Raphael Leblois

chercheur montpelliérain en génétique des population, biologie évolutive et écologie

  • Dear Alliance of World Scientists member,

    Because global climate and environmental problems are increasing rapidly, we are calling for new members in the Alliance of World Scientists (AWS). The AWS is an independent, international organization that provides the collective international voice of thousands of scientists regarding the global climate crisis and environmental trends with the intent to turn accumulated knowledge into action. Our membership is currently 26,598 and our goal is hundreds to thousands of new members. We welcome scientists from any scientific discipline, including graduate students in the sciences.

    Please forward this email to your scientist friends and colleagues inviting them to join AWS by becoming a signatory on the paper that declared a climate emergency by visiting this link (see list of current signatories). Increasing the AWS membership will help support our efforts to inform the public and policymakers about environmental issues. AWS members will also be able to get involved in our Scientists’ Warning article series and other things. Together, we have already published more than 40 Scientists’ Warning journal articles. The environment is under siege and we need to work together.

    Thanks, Bill
    Director, Alliance of World Scientists
    Professor, Oregon State University


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    #climat #sciences #scientifiques