice-président de France Universités.

    Se sont ajoutées les diverses politiques d’ « #excellence », mises en œuvre durant la dernière décennie, et notamment les labels #Initiative_d’excellence, décernés à certains établissements prestigieux, avec des moyens supplémentaires correspondants. « On a été face à des politiques qui ont décidé de concentrer les moyens sur un petit nombre d’établissements plutôt que de les distribuer à tout le monde » , résume la sociologue Christine Musselin.


    Une situation qui laisse de plus en plus apparaître une université à plusieurs vitesses. « Quand je passe de mon bureau de recherche de l’ENS [Ecole normale supérieure] aux locaux où j’enseigne, la différence me frappe à chaque fois », témoigne Vérène Chevalier, enseignante en sociologie à l’#université_Paris_Est-Créteil (#UPEC), qui subit aussi, avec ses élèves, un environnement dégradé. Dans certains bâtiments de cette université, comme celui de la Pyramide, les cours ont dû être passés en distanciel, cet hiver comme le précédent, en raison d’une défaillance de #chauffage, la #température ne dépassant pas les 14 0C. En avril, le toit d’un amphi, heureusement vide, s’est effondré sur un site de Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) – en raison d’une « malfaçon », explique la présidence.

    Plongée dans une #crise_financière, avec un #déficit abyssal, l’UPEC est dans la tourmente. Et la présidence actuelle, critiquée en interne pour sa mauvaise gestion des finances. « Mais lorsqu’on voit arriver 10 000 étudiants en cinq ans, on se prend de toute façon les pieds dans le tapis : cela veut dire des heures complémentaires à payer, des locations ou l’installation de préfabriqués très coûteuses » , défend le président, Jean-Luc Dubois-Randé.

    Au sein d’un même établissement, des fossés peuvent se former entre campus et entre disciplines. « Quand mes étudiants vont suivre un cours ou deux dans le bâtiment plus neuf et entretenu de l’IAE [institut d’administration des entreprises] , dont les jeunes recrutés sont aussi souvent plus favorisés socialement, ils reviennent dans leur amphi délabré en disant : “En fait, ça veut dire que, nous, on est les pauvres ?” » , raconte Vérène Chevalier, qui y voit une forme de violence symbolique.

    Ce sont des étudiants « qu’on ne voit pourtant pas se plaindre », constate l’enseignant Stéphane Chameron. « Pour beaucoup issus de classes moyennes et populaires, ils sont souvent déjà reconnaissants d’arriver à la fac et prennent sur eux » , a-t-il observé, comme d’autres collègues.

    Dans le bâtiment Pyramide, à Créteil, une dizaine d’étudiants en ergothérapie préparent leurs oraux collectifs de fin d’année, assis au sol dans le hall, faute de salles disponibles. « Les conditions, cela nous paraît normal au quotidien. C’est quand on met tout bout à bout qu’on se rend compte que cela fait beaucoup » , lâche Charlotte (qui a souhaité rester anonyme, comme tous les étudiants cités par leur prénom), après avoir égrené les #dysfonctionnements : les cours en doudoune cet hiver, l’impossibilité d’aérer les salles, l’eau jaunâtre des robinets ou l’absence de savon dans les toilettes… « Ça va » , répondent de leur côté Amina et Joséphine, en licence d’éco-gestion à Villetaneuse, citant la bibliothèque récemment rénovée, les espaces verts et l’ « ambiance conviviale », malgré « les poubelles qu’il faut mettre dans les amphis pour récupérer l’eau qui tombe du plafond quand il pleut » .

    Dans l’enseignement supérieur, les dynamiques récentes ont renforcé un phénomène de #polarisation_sociale, et les étudiants les plus favorisés se retrouvent aussi souvent à étudier dans les établissements les mieux dotés. La sociologue Leïla Frouillou y a documenté l’accélération d’une #ségrégation_scolaire – qui se recoupe en partie avec la #classe_sociale. Favorisées par #Parcoursup, les universités « parisiennes » aspirent les bacheliers avec mention très bien des autres académies. « Se pose la question du maintien de la #mixité dans nos universités » , souligne-t-elle.

    En l’occurrence, un campus en partie rénové ne protège pas nécessairement ni d’une situation financière délétère, ni de difficultés sociales plus importantes que la moyenne du territoire. L’un des lauréats du plan Campus de 2008, l’#université_Montpellier-III, présente en majesté l’#Atrium. Une bibliothèque universitaire (BU) tout de verre vêtue, un bijou architectural de 15 000 m2 financé par l’Etat, la région et la métropole, et livré en avril à la porte de l’établissement. L’ouvrage masque un campus quinquagénaire arboré et aussi quelques classes en préfabriqué posées provisoirement à proximité du parking… il y a vingt et un ans. Montpellier-III reste l’une des universités les moins bien dotées de France.

    Un peu plus loin, derrière le bâtiment S, Jade attend patiemment son tour. En première année de licence de cinéma et boursière, comme 48 % des étudiants de son université (quand la moyenne nationale est de 36 %), elle s’apprête à remplir un panier de vivres à l’#épicerie_solidaire de l’établissement. Une routine hebdomadaire pour cette étudiante qui a fait un saut dans la #précarité en rejoignant l’université.

    « Nous avons des étudiants qui ne mangent pas à leur #faim » , regrette Anne Fraïsse, présidente de l’université. Ils sont, par ailleurs, ceux qui auraient le plus besoin d’encadrement. Quand, en 2022, l’#université_Gustave-Eiffel, implantée dans différentes régions, reçoit une subvention pour charge de service public de 13 195 euros par étudiant, Montpellier-III en reçoit 3 812. Les universités de lettres, de droit et de sciences humaines et sociales sont traditionnellement moins bien dotées que les universités scientifiques, dont les outils pédagogiques sont plus onéreux.

    Mais dans les établissements d’une même spécialité, les écarts sont considérables. Nanterre, la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, à Paris, Bordeaux-Montaigne ou Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès : toutes ces universités de #sciences_humaines ont une dotation supérieure de plus de 30 % à celle de Montpellier-III. « Si nous étions financés à la hauteur de ce que reçoit Toulouse-II, c’est 30 millions de budget annuel supplémentaire que l’on recevrait, calcule Florian Pascual, élu CGT au conseil scientifique de l’université Montpellier-III. Nous pourrions cesser de gérer la pénurie, embaucher des enseignants. »

    « Un poids pédagogique »

    En février, le conseil d’administration de l’université a voté un budget affichant un déficit prévisionnel de 5 millions d’euros. Alors que l’établissement a augmenté ses effectifs étudiants (+ 7 % sur la période 2018-2021) pour répondre au #boom_démographique, la #dotation de l’Etat par étudiant a, pour sa part, dégringolé de 18,6 % entre 2016 et 2022. Un rapport rendu en juin 2023 par l’inspection générale de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche, reconnaît « une situation de #sous-financement_chronique et un état de #sous-encadrement_structurel » . L’université doit néanmoins répondre à l’injonction du gouvernement de se serrer la ceinture. « C’est ne pas tenir compte des grandes inégalités entre établissements » , répond Anne Fraïsse.

    « Ce que nous répète l’Etat, c’est de fermer des postes, en réduisant l’administration et en remplaçant des professeurs par des contractuels ou des enseignants du secondaire. Pourtant, dans treize départements, la moitié des cours ne sont plus assurés par des professeurs titulaires, rappelle la présidente de l’université . Cela a un poids pédagogique pour les étudiants. Pour augmenter les taux de réussite, il faut créer des heures d’enseignement et mettre des professeurs devant les étudiants. »

    La pression démographique absorbée par ces universités amène avec elle une autre difficulté insoupçonnée. « Chez nous, le taux d’utilisation des amphis est de 99 %, on n’a quasiment plus le temps de les nettoyer. Alors si on devait faire des chantiers, on n’aurait tout simplement plus d’endroit pour faire cours, et c’est le cas partout » , soulève Julien Gossa, enseignant à l’université de Strasbourg. « Mais plus on attend, plus ça se dégrade et plus ce sera cher à rénover » , souligne Dean Lewis, de France Universités.

    Or, dans certaines facultés, comme en Seine-Saint-Denis et dans le Val-de-Marne, la démographie étudiante ne devrait pas ralentir. « Nous ne sommes pas sur un reflux démographique comme d’autres, en raison d’un phénomène d’installation des classes moyennes en grande couronne. On envisage une trajectoire d’augmentation de deux mille étudiants par an durant encore un moment. Il va falloir trouver une façon de les accueillir dignement » , souligne Jean-Luc Dubois-Randé, de l’UPEC. D’autant que, malgré les difficultés matérielles, « les profs sont passionnés et les cours très bons », assure une étudiante, en licence de psychologie à Villetaneuse.

    Conscients de cette valeur des cours dispensés et des diplômes délivrés, les enseignants contactés marchent sur des œufs. En mettant en lumière les points de craquage de l’université, ils craignent d’accélérer la fuite vers l’#enseignement_privé, qui capitalise sur l’image dégradée du public. Pourtant, « former la jeunesse est une mission de l’Etat, baisser les dépenses en direction de l’enseignement, au profit du privé, c’est compromettre notre avenir » , rappelle Anne Fraïsse.

    Le nombre de #formations_privées présentes sur Parcoursup a doublé depuis 2020, et elles captent plus d’un quart des étudiants. « Mais même si elles peuvent se payer des encarts pub dans le métro avec des locaux flambant neufs, elles sont loin d’avoir toutes la qualité d’enseignement trouvée à l’université, qui subsiste malgré un mépris des pouvoirs publics » , souligne l’enseignant Stéphane Chameron.

    La fatigue se fait néanmoins sentir parmi les troupes, essorées. « Comme à l’hôpital, on a des professionnels attachés à une idée du #service_public, gratuit, accessible à tous et adossé à une recherche de haute volée , observe le président de l’UPEC, ancien cadre hospitalier. Mais le sentiment d’absence de #reconnaissance pèse, et on observe de plus en plus de #burn-out. » De la même manière que, dans les couloirs des urgences hospitalières, les équipes enseignantes interrogent : souhaite-t-on laisser mourir le service public ?

    #ESR #France #université #facs #enseignement_supérieur #recherche

  • Bluetooth temperature data logger for agriculture

    Bluetooth temperature data logger for agriculture can help industrial managers understand environmental temperature conditions in real-time and take corresponding measures to ensure that animals and plants develop and grow in a suitable and constant environmental temperature.

    The BlueTag T10 Bluetooth temperature data logger launched by Freshliance is a cost-effective instrument that takes up little space, has a high protection level, and is cheap. This wireless temperature data logger can use the mobile phone APP to connect to the device and configure parameters, and on the APP you can understand the changing trend of the ambient temperature, real-time temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, and other data as well as change curves. The temperature monitoring range of this Bluetooth temperature recorder is -30℃~+70℃, and alarm points can be set. If the temperature in the agricultural environment is abnormal, an alarm will be issued. Compared with traditional recorders, Bluetooth temperature recorder does not need to be connected to a computer and can generate temperature reports through mobile phones, making it more convenient and simple to analyze temperature changes in agricultural environments.

    The Bluetooth temperature data logger launched by Freshliance uses advanced sensors and Bluetooth technology, which has high accuracy and sensitivity. It can accurately understand the temperature changes of the agricultural environment from a long distance and meets the needs of agricultural development for environmental temperature monitoring. Improve the efficiency of agricultural management.
    #bluetooth #temperaturedatalogger #agriculture #temperaturemonitoring


  • Rugged temperature data logger with high protection level

    The Rugged temperature data logger is protected by an S316 stainless steel casing and is ideal for temperature monitoring and recording in harsh environments such as moisture, corrosion, and immersion. The protection level of this temperature recorder is IP67, which is very suitable for temperature monitoring and recording in food, medicine, printing and dyeing, disinfection, laboratories, etc., and can ensure that the ambient temperature of these industries meets the requirements.

    A high level of protection means that the rugged temperature data logger is better waterproof and dustproof, and has a stronger resistance to falling and beating. The rugged temperature data logger launched by Freshliacne has both monitoring and recording functions. It can set alarm points and store data. When the ambient temperature is abnormal, an LED will flash and alarm. The USB temperature data logger can store up to 35,000 readings and can generate reports in PDF/CSV/PDF&CSV format. Users can use the USB interface to connect to a computer to automatically generate reports, which is helpful for quality analysis and traceability of items.

    The rugged temperature data logger launched by Freshliance currently has three temperature ranges, namely -90℃~70℃/-40℃~125℃/-50℃~145℃. Users can choose the appropriate model according to their needs, and each range The accuracy is in line with the industry standards, has high stability and reliability and is trustworthy.
    #rugged #temperaturedatalogger #highprotectionlevel


  • Indoor wireless temperature data logger such as greenhouses

    Environments such as greenhouses, laboratories, museums, and archives require appropriate temperature and humidity, and appropriate temperature and humidity data recorders are required for real-time monitoring to ensure that the environmental temperature and humidity meet standards. The wireless temperature data logger has a built-in wireless connection function. As long as there is an Internet connection, it can remotely monitor and access data in real-time. It is very suitable for temperature and humidity monitoring of indoor environments such as greenhouses.

    The wireless temperature data logger developed and produced by Freshliance is a configurable and rechargeable temperature humidity data logger that can monitor and record the temperature and humidity of greenhouses and other environments in real-time. This WIFI temperature logger uses a rechargeable lithium battery and can work continuously for up to 360 working days. It can be combined with the Internet of Things platform and WiFi data communication technology to realize historical data collection, statistics, and customer browsing functions. It can be remotely and directly used through the APP. Check the status of equipment in the greenhouse, real-time temperature/humidity, minimum temperature/humidity, maximum temperature/humidity, average temperature/humidity, etc. Using WIFI temperature logger, managers can have a very clear understanding of indoor temperature and humidity changes in greenhouses, laboratories, museums, etc., and after setting the alarm point, if the indoor temperature/humidity exceeds the alarm point, the device will alarm and remind, and managers can Make reasonable adjustments to indoor temperature and humidity in a timely manner.

    Freshliance wireless temperature data logger has a large display screen, through which you can also understand the temperature and humidity of indoor environments such as greenhouses and the usage of the equipment. It has the characteristics of high accuracy and small space occupation. It can generate temperature and humidity data reports in PDF/CSV format, which is very helpful for indoor environmental quality analysis such as greenhouses. For temperature and humidity monitoring and recording of indoor environments such as greenhouses, Freshliance has launched a variety of temperature humidity data loggers. Your consultation and purchase are welcome!
    #wireless #temperaturedatalogger #greenhouses #wifi


  • Indoor wireless temperature data logger such as greenhouses

    Environments such as greenhouses, laboratories, museums, and archives require appropriate temperature and humidity, and appropriate temperature and humidity data recorders are required for real-time monitoring to ensure that the environmental temperature and humidity meet standards. The wireless temperature data logger has a built-in wireless connection function. As long as there is an Internet connection, it can remotely monitor and access data in real-time. It is very suitable for temperature and humidity monitoring of indoor environments such as greenhouses.

    The wireless temperature data logger developed and produced by Freshliance is a configurable and rechargeable temperature humidity data logger that can monitor and record the temperature and humidity of greenhouses and other environments in real-time. This WIFI temperature logger uses a rechargeable lithium battery and can work continuously for up to 360 working days. It can be combined with the Internet of Things platform and WiFi data communication technology to realize historical data collection, statistics, and customer browsing functions. It can be remotely and directly used through the APP. Check the status of equipment in the greenhouse, real-time temperature/humidity, minimum temperature/humidity, maximum temperature/humidity, average temperature/humidity, etc. Using WIFI temperature logger, managers can have a very clear understanding of indoor temperature and humidity changes in greenhouses, laboratories, museums, etc., and after setting the alarm point, if the indoor temperature/humidity exceeds the alarm point, the device will alarm and remind, and managers can Make reasonable adjustments to indoor temperature and humidity in a timely manner.

    Freshliance wireless temperature data logger has a large display screen, through which you can also understand the temperature and humidity of indoor environments such as greenhouses and the usage of the equipment. It has the characteristics of high accuracy and small space occupation. It can generate temperature and humidity data reports in PDF/CSV format, which is very helpful for indoor environmental quality analysis such as greenhouses. For temperature and humidity monitoring and recording of indoor environments such as greenhouses, Freshliance has launched a variety of temperature humidity data loggers. Your consultation and purchase are welcome!
    #wireless #temperaturedatalogger #greenhouses #wifi


  • Shipping low temperature data logger with reports

    Many items need to be stored at low temperatures during transportation, such as food, medicine, vaccines, biological reagents, etc., which all require low-temperature environments and require temperature monitoring. The low temperature data logger can be used for cold chain transportation temperature monitoring and can generate temperature reports, which is more secure for the quality and safety of items during transportation.

    Fresh Tag 1D launched by Freshliance is a low temperature data logger with reports. It has the advantages of low cost, easy operation, and small space occupation. It is very suitable for monitoring the ambient temperature of cold chain transportation of items. This LCD temperature data logger can view the current, minimum, maximum, and average temperatures through the display screen, and has a large record storage function, which can store up to 65,000 readings. The disposable Temperature logger is compact, lightweight, waterproof and versatile. Ideal for monitoring and recording temperature changes of sensitive goods during transportation.

    The low temperature data logger launched by Freshliance can be used in cold chain environments such as refrigerated trucks, refrigerated containers, and freezers. It can monitor a wide range of -30℃~+70℃ with an accuracy of ±0.5℃. It is suitable for cold chain and freezing environments of items in different industries. Temperature monitoring. At present, the temperature recorders provided by Freshliance have a high market share, and have advantages in quality, after-sales and price, and have a very good reputation among users!
    #shipping #lowtemperature #coldchain #lcd #temperaturereports


  • Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger for warehousing

    The main function of warehousing is to temporarily store goods in a specific place or building. Many goods are sensitive to civil matters, such as vegetables, fruits and other foods. Warehousing requires environmental temperature and humidity control, and temperature and humidity monitoring is required. The Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger is very suitable for temperature and humidity monitoring in storage environments. It has high accuracy and stable operation. It can be monitored in real time by APP without the need for close viewing, which can improve the efficiency of storage cold chain management.

    The BlueTag TH30B/TH30R Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance is a multi-purpose, configurable temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology. This Bluetooth temperature data logger can choose internal or external probes. The temperature monitoring range is -30℃~+70℃ (built-in sensor) -40℃~+85℃ (external probe); the humidity monitoring range is 0-100%RH.

    1. This Bluetooth temperature data logger uses advanced Bluetooth connection technology. Users can remotely read real-time data and historical data on the free APP at any time without opening the package.
    2. When any data exceeds the preset alarm threshold, a visual alarm icon will be displayed on the screen, and the relevant data will be recorded in red on the App’s chart and data details page.
    3. An LCD screen is available to display real time reading, max. and min. values, battery level, Bluetooth connection status, etc.
    4. You can choose up to two external temperature and humidity probes, and the data recorded by each probe is read independently.

    The purpose of warehousing temperature and humidity monitoring is to ensure that goods are stored under appropriate environmental conditions. The Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance can meet the real-time monitoring and recording of warehouse temperature and humidity. It can promptly detect abnormalities in environmental temperature and humidity and alert warehouse personnel to ensure the quality, safety and stability of goods are maintained.
    #bluetooth #temperaturehumiditydatalogger #warehousing


  • Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger for warehousing

    The main function of warehousing is to temporarily store goods in a specific place or building. Many goods are sensitive to civil matters, such as vegetables, fruits and other foods. Warehousing requires environmental temperature and humidity control, and temperature and humidity monitoring is required. The Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger is very suitable for temperature and humidity monitoring in storage environments. It has high accuracy and stable operation. It can be monitored in real time by APP without the need for close viewing, which can improve the efficiency of storage cold chain management.

    The BlueTag TH30B/TH30R Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance is a multi-purpose, configurable temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology. This Bluetooth temperature data logger can choose internal or external probes. The temperature monitoring range is -30℃~+70℃ (built-in sensor) -40℃~+85℃ (external probe); the humidity monitoring range is 0-100%RH.

    1. This Bluetooth temperature data logger uses advanced Bluetooth connection technology. Users can remotely read real-time data and historical data on the free APP at any time without opening the package.
    2. When any data exceeds the preset alarm threshold, a visual alarm icon will be displayed on the screen, and the relevant data will be recorded in red on the App’s chart and data details page.
    3. An LCD screen is available to display real time reading, max. and min. values, battery level, Bluetooth connection status, etc.
    4. You can choose up to two external temperature and humidity probes, and the data recorded by each probe is read independently.

    The purpose of warehousing temperature and humidity monitoring is to ensure that goods are stored under appropriate environmental conditions. The Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance can meet the real-time monitoring and recording of warehouse temperature and humidity. It can promptly detect abnormalities in environmental temperature and humidity and alert warehouse personnel to ensure the quality, safety and stability of goods are maintained.
    #bluetooth #temperaturehumiditydatalogger #warehousing


  • Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger for warehousing

    The main function of warehousing is to temporarily store goods in a specific place or building. Many goods are sensitive to civil matters, such as vegetables, fruits and other foods. Warehousing requires environmental temperature and humidity control, and temperature and humidity monitoring is required. The Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger is very suitable for temperature and humidity monitoring in storage environments. It has high accuracy and stable operation. It can be monitored in real time by APP without the need for close viewing, which can improve the efficiency of storage cold chain management.

    The BlueTag TH30B/TH30R Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance is a multi-purpose, configurable temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology. This Bluetooth temperature data logger can choose internal or external probes. The temperature monitoring range is -30℃~+70℃ (built-in sensor) -40℃~+85℃ (external probe); the humidity monitoring range is 0-100%RH.

    1. This Bluetooth temperature data logger uses advanced Bluetooth connection technology. Users can remotely read real-time data and historical data on the free APP at any time without opening the package.
    2. When any data exceeds the preset alarm threshold, a visual alarm icon will be displayed on the screen, and the relevant data will be recorded in red on the App’s chart and data details page.
    3. An LCD screen is available to display real time reading, max. and min. values, battery level, Bluetooth connection status, etc.
    4. You can choose up to two external temperature and humidity probes, and the data recorded by each probe is read independently.

    The purpose of warehousing temperature and humidity monitoring is to ensure that goods are stored under appropriate environmental conditions. The Temperature Humidity Data Logger launched by Freshliance can meet the real-time monitoring and recording of warehouse temperature and humidity. It can promptly detect abnormalities in environmental temperature and humidity and alert warehouse personnel to ensure the quality, safety and stability of goods are maintained.
    #bluetooth #temperaturehumiditydatalogger #warehousing


  • Refrigerator single use temperature logger manufacturer

    The main function of the refrigerated cabinet is to store some goods that need to be stored at low temperatures, such as vegetables, seafood, meat and other foods, as well as pharmaceutical products, etc., which can ensure the safety of the goods. The single use temperature logger takes up little space, is waterproof and moisture-proof, operates stably, and is cheap. It is very suitable for temperature monitoring and recording of refrigerated cabinets.

    Fresh Tag 1U Temperature Data Logger is a highly accurate single use temperature logger launched by Freshliance. It has a temperature monitoring range of -40℃~ +60℃ and an accuracy of ±0.5°C. It can monitor and record the low-temperature environment of refrigerators. Monitor and record accurately and reliably. Moreover, this single use temperature recorder has low power consumption and long battery life, so it can work for up to 180 days and has a storage capacity of up to 129,600 readings. After the temperature recorder is finished working, you only need to connect it to the computer using USB, and an irreversible chart report can be automatically generated. No data cable or card reader is required, and the operation is very simple.

    The temperature of the refrigerated cabinet should be monitored and recorded. Single use temperature recorder can ensure that the temperature inside the cabinet remains within the preset range. Moreover, historical temperature reports are very helpful for quality and safety analysis and traceability of food, medicine and other goods. The single use temperature logger launched by Freshliance is very suitable for refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated containers, refrigerated bags, freezers, medicine, etc. It can not only operate stably in low temperature environments, but also has very high precision and accuracy, and meets the temperature monitoring standards of food, medicine, etc.

    #singleuse #refrigerator #temperaturelogger #singleusetemperaturerecorder


  • Dry ice ultra low temperature data logger manufacturers

    Dry ice transportation is a commonly used cold chain method, suitable for medicine, food, the chemical industry, and other fields. The common temperature range for dry ice transportation is -90℃~-30℃. The dry ice temperature data logger can monitor the temperature of the entire supply chain. It operates stably and with high accuracy, ensuring that the dry ice environment temperature remains constant.

    For temperature monitoring in ultra-low temperature environments such as dry ice, you must choose Ultra Low temperature data logger. This temperature logger can maintain stable operation for a long time in ultra-low temperature environments without affecting its accuracy. Freshliance launched the Keeper-IUT dry ice temperature data logger. The temperature monitoring range is -90℃~70℃. The accuracy can reach ±0.5℃ in a low-temperature environment of -30℃. If it is lower than -30℃, the accuracy is ±1 ℃, in line with the monitoring standards of medicine, food, chemical industry, etc. This ultra-low temperature data logger is a multi-purpose recorder with a maximum working time of 120 days. The battery can be replaced and reused. It also has an LCD display that allows real-time viewing of operating status, maximum/minimum/average temperature, alarm status, and remaining Days, is the ideal temperature controller for ultra-low temperature transport requiring frequent temperature sampling intervals.

    As a manufacturer that specializes in R&D and production of temperature data loggers, Freshliance launches every device with mature technology and stable performance. For transportation temperature monitoring of dry ice and ultra-low temperature environments, Freshliance has launched different models of dry ice temperature data recorders and ultra-low temperature data recorders for users to choose from, with low prices and guaranteed after-sales service!
    #dryice #ultralow #temperaturedatalogger #coldchain #transportation


  • BlueTag TH10 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger

    Temperature humidity data logger can be used for environmental temperature and humidity monitoring in cold chain management, laboratories, hospitals, greenhouses, museums, archives, etc. The BlueTag TH10 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger launched by Freshliance uses advanced Bluetooth technology and sensor technology. It can use the APP to monitor and record the ambient temperature and humidity in real time. It operates stably and has high accuracy. It is very popular in the market.

    BlueTag TH10 is a multi-purpose, configurable temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology, allowing users to more conveniently view real-time and historical data on the APP without unboxing. The Bluetooth temperature data logger temperature and humidity monitoring ranges are -30℃~+70℃ (Internal sensor), -40℃~+85℃ (External probe); 0-100%RH. The Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger has the following characteristics:
    1. Remote data reading at any time
    2. Free cloud data storage and synchronization service
    4. Intelligent APP alarm
    5. Filter data by date, normal/abnormal data
    6. Gateway networking optional
    7. Optional external probe
    8. Each probe reads data independently

    With the continuous improvement of Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger technology, its stability and accuracy have met industry standards. It can provide environmental temperature and humidity management efficiency in cold chains, hospitals, greenhouses, laboratories, etc. to ensure that the environmental temperature and humidity meet the requirements . Moreover, the Bluetooth temperature recorder provided by Freshliance is cheap, has guaranteed after-sales service, and has a very good reputation among users!
    #bluetooth #temperaturehumiditydatalogger #datalogger #coldchain


  • High precision single use temperature recorder for pharmaceuticals

    Many drugs are temperature sensitive, and higher or lower temperatures will affect their quality and safety. The storage and transportation of medicines require cold chain management and temperature monitoring. The high-precision single use temperature recorder is very suitable for use in the pharmaceutical cold chain. It has low cost, small space occupation, high accuracy, and meets pharmaceutical temperature monitoring standards.

    Freshliance Thermis Log 1 is a high-performance, high-precision single use temperature recorder. It can monitor the temperature range from -30℃ to +70℃ with an accuracy of ±0.5℃. It complies with the cold chain supervision standards for drugs, vaccines, etc. Thermis Log 1 is also a USB temperature recorder with recording function. After the work is completed, connect the USB temperature and humidity recorder to the computer and it will automatically generate an irreversible PDF or CSV report with charts and tables. The Thermis Log 1 alarm function can alarm for abnormal changes in the cold chain environment of drugs. Once the temperature or humidity exceeds the set alarm range, the red LED light will flash, which can promptly remind medical staff to adjust the cold chain temperature to ensure the safety of drugs.

    The high-precision single use temperature recorder launched by Freshliance can be used in hospitals, clinics, vaccine transportation and other scenarios to help medical institutions and supply chain managers ensure the quality and safety of medical products.
    #singleuse #temperaturerecorder #USB #pharmaceuticals #coldchain


  • Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger for refrigeration

    Refrigeration is to provide a suitable and constant temperature environment for temperature-sensitive items, which can ensure the quality and safety of the items. The Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger can be used to monitor and record the temperature and humidity of the refrigerated environment. It can connect to smart devices through Bluetooth and monitor the real-time temperature and humidity data of the refrigerated environment as well as the historical temperature and humidity change curves on the APP provided for free by Freshliance. It can analyze whether the items have been affected by The influence of ambient temperature and humidity is of great help.

    The BlueTag TH30 series Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger provided by Freshliance has very powerful functions. It is a model of wireless temperature and humidity data logger. Using gateway technology, it can also transmit data to the cloud. Has the following characteristics:

    1. Supports multi-person collaboration, can connect multiple mobile users, and one mobile APP can connect multiple Bluetooth recorders.
    2. You can set the alarm range, temperature/humidity abnormality, screen display, and APP reminder.
    3. An optional gateway network allows the recorder to wirelessly collect data and then transmit the data to the cloud.
    4. In addition to the built-in sensor, the recorder can also be equipped with one or two external temperature and humidity probes.
    5. The data recorded by each probe is read independently.
    6. The LCD screen can display real-time readings, maximum readings, minimum readings, average data values, battery power, Bluetooth connection status, etc.

    There are many types of refrigerated items, such as food, medicine, biological reagents, etc., which have strict requirements on environmental temperature and humidity standards. The Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger provided by Freshliance has an accuracy of ±0.5℃ F.S., ±3.0%RH (25℃, 20~90%RH) ±5%RH (other), which complies with the temperature and humidity monitoring standards of various items. Moreover, our Bluetooth temperature data logger has the characteristics of good stability and long working time. It can monitor and record the environmental temperature and humidity around the clock during the transportation or storage of sensitive goods to ensure the quality and safety of the goods.
    #refrigeration #temperaturehumidity #bluetooth #datalogger

    For more details, contact Whatsapp: +8615517160690

  • Cold chain transportation wireless temperature data logger

    Cold chain is mainly used for the transportation and storage of food, medicine, biological reagents, chemicals, and other items that are sensitive to temperature and humidity. Cold chain management not only requires controlling environmental temperature and humidity but also requires real-time monitoring and recording of temperature and humidity. Freshliance has launched a Fresh Tracker wireless temperature data logger, which uses 4G/2G and LBS base station positioning technology, which is very helpful for temperature and humidity monitoring and location tracking of cold chain transportation environments.

    Freshliance Fresh Tracker can not only record real-time and historical temperature and humidity data throughout the logistics process but also provide real-time and historical location data based on LBS base station positioning. All data collected by the wireless temperature data logger will be uploaded to the cloud platform, which is easy to manage and track. Users only need to use the free APP or network platform provided by Freshliance to view the real-time temperature and humidity data of the cold chain and the real-time location of the logistics. If the ambient temperature and humidity are abnormal during transportation, the user will be notified through the LED indicators on the device and SMS/email from the platform or APP, so that the temperature and humidity of the cold chain transportation environment can be adjusted in a timely manner. The wireless temperature data recorder startup delay, recording interval, upload interval, alarm settings, device calibration, and other parameters can also be configured as needed through the APP.

    The most important thing in the cold chain is to control the temperature and humidity within the appropriate range to ensure the quality and safety of the goods. With the Fresh Tracker wireless temperature data logger, users can remotely obtain real-time temperature and humidity data through our free APP and web platform, and take specified corrective actions to minimize losses, which can improve the effectiveness of cold chain management.
    #coldchaintransportation #wirelessdatalogger #temperaturedatalogger
    For more details, contact Whatsapp: +8615517160690


  • Wireless temperature data logger for storage cold chain temperature monitoring

    Warehousing cold chain temperature monitoring refers to the real-time monitoring and recording of the temperature in the cold chain environment during warehousing and logistics. Wireless temperature data logger is very suitable for warehousing cold chain temperature monitoring because they can use wireless technology to remotely monitor and view warehousing and cold chain temperatures to ensure the quality and safety of goods and make it easier to manage the warehousing cold chain.

    In warehousing cold chain temperature monitoring, the key goal is to ensure that the temperature in the cold chain environment is always within a safe range to maintain the quality and safety of the goods. The wireless temperature data logger has real-time monitoring, recording, and alarm functions, which can ensure that the temperature of the storage cold chain is appropriate and constant. This temperature data logger can use a cloud platform and Internet of Things technology to centrally manage and analyze the temperature monitoring data of multiple cold chain links. At the same time, it also improves the real-time and accuracy of data and also facilitates remote monitoring and management by monitoring personnel.

    Warehousing cold chain is suitable for the storage of temperature-sensitive goods such as food, medicine, cosmetics, and biological reagents. The wireless temperature data recorder is used for warehousing cold chain temperature monitoring, which can facilitate managers to have a clear understanding of temperature changes in the entire warehousing supply chain and can detect abnormalities in time and make adjustments. The wireless temperature data logger currently launched by Freshliance has stable performance, high accuracy, and low price. It is suitable for warehousing, laboratories, museums, workshops, archives, and other places.
    #temperaturedatalogger #wireless #storagecoldchain #temperaturemonitoring
    For more details, contact Whatsapp: +8615517160690
